Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Commercial Appeal, Tennessean, Other Tennessee Papers to be Edited Outside of Tennessee

You know all those weird mistakes in the Commercial Appeal that make it seem like it’s being edited somewhere else, because it’s actually being edited someplace else? Well, as of October 1, 2017 the CA won’t even be edited in Tennessee. Neither will The Tennessean, the Knoxville News Sentinel or any of the Volunteer State’s Gannett-owned papers.

From The Tennessean:

Gannett and the USA TODAY NETWORK Tuesday announced plans to consolidate its Nashville Design Studio, with design work shifting to similar operations in Des Moines, Iowa, Louisville, Ky., and Phoenix, Ariz.

The closure will affect up to 88 jobs once the transition of work is complete on October 1. However, there will be some remote-work opportunities for Nashville employees aligned with the other studios. “The Nashville Design Studio team has been a valuable part of the USA TODAY NETWORK,” said Mizell Stewart III, Vice President /News Operations at USA TODAY NETWORK. 

Also form The Tennessean — and note the use of the word continue:

“Readers will continue to enjoy beautifully designed print editions, while at the same time enjoying our outstanding news coverage on their smartphones, tablets and desktops. We are fully dedicated to providing the best and most engaging content possible — however our readers want to consume it.”

Unless further changes are announced it appears all production work and editing for Gannett’s 100+ daily newspaper properties will be done at one of the USA Today publisher’s three remaining studios in Des Moines, IA, Louisville, KY, and Phoenix, AZ.

Gannett announced it would sell the Tennessean’s offices in August, 2016. They announced the closing of their Asbury Park design studio in April. The Commercial Appeal‘s offices are also on the market and overnight employees have been advised to work from a coffee shop, home, or some other location that makes them “feel secure.”

Commercial Appeal, Tennessean, Other Tennessee Papers to be Edited Outside of Tennessee

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Commercial Appeal Declared a “Legend” Following Story About Frat Bro’s Date with a Porn Star

For maximum enjoyment press play on this video before reading. 

Commercial Appeal Declared a ‘Legend’ Following Story About Frat Bro’s Date with a Porn Star


It’s not the stuff of a Pulitzer Prize winning series, but a digital report on the Commercial Appeal‘s website is receiving attention across social media for recounting the epic tale of UT Knoxville student and Sigma Chi frat brother Patrick Goswitz, who invited porn star Cherry Morgan to a formal dance this weekend.

This is what a legendary legend looks like.

“UT fraternity brother declared ‘a legend’ for date with porn star,” was originally published by the Knoxville News Sentinel and tells the touching story of young Goswitz who was, in fact, described as a “legend,” as a result of his date with Morgan, the Knoxville-based actress famous for appearing in adult films where, like many porn stars, she gives blowjobs to plumbers, pizza guys and other dudes who deliver.  (WARNING: LINK VERY NSFW).

“Goswitz told [Dan] Regester [of the website Total Frat Move] via an Instagram interview uploaded on TFM that he had invited Morgan to the formal via a message on Facebook and she sent him “her digits” and accepted.”

The saga of Goswitz and Morgan is told using quotes from blogs and social media and is most notable for containing the worst sentence in the history of print journalism: “Goswitz told [Dan] Regester [of the website Total Frat Move] via an Instagram interview uploaded on TFM that he had invited Morgan to the formal via a message on Facebook and she sent him “her digits” and accepted.”

As it happens, people with internet connections and Google alerts for Cherry Morgan had many newsworthy things  to say about the hot date. One person wrote, “Atta boy.” Another said, “Lucky guy!” A third anonymous commenter wrote “Good for him,” while a somewhat sadder post read, “I would consider myself legendary to even bring a girl to meet my family.”

This is easily the greatest thing the CA has published since yesterday’s breaking story about how how nicotine makes it hard to quit smoking.