Cover Feature News

Sun Studio Makes a Comeback

Sun Studio is the body around which Memphis music orbits — and where it all began. Jim Stewart at Stax saw Sam Phillips selling records and bought his own recorder. Two of the founders of Hi Records came from Sun. Phillips showed everybody the way. The radio engineer from north Alabama set Memphis music in motion from 706 Union Avenue.

“There are a lot of people who think the music is magic, and it does have a magic quality to it,” says Jerry Phillips, Sam’s youngest son. “But my dad always said it’s who you’ve got in there. Who knows how to operate the equipment and place the microphones? You’re not necessarily going to have a hit because you’re in that room. Or get that sound at all.”

The person operating Sun Studio today is Matt Ross-Spang, who was a Germantown High student when he set his sights on the room that Phillips opened as the Memphis Recording Service in January 1950. Ross-Spang is finishing a years-long effort to return the hallowed studio to its original condition, complete with period-correct equipment and all the discipline that old gear forces onto engineers and artists alike. It’s not the sort of task a typical person assumes, but Sun Studio was never a place for typical people.

“He’s a young man with an old soul. Matt’s got a lot of Sam Phillips in him,” Jerry Phillips says. “He loves that equipment and the simplicity of it all.”

Sam Phillips was famous for his ability to sense the emotional content of a recording and to anticipate how listeners would respond. Phillips’ intuition came from a childhood exposure to African-American sounds that he heard in the cotton fields of north Alabama. His love for music drew him into the radio business, where he learned to work a nascent technology through which he commanded the airwaves, electronic signals, and a generation of American teenagers to dance to those sounds. Phillips had a gift for musical intuition, but he was also an engineer.

“He took a course at Alabama Polytechnic Institute and an engineering course at Auburn. I don’t think he went to Auburn, but it was through the mail” Jerry Phillips says. “Of course, when he got to his recording studio days, he installed his own equipment, hooked it all up, built the speakers. I wouldn’t necessarily call him a gear-head, but he was a gear-head by necessity. He had to do the things he was capable of doing, because he didn’t have much money. As a general rule, he was very interested in equipment and technology.”

Phillips worked in audio when audio was new. He became a radio engineer in Muscle Shoals in the late 1940s. At that time, music was cut onto lacquer discs by a lathe. It was not until after World War II that Americans became aware of recording to magnetic tape, a technology developed by the Germans. “Tape recording” as we know it was originally funded in the U.S. by Bing Crosby, who saw that the possibility of recording sound to the quieter, longer-format medium would allow him to spend less time in the broadcast studio and more time on the golf course. Crosby spent $40,000 to bankroll the Ampex tape corporation in 1947. Phillips opened Memphis Recording Services two years later.

Matt Ross-Spang sits in the control room of Sun Studios, surrounded by machines that seem to have come from a 1950s sci-fi movie. On the other side of the glass, a large tour group sings along to Elvis’ “That’s All Right.” The tourists peer through the window at Ross-Spang as he talks about his job.

“Sometimes its like being in a zoo. You’re in the cage,” Ross-Spang says. His “office” is historic, a fascinating place. But it’s also a working recording studio as well as something of an ad hoc mental health facility. Like Sam, Ross-Spang has to understand both human and electronic circuitry.

“When people come to [record at Sun], they are freaked out. You have to let them Instagram and calm down. If you’re not a sociable, welcoming guy, they’ll be puking or freaking out. You won’t get anywhere.”

Ross-Spang asked for these problems. He’s had Sun on his sonar since he was a kid.

“I recorded here when I was 14,” Ross-Spang says. “I did this god-awful recording, I mean god awful. It was so bad. I played acoustic and this guy played a djembe drum with eggs. That’s how bad it was. But I met James Lott, who had been the engineer for 20 years at the time. So, to me, it was like the coolest thing in the world being in Sun. A lot of people get captured by sound. I wasn’t captured by sound at that point, but when I watched him manipulate the sound, I was like ‘You can do all of that?’

“Trying to save what I did out in the studio, I just bugged him a bunch, and he told me to come back and intern with him,” Ross-Spang says. “I came back when I could drive. So I came to work here when I was 16. The other intern didn’t last that long. I started interning for him when I was about 17 or so. After high school, I would come down and do tours as a tour guide. And then I’d intern until about two or three in the morning. I did that for about six or seven years and then took over as head engineer about five years ago. I’m one of the few people who figured out what they wanted to do really early on. And it was Sun Studio.”

Long before Ross-Spang arrived, the facility had been abandoned by the Phillips (who never owned the building) in 1959. It sat empty, then housed other businesses. According to Jerry Phillips, a combined effort by Graceland, the Smithsonian, and Sam himself saved the place from the typical Memphis fate of abandonment, demolition, and dollar store. The studio was rebuilt according to Sam’s memory before being purchased by Gary Hardy in the late 1980s. The current owner is John Schorr. But Ross-Spang is the driving force behind rebuilding the room to Sam’s specs.

