News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Head Lines

What would you think if you saw the headline “Gay for Pay”? Someone is looking to hire a style consultant? Or some wide-stanced politician is looking for secret man-action on the side?

Although “Gay for Pay,” a column originally printed in the Triangle Journal, a publication for the Mid-South’s GLBT community, may sound like a handy “how-to” guide for getting homophobic ministers to pay for sex in public restrooms, it is actually a useful survey of gay-friendly employers in the greater Memphis area.

Bull Shirt

Sculptor, provocateur, and former art professor John McIntire has donated 700 vintage Hawaiian shirts to the Memphis College of Art to be auctioned off Friday, April 18th, with proceeds going to a scholarship in his name.

An article about McIntire’s shirts by Fredric Koeppel in The Commercial Appeal concluded with Koeppel saying, “It’s not difficult to imagine [Montgomery] Clift or [Tom] Selleck walking into the main gallery at MCA and looking approvingly on the dazzling display.” Actually, it’s somewhat terrifying to imagine, since Clift died 42 years ago and has no doubt decayed quite a bit since.


On Friday, April 18th, Cadence Bank will host its second annual Community Shred Day. In an effort to promote awareness of identity theft and to encourage recycling, the bank invites individuals and businesses to bring up to five boxes of incriminating evidence — er — we mean old credit card statements, utility bills, and payroll records to be shredded onsite from 9 a.m. until noon at Cadence Bank, 591 S. Mendenhall. The event will be repeated Friday, April 25th, at the Germantown branch.

This event should not be confused with Hide the Body Day, a popular annual event hosted by United Gangsters International.