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Music Video Monday: Faux Killas

Music Video Monday is on film!

To create their video for the Faux Killas’ “Do What You Gotta Do” video, Jason Leigh and Reed Mitchell decided to go back to the future and shoot on 16mm film. Compared to digital video, film is a complex and uncertain process, but the results Leigh and Mitchell get with both color, as when they’re shooting dancer Ashley Volner, and black and white, as when they’re shooting Jeremiah Jones, Jason Rice, Sam Shansky, and fresh Faux Killa Seth Moody, are spectacular.

Leigh and Mitchell are members of The Artist Commons, a new grassroots arts organization whose goal it is to help “ignite local creative minds”. Faux Killas’ latest album Chiquita is available on Bandcamp, Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Music.

Music Video Monday: Faux Killas

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