“It’s fantastic that [Ross-Spang] has pursued this with such scholarly devotion,” says Peter Guralnick, author of the definitive, two-part Presley biography, Last Train to Memphis and Careless Love, who is currently at work on a biography of Sam Phillips. “Sam was systematic in thinking about sound and gave great thought to it — no square angles; the tiles. In addition, he felt there was something unique about the room at 706 Union. He didn’t know it when he rented it. To have reconstituted it is an exercise in creative archeology.”

Ross-Spang is certainly diligent, but there were some lucky (and unlucky) breaks along the way.

“I became the head engineer at Sun Studio when I was 22. I didn’t have any money. I had one guitar. It was a beautiful, big Guild. It was signed by Robert Plant, Elvis Costello — people I’ve met over the years and hung out with here. One night, while I was away, it got smashed, and I got an insurance check from the studio for it. It was a huge chunk of money for me. The whole time I’ve been at Sun, I’ve wanted to put the original stuff in. Sam used this old 1930s RCA tube console. But you could never find those things. People just threw them out in the 1960s. But one popped up on eBay, two days after my guitar was smashed. The only way I could have bought it was with the insurance check. To this day, I think my X-Men ability is that if I need something and I think about it hard enough, it pops up on eBay. I bought that, and the studio bought other stuff. It’s taken about five years, but now it’s all here.”

Ross-Spang bought a 1936 RCA radio mixing console, the same model Phillips paid $500 for when he opened Memphis Recording in January 1950. Phillips originally cut records onto discs with a lathe and switched to analog tape in late 1951.

“I’ve got the same 1940s Presto lathe that I can cut 45s on. All the Ampex, all the microphones are period-correct to what he used in the day. It’s becoming exactly like it was in 1956.”

In 1956 at Sun, Johnny Cash recorded “I Walk the Line.” Orbison cut “Ooby Dooby.” Billy Lee Riley recorded “Flyin’ Saucers Rock & Roll.”

“Mark Neil, who did the Black Keys’ Brothers album, is a huge Sun fanatic,” Ross-Spang says. “He helped me locate stuff and figure out how Sam did it. Back then, there was no ‘normal’ way to do things. A lot of the stuff was homemade. We really had to use our ears and listen to records. There were only five pictures in the studio back then. It’s not like the Beatles, where we know exactly on June 2, 1966, George Harrison sneezed. We don’t have any of that kind of info. A lot of the old guys don’t really remember. Scotty Moore was an engineer after Sun, so he remembered a lot more than anybody else. But even then, Scotty might say one thing, somebody else might say another.”

Moore, who played guitar on all of the better Elvis records before the late 1960s, proved to be more than a historical resource for Ross-Spang.

“I’m lucky enough to have known the Sun guys for a long time,” Ross-Spang says. “I’d go visit [Moore] every couple of months in Nashville. Once, Chip Young was there and they both busted out guitars. Chip brought out his Gibson Super 400. Chip Young is one of my favorite guitar players of all time. He played with Elvis and some other people. So they are all playing at Scotty’s, and then they passed it to me.”

For Ross-Spang, who plays guitar in the Bluff City Backsliders, it was terrifying: “I’m thinking ‘What am I going to play in front of y’all?'”

The job and the friendship with Moore later put Ross-Spang in an awkward place.

“A year or two ago, I did a record with Chris Isaak here. And, this January, the BBC wanted to do an interview with Scotty, but about his life, not about Elvis. They called me up and we kind of got some things together. We got Chris Isaak to host it. Then about a week before the producer called and said, ‘Hey, we thought it would be great if they cut the Elvis songs again.’ That’s great, but Scotty hasn’t played guitar in like five years; he just doesn’t do it anymore. They said, ‘That’s fine, you do it.’ I was like, ‘Great, you’re going to make me play my hero’s guitar licks in front of him in the place where he did it.’ Of course, I know all his licks. I’ve stolen them a thousand times. He’s saved my butt on sessions. But I’ve never had to do it front of everybody. And to make matters worse, I had invited Jerry Phillips, J.M. Van Eaton, everybody.”

But things got even weirder.

“A side funny thing was that Chris wanted to do the songs in E,” Ross-Spang says. “If you’re a guitar player, you know they’re in A. You can play them in E, but they don’t sound the same. I’m setting up the mics and I hear ‘Let’s try this in E.’ I’m going, ‘crap.’ I told Chris, ‘You know these songs are in A,’ and he says, ‘E is better for me.’ I’m wondering how I’m going to save my butt. I’m just thinking about me at this point. I know one person in this room who can get him to go with A.

“I said, ‘Scotty, Chris is talking about doing ‘That’s All Right’ in E.’ He was like, ‘What? Why?’ I said, ‘You should go talk to him.’

