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City Launches 30-Day Car-Free Challenge

Mayor A C Wharton’s office is urging residents to give up their cars in favor of buses, bicycles, and other forms of alternative transportation for the month of April.


The 30-Day Car-Free Challenge begins today, and residents can pledge to take the challenge on Although the challenge lasts all month, those who sign up can aim for just one day or the full 30 days. Weekly prize drawings will be made for those who have signed up. The site contains tips and resources to help residents go car-free.

Additionally, the mayor’s office has asked 18 Memphians to act as ambassadors for the Car-Free Challenge. They were given “car-free survival kits” with bus passes, bicycles, and other items, and they have been asked to blog about their experiences — good and bad — living without a car. Flyer associate editor Bianca Phillips and editorial intern Alexandra Pusateri are among those 18 Memphians. You can follow our stories and others here throughout the month.

“We know that an increasing number of residents are choosing to live in Memphis and get to the store, to work, to school, and to other places without a car.” said Wharton. “We also know that reduced automobile use leads to improved air quality, reduced traffic congestion, and a reduction in the public costs of road infrastructure, parking, and health care. This challenge will helps us to showcase these possibilities in a fun and safe way.”

Memphis was named “Most Improved City for Cycling” in 2012 by Bicycling magazine. In 2013, Memphis became the 500th city to pass a Complete Streets policy, which means future street projects must be designed with alternative transit in mind. Memphis bike and pedestrian coordinator Kyle Wagenschutz, who organized the Car-Free Challenge, has pledged that the city will focus more on protected bike lanes, or “green lanes,” for future projects.

News The Fly-By

Life in the Green Lane

Memphis is rolling forward with its bike-focused efforts as green lane projects have been announced throughout the city and two new cycling campaigns are underway.

Green lanes, named for their green paint rather than environmental impact, is the term for the types of protected bicycle lanes where there is a buffer between moving bikes and moving cars.

“That buffer area can take different forms,” said Kyle Wagenschutz, the bicycle/pedestrian coordinator for the city. “It could be that you paint the buffer area in the roadway. It could be that you use parked cars as the buffer area, so instead of having the parked cars against the curb, they would be a little off the curb, and the [bike lanes] would be against the curb. That wall of parked cars creates the buffer.”

The city’s first green lane was striped last year on Overton Park Avenue between Cleveland and Bellevue, the same year Mayor A C Wharton committed to building 15 additional miles of bike lanes. The city is in the process of exceeding that goal — 22 miles of lanes have been identified and funded. Eighty percent of the total project costs will be funded through federal grants, with the city having to match the remaining 20 percent.

Bianca Phillips

Since 2010, the city has already constructed 71 miles of bike lanes and paths, but most of the lanes on city streets are not buffered from traffic.

Perception of safety is important to get more people riding bikes, Wagenschutz said, and green lanes help soothe concerns. According to the city, the number of people cycling has doubled over the past three years, and the number of accidents has decreased 32 percent. With those statistics, the highest-used bicycling facilities in the city are ones that are separated from moving cars like the Shelby Farms Greenline and the Wolf River Greenway.

“The Wolf River Greenway, on a weekend, will see 2,000 people a day. On that same gorgeous, beautiful day, we’re unlikely to see that same usage on Madison Avenue,” Wagenschutz said. “It’s because the Wolf River Greenway, in addition to being aesthetically pleasing, provides a level of comfort.”

Ideas for the green lanes and bicycle-centric designs come from countries in Northern and Western Europe such as Denmark and the Netherlands — both of which have large cycling populations.

“We’re taking inspiration from how they designed their roadways in those countries and importing it back to America, adapting it for the culture and the design that’s prevalent here in the U.S.,” Wagenschutz said. “They have mastered the art of design for roadways in such a way that it’s created these kinds of spaces for bicyclists and cars to operate independently of one another.”

The city has also launched the “Get There Together” campaign to put the focus on people, rather than choice of transit, to try and change the mindsets of how people travel within Memphis.

“This new way of thinking embraces the mutual obligation we each have to each other to make sure we’re attentive, conscientious, and respectful to one another, regardless of how we have chosen to get around,” reads the Get There Together blog.

Wagenschutz has also been working on a month-long project for the city called the 30-Day Car-Free Challenge, where for the month of April, Memphians can commit to change their mode of transportation, even for a day, and be entered into contests for prizes. More information about both campaigns is available at

Memphis Gaydar News

Rainbow Riders Host Bicycle Safety Workshop


With miles and miles of new bicycle lanes added over the past two years, it’s safe to say that Memphis is now a bike-friendly city. But is it really safe to ride in the streets?

The Memphis Rainbow Riders, the city’s LGBT cycling club, is hosting a free “Bicycle Safety In the Streets” workshop on Saturday, January 12th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Kyle Wagenschutz, the city’s bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, will lead the workshop, which will cover safety tips for using the new bike lanes and other bike paths. Afterward, the group will move outdoors for a hands-on bike safety lesson, weather permitting. Attendees who want to participate in the interactive component will need to bring their own bikes and helmets.

The workshop will be held at First Congregational Church (1000 S. Cooper). Use the rear entrance next to the playground. Look for a red set of double doors.