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Tennessee Legislators Hold Public Hearing On DEI Initiatives

As opponents of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)  initiatives are working to erase these practices from the workplace, state political leaders are working to emphasize their importance and effectiveness.

“In recent years, state Republican officials have cheered the Supreme Court ruling overturning affirmative action, passed several ‘divisive concepts’ laws targeting speech at K-12 public schools and colleges, proposed legislation to ban DEI policies at public universities, established a process to ban books, and threatened lawsuits against companies that employ DEI tactics,” the Tennessee Senate Democratic Caucus said in a statement.

Tennessee Senate Minority Leader Raumesh Akbari (D-Memphis) and House Minority Leader Karen Camper (D-Memphis) held a field hearing in Memphis on Monday at the National Civil Rights Museum. Akbari and Camper were joined by Representatives Justin J. Pearson (D-Memphis), Jesse Chism (D-Memphis), and Senator Sara Kyle (D-Memphis). During this hearing, legislators were able to hear from community and state advocates about the importance of DEI practices in their respective work.

Akbari said Memphis was the first stop on their “Freedom to Be Heard” tour and will head towards Nashville, and possibly a location in East Tennessee.

During the hearing Akbari said there are threats to DEI policies on the local and national level, and she and other lawmakers wanted to hear community input on programs and policies currently in place.

Veda Ajamu, chief DEI programs and community engagement officer at the National Civil Rights Museum said a major component of the museum’s success and vision is their ability to facilitate “tough conservations.” Ajamu said this includes “inequities that affect society,” and they address these by way of the Corporate Equity Center and community engagement programming.

Ajamu explained that the Corporate Equity Center uses the historical significance of the museum through “strategic programming” that seeks to “transform workplace environments.” The Corporate Equity Center currently has two programs to promote equitable decision-making — the C-Suite Initiative and the Unpacking Racism For Action program.

“The ongoing importance of this work lies in the transformative potential to challenge biases, promote equity, and foster a more inclusive and just society for generations to come,” Ajamu said. “It’s not just about honoring the past, but also about shaping a better future grounded in truth, justice, and respect for diverse histories and experiences.”

Michelle Taylor, director of the Shelby County Health Department said racial disparities are also apparent in healthcare, and that these disparities are the result of systemic inequities as well. For context, she told an anecdote about how the health department had historically used unequal practices for vital record keeping for Black and white patients. 

“Elected officials understand how important vital records are,” Taylor said. “Vital records are used by local, state, and federal officials to make decisions about funding … If they [health department] were color categorizing between 1901 and 1971, we also know those funding decisions were different based on race.” 

Taylor said the amount of health issues and disparities apparent in the community are a result of an “uphill  battle” that started years ago. She added that this is also evident in geographical inequities, where Black residents are disproportionately affected by certain health epidemics such as lead poisoning, infant mortality, and life expectancy.

Others explained the importance of DEI outreach in their programs and businesses such as FedEx and the Mid-South Minority Business Council Continuum. The Tennessee Education Association (TEA) also gave insight into the education sector.

TEA executive director Terrance J. Gibson said they are currently suing the state education department and school board regarding the “Prohibited Concepts Ban,” which “prohibits the inclusion or promotion of 14 ‘prohibited concepts’ dealing with race.”

“Curriculum should not be legislated by individuals who are not in the classroom,” Gibson added. He said these “divisive concepts” cause educators to not teach with “integrity and honesty.” 

Latrell Bryant, an English as a second language instructor at Treadwell Elementary school, urged  lawmakers to fight to make Black history education accessible after sharing her personal experience in a “neighboring school district,” where the “politics and racial makeup” were “quite different from what Shelby County is.”

Bryant was able to teach African American history, however her tenure coincided with the implementation of the Divisive Concepts Law, which made it harder for her to teach her students. She decided to leave the school in a decision to not constantly have to battle people with “differing politics.”

