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Music Video Monday: “What’s Louder Than Love?” by Mark Edgar Stuart

Memphis folk-rock stalwart and MVM frequent flyer Mark Edgar Stuart‘s got a new album coming out called Until We Meet Again. “It’s a quasi-concept album about life, love, and afterlife,” he says.

The lead single, “What’s Louder Than Love?” exemplifies the mood of the record, which Stuart calls “Nothing too heavy, and nothing too personal … My past videos have been melancholy, so this time I wanted to come out swinging with something upbeat and light-hearted. I figured after the past two years we’ve had, who wants to hear more sad shit?”

Bassist Landon Moore directed the video. “It was 100 percent his vision,” says Stuart. “All I did was just walk around Midtown and hang out with some of my favorite Memphis people — mostly those who worked on the record like my two producers Reba Russell and Dawn Hopkins, plus musician pals Will Sexton and Shawn Zorn. There’s tons of great cameos too including Keith Sykes, Jerry Phillips, and Matt Ross-Spang … Making this video was an absolute hoot. My favorite scene is Steve Selvidge and Rod Norwood airing out their Facebook rivalry on camera.”

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Music Music Features

Rockin’ Troubador: Jerry Phillips on John Prine and the Pink Cadillac Sessions

When you’re with Memphis songwriters and John Prine comes up, you can tell he’s made an indelible mark on them. Last year I spoke with Keith Sykes, who recited Prine’s lyrics off the top of his head. “The first words out of his mouth, professionally speaking, were: ‘While digesting Reader’s Digest in the back of a dirty bookstore, a plastic flag with gum on the back fell out on the floor. I picked it up and wiped it off and slapped it on my window shield. If I could see old Betsy Ross, I’d tell her how good I feel.’ You ask what makes a good song. Well, when you hear something like that the first time, you don’t think. You just know this is good. It’s contemporary, even today. And that was on his first record, that he cut in Memphis — at Chips’ [Moman] studio, American.”

Sykes added, “He also did Common Sense here, and he did Pink Cadillac here. He’s done a bunch of stuff in Memphis, and he loves it down here.”

Diane Duncan Phillips

(above, left to right) Billy Lee Riley, Jerry Phillips, John Prine, Knox Phillips

Indeed, Prine, who passed away last week from complications related to COVID-19, redefined his career more than once in Memphis, especially in the latter example, when recording Pink Cadillac at Phillips Recording Studio. Hearing stories of its making from Jerry Phillips, who co-produced the record with brother Knox (with an assist from paterfamilias Sam), sheds some light on just how much Memphis resonated with the songwriter. The album, an eclectic mix of rock-and-roll, funk, and country styles, with only half the tracks being originals, decisively stamped Prine’s identity as something more than your typical troubadour. I spoke with Phillips recently about all the juicy details.

Memphis Flyer: By 1979, John Prine was well established as a folk-centric songwriter. He was expected to play an acoustic guitar with a lot of finger picking. So Pink Cadillac must have thrown the industry for a loop.

Jerry Phillips: Yeah, it did. John wanted to do something different, and he picked the right people because the Phillips family has never followed the beaten path on anything. We weren’t just going to cut another folk album. Those are great, don’t get me wrong, but to cut another folksy John Prine album like all the rest of ’em would have been of no interest to any of us.

You know, I don’t think John had ever cut an album with his own band. So that’s what he wanted to do. We rented him an apartment, fully furnished, and he stayed in Memphis for three months, him and his whole band. It was crazy. We cut 30 songs on that session. We were supposed to cut 12! And we had everybody from the Everly Brothers to Billy Lee Riley dropping by the studio. There were some other things going on, too, we don’t want to talk about …

MF: I’ve read there were 500 hours of tape cut at that time.What happened with all the extra stuff that didn’t make it to the album? Has any of it come out?

JP: Well, we have it in storage. Knox kept the tape machines running, basically, the whole time the session was going on. And a lot of that stuff, he re-cut. The next album was Storm Windows, and we had already cut that song, “Storm Windows,” in our sessions. But yeah, we’ve got lots of 16 track on John Prine.

MF: The record has proven its longevity. It’s more respected now than reviews at the time would suggest.

JP: Rolling Stone panned that album bad. They said it was the worst John Prine album ever. And The New York Times review [by Robert Palmer] said it was one of his best. So that made all of us feel kinda good. We had defied the corporate mentality in making that record, and the fact that the record company basically hated it [laughs], we thought that was great.

But we weren’t trying to be insane. We were trying to cut a good record. Just one that went off in a different direction. John loved Sam. He would talk about the evangelical fervor he had in the studio. And we can’t leave out my brother Knox, who has his own wild way of producing. Sam only came in for a couple of days. Knox called Sam and said, “You’ve got to come in. This guy sings so bad, you’re gonna love him.” And he didn’t mean he sang off key, but that he sang so different. Like every one of Sam’s artists.

John Prine was no chicken shit, but on “Saigon” and that stuff, we had to really pull it out of him. Sam would say, “Put some sex into it! Slow it down and put some damn sex into it!” Because he was in a different genre than what he was used to. But he pulled it off. I don’t think there was ever a record like that before or since!

