Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (June 18, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Randy Haspel’s column announcing his candidacy for the GOP nomination, “Ask Not” …

Politics is nice, Haspel, but we need to bring back the Sunday church crowds. A mandatory .50-caliber machine gun in every pulpit! A 144-inch plasma screen direct link to NFL in place of the Baptist baptismal. Actual crucifixions in place of crucifixes! I’d go for that.


We’re inching ever closer to the Haspel/Jindal dream ticket our little group has been discussing at Smitty’s psilocybin-fueled rap sessions.

Dave Clancy

About Toby Sells’ story, “MLGW’s Smart Meter Program to Get Vote” …

Why do they want to buy a million meters if they state they have 421,000 customers?

This must have been a decision made by the “smart meter team.”

Deborah Scott

Deborah, it’s the Costco effect.

Mia S. Kite

Egads! I have a “weaponized weapon” on the back of my house, right outside my daughter’s room? What was I thinking?

Oh yeah, I want to be able to better monitor my electric usage and make changes in our habits that result in less demand to burn fossil fuels — and lower my contribution to climate change. Silly me.

Scott Banbury

About Wendi C. Thomas’ column, “Black Lives Matter” …

I think Wendi missed the whole root of the problem she’s trying to solve. The biggest problem is the destruction of the family unit. I would be interested to see a study on youth crime, the types of crime, and the severity of the crime. Also add in youth education outcomes.

Then compare those to the family structure of the child. Is it a single parent household? Is the child being raised by a grandparent? How many children are in the household? I’d be willing to bet you see some positive correlations between the household structure and positive outcomes for the child.

I believe the single most important issue is that of the family. One of the primary reasons gangs exist is because youth don’t have male role models around, so they turn to older male youths who organize in a Lord of the Flies manner and show some form of love and structure.

Please, Wendi, do an article on the topic of family structure and influence, and what can be done to change the culture that’s essentially eschewed the classic family structure.


Reb, how about making sure that those males have jobs that will allow them to provide for their families and keep those units together?


Great example of an external locus of control. The belief that all the ills of the community are related to outside factors — white people, the police, the laws on the books, etc. Until the community grapples with the problem that many of these issues are internal, no change will be accomplished.


About Bruce VanWyngarden’s Letter From the Editor, “A Bridge Too Far” …

Nice how TDOT lied about consulting with Crittenden County, the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, and residents in West Memphis that will be greatly affected by the stupid traffic circle that will be a massive cluster flock.

Facebook Hater

Knoxville went through something similar a few years ago: SmartFix40. They shut down I-40 in downtown Knoxville to speed up the construction schedule. It worked. In fact, the construction company finished early to get a bonus. The sky is not falling.

Michael Shoenberger

A roundabout is designed to take the place of a four-way-stop intersection, eliminating the need to turn through oncoming traffic. In this location, a roundabout would create more of a traffic jam than the current cloverleaf ramp system, where you do not have to cross against oncoming traffic. This is the most idiotic idea I have ever heard.