“There are students out there in the state of Tennessee in remote areas — not just the urban areas — who want to learn about Black history voluntarily,” Bryant said. “If there is anything you [legislators] can do to make sure we are able to continue to do that please do so.”

News News Blog News Feature

Stockard: Memphis Crime Bill Shocks

Promises, promises. This wouldn’t be the first time they’re broken.

Rep. John Gillespie (R-Bartlett) swore on the House floor Thursday he didn’t tell the family of slain motorist Tyre Nichols’ he would postpone a policing bill they oppose until next week when they could return to the Capitol. That claim brought an accusation from Rep. Justin J. Pearson (D-Memphis) that Gillespie lied to the family (and a subsequent rebuke that amounted to nothing).

Nichols’ parents, Rodney and RowVaughn Wells, also sent out a statement Thursday urging Senators to vote against the bill when it reaches the upper chamber and reiterated what Pearson said, that Gillespie told them not to visit Nashville because he didn’t plan to bring the bill to the floor.

The Wellses visited the legislature Monday lobbying against Gillespie’s bill, which would turn back a Memphis City Council ordinance designed to prevent police officers from making “pretextual” stops such as pulling over motorists for a bad tail light. The Wellses believe their son, Tyre, would be alive if such an ordinance had been in place in January 2023 when police stopped him and beat him (the incident is on video). He later died.

Gillespie responded by postponing the bill until Thursday and attaching an amendment — which is usually a no-no on the floor — making the bill apply only to “pretextual” stops. In other words, police would still make them in Memphis and statewide.

Several Memphis Democrats questioned whether he told the Wellses he would delay the bill until they could return to the Capitol, which is more than three hours from Memphis.

Rodney and RowVaughn Wells, parents of the late Tyre Nichols, at a Monday press conference speaking out against a bill to overrule a local government measure to limit traffic stops of the type that resulted in Nichols’ death. (Photo: John Partipilo, Tennessee Lookout)
“They were told it would be presented next Thursday. John lied to them,” said Rep. Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) of Rep. John Gillespie. (Photo: John Partipilo/Tennessee Lookout)
Rep. Gloria Johnson hugs RowVaughn Wells, mother of the late Tyre Nichols. (Photo: John Partipilo/Tennessee Lookout)

Gillespie contended his community is “begging” for safer streets and refused to give in, saying the bill needed to pass immediately to cut Memphis crime.

Afterward, he said he texted Mr. Wells during Thursday’s session to let him know he was moving forward with the bill and received no response.

“I feel horrible that they feel this way. But I told them this bill was on the calendar today and that my intention was adding an amendment if I was allowed,” Gillespie said.

Regardless of who said what and when, Gillespie could have put it off again. Democrats practically begged him for a delay.

But the second-termer who succeeded the late Rep. Jim Coley wouldn’t budge — buoyed by supermajority Republicans. And two efforts by Towns to force postponement failed.

Eventually, the House voted along party lines to adopt Gillespie’s bill, bringing yet more criticism from Pearson.

“They were told it would be presented next Thursday. John lied to them,” Pearson told the Lookout later, basically the same thing he said on the floor.

The Wellses issued a statement later Thursday saying the legislation is a “dangerous step back in the fight for accountability, transparency and justice within law enforcement.” They consider the Memphis ordinances a “part of Tyre’s legacy,” intended to build trust between law enforcement and residents and prevent tragic deaths.

The Senate is likely to follow the House on this issue, even though Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) isn’t enthusiastic about several other constitutionally questionable measures emanating from the lower chamber.

The real question, however, is whether Memphis police will follow the legislature’s orders if the bill becomes law or stick with the Memphis City Council directive to limit “pretextual” stops, those in which officers pull over vehicles to make a “speculative” investigation unconnected to the reason for the stop, and not for enforcing traffic laws.

Some folks call it stereotyping or “driving while Black,” and the U.S. Department of Justice saw enough problems with Memphis policing policy to investigate last year.

But the city council, worn out with traffic stops turning into killings, took things into their own hands and prohibited “pretextual” policing. 