John came by the studio last year, and we sat in the mastering room with Jeff Powell while he cut John a brand-new, fresh vinyl master 45 of “Saigon” and “How Lucky,” the two songs Sam recorded on him back then. Both of us had tears in our eyes, listening to that stuff. Because it was a pivotal part of his life, and mine, too.

Cover Feature News

Memphis: City of Song … and Songwriters

Jocelyn “Jozzy” Donald is recalling her mother’s glory days in the recording industry. “She was a singer with Hi Records, with Willie Mitchell producing. She had a group called Janet and the Jays, back in the day. Boo Mitchell knows my whole family.”

It’s the kind of memory a family can treasure, a brush with greatness, a bit of immortality on vinyl. The group not only worked with a producer who became legendary, they recorded songs by writers like Don Bryant and William Bell, masters of their craft. They too have become legendary, though Janet and the Jays fans would only have seen their names in the very small print below the songs’ titles. That’s just how songwriters were credited. In the age of streaming, the people who composed the music are often completely unacknowledged (though the Sound Credit platform designed by Memphis’ own Soundways is trying to change that).

Chris Paul Thompson

Jocelyn “Jozzy” Donald

The lack of public credit given songwriters is all too apparent when I ask Boo Mitchell if he remembers Jozzy and her family. “Sure!” he says. “She writes music herself. I recorded some of her first stuff in the four-track room at Royal Studios.” It’s yet another moment in the big small town of Memphis, where everyone seems to know everyone else. But he’s not ready when I toss out another factoid: that a song she co-wrote is currently the No. 1 song in the nation — a little number called “Old Town Road.”

Matt White

Don Bryant

“Really?” he exclaims. “Good for her!”

It’s a Memphis thing. Great songwriters are crawling out of the woodwork, and most of us don’t even realize it.

Jamie Harmon

William Bell

In the case of Jozzy, it’s a tale many years in the making. “My brother became a recording artist but got locked up. So I pretty much took his whole love of music and just ran with it. That’s what happened with me falling in love with music. I started working at this studio called Traphouse, with DJ Larry Live. He’s actually Yo Gotti’s right-hand man now. He had a studio on Highland, right near the University of Memphis, and I used to go over there and write. That was where I got my start. I was still at Germantown High School then. All the rappers in the city knew me as the girl who wrote hooks. I was just the hook girl.”

Word of her prolific creativity got around, and before long she was working with famed producer Timbaland in Miami. Then came a move to Los Angeles and being signed to Columbia Records as an artist in her own right. It was then that her label mate, Lil Nas X, found he needed a hand supplementing a song he’d already written and released.

“Old Town Road,” his song of determination in the face of alienation, made use of the old pop trope of the African-American cowboy, which dates at least as far back as the Coasters or Jamaican dub legends the Upsetters. But having a banjo-driven track with Western themes wasn’t enough for the Nashville establishment to recognize the song as a legitimate entry on the country charts. So Lil Nas X upped the ante and actually featured a country star in a remix of the song. That’s where Jozzy came in to write an extra verse for the cameo.

“I just love that Billy Ray Cyrus really stood behind us,” says Jozzy of the star she ended up writing a passage for in the remix. “Because Billy Ray went through the same thing with ‘Achy Breaky Heart,’ which they also took off the country charts. So he could relate to it. And really, the controversy added to the greatness of the song, but I hate that the country music industry had to act like that. Still, new country artists like Keith Urban are supporting this song.”

Indeed, country fans even love it. When Cyrus brought Lil Nas X out for the song at the recent Country Music Association Music Festival, the crowd went crazy.

Now dropping her debut single as an artist, “Sucka Free,” featuring Lil Wayne, Jozzy is poised for something most songwriters never receive: public acclaim. It’s almost a tradition in Memphis, which does not always get the same credit as Nashville as a font of song creation. The absurdity of that is apparent if one simply reflects on the songwriting legacy of the Bluff City. Of course, Memphis looms large in the Songwriters Hall of Fame, where notable inductees include Al Green, Isaac Hayes, David Porter, Otis Redding, Maurice White, and W.C. Handy. Keith Sykes, now managing Ardent Recording Studios after a lifetime of songwriting for himself and other artists like Jimmy Buffett, recently attended this year’s induction ceremony for the New York-based institution and saw fellow Memphian Justin Timberlake receive the Contemporary Icon Award. “He also closed the show. Fantastic, man! And he gave a huge shout-out to Memphis, several times,” Sykes says. His friend and erstwhile collaborator John Prine, who is rightfully honored as the gold standard of songwriters, also was inducted, causing Sykes to ponder Prine’s longtime connection with Memphis.

Keith Sykes

“He did his first album here, with Don Nix at American,” recalls Sykes. “He did Common Sense here and Pink Cadillac here. He’s done a bunch of stuff in Memphis. And he loves it down here.” Beyond working in the city so often, Prine has influenced a whole crop of songwriters based here, who took his template of finely honed, detail-rich narratives to heart. The great John Kilzer, whose recent death is still being mourned, was one such practitioner of the narrative songwriter’s craft. “John Kilzer, I signed in 1986,” says Sykes. “His songs, you could just tell there was something there.”

