Theater Theater Feature

New Sensations

The year-old Threepenny Theatre Company (3PT) is to be applauded even before the lights come up on its no-frills production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The young company has embraced its name and accepted the aesthetic challenge described at the beginning of Brecht’s Threepenny Opera to create theater “conceived with magnificence only beggars could imagine, and at a price even beggars can afford.” By staging pay-what-you-can events propped up by crowdfunding and taking an empty-space approach to the work, 3PT has instantly distinguished itself as being unique among local performance troupes.

Its current production at the Evergreen Theatre has transition issues, but it is top-full of interesting, and, in some cases, thrilling performance choices. To that end, this rewarding but too static Macbeth feels more like a collection of nifty scene studies than a cohesive piece of theater.

Macbeth is a nexus for ideas about ambition, addiction, or actual demonic possession, and the great thrill for audiences comes from watching the characters fall apart under the weight of all these forces they thought they could manage. To that end, and for all of its smarts, this Macbeth wants to be an all-out horror show but is restrained at every turn, and nothing feels uncontrolled.

The thing about working in an empty space is that you have to fill it. If not with elaborate sets and lighting, then with ideas. 3PT is onto something, but they’ve still got some decorating to do.

Through January 19th

Voices of the South isn’t known for staging light, romantic comedies, but Yellow Light is exactly that, and with just enough junk-punching and pants-crapping to even keep guys who hate romantic comedies giggling. The new play by Andy Pederson is introduced like some dating-themed version of the Twilight Zone: Between “stop” and “full speed ahead,” there is a place of cautious recklessness where confusion reigns.

Yellow Light is a formal problem asking how the world’s worst date could potentially become the start of something beautiful. The bare-bones gag-fest benefits by some dudely performances by Wesley Barnes and Stephen Garrett, but director Brian Fruits deserves extra props for pairing tall Claire Hayner opposite tiny Alexis Grace. Comedy gold.

Through January 26th

Ekundayo Bandele brought One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show to the Hattiloo in response to patrons who told him that sometimes they just want to go to the theater to laugh. For the most part, Don Evans’ giddy story about a not-so-simple country girl who inherits an urban nightclub delivers, as it juxtaposes the life of a middle-class minister with life a little closer to the street.

One Monkey is yet another screwball romance in the spirit of Kaufman and Hart. One-liners zing, porn gets passed around, and actors tumble from a too-tiny bed. But this play is best when the actors break the fourth wall and talk directly to the audience.

I tend to disagree with the original complaint, having found a lot of laughter at Hattiloo over the years, but sometimes it is nice to pull out all the stops.

Through January 26th

We see Godzilla before the first note is sung and know right away that Opera Memphis isn’t staging your mother’s version of The Mikado. That said, I’m not entirely sure that Ned Canty’s fun pop culture-inspired take on the Gilbert & Sullivan classic lives up to its monster promise.  

Make no mistake: I like the Germantown Performing Arts Center, but I want to see this Mikado at a more intimate space, where scenic design can be complete, and a dense, candy-colored lighting plot might do the sometimes garish anime and video game-inspired costumes some real justice. And where I don’t have to break focus to read titles for a book that’s written in English.

Things were still gelling at the final dress rehearsal, but cameos by Pikachu and Hello Kitty are worth the price of admission.

Through January 18th

Theater Theater Feature


Many good things happen at the Hattiloo Theatre. Lighting, I’m sorry to say, usually isn’t one of them. From the day it opened, lighting, the one element that determines more than any other how we see a play on stage, has consistently been treated as an afterthought. Once again, clunky design choices married to sloppy, uncertain execution has chopped a perfectly good play to pieces visually and rhythmically. In this case the victim is Two Trains Running, August Wilson’s wordy snapshot of Pittsburgh’s Hill District in the 1960s.

The cultural upheavals of the 1960s continue to define American culture, even as we sink deeper into the second decade of the 21st century. But Wilson’s study of the African-American experience in the ’60s barely acknowledges the existence of the civil rights movement, presidents Kennedy or Johnson. Martin Luther King Jr. is mentioned in passing. Malcolm X’s name is bandied around more but only to contextualize a spirit of unity moving through people who, unable to find employment, had taken to the streets, making Pittsburgh’s less affluent neighborhoods look “like Hong Kong.” There’s no mention of riots in Detroit or Watts, or of Woodstock. Instead, Wilson takes a more difficult, and a more interesting path, building his loose narrative around the everyday problems of regular customers at a neighborhood diner, a kind of anti-Cheers where patrons can always get a bowl of beans and not much else.

