There is a lot of talk in metaphysical circles about meditation. Meditation is an important part of a spiritual path, regardless of what label you use for your path. It is something I find myself recommending for many of the questions people ask me. It’s not the only answer to most questions, but it is an important part of finding those answers.
It is believed that meditating can help us lead happier and healthier lives, even if we do not take the spiritual aspects of meditation into consideration. Meditating is believed to help people sleep better, reduce stress, improve memory and focus, reduce depression and anxiety, help people feel happier overall, and boost immunity.
Typically, in spiritual and metaphysical circles, when we talk about meditation, we are using it as a mindfulness practice, a devotional practice, and/or as a way to receive messages from the universe. However, meditation can be a difficult skill to cultivate. And it’s not like riding a bike, where once you’ve learned how to do it, you can effortlessly repeat it. With meditation, sometimes things go well and sometimes you cannot turn off your monkey mind, as it’s often called.
We tend to think of meditation as sitting quietly, legs crossed with our eyes closed, listening for messages or being peaceful. And this is a great meditation technique. It is the form we see in movies or on TV, but Hollywood doesn’t explain that the people who meditate well in this way have usually spent a lot of time learning how to do so. It is not a form of meditation that many people can jump into easily when they begin the journey. If you have tried this form of meditation and it worked well for you, that’s awesome. If sitting quietly and listening for messages and not holding onto your thoughts is a little daunting for you, there are other ways of meditating.
My favorite is movement meditation. This is a great technique for those of us who struggle to quiet our minds or sit still. Movement meditation is where you perform movements with your body that do not require your attention and allow your mind to focus on your intention. Many people, me included, have found that when they are sitting still their mind is going a million miles an hour in 20 different directions. However, when we move or give our bodies something to do, our minds quiet down. Movement meditation is something you may be familiar with if you practice yoga or tai chi, but it is something we all can do. Taking a walk, dancing, or even cleaning your home can be a meditative experience if you let it. While your body is doing these repetitive movements, try to focus on what you want to manifest, the questions you would like answers to, your spirit guide that you’d like to talk to, or whatever else you need.
You can also try a focus attention meditation. With this, you are going to focus your attention on an object. You can choose anything to be your focus point, from a crystal on your altar to a scrying mirror or gazing ball to the art on your walls. Get into a comfortable position and look at your focus object. Pay attention to the thoughts or experiences you have while looking at your focus item. Some people may even begin to close their eyes at some point in the meditation and try to visualize the object in their mind. Focus attention meditation involves focusing on something intently as a way of staying in the moment and quieting your inner dialogue.
Repeating mantras or affirmations can also be a form of meditation. And those who might need a little outside help with their meditations can look online for guided meditations. These are scripted experiences that can help you reach a certain goal such as calmness, relaxation, sleep, or a deeper spiritual goal like finding a spirit guide.
I highly encourage everyone to find a meditation technique that works for them. Meditation is an important tool in our self-care and healing toolbox.
Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.