Police have to use pepper spray to break up a large fight involving almost 20 students in the cafeteria of Northside High School. We had wondered if the quality of cafeteria food had improved since we went to school. Apparently not.
Greg Cravens
Newly elected state senator Ophelia Ford is off to a good start. She’s been absent for most meetings, was caught on camera during a committee meeting ranting about death certificates and calling staff members “dumb,” and apparently tumbled off a bar stool at a Nashville hotel. Now it’s entirely possible that Ford has some medical issues — she claims to be anemic — but we didn’t think anyone could be a worse senator than her brother John. We were wrong.
Another Memphis landmark may be destined for demolition — well, partly. One of the original screens at the Summer Drive-in caught fire last week, and the owners say they will probably have to tear it down. We’ve heard it was going to be a hot summer for movies, but who knew this was going to happen?
The gleaming new Korean War Memorial is unveiled in Overton Park with appropriate pomp and circumstance. For some reason, this war is often overlooked by just about everybody — except for the hundreds of thousands of people who fought and died in it. The memorial is long overdue.
A Wal-mart customer — well, perhaps that’s not the right word — puts an expensive TV in a cart and pushes it right past the cash registers. Without bothering to pay. Why didn’t we think of that? Unfortunately for her, the security cameras pick up the license number of her car. Oh, yeah, that‘s why.