“We did them in A, and it sounded great. It came out really well. But I had bought a tube tape echo because of the one Scotty had at his house. Afterward, he said, ‘You know I’ve got one of those.’ I said ‘I bought one because of you.’ He said, ‘Well, hell, I’ll just give you my old one.’ About a month or two later he called me up and asked ‘When are you going to come get this thing?’ I wasn’t about to bug him about it. So I went up there as fast as I could. He gave me whole live rig setup from the ’90s. It had his tube echo. He used [effects] to try to simulate the quirks of tape. They all have his hand-written notes on them. It was one of the greatest days of my life. It’s like Yoda giving you his light saber.”

Working with the limitations of the last century might seem like a pain, but Ross-Spang, who was recently named governor of the producers’ and engineer’s wing of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences’ Memphis chapter, appreciates the discipline it takes to record an entire group’s performance without stopping — an art many consider lost.

“When you look at old pictures of Willie Mitchell and Sam, they’re kind of crazy looking,” Ross-Spang says. “They’re smoking, and they’re hunkered over a big piece of metal and knobs. Nowadays, if I get tagged in photos, it’s me hunkered over a mouse. Why would you take a picture of that? The magic is gone when you go all digital.”

Recording a whole room to mono means everybody has to get their parts right. You can’t fix a mistake. Perhaps the reason Al Green, Johnny Cash, and the Killer keep selling records 60 years later is that they made great music together at the same time.

“I love that way of making records. Everyone has to pay attention to each other instead of themselves. It’s a team effort, including me,” Ross-Spang says. “It’s not very forgiving. But I think one of the reasons people come here to do that is because it makes them a better musician. With the computer, you can play five solos, go home for the day, and the engineer will make a solo for you. But here, if you don’t get a solo right, you may have just wasted a great vocal take. There’s so much more on the line. But that makes you play better too. It’s the only way I like to work now. People hire me to work in other studios, and I try to take the same mentality. It doesn’t always work, because they’ve got booths and headphones. You say, ‘Can you turn your amp down.’ They say, ‘Can I just put my amp in the booth?'”

He shakes his head.

“If you give a mouse a cookie, it wants a glass of milk.”

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Johnny Cash, Carla Thomas Among 13 New Memphis Music Hall of Fame Inductees

Johnny Cash

  • Johnny Cash
Carla Thomas

  • Carla Thomas

The Memphis Music Hall of Fame announced a 13-member second class of inductees this afternoon at Jerry Lee Lewis’ CafĆ© & Honky Tonk on Beale Street, with Sun Records legend Johnny Cash and Stax star Carla Thomas leading a diverse class.

As with last year’s inaugural 25 inductees, this year’s smaller second group stands as something of a microcosm of Memphis music history, tapping into the city’s major genres of blues, soul, jazz, and rock/country, highlighting both performers and behind-the-scenes contributors, and representing eras ā€” in terms of each inductee’s heyday ā€” ranging from the 1920s to the 1970s.

The full class:


The Bar-Kays: The ā€œSoul Fingerā€ instrumental hitmakers who served as Otis Redding’s road band. Surviving original members Ben Cauley (trumpet) and James Alexander (bass) lead a still-active version of the group.

The Blackwood Brothers: The Southern gospel quartet who were pioneers in the commercialization of gospel music and a big influence on the rise of rock-and-roll.

Reverend W. Herbert Brewster: South Memphis pastor who published more than 200 gospel compositions, including the standard ā€œMove On Up a Little Higher.ā€

Johnny Cash: The most country of the major Sun Records artists, who launched one of the great careers in American popular music out of Memphis. Perhaps you’ve heard of him.

Roland Janes: The Sun-connected producer and engineer who connects the dots between multiple generations of Memphis music and still mans the board at Sam Phillips Recording Service.

Albert King: The electric blues guitarist and singer who was reared in Arkansas and moved to Memphis mid-career, where he recorded classics ā€œBorn Under a Bad Signā€ and ā€œCrosscut Sawā€ for Stax.


Memphis Jug Band: Early blues pioneers ā€” starting in the mid-1920s ā€” and proto-rock-and-rollers lead by Will Shade.

Phineas Newborn, Jr.: R&B and jazz pianist who is the most prominent member of a prominent Memphis music family.


Knox Phillips: Son of Sam, who fostered Memphis music ā€” and beyond ā€” in the ā€™60s, ā€™70s, and ā€™80s as an engineer, producer, and studio owner.

David Porter: Wrote classic Stax hits, often in partnership with Isaac Hayes, and was an underrated recording artist on his own.

Sid Selvidge: Folk and blues revivalist who also led the radio program ā€œBeale Street Caravanā€ until his passing earlier this year.

Kay Starr: Pop and jazz singer who began her career as a Memphis teenager, both on local radio and at the Peabody Hotel.

Carla Thomas: Stax’s first female star and second-generation Memphis music royalty.


This second group of inductees was selected by a committee of music journalists and industry professionals ā€” operating both in and outside of Memphis ā€” under the direction of Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum executive director John Doyle. The Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum launched the Memphis Music Hall of Fame project last year. Deliberations over this year’s class began in April and continued via a series of conference calls, with an initial target of 8-10 inductees swelling to 13 in the final accounting, itself down from roughly 30 candidates who were seriously considered, according to Doyle.