Beyond his natural talents of observation, Kilzer studied creative writing at then-Memphis State University. It’s a path that other songwriting greats have taken as well, including local writer and performer Cory Branan, whose tightly woven tales are gems of song construction. (I should know; I sometimes play bass for the guy.) English hitmaker Frank Turner recently quipped, “The thing about Cory for me is, almost every songwriter I know is slightly embarrassed by his existence, in the sense that he’s just better than all of us. And should be more successful than any of us.”

Cory Branan

Branan says studying creative writing and literature can indeed enhance this approach to songwriting. “I didn’t write songs until I was 24 or so, but I wouldn’t be doing this if I hadn’t tested into the right classes when I was in school in Mississippi. My teacher, Ms. Evelyn Simms, went off the curriculum, let’s just say that. She would see what we were interested in and then steer us toward things that technically she couldn’t assign.”

From wider reading, Branan learned to take in the wider world. “Keats called it ‘negative capability.’ The idea of not having a persona or a personality, to be able to pursue another one. Basically, not getting your fingerprints all over shit.” (Playing with him and seeing rooms full of fans singing along to “The Prettiest Waitress in Memphis” and others attests to the power of evoking characters that may or may not reflect the songwriter himself.)

It’s an approach that befits almost any style of songwriting, revealing a basic attitude toward the craft that transcends any genre or timely trends. Producer IMAKEMADBEATS, reflecting on songs he’s cowritten with singer Cameron Bethany, puts it this way: “The thing about stepping out of the world of hip-hop, whether it’s for a Cameron Bethany record or an Aaron James record, is that you get to just shamelessly become somebody else. You get to really take on the perspectives of another person. And try to tell that story. With that, songwriting is fun to me because it becomes infinite. I’ve heard songs by people from the perspective of being a gun. I’ve heard songs from the perspecitve of what they thought it was like to be their parents. You can take on any and all perspectives.” Memphis native William Bell, one of the first hitmakers for Stax Records and a 2017 Grammy winner, would agree. “I started singing with the Phineas Newborn Orchestra when I was 14, and I was always a people watcher. At that age, I couldn’t go out in the club, so I had to sit backstage and peek out at the audience. And I would just watch people as they’d come into the club, and after a couple drinks, how they were acting. All of that stuff just kinda hit home, and I wrote about a lot of that just from observation.”

Catherine Elizabeth

Cameron Bethony

Don Bryant, who started in the same era and for a time put off his own performing career to become a staff writer for Hi Records (penning “I Can’t Stand the Rain” for wife Ann Peebles), is similarly inspired by the everyday tales he hears around him to this day. “I had six brothers,” Bryant recalls, “and they always came home with something, or I’d be out in the neighborhood and you hear little things. After a period of time, you visit back on those days and you see a whole lot of things. I pull stories from anywhere I can.”

While much younger than pioneers like Bell or Bryant, Greg Cartwright is universally admired in Memphis as a writer whose songs might have been written in their heyday. As such, his recorded work (on which I’ve played in the past) stands as a kind of bridge between the classic songwriting that emerged from studios like Stax, Royal, or American and the edgier, punk-infused style of bands like the Oblivians or the Reigning Sound.

Kyel Dean Reinford

Greg Cartwright

“I write about things that I’m familiar with,” he says, “so I can speak with authenticity when I say it. But that doesn’t mean necessarily that it happened to me. It just means that I can empathize with the idea. Even though it may not be purely autobiographical, it’s certainly something that I can understand and empathize with. I’m not saying it’s about me so much as to say, ‘I empathize with you if you feel this.'”

But if not autobiographical, Cartwright feels it’s imperative to find one’s authentic voice, something he did through a longtime bandmate. “When I met Jack [Oblivian], he was the first person I met who didn’t sound like anybody I’d ever heard. He wasn’t trying to sound like anybody I could put my finger on. Sure, he had lots of influences, and he would tell you right away what they were, but in my early 20s, most people were very taken with whatever the music of the time was or whatever their social scene was into. And he just seemed like he was just flying his own flag.” In the end, this willingness to buck prevailing trends and pursue a personal vision may be the hallmark of all the city’s great songwriters. “What I look for is something fresh and original,” says Sykes. “And I can never put my finger on what that is.” Some toil at length to build that quality into their songs. “I work hard at making things sound off the cuff,” Branan told one interviewer. Others, like Jo’zzy, take another route. “Your first mind is everything,” she says. “Your first melody that comes into your head, normally that’s the right melody. I tell my manager all the time, ‘Never play me a beat before I go in the studio.’ I’d much rather go freestyle.”

Yet another approach to forging individuality is to be overwhelmingly prolific. Kirby Dockery, a graduate of the Stax Music Academy, left Berklee College of Music to pursue her music career, but was having trouble getting recognition. Her resolve led her to post a song a day on YouTube — eventually culminating in 200 compositions and being signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Publishing. There, she ascended to what is surely the songwriter’s mountaintop, co-writing “Only One” with Kanye West and Paul McCartney, and “FourFiveSeconds” with West, McCartney, and Rihanna.

