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MEMernet: Winter Storm Heather Edition

Memphis on the internet.

Snow, obvi

Winter Storm Heather (Did anyone ever really call it that?) was forecast to be gone by press time.

It sucked IRL. But it made for a fun week on the MEMernet. I mean, just look at that beautiful photo above by Paul Burns from Facebook.

Posted to TikTok by @duckmasterkenon

Kenon Walker, duckmaster at The Peabody Hotel, shared some cheery wholesomeness on TikTok, marching his charges through the snow.

Posted to Reddit by B1gR1g

Memphis Redditor B1gR1g measured the snow fall with, yep, a 40-ounce Cobra.

The Daily Memphian’s Abigail Warren reported on X that it looked “like about four inches in Collierville.” To this, the hilarious Memphis Light, Gas & Water parody account @MemphisMGLW replied, “four inches prolly big for Collierville.”