ā€œI’ll be fielding phone calls this afternoon from people asking how could you not choose this person or how could this person be left out,ā€ Doyle says. ā€œBut that’s the great thing about it. If we lived in another city, we’d be done already. Here we’ll still be inducting Grammy winners a decade from now.ā€

Doyle says it was hard to keep the number down to 25 in last year’s inaugural class and that the hope is to get to a smaller number next year.

The more manageable class this year should put a bigger spotlight on each inductee at a ceremony scheduled for Thursday, November 7th.

ā€œThis year, we will allow inductees to speak from the stage,ā€ Doyle says. ā€œThe smaller numbers allow us to do that.ā€

After using the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts for last year’s induction ceremony, this year’s event will move to the more intimate and casual ā€” and lately underused ā€” Gibson Showcase Lounge, located inside the Gibson Guitar Factory, which Doyle suggests could become a permanent home for the event.

Film Features Film/TV

Doc in Black

Johnny Cash’s America grew out of a politically tinged discussion between the documentary’s directors, author Robert Gordon and producer/director Morgan Neville. The presidential primary races were just getting started, and both men were worried. They wondered how much longer a house divided against itself might stand.

“We were discussing how divided the nation was,” Gordon says. “[That] led us to discussing figures around whom the nation could unify … [and that] led us to Johnny Cash.” The idea for a documentary was born.

“What interested us most was that people who could agree on little else could agree on their respect for Johnny Cash,” Gordon says. “So we set out in this show not to profile Cash and tell his life story but to use Cash as a lens through which we could examine America and leadership in America.”

Gordon was looking for someone to finance a film based on Can’t Be Satisfied, his biography of Muddy Waters, when he first encountered Neville, who had come to Memphis to develop a documentary about Sun Studio founder Sam Phillips for A&E’s popular Biography series. They hit it off right away, and Can’t Be Satisfied aired on PBS in 2003. The creative duo have since collaborated on a variety of projects, including Respect Yourself: The Stax Records Story and Shakespeare Was a Big George Jones Fan, an off-the-wall documentary about Cowboy Jack Clement.

Cash lived his life in the public eye, and the years following his death have witnessed numerous biographies, anthologies, and tributes, including the Academy Award-winning feature film Walk the Line. Gordon says he wanted to do something completely different.

“We found ourselves having to constantly fight the pull toward biography,” Gordon says of his struggle to create an essay rather than a biography. “We consciously fought the questions about Cash’s life and coaxed ourselves and our subjects and our film toward a more philosophical, meditative place.”

As an example of what to expect, Gordon describes a scene in which members of the Cash clan gathered in Dyess, Arkansas, to celebrate Cash’s life and achievements. The group met around the grave of Jack Cash, Johnny’s brother, whose premature death haunted and inspired the artist throughout his life and career. After a prayer and a moment of silence the family spontaneously began to sing “Will the Circle Be Unbroken.”

“It just happened,” Gordon says. “And it was incredibly moving.”

In addition to family members, Gordon and Neville talked to liberal politicians, conservative politicians, musicians, and ordinary folks in order to get some sense of why Cash’s appeal is so universal.

“Lamar Alexander told us that Cash wore black so we could project ourselves onto him and see whatever we wanted to see,” Gordon says. “Snoop Dogg talked about how gangsta [Cash] was.”

It’s no spoiler to pre-announce Gordon’s personal conclusion, which is intriguing but unsurprising: America loves Cash because he never hid his flaws or tried to be somebody he wasn’t.

Johnny Cash’s America was produced by A&E and features commentary by Merle Haggard, Loretta Lynn, Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, Tim Robbins, and Kris Kristofferson.

Johnny Cash’s America screens at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 15th.

Music Music Features

Johnny Cash’s Block Party

The Nixon years were not a good period for national unity. With American soldiers dying in Vietnam and American cites suffering the after-effects of resistance to the civil rights movement, the country saw its own citizens pitted against each other — Nixon’s Silent Majority against a growing, vocal counterculture.

Amid these rifts, there was a cohort of pop musicians who sought a third way: progressive, pluralistic, in opposition to the worst of America’s mainstream culture yet also respectful, even reverent, of tradition. This included, perhaps most prominently, the music made — together or independently — by Bob Dylan and the Band at the time, records such as Dylan’s John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline, the Band’s Music From Big Pink and The Band, and the jointly recorded “basement tapes,” which wouldn’t see release until later the next decade. Other artists, such as Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Byrds, and Neil Young, followed similar paths.

But the artist who embodied this spirit as much as anyone was Johnny Cash, who brought the spirit of a pluralistic, progressive, yet deeply traditional American culture into homes across the nation via his ABC-TV variety show, The Johnny Cash Show, which broadcast from Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium between June 1969 and March 1971.

