Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Kevin Lipe’s post, “Thunder 112, Grizzlies 94: Next Day Lamentations” …

The Griz are playing like the coach has no idea at all how to put together lineups that make sense in terms of maximizing results. The players are playing like they realize this, can’t do anything about it, and are resigned to it. The big question to me is: If Robert Pera decides it’s time to blow it up and start over, does he think he has the front office and coaching staff to rebuild it, or does he need to blow up the whole organization?

Scott Pollan

You can’t blow it up without the multiple draft picks available to rebuild. Re-sign Conley and build around Conley and Gasol. Hopefully, hang on to Chalmers also. Do all you can do to hang on to your 2016 1st-round pick, which should be a mid- to late-teens if we hang on, then pick the most athletic and skilled wing on the board. We’ll probably overpay a bit, but a free-agent wing-signing would be nice also. As for Dave Joerger, I’ll wait to see how this year plays out, but it might be time for a coaching change also.

Midtown Mark

I think Joerger deserves more blame than Lipe is giving him. His biggest problem isn’t his substitutions or playcalling, it’s his apparent inability to motivate the team for any sustained period or be an effective emotional leader.

Managing egos and chemistry is a major part of running an NBA team, and given the number of meltdowns this team has suffered during his tenure, I’m not convinced Joerger’s able to command the respect he needs to do that. Say what you will about Lionel — he certainly had his interpersonal issues — but his Grizzlies teams didn’t quit on him.


Anyone else remember when the most serious problem we had was whether the home crowd would boo Nick Calathes?


About Jackson Baker’s Politics column, “Pending Matters” …

I am upset that Harris would challenge Steve Cohen. Is he running to Cohen’s right? Because Harris has always sold himself as a progressive, right down to picketing with union members.

In a chamber where seniority breeds power, Cohen has delivered for Memphis. He’s a well-known national figure on the progressive wing of the party.

As for Harris saying Cohen should not bother with resolutions to rid a federal building of J. Edgar Hoover’s name, I say Hoover was committed to harming MLK and the civil rights movement. I’m proud that Cohen represents me and my values.


Cohen is a transparent panderer to the black majority in Memphis and is an embarrassment in Congress.

Rags to Riches

I voted for Lee Harris to be my state senator and to show up, unlike no-show Ophelia Ford. I didn’t vote for him to run against my Congressman!

Stay in Nashville, Lee, and acquire some skills and knowledge and fulfill your obligation to me and others in your senate district to show up and finish a term for once!


Mr. Harris probably needs to start proving himself by trying to resurrect the state Democratic Party before he asks for more responsibility in Washington.


About Bruce VanWyngarden’s letter from the editor, “Making Tennessee Great Again!” …

Stand your ground, Bruce. They’re skeerd of your Memphis attitude. All of us down here next to the Mississippi are violent and desperate, don’t ya know? My advice would be to growl real loud if they try to move you off. They’ll drop their bullet and run away for sure. Just like Barney Fife.


To whom do I send the bill for my new keyboard?


Walking Tall 2016, amirite?
