Hungry for a little down-home flavor? Check out “Southern Comforts at Bronte,” the restaurant at Davis-Kidd Booksellers his Saturday, October 27th, at 3 p.m.
The event will include Southern fare “fried green tomatoes, chicken salad, pecan pie” and a performance of Eudora Welty’s classic, “Why I Live at the P.O.”, featuring Alice Berry and Jenny Odle Madden of the group Voices of the South.
“Alice and I have been performing together since 1995,” says Madden. [Welty’s] story was one of the first we put together [as a play]. We took it to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival in 1996 and have been presenting it in schools and retirement centers over the years.”
Last spring Madden contacted Davis-Kidd for help with the Memphis Children’s Theater Festival, and the relationship bloomed. “This story was a natural,” Madden says. She and Berry are hoping to produce another Lunch and Literature show in the spring.
Tickets for the event are $10 and are available at Davis-Kidd. For more info, call 683-2032.