The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show, a four-hour, two-DVD collection of 66 musical performances selected from the show’s 58 episodes, marks the first time any material from The Johnny Cash Show has been released on video or DVD. The collection, which was released in late September, is hosted by Kris Kristofferson, of whom Cash was an early champion, scoring a hit with Kristofferson’s song “Sunday Morning Coming Down” and singing a full version of the song — including the lyric “wishing, God, that I was stoned” — on the show, against the wishes of ABC. Other interview subjects include Cash’s son, John Carter Cash, Hank Williams Jr., for whom Cash was something of a surrogate father, and people who worked on the show, including bass player Marshall Grant and hairdresser Penny Lane.

Cash’s first show featured Bob Dylan, rarely seen on television and still considered a counterculture icon despite the recent release of his more traditional Nashville Skyline album. But it also featured Cash and his standard ensemble — wife June Carter, band the Tennessee Three, sidekick Carl Perkins, and backup singers the Statler Brothers — doing the Perkins-penned remembrance of family gospel sing-alongs, “Daddy Sang Bass.” And that’s how it went. With the Vietnam War tearing the country apart, Cash did his best to put it back together again on national TV every week, reconciling the rebellious impulses of the counterculture with the home-and-family traditionalism of older, more mainstream America. It was like a country equivalent to Dave Chappelle’s Block Party with a much larger audience.

In the days before punk, disco, and hip-hop pulled American music in such far-flung directions, it was easier to insist on such a musical big tent, of course, and The Johnny Cash Show was both tribute to and tutorial on the blues and country roots of American pop music.

There were limits, despite Cash’s impeccable taste and ornery insistence on having his show reflect that taste. There’s no Sly & the Family Stone or James Brown here, for instance, though Stevie Wonder does give a sharp reading of his tough-minded “Heaven Help Us All” (with a key lyric likely to challenge much of the show’s audience: “Heaven help the black man if he struggles one more day/Heaven help the white man if he turns his back away”). But rarely (James Taylor’s wispy reading of “Sweet Baby James” is an exception) does a performance collected here seem unworthy of the show.

Within the context of Cash’s self-imposed musical mission, the breadth of music (and musicians) on display is tremendous. Pre-rock legends are given the showcases they deserve, including Bill Monroe doing “Blue Moon of Kentucky” and, most notably, an appearance by Louis Armstrong. The true titan of 20th-century American popular music, Armstrong is eight months from death and frail, when he appears, but he’s magnetic, playing trumpet alongside Cash as they duet on Jimmie Rodgers’ “Blue Yodel #9,” which Armstrong had recorded with Rodgers in 1930.

The collection also captures some of Cash’s early rock contemporaries (including Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis), country stars (Loretta Lynn, Conway Twitty), then-emerging songwriters (Kristofferson, Tony Joe White)), and some of the biggest and best rock acts of the day (CCR, Neil Young).

Highlights are plentiful: Ray Charles delivers a spectacular, bluesy reinvention of Cash’s own “Ring of Fire,” to a standing ovation. Cash and George Jones swap vocal sound effects on a duet of Jones’ “White Lightning.” Cash and Merle Haggard duet on Haggard’s beautiful prison ballad “Sing Me Back Home.” Eric Clapton leads Derek & the Dominoes through an inspired rendition of the Chuck Willis R&B standard “It’s Too Late.” You sense Cash’s drive to unite different audiences when he greets the British rock band onstage at the Ryman after the performance and says, “I really am proud to see that the people here love you like they do.” This followed immediately by Perkins joining Cash and Clapton on a fierce version of Perkins’ Sun-era hit “Matchbox.” And some of the finest moments come when the show is winnowed down to Cash and his own extended musical family, particularly on gospel numbers.

For those who weren’t privileged to see the show at the time, The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show is a revelation, but these 66 performances seem to be only a sliver of what Cash presided over during the show’s 58 episodes. The entire series deserves to be given new life, if not on DVD, then via new television broadcasts. (CMT, are you listening?) Hopefully, The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show draws enough attention to make that happen.


Starkville, Mississippi, Pardons Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash spent a night incarcerated in the Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, jail in 1965. That event inspired his song “Starkville City Jail.”

In Starkville to perform at Mississippi State University, Cash was picked up for being drunk in public, though the song claims he was only pickin’ flowers. He later performed the song for long-term inmates of a correctional facility at his famous concert at San Quentin prison in California.

Robbie Ward circulated a petition among his fellow Starkville residents, and collected 500 signatures endorsing a pardon for Cash. (If your publicity stunt-o-meter is going off, you’ll feel vindicated when you learn that Ward is the executive director of the Flower Pickin’ Festival, scheduled November 2-4 in Starkville.)

Mississippian, and occasional wearer of black Marty Stuart has agreed to headline the festival.

Read more about the festival.

Music Record Reviews

A country giant returns — to music and to Memphis.

The Johnny Cash/Rick Rubin records of the past decade may have come with a bit of an aftertaste — heightening a Man in Black mythos that appealed to hipster converts while obscuring Cash’s tremendous musical/conceptual range — but say this for Rubin: He knew to otherwise stay out of the way of greatness.

