Memphis congressman Steve Cohen was a guest on Lawrence O’Donnell’s “The Last Word” program on MSNBC Wednesday night, and he was asked about the latest kerfuffle involving seizure of assets from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.
The congressman riffed on the similarity of his own last name to that of Michael Cohen as well as the late Trump/Joe McCarthy mentor and Mafia helper, lawyer Roy Cohn:
Jackson Baker
Steve Cohen
“I’m a Cohen, and I hate the fact that Michael … I wish Michael Cohen would change his last name and that Roy Cohn would have never lived, because they’re giving us a bad name. Roy Cohn was one of the worst people in the world, and Donald Trump loved him and emulated him and held him up as a mentor, which says something about Donald Trump, who’s trying to be beyond Roy Cohn as the worst person in the world.”
With a big smile, host O’Donnell bid good night to guest Cohen, referring to him as “the honorable Steve Cohen, gentleman from Tennessee.”