Josiah Roberto


Working under the name Kirby, she reflects on the role of the Stax legacy in her achievements. “The Stax Music Academy [SMA] was one of the first catalysts that helped me believe that songwriting wasn’t just a dream. It was there where I first heard my lyrics and melodies put to music. If it wasn’t for SMA I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting my future publisher years before I even knew how to be signed as a songwriter. SMA planted seeds that are still blooming in my life today. I am forever grateful.”

To that end, she’s now giving back to the institution. As SMA executive director Pat Mitchell-Worley notes, “Kirby offered four scholarships to students in the program, based on the students creating original material. And she listened to every song that was offered. And not only did she pick the best ones, she gave them feedback on their songs. So her scholarship reinforced our songwriting focus.” In fact, the SMA is now promoting the importance of songwriting more than ever.

“For the upcoming regular school year,” says Mitchell-Worley, “we have a full songwriting track. Songwriting and music business. And the two go hand in hand. If you’re gonna pursue a career as an artist, you need to have every form of revenue that you can grasp, and songwriting is a very important part of how you get paid. Students have come to understand more that owning the material that they record and perform affects their revenue streams.” Beyond that, they’re thriving on the creativity that such an emphasis fosters.

Perhaps an old tune by Youmans, Rose, and Eliscu from 1929 puts it best, reeling off the reasons we should be grateful for the craft that has shaped the city’s history for so long:

Without a song, the day would never end

Without a song, the road would never bend

When things go wrong, a man ain’t got a friend …Without a song.

Music Music Blog

Keith Sykes Leads Ardent Into a New Era

Alex Greene

Keith Sykes in Ardent’s Studio B

The legendary Ardent Studios was dealt a major blow over three years ago, when John Hampton, one of Ardent’s chief producers, and John Fry, the studio’s founder and owner, passed away within five days of each other. Nancy Apple, Ardent’s night/weekend manager and director of social media, puts it this way: “Everybody was stunned. It wasn’t just John Fry who we lost, it was John Hampton too. Those are the two key figures of Ardent, with the exception of Jody [Stephens]. I think Ardent really needed that team feeling.” Then, mulling over the past few weeks, she adds, “And we finally have that feeling again. It feels like the old days. Even though we all miss Mr. Fry, it’s feeling like Ardent again.”

John Fry and John Hampton.

One reason may be the recent hiring of a longtime Ardent-associated artist, Keith Sykes, as the new chief manager. As a songwriter’s songwriter who’s had his work covered by the likes of John Prine, Jimmy Buffet, and Rosanne Cash, Sykes has traveled the world with his music, but has kept his home base in the Memphis area nearly all his life. His closeness to the Ardent “family” over the past four decades makes his new official post a very good fit indeed. I sat down with Sykes to hear how things are going today at the fabled studio.

Memphis Flyer: It must be a big change for you to move into a desk job like this.

Keith Sykes: You know, it’s like in 1986 I when quit playing. I was building up my publishing company, and I did that for fifteen years, from 1986-2001. But then, I went out and did a tour with Todd Snider, just opening his shows. We were just having fun, basically. But I got to thinking, “This is fun, the publishing companies are up to where they’re doing their own thing. It’s pretty level.” So I thought, “I’m gonna go back to playing and just end out my days doing that.” And I did and I had a great time. I’ve been doing it 16, 17 years now.

So, my wife is [studio owner] Betty Fry’s personal assistant, and Betty’s been asking me to do this job since last summer. But I just said, “I’m happy, I’m good.” Well, after listening to my wife and Betty talk, and just getting a feel for things, I realized I could help out here and still do my gigs that I wanna do. The nicer ones of the bunch. I think I can manage the studio about as well as anybody. And we’ve got great recording engineers and great staff.

It seems like the place is really bustling with activity. New chairs, new ceiling tiles…

We’re doing everything we can to get the place pretty again. The atrium is pretty again, the fountain started working again on Monday. The new roof, that’s the first thing Betty did when she took control. We’ve got Nancy down to doing the things that she does best. But we all three, Jody and Nancy and I, trade off answering the phone. We’ll do whatever it takes, clean up the place, whatever. We just want it to be a great place to record.

You go way back with Memphis and Ardent, don’t you?

I lived here in Memphis from 1957 to 1966, when I was just a little kid. I moved away for eight years, but then I passed back through; I was going to California, but I saw Jerene Rowe, who’s been my wife since then, and that was that. We’ve been together ever since. In 2001 we moved to Fayette County.

So I moved back to Memphis in 1974 and did the first record after that at Shoe Productions. And that did pretty good. I cut the first record that I ever cut at Ardent back in 1979. I’d done demos over here several times before, and it never really gelled until July of ’79. I cut I’m Not Strange, I’m Just Like You here and everything seemed to work with that. Everybody in my band had quit ‘cos I was on tour with Jimmy Buffet that year. So they took the core of the band and named it Uncle Tom’s Jam Band. It did good back then. But it left me with zero band to come over here and record with. And I was talking to John Fry and he said, “Well, you know Joe [Harding] plays bass, and the night guy plays drums.” And the night guy was John Hampton! So I ended up with two great musicians. I didn’t mean to, it just worked out that way. And they were both fabulous engineers and Grammy winners and all that stuff. Courtesy Jerene and Keith Sykes

Jerene Sykes, Keith Sykes, Joe Hardy at Ardent in the 1970s.