Two Trains doesn’t tell one cohesive story but is instead a play about storytelling. A colorful assembly of workers, businessmen, petty crooks, and lost souls gather in a diner, owned by a character named Memphis, to talk about family, friends, enemies, charlatan preachers, dishonest businesses, taxes, and the tyrannizing notion that some glad day every darkie in America can pick cotton on their white God’s happy sky plantation. No punches are pulled. Two Trains is a rambling noisy mess of a play that evolves over the course of three hours into a nuanced exploration of the social and civic dynamics that will tear America’s inner cities apart in the years to come.

Tony Anderson and Tony Wright stand out from the rest of the cast as an aging laborer with lots to say and a wealthy funeral-home director whose daily encounters with death have given him a unique perspective on life. Stephen Dowdy and Jose C. Joiner are also excellent as the determined diner owner and an ex-con with big ideas and limited means. But everything about this show needs to tighten up considerably. Smoother, less invasive lighting changes would be a good place to start.

Through February 26th

Next to Normal at Playhouse on the Square breaks all the rules. It’s a musical with limited choreography and nothing that could really be described as dancing. There are some laughs along the way but nothing that could really be described as a joke. Instead of taking audiences back to the Candyland world where most musicals unfold, Next to Normal takes a nakedly emotional plunge into the lives of a family torn apart by mental illness. This acclaimed experiment is also about the culture of health care and all kinds of drugs.

Valley of the Dolls doesn’t have anything on “I Miss the Mountains,” a folky power ballad about absolute sensation and the manic peaks that are crushed along with all the bad things under the weight of antidepressants. It’s one of the best things about Leah Bray Nichols’ raw-nerve performance as Diana Goodman, a wife and mother ripped apart with grief over the loss of a child.

Nichols and David Foster are both detail-oriented actors and gutsy singers, perfectly suited for their roles as Next to Normal‘s unraveling couple. But the story is very nearly turned upside down by the charm and crumbling innocence of Kelsey Hopkins who plays Goodman’s bright but fragile daughter and Corbin Williams as the stoner boyfriend who decides to hold on no matter what.

Gary John La Rosa keeps the staging simple, and Renee Kemper’s musical direction is right on time.

Through February 12th

Cover Feature News

It’s Hattiloo Time

It” is the mysterious quality of absolute attraction. If we say a person has “it,” we usually mean that, in addition to any easily identifiable charms, there’s a little something extra, some ineffable bonus that makes an “it” person stand out, even among the outstanding. Ekundayo Bandele, the Hattiloo Theatre’s tireless founding director, has that ineffable something. He’s had it since he was a dreadlocked 20-something pounding the pavement, slipping fliers for his original play, If Scrooge Was a Brother, under the windshield wipers of parked cars. He still had it as a 30-something, when he opened Threads, a short-lived vintage clothing store on Madison Avenue that turned into the Curtain Theatre, a tiny in-the-round performance space at night.

Now, as the 40-year-old artist turned producer prepares to launch a capital campaign to create Memphis’ first fully endowed performing arts space dedicated primarily to staging works that reflect the African-American experience, other people are finally starting to recognize “it.”

Late last year, Bandele brought more than 100 supporters to City Hall to back a proposal put forward by city council members Shea Flinn and Jim Strickland to build a $16 million parking garage and floodwater-detention pond in Overton Square. If approved, the city-funded project would simultaneously address flooding concerns in the Lick Creek basin and trigger a $19 million rehabilitation and development plan devised by Loeb Properties that promises to transform the languishing Overton Square into a spruced-up theater district populated by restaurants, shops, and bars. That development, inspired in part by Playhouse on the Square’s impressive new facility at the northeast corner of Cooper and Union, will in turn facilitate the six-year-old Hattiloo Theatre’s move from its current location in a converted shop front on Marshall Avenue into a custom-built $4 million playhouse in Midtown.

After the measure passed and the reality of what had just happened settled in, Bandele turned to Flinn for advice, asking the councilman if he had any suggestions for helping move the project forward.

“Yeah,” Flinn answered. “Don’t get hit by a bus.”

