Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (April 9, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About the Flyer‘s cover story, “Godless in Memphis” …

I’m severely disappointed that the super cool Memphis Atheists knitting circle didn’t get mentioned! You’ll talk about the Dungeons & Dragons group but not the knitting circle? Misogyny!

Whitney Wood

There are a bunch of us out here that are humanist and do not have an external deity. I am getting bolder and bolder in telling people I am a humanist. It starts more positive conversations than describing myself as an atheist.

Carolyn Clemens

I totally agree with the Peabody. As long as they spend money in the city it is great to have them. Why even suggest that Memphis discriminate against them?

Shep Fargotstein

About Bryce W. Ashby and Michael J. LaRosa’s Viewpoint, “You Lose, Cruz” …

Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Thus, he can’t run for president in the USA.

Behrooz Sadeghi Naeini

If Ted Cruz was born in Canada, what difference does it make? The present occupant of the White House was born in Kenya! I’ll still vote for Cruz if he is the nominee.

Paul Gulley

Paul, I’m glad to see someone else making this point. As Senator Cruz correctly pointed out when this issue was brought up, as long as the mom is a citizen, her child is a citizen, no matter where the child was born.

Of course, Senator Cruz was talking about himself and his own mother. He (and many of his followers) once had and still have a very different opinion about the current president’s citizenship qualifications. But I’m glad to see that at least a few of the senator’s devotees have changed their minds and can finally let the old Birth Certificate issue drop.

It is illuminating, though, isn’t it? How many years have they pursued this non-issue? And how many millions of dollars have they generated by fund-raising on the question of the president’s birthplace? Enough, perhaps, to fund the presidential campaign of a man born in Canada?


The hypocrisy that is Ted Cruz and the Republican Party. Senator Cruz kicked off his campaign to become the GOP presidential candidate in the 2016 election at a religious university. Talking about God and faith and, in the next breath, he tells the audience he will repeal the Affordable Care Act as president, leaving 16 million Americans without health-care coverage. Other Cruz pronouncements: Global warming is a conspiracy; he would abolish the IRS (what does the business community think about this?), and no more abortion rights for women.

Would a President Cruz represent you in any way, shape, or form?

Ron Lowe

About Chris Davis’ post, “Will the Tennessee Legislature Make it Illegal to Perform ‘Hamlet’ in Schools?” …

The only way to stop a bad person with a hoax device is a good person with a hoax device.

Oddly, the “Gun Free School Zones” act only covers people without a permit carrying guns to schools. If you’ve got a permit, you can carry the gun anywhere you damn well please.


I can take a gun to Marquette Park but can’t carry it on the sidewalk in front of Holy Rosary school on my way to the park?


Shouldn’t Dave Clancy have already said something about having seen Hoax Device open for Iron Butterfly back in the day?

Chris Davis

I saw the Imitation Firearm open for Guns N’ Parks at the Empty Chamber in Norman, 1989.

Dave Clancy