So you had a very personal experience of Ardent in its heyday. Has that informed your move to manager?

One thing that everybody told me when John died was, “What we’re gonna do is exactly what we’ve been doing.” I’m convinced that if we concentrate on it, and everybody uses their best intuitions and connections, we can make our mark again.

We’re getting the place together physically, going through the gear, making sure everything’s top notch, going over every microphone, every console switch. Everything. And hopefully we’ll get the kind of clientele that appreciates all that. ‘Cos one thing we can do that you can’t do in your bedroom is get a good band in a great room and get creative. That’s the magic in a bottle. You can get some great stuff in your computer, but we can still do that thing, where people get together and you just play it live.

There’s nothing like the air of a great room.

I consider us a Golden Era studio. Everybody’s got computers. Well, we’re in a lucky position where we’ve got this great old gear too. And it’s maintained really well. So many people are into the analog sound now. We’ve got three beautiful 24 track Studer [tape decks], ready to go.

What about other aspects of Ardent, like the label?

I’m not concentrating on the label, for the next few months at least, until we can really have our routine down. Right now, we’re promoting the studio. Now, John Fry really did great with the Christian music. They were selling millions of records. I’m not in that. I’m not opposed to it, it’s just not what I do. What I wanna do is get some great singer/songwriters in here and work around those people.

So I’m trying to use my connections. And you know, Jody’s a gold mine. He knows everybody in the business. I sit here with him at least thirty minutes to an hour every day, trading Rolodexes. Just call the people you haven’t talked to in a long time and say hello. One thing will lead to another after a while. And you may only get three or four big ‘uns, and have to throw some back, but that’s the way it goes, if we can get to fishing again, you know?

Music Music Features

Tramp-Rock Troubador

Keith Sykes is the kind of songwriter who has a few stories up his sleeve. He jokes in a soft country lilt as he recalls now-shuttered music lounges on Beale Street, and his sense of humor — as well as his musical resume — bespeaks a man with stories to spare …

Like the time in the summer of 1967 when the Murray, Kentucky, native hitchhiked to the Newport Folk Festival, so the story goes, and caught Arlo Guthrie’s set. A few months later, thanks to a faithfully reproduced version of Guthrie’s signature song, “Alice’s Restaurant,” Sykes had picked up a regular gig in a Charleston, South Carolina, hotel. In the 50 years since that fateful first contact with Officer Obie and the shrink from “Alice’s Restaurant,” Sykes has released 13 full-length albums, toured and recorded with Jimmy Buffett, written hundreds of songs for other performers, discovered Todd Snider, and, this year, finally finished his screenplay about a rancher and his talking horses. But more on the screenplay later.

His songs are simple and heartfelt, comforting and spare, like the break in the summer heat that comes with nightfall. Borne along on shuffling rhythms and clean, crisp guitars, Sykes sings wistfully of slipping into the shade and name-checks former band mate Jimmy Buffett in the EP’s title track.

“It’s called Songs from a Little Beach Town. All the songs are songs that I wrote down in a little beach town called Port Aransas, Texas,” Sykes says of the breezy acoustic track. It sounds like something a filmmaker might use to score a scene of someone tooling around town on an old beach cruiser. “When I first started going there, it was still a little fishy place,” Sykes says of his Texas hideaway. But it’s still really cool. You can take a bicycle around the whole town in 15 minutes.”

Two of Sykes’ balmy tunes, written in that same beach town, landed on the tropical rock charts in 2016. “Come as You Are Beach Bar” hit No. 1 and stayed in that position for seven weeks, and “The Best Day” has been in the top 40 since August of last year. “It just blew my mind. … It’s not a big deal chart, but it’s the kind of music I like,” Sykes says of the rock-and-roll, country, Calypso, and zydeco-infused island hybrid style popularized by artists like Jimmy Buffett.

“They finally came up with a name for it about 20 years ago and called it trop rock. When I was in [Buffett’s] band, we called it ‘tramp rock,'” Sykes laughs about his time in Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band.

Fresh off the release of his newest single, “I Pick You,” Sykes will play with a group of Memphis musicians at the Delta Fair and Music Festival next week. “Dave Cousar is an excellent guitar player, and Dave Smith on the bass, he’s just one of the best anywhere, much less Memphis,” Sykes says. “All these are Memphis guys who I’m just crazy about. Smith, Cousar, and Willie Hall, who I haven’t played with for years.”

The singer-songwriter’s Memphis roots run deep. Sykes used to host a long-running songwriter showcase on Beale Street. “It covered about 10 years all in all; I did nine shows a year. … I brought in songwriters from everywhere. I had the best seat in the house — that’s why I was doing it.” During his Memphis years he also recorded I’m Not Strange, I’m Just Like You at Ardent Studios.

