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Lyft to Provide Free, Discounted Rides on Election Day


Lyft will offer free and discounted to the polls on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6th in Memphis and across the country.

“At Lyft, we’re working to improve lives by connecting people and their communities through the world’s best transportation,” the company states on its website. “This Election Day, we want to help people across America exercise their right to vote.”

In 2016, more than 15 million people were registered to vote, but didn’t because of transportation issues, according to a study done by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement. Another study done by the Pew Research Center showed that almost half of nonvoters lived in low-income, under-served neighborhoods.

For this reason, Lyft is offering riders a 50 percent discount, up to $5 for rides to the polls. In partnership with Vote Latino, Faith in Action, League of Women Voters, and other nonprofits, the company will provide free rides in under-resourced areas.

The promo code for the Election Day discount can be found on Buzzfeed.

In preparation for Election Day, Lyft also plans to:

• Remind Lyft passengers about voter registration deadlines using various social media and platform tools

• Give drivers voter registration handouts and key voter information at Lyft hub locations

• Offer in-office voter registration for employees at our offices

• Offer comprehensive, online voter information through our partner organizations

• Encourage the community to make a plan in advance for Election Day, which has a proven impact on voter turnout rates