Most producers faced with an aging legend on the comeback trail prove incapable of such restraint, choosing instead to clutter their project with too many backing players and name collaborators. It probably makes for a memorable experience for those invited to participate, but this gambit tends to damage the project.

Such it is with Charlie Louvin, in which producer Mark Nevers pairs with the legendary Louvin on a record in which all but one track feature a “featuring.” The damage here is minimal by the standards of the celebrity-duet record, but it still feels a bit too busy, especially since Louvin’s voice, though certainly weathered, still sounds strong enough and interesting enough to carry the record on its own. No recording of the great “The Christian Life” needs 10 people, including musicians and vocalists.

Louvin is the remaining half (alongside late brother Ira) of the Louvin Brothers, the country harmony duet team among the most important record makers of the 1940s and pre-rock ’50s. The Louvins, who spent some time in Memphis, disbanded in 1963 (Ira passed away in ’65), and Charlie recorded regularly as a solo artist through the early ’70s and sporadically since then.

This is his first solo album in 15 years, and the song selection mixes classic Louvin copyrights (“Great Atomic Power,” “The Christian Life”) with other early genre classics (the Carter Family’s “The Kneeling Drunkard’s Plea,” Jimmie Rodgers’ “Waiting for a Train,” etc.). The “guests” range from country followers such as George Jones and Tom T. Hall to rock-god fans such as Elvis Costello to indie/alt oddities such as Lambchop’s Kurt Wagner and Superchunk’s Mac McCaughan. (I’m sure Louvin is a huge “Slack Motherfucker” fan.)

Despite a title that focuses all attention on Louvin himself, Charlie Louvin comes off more like an attempt at an alt-country Will the Circle Be Unbroken but without quite the force of personality to pull it off. — Chris Herrington

Grade: B

Charlie Louvin returns to Memphis for an appearance at Shangri-La Records on Friday, April 20th, at 6 p.m. For more on Louvin at Shangri-La, see Local Beat, page 29.

Cover Feature News

Man in Back

Luther Perkins was stone-faced, as usual, looking down at the borrowed Fender Telecaster cradled in his uncertain hands. The used guitar’s volume and tone controls, bypassed by a previous owner, had never been repaired. So Perkins, a mechanic with a knack for fixing radios, laid his palm over the strings to dampen the Tele’s piercing sound and started picking out a simple, chugging rhythm.

“The key of E looks like it would be all right,” said Perkins’ fellow grease monkey, Marshall Grant. He was fumbling with his own unfamiliar instrument, a $25 upright bass with the notes marked in adhesive tape. Grant had been strumming guitars since he was 10 years old, but he’d never touched an upright bass before, and he couldn’t have even tuned the “big S.O.B.” if a friend of a friend hadn’t sketched an easy-to-read diagram the night before. J.R. Cash, the group’s lead singer, chimed in, matching Perkins’ percussive rhythm with an awkward lick played on the nicest, newest instrument in the room, a Martin acoustic borrowed from Grant. The overwhelmed bassist eventually fell into the groove, hunting and plucking away on his taped-up old beater.

“People think it took us 10 years to get that ‘Johnny Cash sound,'” says Grant, describing the “god-awful” condition of the instruments, the general ineptitude of the players, and that historic day in 1955 when two pretty good mechanics and a not-so-good appliance salesman became a band. “We had that sound in the first eight bars we ever played together in our life. And then we started trying as hard as we could to get rid of it.”

I Was There When It Happened, Grant’s new book about his friendship and 25-year career with the Man in Black, is equal parts loving and brutal. Named for the gospel song Sam Phillips dismissed as unmarketable during the group’s audition for Sun, it portrays Cash as a gifted performer, a sporadically giving friend, and a selfish, frequently cruel addict capable of robbing his closest companions.

“If I told everything that really happened, nobody would believe it,” says Grant, who positions himself as Cash’s partner, driver, mechanic, tour manager, counselor, and caretaker. “I kept it truthful, I kept it honest, and I kept it authentic, but I softened it, because the story of what happened to us is unbelievable enough. And really, some things were much, much worse than what the book says.

“What always amazed me about John was what a great man he was. He stood alone — the greatest man I ever knew — until the amphetamines took hold. June [Carter] came along in 1962, and we shared that burden for a while. She was an ally in trying to keep him alive and trying to keep things going. It was like all the other people around him just didn’t care. Or they thought he was indestructible. Or they thought he would live forever.”

Grant blinks his eyes frequently and sometimes furiously when he speaks. It’s the result of eye problems that developed when he was 18 and learning the jeweler’s trade in Memphis. A doctor recommended he leave that profession, so the young man took a Trailways bus home to Bessemer City, North Carolina, where he returned to his old job delivering ice.