It sounds like something the police department should have done years ago. But in the majority minority city on the banks of the Mississippi, change comes slowly — if at all.

Tennessee Lookout is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Tennessee Lookout maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Holly McCall for questions: Follow Tennessee Lookout on Facebook and Twitter.

At Large Opinion

Blood Simple

This is a story about nazis, the rock group Paramore, a folk singer, and the GOP members of the Tennessee State House. Bear with me. It all comes together in the end.

First, the nazis: Last Saturday afternoon, a group of 30 or so white men demonstrated on the grounds of the state capitol in Nashville. They carried nazi flags, wore face masks (naturally), and red T-shirts proclaiming that they were members of a group called “Blood Tribe.” They then walked in loose formation down Broadway, along sidewalks filled with tourists.

The march was videoed by dozens of people, including by one brave stalwart who walked alongside the group, screaming, “Cowards!! Cowards!! Show your faces!!” They didn’t because — duh — they’re cowards. That video was posted on X and went viral.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Blood Tribe members exalt Hitler as a deity, a reincarnation of the Norse god Wotan. They are “a hard-core white supremacist group, that sees themselves as the last remaining bulwark against enemies of the white race and the only path to a white ethno-state.” Blood Tribe members “emphasize hyper-masculinity,” and the group does not allow female members.

Here’s my favorite part: Once accepted into the Blood Tribe, “members take part in an initiation ceremony during which they cut themselves using the group’s ceremonial spear and then rub their blood on the shaft of the spear.” Uh huh.

Also possibly notable is the fact that the group’s first public demonstration was in March 2023, when they protested a drag queen story hour in Wadsworth, Ohio. According to news reports, attendees “wore matching red sweaters, waved swastika flags, and held a banner that read, ‘There will be blood.’” No word on whether their shoes matched their outfits.

But there’s really nothing funny about nazis, no matter how un-self-aware they are, unless hyper-toxic masculinity and ignorant racism amuse you. These guys are evil thugs, even if they are afraid to show their faces.

Among many others catching the nazis on phone video last Saturday were state Representative Justin Pearson of Memphis and state Representative Justin Jones of Nashville — the two Black members of the “Tennessee Three” who were excommunicated from the state legislature last summer for advocating for gun reform in the House chamber. Pearson and Jones (who were reinstated by special elections) both denounced the Blood Tribe march and referenced their GOP colleagues in their X posts about the group.

Jones said: “This is exactly what my Republican colleagues’ hate speech is fostering and inviting.” Pearson said: “Tragically, [the Blood Tribe’s] views are shared by many who I serve alongside on the other side of the aisle.”

Too harsh, you say? This is where Paramore and the folk singer come in. The Nashville-based rock band won Grammys for Best Rock Album and Best Alternative Music Performance. The folksinger, also from Nashville, was Allison Russell, who won a Grammy for Best American Roots Performance. Jones made what is typically a perfunctory consent calendar resolution — noncontroversial motions that the legislature passes en masse — to honor both artists for their awards.

But, oops. Nope. GOP House Speaker Jeremy Faison removed the resolution honoring Russell from the consent calendar, saying he had been approached by other GOP members with questions about Russell “which made it appropriate for us to press pause on that particular resolution.”

What questions? He couldn’t say. Here’s a guess: Russell is Black. The members of Paramore are white. The GOP reps decided to “press pause” on the Black woman because as they have shown time and time again, they are country-ass, cousin-humpin’ racist tools. In a real democracy, you could put that resolution on the consent calendar and take it to the bank.

Too harsh? I’m pretty sure Faison doesn’t like it when people bring up the 2022 incident in which he ran onto a basketball court during a game (between two “Christian” academies, no less) and attempted to “de-pants a referee” because he disagreed with a call. Probably should have pressed pause on that move, Jeremy.

To their credit, the lead singer of Paramore said the group would decline the “honor” from the legislature unless Russell was also honored. Oh, and if you’re still wondering about that “press pause” business? Last year, Russell criticized GOP legislators for enacting legislation targeting LGBTQ rights and banning drag shows.

