
Sports Burnout: Why and When and How to Prevent It

Peter Lebedevs

  • Peter Lebedevs

Some remarkable athletes are competing in Memphis this week in the USTA Girls 18 National Clay Court Championships at the Racquet Club. As much as I marvel at the talented teens, I wonder about the potential for burnout in this super stressful sport.

The competitors are all type-A personalities with parents and coaches driven to succeed. They’ve been hitting balls under supervision since they were eight years old or younger. They’re aiming not just at this championship but also at a college scholarship (the club is crawling with coaches this week) or a shot at the pro tour. Many of the best players are 14-16-year-olds “playing up” in the 18s to get better competition. The odds are long that the winner will be an 18-year-old, better that the champ will be a 16-year-old if form holds.

I have known an occasional competitor over the years, and they have been remarkably poised and well-adjusted girls. But I also know the potential for burnout as a player, parent, and student of the game. The tournament is played in hellishly hot and humid conditions. I call it the Burnout Fest.

“Burnout is an overused word for when players start to plateau in their performance,” said Peter Lebedevs, tournament director of the Regions Morgan Keegan Championships in Memphis and a former standout junior player in Australia. “I have seen many players claim “burnout” when they start having expectations on their performance and don’t match up with the results.

“The burnout does happen when tennis players are not having a schedule of tournaments and training that is balanced. If they never reset goals or look beyond the next week that’s when they get burnout. It happens at all levels, juniors to pros. In juniors it does happen also when the parents want it more than the kids and they live through their kids. The kids quit because they don’t like the game as much as the parents, they say “burnout” but it’s really they never truly loved the game or the competition.

“The WTA instituted a longer off season to combat this a few years ago and last year the ATP created a longer off season as well. The professional level is addressing it.”

Catherine Harrison

  • Catherine Harrison

Catherine Harrison, 18, is from Germantown, a suburb of Memphis, and competing in the Girls 18 this week and headed for UCLA for college. She recently returned from playing in the Juniors at Wimbledon and has been playing out-of-town tournaments since she was 10 years old.

“Honestly, some days I go out there and don’t really want to play,” she said. “When I was training in Florida four or five hours a day plus an hour of fitness work, there were some days when it was so difficult to go out there.

“I have been fortunate. Some of my friends in the 12s and 14s just quit because they got sick of it or decided to just play high school tennis. The longest layoff I have taken was this year. I got injured at the Easter Bowl in April and took a month off. By the middle of the second week I was going nuts.”

John White is a former world number-one squash player, current coach at Drexel University, and parent of young athletes. (And a Memphis visitor earlier this year.)

“Burnout happens at all ages. Junior players are pushed too hard by their parents to be the best or to get into a better college. I have witnessed this for the past six years where kids are taken to all the junior tournaments during the season and made to take lessons three or four times a week. They get into college and just do not want to compete anymore. And when they leave college they do not play the game at all!

“Pro players get burned out because of all the travel that goes with playing. I have seen three top players burn out from overtraining and not letting the body recover well enough. These players ended up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had to stop playing the tour. Their bodies burned out and broke down so much that they could not do exercise for more than 20 minutes a day.

“I myself took four months off the game during my career because I was tired of all the travel and I was getting fed up with the game! I got a job and did not play squash at all but did do a little fitness away from the court. I got the bug back after the break and have not stopped since.”

Former racquetball pro Steve “Bo” Keeley, author of “Executive Hobo: Riding the American Dream,” says he had three ways of coping with burnout.

“I would cross-train in handball, squash, tennis or paddleball. Or I would leave the primary sport, in this case racquetball, for six days of the week exercising off courts in bicycling, weights, running and returning one day weekly to the primary sport. The third method was to play opposite handed five out of seven days of the week, and regular handed on two days spaced through the week.”

An ordinary player in racquetball, tennis, and squash, I never trained intensively and always switched to a seasonal sport such as basketball or baseball when I was young. But I got tennis burnout when I was in my late 40s. Until then, I had been improving as an adult player, but I hit the wall, lost my confidence, and with it my enjoyment of the game. The game was beating me. I discovered squash, achieved a higher level of mediocrity, and now switch back and forth between tennis and squash when I get frustrated at one or the other.