“But there wasn’t any opportunity there,” Grant says. “And there still isn’t.” He couldn’t stop thinking about his brother back in Memphis and a pretty girl he’d been forced to leave behind. “Me and Etta got engaged by mail and went down to the little old town where I live now, Hernando, Mississippi, and we got married.”

Grant calls Etta his rock and credits her as the unheralded force that ultimately kept Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two (and later Three) together. While the marriages of Perkins and Cash fell apart, Etta encouraged Grant and inspired him to be there for their friends, whose lives were spiraling out of control.

To support his new wife, Grant took whatever work he could find, eventually landing at Automobile Sales, a dealership at 309 Union. He fixed cars, and when business was slow, he and co-worker Luther Perkins picked out gospel tunes. Another co-worker, Roy Cash, liked what he heard and promised to introduce Grant, Perkins, and Hawaiian steel player Red Kernodle to his guitar-crazy brother who’d be in Memphis just as soon as he got out of the Air Force.

“Roy told us his brother, J.R., could sing just like Hank Snow,” Grant says.

“I was in the back of the shop at 309 Union one day, working on a car that was up on a lift. I saw two people come in, and one was Roy, so I figured the other one had to be his brother. I sort of got this funny feeling that run up the back of my leg and up my back. This sounds like a farfetched story, but it’s the truth. ‘Marshall, I want you to meet my brother, J.R.,’ Roy said. And then J.R. said, ‘I hear you do a little picking.’ And I said, ‘Very little.’ And he said, ‘Me too.’

“Luther was laying down on a floorboard, working on somebody’s radio. So I kicked his foot and said that there was someone here he should meet. Instantly, it was like we were brothers, like we’d all three known each other for years.”

Grant looks out a window at the emerging neighborhood where Marshall and Monroe converge. “A few years ago, I was convinced they would tear a lot of this area down,” he says. Sitting in a cafe on Union, breaking pieces of bread into a bowl of chili, he remembers when the building he’s sitting in was an appliance store. “I bought my first television here. Right here,” he says emphatically, rolling back time. Before hooking up with Perkins and Cash, Grant walked past Sun Studio on his way to lunch every day.

“And I looked at that building and wondered what went on inside,” he says. “I had no idea.

“Luther was a card. He was not a lead guitar player and couldn’t play the melody of a song for nothing,” Grant says, recalling when the success of Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two far outpaced the group’s collective ability. “The first song we ever really put a lot of time into was ‘Hey Porter,’ and it took Luther three weeks, one note at a time, to figure out how to do the kickoff and the break. He wasn’t ashamed of it, and I’m not ashamed to tell it. Because what he played came from his heart, his fingers, and his mind. But there’s no doubt in anybody’s mind who knows anything about music that if I’d moved to Nashville saying, ‘I want to play bass,’ I’d have never made it. And Luther? No way he could have been a session player. And John, even he was never what you’d call a good singer. But the chemistry of the three of us — the way we learned to put these things together — that’s why, 52 years later, we’re still sitting around talking about it. That’s why today we’re selling more records worldwide than we ever sold in our entire careers. It was our inability that made us what we were, not our ability. And I was happy. Luther was happy. We were all happy,” Grant says.

And then they weren’t. “Cry, Cry, Cry” hit the charts, the demand for new material and public appearances increased, and it never let up. The technically challenged band struggled to keep pace.

The band’s struggles were romanticized in the 2005 Cash biopic Walk the Line. Grant praises Joaquin Phoenix’s performance and describes Reese Witherspoon as “June Carter made over.” But during shooting he stayed away from the set, partly because he knew he wasn’t wanted and partly because he knew the people who didn’t want him were right.

“I’d only bitch and complain,” he says. “I’m for keeping history right. You can’t fight Hollywood.”

Grant questions the decision to make the film into a love story. June may have saved Johnny’s life, but his self-destructive behavior didn’t end when the movie suggests it did. Nothing, it seemed, could keep Cash off drugs for long, and the only love stories Grant tells in I Was There When It Happened involve little red pills, little white pills, and the big black beauties Red Sovine christened the “West Coast Turnaround.”

At first, John and his wife Vivian were having a child a year — Roseanne, Kathy, Cindy, and Tara. When we’d go out on the road, my wife Etta would bring them over to our house or she would go over there. And it was like they had the whole burden of taking care of all of John’s problems. And John didn’t care. If he was 100 percent straight and didn’t have any amphetamines in him, he cared. But that was seldom.”

George Jones may have the reputation for getting high and missing shows, but there was a time when Cash could have given the old Possum a run for his money.

“Back when John was living with Waylon Jennings, that was a trip,” Grant says. “About the only way I knew how to get him to the next show was to make him mad. If you could make him just as mad as hell he’d finally say, ‘I’ll show you. I’ll be outside sitting on the steps when you get there.’ And sure enough, he’d usually be sitting on the concrete in front of the hotel when we pulled up.