Huh. How did we nazi that one coming?

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Special Session Day 2: Reps. Pearson and Jones Get Icy Reception from Speaker Sexton

The Tennessee House of Representatives chamber was hot Tuesday but the vibe from the Speaker’s seat was icy cold at times, particularly when aimed at two-thirds of The Tennessee Three. 

The House returned to business Tuesday morning after officially gaveling in the special session on public safety late Monday afternoon. That session brought some contentious rules from Republican lawmakers that sought to limit protests and limited what lawmakers could and could not say. 

Back on the House floor Tuesday at 9 a.m., lawmakers organized the business of the session — what bills were assigned to committees and which legislators would comprise those committees. 

The road to the moment was violent and turbulent. A Nashville school shooting claimed the lives of three nine-year-old students and three adults. Police also shot and killed the shooter. Protestors swarmed the Capitol in April, begging and shaming lawmakers for action on gun reform. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee promised a special session on gun violence that many of his own party did not support. Once called, busloads of protestors and gun-reform advocates piled into buses to Nashville, where they rallied, marched, chanted, and sang. 

While the moment in the House chamber Tuesday was serious, lawmakers are people, too. Discussing unfinished business, Rep. Joe Towns (D-Memphis) maybe took liberties with procedure and addressed an elephant in the room. 

“Look, I know Tennessee is not broke,” Towns began. “We’ve got plenty of money. Why is it so hot in this joint? This building is burning up.” 

To that, House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) said his office had been working with maintenance staff to get the air conditioning turned back on in the building. Towns reminded the Speaker that Tennessee is a right to work state and that “we need to fire somebody.” The light-hearted comment brought chuckles in the chamber. 

Rep. Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) did not get such a straight answer or warm reception from Sexton when he asked a similar question later in the floor session.

Pearson was sworn back in to his office Monday. That came after he and Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) were expelled from the House earlier this year for a floor protest advocating gun reform. The national attention of the act brought heat to Sexton and the state GOP, and Jones and Pearson would continue to be a thorn in their sides. 

If this wasn’t enough to cool the relationship between Pearson and Sexton, consider that two weeks ago, Pearson flatly called Sexton a “racist” in a Memphis Flyer story. To say the least, an exchange between the two Tuesday was contentious.

“I know we were talking earlier about air conditioning and things like that, but we’ve had lots of people coming to the Capitol to protest, and have their voices heard in this extreme heat and in this weather, and the water fountains here at the at the Capitol seem to have been turned off or not working,” Pearson said to Sexton, asking for information. 

“That’s an inaccurate statement; that is not accurate,” Sexton said, quickly. “We’ve checked. That’s been a misrepresentation.” He, then, quickly moved on to recognize another lawmaker. 

Not satisfied with the answer, however, Pearson later asked Sexton to clarify what he meant about the water fountains. Sexton said to his knowledge the water fountains were never turned off. On its face, the exchange seems simple. But just under the surface were hints at, perhaps, some possible GOP conspiracy to make the Capitol uncomfortable for those seeking gun control. Sexton’s quick and icy demeanor on the question seemed to hint that he knew an accusation lurked beneath the question.  

Later, during an exchange with Jones, Sexton’s icy demeanor returned, this time showing him flex his legislative muscle with procedural rules on topics he seemingly wanted to avoid. 

“I’m still seeking an answer as to whether members who were stripped of committee [assignments] will be restored to their rightful committees that you removed them from on April 3rd,” Jones began. Sexton immediately gaveled down the question, saying “you’re out of order” before Jones finished speaking. 

Sexton moved on quickly but Jones asked why his question was out of order and why Sexton silenced his microphone. Instead of replying himself, Sexton let the House clerk explain to Jones that the body was on unfinished business and his question fell outside the scope of discussion. 

