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Music Video Monday: Process of Suffocation

It’s Music Music Video Monday. Let’s get metal. 

On their Facebook page, Memphis metal band Process of Suffocation are clear about their genre: TOTAL DEATH METAL. King Cadaver and Baphomet pound out brutal rhythms and buzz saw ruffs designed to do one thing: melt faces. Not only that, but King Cadaver’s menacing growl delivers the vocals (“VOKILLS”) entirely in Spanish! What’s not to love? 

The music video for “El Libro Nigro” was directed by Kyle Baker and George Hancock. A Satanic priest (Jeff Dodson) gets more than he bargained for when he picks the wrong pair of victims (Katie Lapsy and Kate Hite) for his sacrifice. I guess that’s just an occupational hazard when you work in the Satanic temple. 

Music Video Monday: Process of Suffocation

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