Flinn, who majored in theater at Rhodes College before going to law school, thinks Bandele brings something special to the table and that any plan for remaking the Hattiloo in an Overton Square theater district would be less attractive without him.

A recently completed feasibility study showing it would be possible to raise between $3.5 million and $4 million for a new theater in Overton Square pegged Bandele’s extreme hands-on management style as both a strength and as a potential weakness.

“I really do need to staff up,” Bandele says, agreeing with the report’s findings. “I know I can’t do everything by myself.” Ironically, he says this while standing behind the Hattiloo’s lobby bar (which he built), only a few feet away from the set for August Wilson’s play Two Trains Running, which he’s currently building. Bandele’s used to doing too many things at once and doing them all well.

The Meeting, a one-act play about a fictional encounter between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., had played for a small preview audience the night before, and, as the curtain speech was being delivered, water started pouring into the Hattiloo’s smaller studio theater from a pipe that had burst in a neighboring apartment. In accordance with tradition, the show went on, but the morning after found furniture piled on top of furniture, wet vacs howling, and Bandele, in the center of the chaos, orchestrating an emergency response while single-handedly manning the theater’s box office, giving an interview, and preparing to meet with a group of architects who would pitch their competing visions for the new theater.

No matter how hectic things became, every caller ordering advance tickets to Two Trains Running received a thorough description of the play, a brief rundown on the author, and guarantees they would enjoy the experience.

“It’s that hands-on approach that makes Ekundayo and the Hattiloo different,” says Jackie Nichols, recalling previous efforts to launch a black repertory company in Memphis.

The joy Bandele takes in scenic construction and general day-to-day maintenance makes for easy comparisons to Nichols, Playhouse on the Square’s founding executive. Nichols opened his new $12.5 million flagship theater in January 2009 and has been coaching his soon-to-be-neighbor through the process of building a theater from the ground up.

“I just want to share what I learned and help make his process as smooth for Ekundayo as possible,” Nichols says.

The new Hattiloo will be modeled after Chicago’s Lookingglass Theatre, in the same way Playhouse on the Square was modeled after the Steppenwolf Theatre. The Lookingglass is a uniquely versatile black box designed for a minimalist company that’s known for creating strikingly visual productions. Bandele was impressed by the Lookingglass’ ability to transform itself based on the needs of a given play.

“It can be set up as a proscenium, tennis court, or in the round,” he says. “I told the architects I wanted the whole theater to be like that too, not just the stage. I want to be able to move walls in the lobby. You know, I’ll go crazy if I can’t completely change things every now and then.”

Nichols also admires the Lookingglass model but offers a bit of practical advice: “It’s great to be able to have so much control over the playing space, but I reminded Ekundayo that the Lookingglass has professional crews whose job it is to change the seating from show to show.” This, he says, is just one example of how some design choices may be more expensive than they initially seem.

Bandele and Nichols aren’t waiting for the completion of the new Hattiloo to give Memphians a taste of the new neighborhood dynamic. Playhouse on the Square and the Hattiloo are partnering for the regional premiere of The Mountaintop, an acclaimed play by Memphis native Katori Hall. The Mountaintop, which is scheduled to open at Circuit Playhouse in February 2013, won the Olivier Award for best new play, following its 2010 world premiere in London. The fictionalized account of Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night on earth opened on Broadway in September 2011, starring Samuel L. Jackson as King and Angela Bassett as a mysterious woman who brings him coffee and strange news.

Bandele isn’t a typical Memphis arts administrator. He didn’t major in theater or arts management. He didn’t even graduate from college, and in spite of his many successes, this sometimes bothers him. “If you don’t have a degree or technical learning, then you haven’t been approved,” he says. Having grown up in a broken home and splitting time between Memphis and Brooklyn’s Fort Green neighborhood, he has been plagued by issues of identity and authenticity.

Before opening the Hattiloo and discovering his purpose, Bandele kept his head above water and later supported a family by working a variety of what he describes as “hustles.” He sold home-made incense sticks on the street. He loaded his grandfather’s old pickup truck with trash cans full of soapy water and started a mobile car-detailing business. Eventually, he would add art dealer to his resume. Throughout it all he was an obsessive reader, who continued to write original plays and try to produce them whenever, wherever, and however he could.

“But back then, the whole play thing was just another hustle,” Bandele says of his early work.

