Indie Memphis is coming up in two weeks. Tonight, you can get a jump on the program with All The Rage tonight at Crosstown Arts.
Dr. John E. Sarno in All The Rage.
The Indie Wednesday series presents this film by Indie Memphis alumnae Michael Galisnsky and Suki Hawley. The directorial team first brought their talents to Indie Memphis 2002 with Horns and Halos, which documented the George W. Bush campaign’s efforts to block the publication of a critical biography by Arkansas writer James Hetfield. All The Rage is a look at Dr. John E. Sarno, the late professor of Rehabilitative Medicine at New York University School of Medicine. Dr. Sarno espoused the controversial theory and practice that some chronic lower back pain patients could conquer their malady with meditation and psychotherapy instead of painkillers.
Galinksy will have two more films in Indie Memphis this year. This screening begins Wednesday, October 18 at 7:00 PM. Stay tuned for more Indie Memphis coverage from the Flyer.