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Music Video Monday: Heels

Today’s Music Video Monday is a slap in the face.

Like all musicians in Memphis, Heels has been in corona-hibernation the last two months. Without the opportunity to put their popular live act in front of people, they made a music video in the space where they stomp the hardest: The Hi-Tone.

Josh McLane and Brennan Whalen are no strangers to Music Video Monday’s Best Of list. This video does not disappoint. Directed with a complete disregard to continuity by McLane and produced and shot by Jared Callan, “Antics/I’ll Have a Name Soon” is as bracing as a hard slap to the face. Get some rock and roll:

Music Video Monday: Heels

If you’d like to see your music video on Music Video Monday, email

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Music Video Monday: Heels

Music Video Monday is burning down the house!

When Brennan Whalen and Josh McLean’s band punk duo Heels were tapped to appear in Beale Street Caravan’s I Listen To Memphis video series, director Christian Walker knew where to shoot them.

The Buccaneer was the Midtown music scene’s watering hole and home base before ownership troubles and a fire spelled the end of an era. Walker wanted to throw one more show at The Bucc before it’s torn down, and the new owners agreed.

Watch Heels perform their stomper “Off With Their Heads” on the front porch of the burned out bar, the last of thousands of shows that happened their over the decades. Give ’em a good sendoff, boys!

Music Video Monday: Heels

If you would like to see your music video featured on Music Video Monday, email