“I hate starting stuff and not finishing,” Sykes says, without a trace of irony for a man whose songs have collectively sold 25 million copies worldwide. And that brings us back to his screenplay, Horses & Me. “What I did this year, rather than write songs, was write a screenplay. I’ve started a couple, and I’d always set ’em aside and go back to songs. This year I said, ‘Dang, I should finish one of these.'”

The screenplay is about a simple man who works with his hands. He owns some land and some horses, and he spends a lot of time alone. That’s when the horses start to talk to him. “He thinks he’s insane. ‘Cause he’s been drinking, you know, imbibing a little bit,” Sykes chuckles.

For next week’s show, Sykes and his band will perform music from his entire catalog, including the new Songs from a Little Beach Town EP. The album’s final and most-recent single, “I Pick You,” was released Friday, August 25th by KSM Entertainment.

Keith Sykes & Band at the Delta Fair & Music Festival at the Agricenter International, Friday, September 8th at 8 p.m.

Cover Feature News

The Life and Afterlife of Edward Perry

Ed Perry isn’t famous. He died, a complete unknown, of congestive heart failure in 2007, in the toxic environment of his cluttered home and studio in Stephensport, Kentucky.

“They say he died of congestive heart failure, but there was so much wrong with him you can’t keep up with it all,” says Memphis songwriter Keith Sykes, who met and became close friends with Perry in the 1960s. “Ed was relentlessly cruel to his body his whole life,” Sykes adds.

At the time of his death, Perry’s only source of income was a small Social Security check. He died penniless. All he left behind was a mean parrot named Jake, a filthy house overfilled with furniture parts, old wood, and electronics he’d collected for the creation of future projects. He also left an uncommonly unified body of work, much of which had never been exhibited due to Perry’s deep mistrust of the commercial art world.

Although he despised the gallery system, many of the large, meticulously constructed pieces Perry built, mixing painting and sculpture while skirting the boundaries of fine and folk art, were painstakingly labeled, with notes regarding size, weight, construction and, when appropriate, wiring schematics. Many pieces were boxed and stored, as if awaiting their invitation to gallery shows that were never booked. So they sat for decades, gathering mildew and parrot dung, like dirty brides left waiting at a shabby alter.

“Contaminated” is the word Sykes uses to describe his old friend’s living environment at the time of his death. “He must have worked for two weeks to just make room for us to move around,” he says recalling earlier, happier visits. It fell to Sykes to salvage, store, clean, and painstakingly catalog his friend’s work. “If you were sensitive or had any kind of allergies at all, you probably couldn’t go in there at all,” he says. “We finally got stuff out with masks and gloves on. Because over the years all the nicotine and all the sawdust and all the moisture had conspired together to make it just pretty damn deadly.”

So who was Ed Perry? What is it that sets his work apart from so many other artists who collect their MFAs and never exhibit again? And what did this completely unknown artist do to merit two simultaneous shows of his work at the Memphis College of Art (MCA)?

Judging by his resume and correspondence, Perry self-identified as a “Visual Engineer, MFA,” and an “electro-optics engineer,” whatever those titles may imply. He was also an abstract painter and an obsessive builder. He was a chain smoker, a self-made scientist, and a 1972 Memphis Academy of Arts graduate. In the late 1950s and early 1960s he trained as a figure skater in Lake Placid, New York, where he met and befriended Olympic medalist Peggy Fleming. He was also a radical pacifist, a drinker of strong libations, and a boundary-defying conceptual artist working with found materials, spray paint, and state-of-the-art lasers.

Courtesy of Memphis College of Art

Ed Perry was a Pacifist but became enraged when diplomatic agreements resulted in the destruction of missiles he might have transformed into art supplies.

Additionally, the man collected in “Ed Perry: Constructions,” and “Ed Perry: Between Canvas and Frame,” was something of a stock character: the misunderstood genius, pursued by personal demons, uncompromising to the point of being commercially invisible throughout most of his semi-reclusive lifetime.

Perry was highly trained both as an artist and a laser technician. He shared studio space with groundbreaking artists like Sam Gilliam and frequently worked alongside Washington D.C.-based art star and fellow parrot-owner Rockne Krebs, to create massive, urban-scale laser installations. But he was an artworld nobody when he died in 2007. And it’s unclear just how much the MCA exhibitions can do to launch an unknown alum’s posthumous career, or give his elaborate, mixed-media constructions the happy afterlife Perry’s friends think they deserve.

Remy Miller, MCA’s dean of academic affairs and the driving force behind both Perry exhibits, thinks it’s too easy to sensationalize the lives of troubled artists, and he worries that doing so takes emphasis off of the work. “People tell these horrible stories about a guy who was falling apart and struggling to live,” Miller says, specifically referring to accounts of the life of action painter Jackson Pollock. “That’s really what you want to talk about in the face of this beautiful work?”

But even Miller succumbs somewhat to the temptation of a good story, comparing Perry to Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch painter whose post-mortem success is partly responsible for the enduring myth that nothing increases the value of an artist’s work like a difficult life and untimely death. But the van Gogh story, while relevant in so many ways, isn’t an especially realistic impression of how the modern art world works. Perry despised the business side of art-making, and although his resume lists a handful of shows, for the most part he seems to have actively avoided public viewings of his work.