“I think the street smarts Ekundayo picked up doing all of that has a lot to do with his success,” says Memphis actor Jonathan Underwood, who has appeared in several Hattiloo shows, including Spunk, The Colored Museum, and a beautifully adapted production of Moliere’s Tartuffe. Underwood, who also took a lead role in Tracy Letts’ Superior Donuts at Circuit Playhouse and received glowing reviews for his performance as Jacob the butler/housemaid in Theatre Memphis’ La Cage aux Folles, also admits that, while intrigued, he initially underestimated the value of a black theater company.

“I was always pretty color-blind about it all,” he says. “I never did exclusively black plays or exclusively gay plays. Even my first show at the Hattiloo was Macbeth, which was a collaboration with Rhodes College and had some diversity to it.”

What Underwood soon realized, however, was that whenever he worked at the Hattiloo, he came into contact with more African-American performers that he’d never seen before.

“I realized I’d never met any of these people, because they hadn’t been cast in this season’s ‘black’ play at Playhouse or Theatre Memphis. And if you don’t get cast, you may have to wait another year to try again,” he says.

This uniting of what has been a fragmented community has always been one of Bandele’s primary goals.

Underwood’s views are echoed by Leslie Reddick, a Memphis-area theater professional who is currently developing original works for the Black Arts Alliance. Reddick describes the Hattiloo’s move to Overton Square as “one of the best things that could happen.”

“The other theaters will benefit as well,” she says. “The actors, designers, and techies will have access to one another in a way that has not happened here in Memphis. We can be an example of how the people of Memphis can move beyond the stigma of racism and truly enjoy working and living together.”

Reddick’s description of what the Hattiloo’s move to Midtown might foster is more than a useful quote to include with grant applications. Bandele knows what it’s like to struggle in what has been described as post-racial America. He knows what it feels like to be the only person of color in a room full of arts executives. Now he’s in a position to give back by redefining the mainstream and nurturing artists whose work might otherwise fall through the cracks.

The Hattiloo experience is often described as “intimate.” That is sometimes nothing more than a flowery way of saying that the repurposed performance space is cozy but cramped. But size is a relative concept, and there are other perspectives.

“For me, the Hattiloo is a big theater,” says Gio Lopez, who founded Cazateatro in 2006, after moving to Memphis from Costa Rica, where she had been employed as an actor and director. She contacted other actors and artists by taking out ads in a Spanish-language newspaper, and with no facility of its own, the group started rehearsing plays outdoors at Shelby Farms.

“Then winter came, and it was too cold to stay outdoors,” Lopez recalls. So they rehearsed and performed in apartments, living rooms, and in spaces provided by Latino-owned businesses. The bilingual company’s name — a play on the words theater, house, and hunting — reflected its challenges. In October 2011, Cazateatro will celebrate Day of the Dead with performances at the Hattiloo. It is the beginning of what Lopez hopes to be a mutually beneficial relationship that will only strengthen with time and the move to Overton Square.

“You know, if you put enough minorities together, you have the majority,” Bandele says. “It’s important for me to help Gio in the same way that people like Jackie Nichols and Dorothy Gunther Pugh of Ballet Memphis have helped me. And hopefully, on down the road, Gio will be able to help somebody else the way I’ve reached out to her.”

Bandele says the new Hattiloo is slated to open in early 2014 but characteristically adds that, given his way, it will be open by the end of 2013. The renovation of Overton Square is slated to begin in April.

Theater Theater Feature

Gods & Monsters

It’s called Amadeus, but it’s always been Salieri’s play. Antonio Salieri, the tragically average Italian composer, craved fame, and so he dedicated his life and work to the “God of Bargains.” The tragedy — at least in Peter Shaffer’s highly fictionalized account of the rivalry between Vienna’s ambitious court composer and the young, perverse Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — isn’t that Salieri wasn’t rewarded for his dedication. It’s that he expected so much more and, in a typically infantile way, he threw fit after selfish fit. The trend, locally at any rate, is to take Mozart’s tormentor down as a deeply sympathetic figure, even as he plots ruin and eventually kills Mozart. Dave Landis went subtle and won many accolades at Playhouse on the Square in 2002. Now Tony Isbell follows suit at Theatre Memphis, creating a memorable, accidental villain who’s never quite as despicable as he could be.