“You couldn’t get John into the studio. And if you could, he wasn’t going to be in any shape to perform. So I got with the people at Columbia and talked to them about recording live. The reason we recorded all those live shows — Folsom Prison in 1968, Boy Named Sue, and San Quentin — was because you couldn’t get him into the studio. Sunday Morning Coming Down was recorded from the TV show.

“I’m no Superman,” Grant says of the worst times, when he and Luther hadn’t been paid in weeks, when tour buses were broken, retirement accounts plundered, a cashbox full of concert earnings torn open with a screwdriver, and Johnny Cash nowhere to be found.

“Don’t think I didn’t think about giving up. I called Etta a few times and said I’m coming home, because I couldn’t stand it. But she convinced me that if we didn’t keep doing what we were doing, everything would fall apart. That’s how it was.”

In his eponymous 1998 autobiography, Cash gives his dark side a name. He calls it “The Black Dog.” Grant simply calls that person “Johnny,” the hateful flipside of his friend J.R.

“He didn’t know what a lie was when he was straight. And he didn’t know what the truth was when he wasn’t,” Grant says. “When I finally got away from it all, it was a relief. ‘To hell with it all,’ I said. ‘I’ll stay home and play with my horses.'”

In 1980, the Tennessee Three dissolved, and Grant began managing the Statler Brothers. He says the transition was awkward at first, because the Statlers ran a tight ship and he’d grown accustomed to chaos.

Prior to joining the Statlers, Grant had received a letter from Cash listing the reasons his services were no longer required. He refuses to quote it because he doesn’t think his old friend meant the things he said when he was out of his mind, but it’s not difficult to divine at least some of the letter’s content. In the autobiography Cash, Johnny suggests — however diplomatically — that Marshall and Luther had kept him from performing more complex material.

“We had a partnership. I had just as much of a right to write him a letter,” Grant grumbles, the tone of his voice suggesting that the letter is still something of a sore spot.

In the 1980s, Grant found success with the Statlers. Cash, who’d scored hits in three decades with variations of his Memphis band, vanished from the charts. Except for songs recorded with the Highwaymen — Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson — the Man in Black was, in his own words, “invisible” throughout the Reagan era, and he wouldn’t cut another significant track until 1994’s American Recordings. This time around, it wasn’t speed that had him sidetracked, it was the painkillers he’d begun taking after sustaining injuries in a freak ostrich attack.

Grant eventually sued Cash for spreading the rumor that he’d stolen $1 million and taken kickbacks on “The Johnny Cash Show” travel arrangements. The case was settled out of court, but the friendship was strained almost beyond repair.

“I wouldn’t say there was animosity between John and myself, but we were two stubborn horses,” Grant says.

And Grant says the drugs only got worse. “When John was forced to get off the road, I was in Nashville setting up for a Christmas show with the Statlers. I picked up a USA Today and read that he was having problems. I called June right away. She said ‘Marshall, John says he wants to see you real bad.’ I went over to the Baptist hospital, and when I came in, [John] asked for everybody else to leave. And I looked at him, and I said, ‘Holy Christ.’ I hadn’t seen him in a long time, and he looked like the most worn-out person I’d ever seen. But we buried the hatchet right then and there. We buried it and threw it away. And from then on we stayed in close contact.”

While sitting for a photo shoot at Sun Studio, Grant starts plucking away on the vintage upright bass he’s been posing with. After a few lazy runs up and down the neck, he launches into “I Walk the Line.”

“You know, the first time I ever played that line, John says, ‘Marshall, what are you doing over there,’ and I said, ‘What do you think I’m doing, I’m learning how to play this big bastard.'” Grant says they wrote the rest of the song in the car that night.

“I’m not saying that on some of those long drives when I nodded off at the wheel that it wasn’t tempting to just take a pill,” Grant admits. And it certainly would have been easy. Cash took them. Luther Perkins, who died in 1968 after falling asleep with a lit cigarette in his mouth and a freshly caught fish in the sink, took them. Elvis took them. Jerry Lee took them.

“Of course, it was tempting,” Grant says. “But it wasn’t worth it. I saw what it was doing to John. And I always refused.”

There’s a suit that’s hung in Grant’s closet for more than 50 years. It’s not the unassuming outfit he wore in 1955, when he auditioned for Sam Phillips. It’s not one of those custom, rhinestone-studded confections hand-stitched by famed rodeo tailor Nudie Cohn. It’s a modest ensemble mailed to Memphis from North Carolina by Grant’s mother on the occasion of his 21st birthday. It’s a symbol of the values he learned singing gospel songs with his family, a monument to promises kept, and a constant reminder of what it really means to walk the line. And it’s blue, not black.

“My mama told me, ‘Every one of my boys who can make it to 21 without a taste of alcohol, I’ll get them a suit of clothes,” Grant says, blinking to rid his eyes of caustic jeweler’s dust that’s been gone for 60 years. “I’m 78 years old and strong as a bull. I don’t know the taste of beer, wine, or whiskey. I’ve never taken an illegal pill, never smoked a cigarette, and as of this past November, I’ve been married for 60 years. That’s not too bad.”