Living Your Sports Fantasy

John White (2nd from right)

  • John White (2nd from right)

Baseball fans have their fantasy camps where they pay big bucks to put on uniforms and spikes and play a few innings with Hall of Famers. Golfers have their 18-hole pro-ams. Tennis pros have hit-and-giggle exhibitions with club players. And “Dancing With the Stars” has retired jocks like Martina Navratilova and Warren Sapp learning new moves.

There are adult camps for almost every sport including squash, an indoor court sport that combines the athleticism of tennis with the power of racquetball, the stamina of marathon running, and the grace of dancing. Last week, Memphis squash players decided that rather than go to camp, we would bring the pro to us. With a key assist from Ted Gross, publisher of the Daily Squash Report, the pro we decided on was John White, ranked #1 in the world in 2004, and now coaching at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

It’s a small sport but it’s a big world. Squash is mainly played in private clubs and universities in the Northeastern United States but has much broader appeal in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Middle East. When we went shopping for a pro, we wanted the best one we could afford. At 38, White is younger than Shaquille O’Neal, Brett Favre, and Andre Agassi and the same age as Derek Jeter. Some of the pros he used to beat are still on the tour.

When he was on the tour, White was known as the hardest hitter ever. He would go for ridiculous shots, dive for balls, give away a few easy points, cuss once in a while, smash an occasional racquet, and laugh about it afterwards. As White’s contemporary Jonathan Power said of him, “You can’t bet on John but you can’t bet against him either.” Now he’s a husband and parent of four kids worried about making the baseball or track team. In other words, he is, in some ways, just like us.

Most important, he seemed like a guy who would drink some beer, get on the court and give us some pointers, put on a show, and encourage the fantasy that, despite our physical limitations and our advancing years, we could still achieve a higher level of mediocrity. We had seen White on DVD’s and YouTube clips but never in person. As one of our players said to him while we were watching one of his matches on a DVD, “You look like you don’t give a shit.” It was meant as a compliment about White’s refusal to play a mechanical game, and that is exactly how it was taken. It so happened that White lost both of the matches we watched that night, and someone said “Are there any DVDs of matches you won?” He laughed, raised a beer, and we knew we had our man.


And for two days on the squash courts at Rhodes College and in post-workout dinners, he gave us our money’s worth. Our ranks included three doctors, three professors, a barbecue restaurant manager, a journalist, two businessmen, and a doctoral student. Our ages range from 30 to 62. All of us have been playing at least eight years and most of us get on the court three or four times a week when not injured.

He played a couple of games with each of us and managed to invent ways to “lose” a few points while also giving us a taste of what a ball going 150 miles an hour on a court 32 feet long and 21 feet wide looks like. He put us through conditioning drills that left us winded and sore the next day. He played our best player, Egyptian Mohamad Elmeliegy, and made him look as outclassed as most of the rest of us are when we play Mohamad, a 30-year-old with several years of professional training.

It was a reminder that world-class athletes are not like the rest of us, or even like good college athletes. John paid Mohamad the compliment of playing hard and pushing him to the limit. He retrieved balls in the corners with ease, rarely taking more than three steps. On the rare times when a ball got past him, he simply turned, flicked his wrist, and slammed it off the back wall while he reclaimed his position at center court as the ball floated to the front wall. His movement, perfected by tens of thousands of hours of practice since he was a young teenager in Brisbane, Australia, was flawless and effortless. Honestly, it was more like “Dancing With the Stars” than sport.

In our strategy and beer-drinking sessions (minimal difference), he opined on racquets (more alike than different), shoes (still likes Prince NFS), American squash pros (unlikely to crack the top 25), balls (under some conditions, pros hit them so hard they expand to almost 150 percent of their original size and bounce like tennis balls), Egyptian dominance (take the ball early), Aussie decline (his hometown once boasted 200 court complexes but now has a dozen or two), squash getting into the Olympics (unlikely unless the host country grants a wild card), sportsmanship (he once saw a player disqualified in the warm-up for not hitting the ball to his opponent often enough), college recruiting (go international), the legendary Jahangir Khan (a near-supernatural ability to know where his opponent was going to hit the ball), and Trinity College Coach Paul Assainte and his team’s 252-match win streak which was broken this year by Yale (class guy and team).

And, of course, those pointers. Most of which I have already forgotten, which is probably of little consequence. The one I do remember came when I asked if a senior player was going to try to improve one thing, should it be strength, flexibility, fitness, or skills?

He just smiled and pointed at his head.