Salieri describes his devotion and good intentions, but he’s an unreliable narrator, openly admitting only to the sin of gluttony, as envy tears him apart and lust flickers in his eyes. His curse, to recognize Mozart’s true genius and his own mediocrity over the course of a long life, is a punishment on par with Sisyphus or any of the ancient mythological protagonists who imagined themselves an equal to the gods.

Mozart is Salieri’s opposite: fully human, dissolute, and diseased. Having grown up on stage, a freak of virtuosity, the musician’s development is trapped in adolescence, like every other rock star on VH1. Marques Brown makes Mozart a scatalogical naif, brilliant but clumsy and entirely unable to manage his own affairs.

Aliza Moran, an underestimated local performer, is a revelation here as Constanze, Mozart’s dizzy but devoted wife. She floats through the early acts like bubbles in Champagne, growing harder and heavier with every tick until, at last, she’s an unrecognizable drudge. In some regards, her story is told more thoroughly than any other in Theatre Memphis’ elegant revival.

The supporting players work hard and keep things moving and look good in Andre Bruce Ward’s typically outstanding costumes. They only occasionally rise to an appropriate level of ridiculousness and self-importance.

Director Kell Christie has brought the threads of her gorgeous production together well enough, but the dynamics of Shaffer’s relentlessly musical piece aren’t as varied or as bold as they could be. Amadeus can be big and political, a study in court (and corporate) culture and raw trickle-down economics. It can also be big and mythological, a Cain and Abel story for modern audiences. Theatre Memphis’ Amadeus is content being big. It’s usually enough.

Through February 20th at Theatre Memphis


Loraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun is worth checking out if only to see county commissioner Steve Mulroy in a powder-blue suit and sporting a truly embarrassing haircut. Fortunately for the commish, who portrays the show’s kinder, gentler bigot, it’s only a wig and in this context ridiculous is good.

A Raisin in the Sun is just one of those plays. Like Our Town and The Glass Menagerie and other faded classics, it’s often performed by amateurs setting expectations so low that a truly excellent production is almost jarring. And the Hattiloo’s unpretentious depiction of Chicago’s Younger family, torn apart over a little money and the opportunities it represents, is that rare production.

Although she takes on one of the play’s less showy roles, Mary Pruitt gives one of this season’s best performances as Ruth, the pregnant, long-suffering wife of Willie Younger, an angry young chauffeur who wants to go into business for himself. Her mousy facade conceals an ocean of frustration and desire that bursts out occasionally, with hilarious and moving results. Kristie Steele, Bronzjuan Worthy, and Emmanuel McKinney do excellent character work as a brainy student, busybody neighbor, and Nigerian exchange student, respectively. Marsha Neely steals scenes as the Youngers’ tough-loving matriarch and as Willie, Keith LaMount Robinson’s anger oozes off the stage. His impatience, if ugly, is understandable and his losses are devastating.

Through February 27th at the Hattiloo Theatre

Theater Theater Feature

Horne of Plenty

Technically speaking, Tony Horne left Memphis in 2004 after a two-year stint teaching theater at Rhodes College. Fortunately for Memphis theatergoers, Horne, a U of M alum who had previously served as executive producer for the now-defunct Memphis Black Repertory Company, has never been able to stay away for very long. He directed Trouble in Mind, which was the last show produced at the old Circuit Playhouse on Poplar before it became the Evergreen Theatre. He’s directed Crumbs from the Table of Joy, Jar the Floor, No Niggers, No Dogs, No Jews, Crowns, and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf. Now Horne, who is currently a theater professor at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, has returned to Memphis to work on two very different performance projects. He is producing a bare-bones version of Beauty’s Daughter at the Evergreen Theatre and directing a similarly lean production of The Wiz to open the Hattiloo Theatre’s 2010-11 season.

“It’s a funny thing when you’re a part of a creative community,” Horne says. “I grew up here and took my MFA here. The relationships I’ve made are lifetime relationships. It’s an honor that people in Memphis keep asking me to come back to do things. It serves a triple purpose: I get to keep growing creatively, I get to come back and visit my friends and family, and it all helps me build my tenure package to help me keep my job in Wisconsin.”

Horne says this most recent trip is special for him because it marks a return to producing in Memphis. His production company, the Mosaic Group, which was born from the ashes of Memphis’ Black Rep, is co-producing Beauty’s Daughter with Milwaukee’s Uprooted Theatre Company. “[The Black Rep] was rehearsing For Colored Girls when it folded,” Horne explains. “I went ahead and produced it myself with a lot of help from [Playhouse on the Square’s executive producer] Jackie Nichols. I had to make up a company name, so I called it the Mosaic Group. I put my own personal phone number on all of our posters, and I would go out late at night and put flyers on people’s car windows. I also prayed a lot.”