“So members can ask about the heat in the building, but I I can’t ask about committees [that] constituents sent me here to represent them on?” Jones asked. ”Is that that what you’re telling me?”

Sexton, again, dodged the question, allowing the clerk to explain again about rules, finally explaining that “the House Speaker makes rulings on what is in order and not in order.” Sexton quickly moved on to other business. 

If anything, the exchanges set the tone for what promises to be a turbulent session, even one so limited to a narrow slate of topics (that does not include gun reform). And it all happened before any real discussion began on the actual, meaty topics before the Tennessee General Assembly. 

Committees have been scheduled on both the House and Senate sides of the legislature. Many of them are set to get underway Wednesday. The House isn’t set to meet for floor votes until noon Thursday.

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Special Session Day 1: House GOP Passes Rules Restricting Speech, Limiting Public Access

Tennessee House Republicans passed a set of rules allowing them to silence lawmakers deemed disruptive, off-topic or who “impugn the reputation” of another member during this week’s special legislative session. 

The new rules are an attempt by Republican lawmakers to find a way to stop Reps. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, and Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, from disrupting proceedings without expelling them or running afoul of the state constitution, which requires the two men to be able to vote in person on the House floor. 

“The rules that are being put forward now are to limit freedom of speech,” Pearson said during the debate over them. “It’s not just limiting the freedom of speech of representatives. You are limiting the freedom of speech of our constituents.”

Earlier this year, Jones and Pearson used a bullhorn to take over the House floor and protest a lack of response to gun violence following a mass shooting that killed six at the Covenant School in Nashville.

Republican lawmakers expelled the two for their actions, but local governments and voters swiftly returned the two men to their House seats, removing expulsion as a deterrent.

Gov. Bill Lee called this week’s legislative in response to the Covenant shooting but has restricted lawmakers from discussing any gun-related legislation.

The rules that are being put forward now are to limit freedom of speech. It’s not just limiting the freedom of speech of representatives. You are limiting the freedom of speech of our constituents.

– Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis

Lee will allow lawmakers to discuss 18 topics, which include ways to strengthen criminal justice laws and address mental health issues. He will also enable them to discuss a red-flag law to remove guns from this deemed a risk, but no House or Senate Republican has sponsored such a bill. 

Democrats have criticized the special session for not allowing lawmakers to debate some form of gun control. The Covenant shooter had three guns in their possession, including an AR-15 military-style rifle. 

As part of the special session and new rules, Republican lawmakers restricted public access to the Capitol building, legislative offices and House floor. 

A cap was set for how many people could enter the Capitol, and members of the public won’t be allowed to carry signs while in the House gallery. 

House Republicans also closed off one of the two galleries from the public, allowing only credentialed guests like media members, legislative staff and lobbyists. 

In the past, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, could cut off a lawmaker’s microphone if he determined they were disruptive, off-topic or personally insulted a House member when commenting or asking a question during the debate of a bill.

Sexton had exercised this authority several times with Jones, Pearson, and the occasional Republican lawmaker. But, the new rules allow Sexton and the Republican supermajority to escalate the punishments.  House Majority Leader William Lamberth. (Photo: John Partipilo)

“Stick to the bill, stick to the policy,” House Majority Leader William Lamberth, R-Portland, said advocating for the rules. “Let’s stay on the issue and not insult each other.”

The rules give House lawmakers three strikes on disruptions. A House member can’t debate or make remarks on the floor for three days after the first time Sexton deems them disruptive. On the second offense, it’s six days of silence and a third offense results in a ban for the rest of the special session. 

When a member is off-topic, the rules give lawmakers four strikes before they are silenced for the rest of the special session. On the first offense, the lawmaker’s mic is cut off. On the second offense, the speaker won’t recognize the lawmaker on the House floor for three days, and on the third offense, it’s no recognization for six days. 

When a lawmaker “impugns the reputation of another member” the House will take a vote on remark without debate. If the House determines the lawmaker insulted a member the same four-strike rules as being off-topic apply.