“I asked him if he’d ever thought about making a coffee table book, and what came out of him was another Ed I didn’t know and didn’t want to know,” Sykes says, recalling a past dustup. “I just wanted people to see the stuff. He really hurt my feelings over that.”  

“I think Ed understood the work was really good,” Miller says. “Why else prepare all of that other stuff? Why bother to box it up? Why keep it? Write all those notes on it? I think Ed just couldn’t bear to sit through what was going to have to happen next.”

Gordon Alexander shared a house with Perry when the two were still students at the Memphis Art Academy (now MCA). He remembers a visit from his friend some years ago, on the night before several larger pieces of Perry’s work were scheduled to ship to Memphis’ Alice Bingham Gallery for a show. “Ed just says, ‘I’m not going to do it,’ and he didn’t. And that was it.” The pieces never shipped; the show never happened.

In some regards, because he has no exhibition history or records of previous gallery sales, Perry might as well not exist. He has no place within the established art world. And even if gallery people find the work compelling, they don’t really know what to do with it, because there’s no previously established value.

“It’s a kind of catch-22,” says Ellen Daugherty, the art historian who led an MCA class on Perry and contributed an essay to the exhibit’s striking catalog.

Art consultant John Weeden was enlisted to structure a logical value scale for Perry’s work. He couldn’t discuss the specific rubric, but he gave a general overview of how we might assess the worth of artwork created by a previously unknown artist.

“Commercial history and provenance are two of the leading factors in determining the general value of an artwork,” he says. “In the case of a largely unknown artist, the task becomes one of establishing a framework upon which an initial market for that artist’s work may be constructed.” Weeden also allows other considerations including the nature of the materials, the style of the pieces, the reputation of the artist, and the level of craftsmanship, labor, and design.

So finally, with two shows, a class, this story, and any other attendant press, Perry the artist finally has a public paper trail. His working relationship as an artistic and technical assistant to Krebs can be affirmed, and too late, maybe, an underappreciated artist gets his overdue recognition.  

MCA’s Miller doesn’t equivocate: “I wouldn’t be talking to you right now if I didn’t think that this body of work can stand up next to any body of work created in the later half of the 20th century,” he says. “I absolutely believe it’s as good as any body of that work made by any artist during that time period.” Miller’s not alone in that belief. Sykes and Alexander, both close to Perry since the 1960s, have made a strong effort to ensure that their old friend’s life work doesn’t pass unnoticed.  

Perry was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. His father was a WWII vet. His brother Bill also went military. Perry, on the other hand, took classes at community college and trained as an ice skater before leaving for art school in Memphis in the fall of 1967. He was riding a Triumph motorcycle and wearing a flak jacket and WWII combat helmet the first time Alexander saw him pulling up to the Memphis Art Academy in Overton Park. The two young artists bonded early, becoming neighbors, first in the Auburndale Apartments, then housemates, when they moved, along with their friend Paul Mitchell, into an old house on Madison Avenue where Overton Square’s French Quarter Inn now stands.

By most accounts Perry was a good but not stellar student who worked hard when he was interested and sometimes flummoxed faculty. He would eventually become MCA’s student body president.

“I was in New York by then,” Alexander says, speculating that his friend must have been drafted into student government. “He hated titles.”

Always interested in technology, especially the artistic applications of lasers, Perry also took physics classes at Rhodes College (then Southwestern).

Alexander describes the Memphis Art Academy as being a creatively fertile environment and speculates that Perry was especially influenced by the work of three notable professors: Ted Faiers, who experimented with totemic “Indian Space” painting and 3D painting; Ron Pekar, the original graphic designer for Ardent Studios who worked in neon and designed the logo for Big Star’s #1 Record; and acclaimed color theorist Burton Callicott, who painted false shadows in his work and created colorfields that seemed to glow with their own internal light. Because he was exposed to so much 20th-century art, it’s difficult to call out specific influences, but it’s not difficult to look at Perry’s totem-like constructions and imagine all the ways they might be inspired by these mentors.

Alexander describes the house he shared with Perry as a mattress-on-the-floor den for starving artists. Work was always being made by someone somewhere in the house and painters, sculptors, and musicians were always coming and going.

“We didn’t even lock the house,” Alexander says. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.” Musician and occasional actor Larry Raspberry was an intermittent visitor. So was Sykes and a young Alex Chilton, who would eventually move in next door. Somebody was always playing music. When they weren’t, Alexander, an audiophile and music editor for the then-Dixie Flyer, Memphis’ original underground newspaper, was spinning records on the turntable.

It would be years before Sykes would co-write the hit song “Volcano” and hook up with Jimmy Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band. At this point he hitchhiked, pumped gas, worked the holiday rush at Sears Crosstown, and toured as a Dylan-inspired folkie on the Holiday Inn Circuit. He met Perry and Alexander when they were still living at the Auburndale Apartments and remembers being smitten by Ed’s work from the very beginning.