Uprooted, Horne’s producing partner, was formed in 2009 by four African-American artists, including one student at the university where Horne teaches and one alum. “Their first season was small but impactful,” Horne says. “Milwaukee has a large African-American population, but that’s not reflected in the local theater community. The artists who started Uprooted wanted to do something about that, which is very much how Memphis artists do things. Memphis artists don’t wait for somebody else. If they want to do something, they just go ahead and do it.”

Beauty’s Daughter, a performance monologue that New York Times theater writer Wilborn Hampton once compared to Dante’s journey through hell, was created by poet and performance artist Dael Orlandersmith. It was Uprooted’s first production with company member Marti Gobel playing the various roles Orlandersmith had originally written for herself.

“I was just blown away by what I saw,” Horne says, explaining why he chose to bring Gobel in to re-create the performance, instead of casting a Memphis artist. “This business is all about creating relationships,” he says. “I want Uprooted and the Hattiloo to have a relationship. I want to introduce [Gobel] to Playhouse on the Square.”

Horne is currently splitting his attention between his work as a producer on Beauty’s Daughter, which opens at the Evergreen Theatre on August 5th, and his work as a director on The Wiz, which opens at the Hattiloo on August 19th.

“I have to focus on the basic story [of The Wiz],” Horne says, acknowledging the challenges of doing a big musical in a space as small as the Hattiloo. “I recently did a children’s theater production of the show with 16 children and seven adults. I can take the lessons I learned working on that show and apply them here. The story is simple, really. We may not have much in the way of visual spectacle, but that’s okay. It’s just a different way of telling the story.”

Intermission Impossible Theater

Blacksplanation: The Hattiloo Theatre assembles an African American Theater exhibit

Ekundayo Bandele, the Hattiloo Theatre’s Founding director, has turned his fledgling playhouse into a disorienting maze crammed with information about the African-American theater experience. The Black Theatre Museum shows the progression of black-themed entertainments from 19th Century “coon shows” to the Pulitzer Prize winning prose of Suzan-Lori Parks.

The Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday 10a.m. – 3p.m., June 15th – July 10th. Tickets are $8/adults, $6/children


Hattiloo Theatre to Host Saturday “Block Party”

The innovative Hattiloo Theatre is holding a block party from 4-7 p.m. in its parking lot at 656 Madison this Saturday. Free entertainment will include James Robinson, Carmen, Will Graves, Valerie June, Stephanie Bolton, and Tonya Dyson.

The event will celebrate and kick-off Hattiloo’s third season. Plays this year will include, Mahalia, Annie, From the Mississippi Delta, Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope, and The Colored Museum, among others.

We Recommend We Recommend

Blood Brother

Nothing says Halloween like a tall, fanged man in a long black cape. And costumed revelers who want to extend their spook-day celebrations into November may wish to check out the closing weekend of Hattiloo Theatre’s solid production of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Playwright Steven Dietz made a name for himself with the absurdist AIDS play Lonely Planet and earned critical plaudits for God’s Country, a hard-hitting look at hate crimes in America. His take on gothic literature’s most famous bloodsucker is far less serious than previous endeavors, mixing humor and horror in equal measures. Dietz’s Dracula has less to to do with blood and bats than it does with seduction and a community’s response to the sudden, scientifically inexplicable darkness that overtakes it.

Landry Kamdem Kamdem, a native of Cameroon and postdoctoral research scientist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, plays the wicked count with smoldering intensity. His lyrical accent may betray the actor’s non-Transylvanian roots, but it adds plenty to the play’s exotic and occasionally erotic mystique.

Veteran actor Tony Anderson, known for powerful performances in shows like Master Harold… and the Boys and My Children! My Africa!, takes on the role of doctor-turned-vampire-hunter Abraham Van Helsing. Reginald Brown, an assistant professor of theater at the University of Memphis and co-founder of Newark, New Jersey’s Ensemble Theater Company, directs.

“Dracula” at Hattiloo Theatre through Sunday, November 4th. Tickets at the door are $18 for adults, $15 for students and seniors.