House Rules of Extraordinary Session 8.1.23

Tennessee Lookout is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Tennessee Lookout maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Holly McCall for questions: Follow Tennessee Lookout on Facebook and Twitter.

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Star Struck, Neverending Elvis, and Word Up

Memphis on the internet.


Al Roker was starstruck recently. Leaving a TED Countdown Summit on climate change in Detroit, he ran into Tennessee state Representative Justin Pearson.

“I got to meet one of the #twojustins from Tennessee,” Roker wrote on Facebook.

The other Justin, of course, is state Representative Justin Jones. Both Justins were expelled from and reinstated to the Tennessee House of Representatives this year for protests on gun violence.

Never-ending Elvis

Posted to Palaeontologia Electronica

A story in the most recent issue of Cosmos reads, “Scientists have named a new species of pterodactyl with a distinctive pompadour-looking crest on its skull — earning it the nickname ‘Elvis.’” That is all.

Word Up

Photo: Ansley Murphy

An answer on Wordle, The New York Times’ still wildly successful word game, was worth a couple of digital high fives in the Flyer Slack channel last week. The answer? FLYER. Take a win where you can get it, folks.

Politics Politics Feature

Highs and Lows

Back in the early fall of 2021, the Tennessee legislature, meeting in special session, voted to subject the powers of health departments in home-rule counties — like Shelby (Memphis) or Davidson (Nashville) — to veto-like controls by the state health department.

That action, taken at the still virulent height of the Covid pandemic amid controversies over masking and school shutdowns, was the most notable action of that special session.

Another important change was voted in with conspicuously less fanfare. The General Assembly, dominated then as now by Republican supermajorities in both houses, also struck down prohibitions against partisan elections for school boards, allowing school districts, anywhere in Tennessee, to have partisan school board primaries at their own discretion.

At the time, the Democratic and Republican parties of Shelby County opted not to avail themselves of the primary option.

That’s all changed now. The Democratic Party of Shelby County, chair Lexie Carter confirms, has informed the Election Commission that it intends to conduct primaries in March to determine official party candidates for the five Shelby County Schools seats to be voted on next year.

Shelby GOP chair Cary Vaughn, in noting that the county’s Republicans will not follow suit, said, “We are Republican strong [sic] through the municipalities and suburban areas pertaining to school board races. These communities know their leaders, and they know exactly who to support. We are giving them the freedom and flexibility to do so.”

The partisan primaries for other Shelby County offices stem from a 1992 decision by the local GOP, then marginally more populated, to try to steal a march on the Democrats.

• Some Shelby Countians have ulterior motives for this year’s scheduled special session of the legislature, set for this August after the spring’s gun massacre at a Nashville Christian school and intended to “strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights”

The headline of a message being sent around by various conservatives sets forth their desire: “Let’s Get Rid of Steve Mulroy Before Labor Day 2023!” Maintaining that violent crime has increased “geometrically” in recent months, the message proclaims that first-term Democratic DA Mulroy “as the top law enforcement officer in the county … is accountable for this increase.”

The message, being circulated petition-style, urges those who agree to go to a state government website and argue for including that premise — technically, an “impeachment” procedure, spoken to in Article VI, Section 6, of the state constitution and requiring a two-thirds majority vote of both houses — as part of the forthcoming session.

On its face, the effort lacks credibility, both in its premises and in its prospects. A “nothingburger,” summarized Mulroy, on the same day that he and Memphis Police Chief C.J. Davis had announced a dramatic series of new arrests and indictments in a joint effort to combat organized “smash and grab” retail burglaries, and it has clearly not gathered any traction.

But it is apparently not the most ridiculous effort aimed at Mulroy. Still to be confirmed is the reality of an offer, allegedly being considered by a hyper-wealthy Memphian, notorious already from previous bizarre actions, to provide the DA with $1 million, plus an additional $200,000 offer for each year of his vacated term, to take leave of his office voluntarily now.

What’s the saying? “Fat chance.”

