Book Features Books

Joseph Finder At Horseshoe Sunday

In The Moscow Club, he described a fictional coup in the Kremlin, and six months later, an actual coup in the Kremlin was attempted. In Extraordinary Powers, a high-level CIA mole was exposed, and shortly after, CIA mole Aldrich Ames was exposed. And in The Zero Hour, terrorists attack lower Manhattan, and several years later there was 9/ll.

Now there’s Power Play (St. Martin’s Press), Joseph Finder’s new thriller about the abduction of top corporate executives, who are held for the largest ransom in history. Real history in the making?

Anticipating top stories: That’s best-selling novelist Joseph Finder’s track record, and what John Grisham did for lawyers, according to Fortune magazine, and what John Le Carre did for spies, according to Malcom Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point and Blink), Finder now does for top businessmen. Find him in Tunica, when he signs Power Play at Horseshoe Casino on Sunday, August 26th, at 4:30 p.m.