Politics Politics Beat Blog

Financial Reports in DA Race

In the developing and closely watched race for District Attorney General, the state of candidate finances is destined to play a crucial role. The last quarterly financial disclosure, due January 31st, indicates that, of the four declared candidates, Republican incumbent Amy Weirich had a significant lead in money on hand, reporting a balance of $309,442.38

Of her three would-be challengers in the Democratic primary, Steve Mulroy led with a balance of $125,677.80. Janika White had $22,782.02, and Linda Harris reported a balance of $8,564.02.

Harris and Weirich both had active candidacies and reported balances as of the beginning of the quarter. White and Mulroy did not, and their fundraising totals for the quarter are identical to their reported balances. That fact gives Mulroy the lead overall in fundraising for the quarter.

Both Mulroy and Weirich have had significant fundraisers since the reporting period; so their actual balances on hand will doubtless be somewhat larger than their reported totals.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

White Becomes Third Democrat in D.A. Race

Scarcely a week after the announcement for District Attorney General by University of Memphis law professor Steve Mulroy, joining attorney Linda Harris in the Democratic primary, a third Democratic entry is now declared.

This would be Janika White, a member of the Bailey, Bailey & White law firm, who made her announcement on Tuesday at the Walter L. Bailey Jr. Criminal Justice Center at 201 Poplar.

White boasts years of experience in both civil and criminal cases. In the past, White served as a judicial law clerk to then-Chancellor Kenny Armstrong of the Shelby County Chancery Court and went on to clerk for Judge Bernice Donald, who at the time was a  U.S. District Judge. She is also the niece of the late Rev. Ralph White of Bloomfield Baptist Church, who was heavily involved in Democratic politics.

Her stated goal is “to provide equity and justice to all who encounter the legal system,” and, like both Mulroy and Harris, is critical of current D.A. Amy Weirich, a Republican.

In a statement released to the press, White said, “What we are currently doing is simply not working. Violent crime is up, more people are being incarcerated, but our communities are not getting any safer. It is past time for change. I’m running for District Attorney to answer a call to service and bring justice, fairness, and safety to our community.”