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Rep. Justin Pearson Talks Gun Reform, Leaked GOP Audio

Shortly after being sworn in on Thursday, the Tennessee Holler leaked audio of what Rep. Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) referred to as  the “internal discussions the Republican party had, and has had since the expulsion of myself and Representative Jones.”

“We’re dealing with a culture at the state house that suppresses the rights of the minority, regardless of whether their actions are morally right or factually justifiable,” Pearson said. “That’s what we’re up against. People who are wielding and abusing their power against voices of dissent – against voices that are advocating for the people.”

Pearson explained that there is a responsibility to hold those elected leaders accountable, and to continue “personal advocacy” for just laws and legislation.

The Flyer spoke with Pearson about gun reform and the experiences that shaped his stance. — Kailynn Johnson

How would you describe the past few days?

In the past few days we’ve seen the movement for the end of gun violence and the need to preserve our democracy rising, and it’s been a powerful display of people power in Shelby County, across the state of Tennessee, and our country. It reinstills my sense of determination that we are on the right side of this fight.

You said that you feel like we’re on the right side of the fight, but what are you hoping for in Tennessee in terms of gun reform, and how would you like to see that shape up for the rest of the country?

I think what we would like to see are more just laws passed by the Tennessee state legislature that deal with the injustices as it relates to gun violence. We’re living under a gun violence epidemic in Memphis, Millington, Shelby County, District 86, across our state and country.

The resolution that has been offered by many people is to just keep things the same and pray they get better, instead of investing resources into changing the status quo to help support our communities, to make them safer.

We know that those opportunities, or options are out there, but the Republican party of Tennessee has committed itself to expel the voices of dissent that don’t want to have the [National Rifle Association] and gun lobbyist associations guide policy making, and instead want the people of Tennessee to guide policy making.

Have any of your experiences shaped your stance on gun reform?

This January I lost my classmate, Larry Thorn, to gun violence in Memphis, in Westwood, District 86. Larry and I graduated, but at the same time he was a beloved son, friend, grandson, and an amazing support to students at A. Maceo Walker Middle School.

He was shot. We were the same age, and yet I have the opportunity to become an elected official, and serve in the state house and Larry is gone. It isn’t fair, it is not right, it’s not just, and it’s not the way it has to be.

Everybody in this Republican supermajority, who are consistently advocating that there’s nothing more that we can do other than tolerate injustices like what happened to Larry, they’re wrong. The majority of people in our community are advocating for just laws to be passed as it relates to gun violence. Over 70 percent of people are advocating that we have laws that deal with gun safety storage, laws that deal with preventing people who shouldn’t have guns, and we have overwhelming support encompassing gun legislation.

We have to deal with a reality that in our community, people today have access to guns, and we’re going to have to take intentional efforts on preventing gun violence to stop people who have access to guns today, from ever using them to commit harm and crimes on folks. That’s going to require a much more holistic approach than we have seen in the past. It’s going to require us to think differently about preventing gun violence and to think differently about how we have gotten to where we are, which isn’t a good place for many of us, for all of us in fact. We are not safer because of the laws that are currently in place such as permitless carry.

With this issue being personal to you, is that what prompted you to take an active stance regarding gun laws? I know you said that you are an elected official, but you also actively advocated on the floor.

It was mostly the killing of six people at The Covenant School in Nashville, and the silence  of people in the State Capitol to thousands of protesters who were asking us to do something, and the remembering of my own classmate, as a remembering of my mentor. Last year, Dr. Yvonne Nelson, who was killed by gun violence, urged me …. to go on the floor and say that we have to say something, and we have to listen to the people who have shown up here in our capitol to be heard.

It was silence — outside of one speech — that day on the issue of ending gun violence. There was complete silence from [House Speaker Rep. Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville)] and leaders of the Republican party, and any members who wanted to speak about the issue were told they were out of order, including myself. So, it became important for us to raise this issue, the best we knew how. In this case that was making sure that we stuck to our oath, of dissenting to the status quo and supporting our community that wants for us to speak.