“Once you see an Ed Perry, you’ll always know his work,” Sykes says.

Like so many great college friends, Sykes and Alexander became separated and immersed in their own families and careers. They lost touch with Perry for 20 years.

Perry took his MFA at the University of Cincinnati, where he subsequently went to work for Leon Goldman, a dermatologist and laser surgery pioneer sometimes referred to as “the father of laser surgery.” Perry and Goldman co-created studies on laser surgery and published them in scientific journals. But when it was time to make art again, Perry moved on.

Krebs met Perry in 1974 at a laser safety certification class at the University of Cincinnati and almost immediately hired him as an art assistant with laser-safety training and advanced technical skills. This was the beginning of a decade-long working relationship with Krebs.

Perry eventually moved to D.C., where he kept an apartment and studio on the second floor of a warehouse co-owned by Krebs and noted color field painter Gilliam who, like Faiers, had been painting well beyond the frame.

Krebs had a cranky parrot named Euclid, and Perry acquired a cranky parrot named Jake. Studio visitors sometimes had to use trash can lids as shields to avoid a ferocious pecking.

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

Heather Krebs, Rockne’s daughter, remembers Perry well. She says she had to pass by his studio whenever she visited her father’s. “He was always in there working,” she says, remembering his creations, like the decorated envelopes he made for her to use, but which she kept instead.

Heather suggests that Perry might have benefitted from his proximity to both her father and Gilliam. Clients coming in and out would have seen his work in Krebs’ studio or in his own. She wonders if steady work meant he didn’t feel pressured to show.

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

Ed Perry and Rockne Krebs unload one of their urban-scale installations

Krebs created large-scale laser and solar installations for the Omni International Building, now the CNN Center, and Perry consulted and assisted. “Omni was billed as the greatest premiere in Atlanta since Gone With the Wind,” Perry wrote excitedly to Krebs, describing the 1976 opening.

“The stuff shirts oohed when Tony Orlando took the microphone,” Perry continued in his letter. “And moaned when he announced he would not sing.”

Perry moved back to his parents’ farm sometime around 1986, and that is where he either built or completed many of the constructions on display in “Between Canvas and Frame.”

Ellen Daugherty thinks that, for all of his training and expertise, Perry’s work sometimes resembles folk art. “Ed builds this stuff that has a kind of similarity to some folk artists,” she says, citing his approach to construction and his use of available, affordable materials like old fence boards and discarded Shaker furniture parts. “But when you look at the stuff, that ain’t folk art,” she says. “It’s highly trained. And extremely visual and abstract.”

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

A laser diffraction photo by Ed Perry given to laser artist Rockne Krebs

The backs of Perry’s constructions are often as lively as the fronts. Electronic pieces include a full-sized drawing of the wiring plot. Many pieces include obsessive notes about what kinds of materials have been used, when the canvas was primed, and so on. He also makes diary entries marking everything from Halley’s Comet arriving in conjunction with the first Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to notes about the Mississippi River flood of 1993.

The two Perry shows are the culmination of a sprawling buddy adventure that launched in Midtown in the 1960s and is now coming home to roost.

“In the late 1990s me and Gordon started talking,” Sykes says. “We should go see Ed. You know he’s going to be like he always was. Not taking care of himself. Working all the time. Forgetting to eat. Forgetting to sleep. If we didn’t go see him, we thought we might not ever see him again.” So the old friends went to visit their buddy in Stephensport. After the first trip, they continued to visit as often as possible. They helped their friend when they could, and they watched him fall apart.

“He made bird houses that looked like Frank Lloyd Wright designed them,” Alexander says. Further blurring the lines between fine art and folk art, he also carved beautiful, realistic duck and fish decoys, and built majestic weather vanes.

Even at his folksiest, Perry never stopped surprising his friends. “We were sitting around one night and it was dark,” Sykes recalled. “Ed says, ‘Y’all watch this.’ And before you knew it, there were laser beams running all around the house. He had mirrors set up here and there, and that light doesn’t degrade.”

After Perry’s death, Sykes took charge of Jake the parrot and as much of the artwork as he could, with a goal of getting it seen. A veterinarian said it was normal for older parrots to be cantankerous, adding that Jake would be fine once he was weaned off the alcohol. Getting the artwork in front of people proved to be trickier, but Mark and Becky Askew loved the work and agreed to show it in the Lakeland offices of A2H architects.

Miller says he initially had no interest in viewing the work. “I figured it would be the couple of good pieces on the invitation and maybe some unicorns,” he says. “But I went. And I’ve never seen anything like this in terms of a body of work. It was just amazing. So consistently good. So complex. So beautiful and so interesting. I immediately started bringing people out to see it.” Now, with the two MCA exhibits, he’s inviting the rest of Memphis to look.

One big question remains. What would Perry, who took such pains to stay out of the spotlight, think about his posthumous closeup? “Well, for starters, we’re not taking a commission,” Miller says, addressing one of Perry’s primary complaints.

Alexander takes things a little further: “If he was going to be anywhere in the world, Memphis or Spain or wherever. I think he’d want to be at the Art Academy. Back in Memphis, where it all got started.”