Memphis on the internet.
Pros and Cons
A YouTube video from a channel called Moving to Memphis Tennessee outlines some pros and cons of, you guessed it, moving to Memphis. The weight of the mismatches would be hilarious if they weren’t so sad.
Pro: Basketball. Con: Poverty. Pro: Memphis in May. Con: No public transportation.
Other videos include: “What’s in Atoka?” and “Should You Move to Bartlett?”
Define AF
“What does Memphis AF mean to you?” asked one Memphis subredditor. Responses included “drinking in church,” “terrible roads and bad drivers,” “drive-out tags,” “bootleg DVDs,” and “disappointment.”
Back at It

Last week, the Flyer launched a new, occasional series called “Getting Back Out There.” In it, we’ll explore life in the (hopefully for real this time) waning days of Covid-19. We’ll get back to bars, restaurants, and more in the great indoors. Last week, we toured the new concourse at Memphis International Airport and the expansion at Southland Casino Racing.