Now that you’ve been reinstated, what are your next steps?

One of the first things that we’re already working on are 15 bills as it relates to ending gun violence in Tennessee, including making the executive order from Governor Bill Lee law, and passing red flag laws, similar to what Rep. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) passed in the past few sessions.

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Federal Lawmakers Call for DOJ Review of Tennessee Three Episode

Federal lawmakers are calling for the Department of Justice to investigate the expulsion of two Tennessee state lawmakers after a peaceful gun-control protest on the House floor two weeks ago. 

Three Tennessee House members — Rep. Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), Rep. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), and Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) — faced expulsion from the body last week by the Republican supermajority that claimed the three broke decorum rules. Johnson, who is white, survived the vote. Jones and Pearson, who are Black, were expelled. Both Jones and Pearson were returned to the House by local government bodies in Nashville and Memphis.   

Now, five U.S. Senators, including Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), asked the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to review the episode. They want to know if there were any violations of the United States Constitution or federal civil rights laws. 

“Silencing legislators on the basis of their views or their participation in protected speech or protest is antithetical to American democracy and values,” the Senators said in a Wednesday letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. “We cannot allow states to cite minor procedural violations as pretextual excuses to remove democratically elected representatives, especially when these expulsions may have been at least partially on the basis of race. Allowing such behavior sets a dangerous — and undemocratic — precedent.”

The senators want to know if the Tennessee General Assembly violated the rights of “tens of thousands of of Tennessee citizens” to be “represented by the legislators of their choice.” They also want to know if the body violated the rights of Pearson and Jones under constitutional protections against discrimination. 

“The Tennessee state legislature has reportedly never previously expelled a member over purely procedural violations,” reads the letter. “Instead, previous expulsions have involved serious allegations of ethical or criminal misconduct. In taking this radical action, rather than responding to the intolerable violence inflicted upon a Tennessee community, the Tennessee House of Representatives chose to silence Black members of their own body who were protesting nonviolently, in response to violence.”

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis) has also asked for an investigation of the situation. He wrote to Garland Thursday calling the votes to expel the two a “disproportionate response to the Representatives’ breach of decorum.” For this, Cohen cited his 24 years of service in the Tennessee state Senate prior to his terms in the U.S. House. 

“While all three Representatives violated the rules of the House in their advocacy, expulsion is disproportionate discipline,” Cohen wrote. “The expulsion of a legislator from a legislative body inherently substitutes the judgment of other legislators for that of the district’s constituents. 

“It should be reserved for conduct that is so egregious that it makes the elected official unfit to serve. The Tennessee House of Representatives, however, removed Representatives Jones and Pearson for ‘disorderly’ conduct after protesting gun violence. 

“This chilling event may have deprived these state legislators of their constitutional rights and, just as significantly, the rights of their constituents to be fully represented in the state legislature. The Tennessee House of Representatives has only expelled members twice since the Civil War. Those instances were very different.”

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Leaked Audio: GOP House Members In-Fighting Over Ouster Vote

After last week’s vote by state House Republicans to expel Democrats Justin Pearson, Justin Jones, and Gloria Johnson over their gun-safety demonstration on the House floor, there were recriminations to be had.

In particular, GOP state Rep. Jody Barrett (R-Dickson) had to fend off his Republican colleagues for his ‘no’ vote to expel Gloria Johnson. That vote caused the expel resolution in her case to fail, and for the GOP members to be assailed for racism.

Besides Barrett, the GOP talkers are Jason Zachary, Knoxville, who begins by saying, “The Democrats are not our friends”; Johnny Garrett, Goodlettsville; Majority Leader William Lamberth, Portland; and Scott Cepicky, Culleoka. Cepicky is the one who believes the outcome of things is a threat to the existence of the Republic and who maintains, “You got to be what’s right, even if you think it’s wrong.”

Listen to the bitching and moaning here, courtesy of the Tennessee Holler. It speaks for itself.