Opinion The BruceV Blog

Tennessee Troopers Confuse Buckeye Leaves With Pot

I don’t know what to say about this, except these cops may be the only people in Tennessee who rival our state legislature for stupidity.

Here’s a version of the story from the Columbus Dispatch.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Congratulations, Miami Heat!!

In the classic newspaper tradition of “Dewey Beats Truman,” the Miami Herald ran a huge Macy’s ad Monday congratulating the Miami Heat on winning the NBA championship. For those of you not in the reality-based community, the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship Sunday night — by beating Miami.

I’m guessing Macy’s will get a “make-good” on that ad. And it’s safe to say that whoever put that ad in the paper was obviously not a sports fan. Or awake.


Details here.

Opinion The BruceV Blog


If this weren’t so close to being absolutely true, it might be funny.


Go here to see it all.