Cover Feature News

Going to Pieces

“We don’t have the backup we used to have, and the agencies know it,” Jacinthia Jones says, assessing the tough reality of independent journalism in the 21st century. During her 20 years working for The Commercial Appeal, Jones watched the paper’s education beat shrink from a team of a four full-time journalists to a single writer with additional editorial responsibilities — a change that’s definitely contrary to public interest in a community where education concerns run high.

Today, Jones is the Memphis bureau chief for, a digital nonprofit newsroom focusing on education policy, with an eye toward correcting the coverage gap wrought by modern newspaper economies. Chalkbeat’s commitment to sharing free education-related content in partnership with relevant media organizations places Jones at the bleeding edge of conversations about Memphis’ print journalism future.

Jacinthia Jones

“When I worked for The Commercial Appeal, if you requested information and somebody told you ‘no,’ we’d call in the lawyers,” Jones says, reflecting on the daily paper’s financial resources and its historic role in forcing transparency and institutional oversight. “If you look at a lot of the court cases, The Commercial Appeal was filing the suit. Now these agencies are calling our bluff,” she says. “What are you going to do?”

Gather round the campfire, friends, and I’ll spin a tale of suspense, brimming with drama, comedy, and carnage. Information economies are anything but dull, and the ongoing demise of local and regional newspapers affects you personally and everybody you know, whether you’re a serial subscriber or only care about coupons and crossword puzzles. It’s a story about digital triumphalism and unintended consequences disrupting everything from how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracks the spread of infectious diseases to consumer education and government oversight.

Local and community newspapers are a vanishing species. Among the survivors, many, like The Commercial Appeal, have become so diminished by layoffs, consolidation, and circulation loss (not to mention the steady shedding of tangible assets and influence), a spooky-sounding term has been coined to describe them: “ghost papers.”

Many articles have valorized print journalism and warned about the important things communities will lose if local papers go dark. This isn’t that kind of story. This is more like Game of Thrones, with Gannett, the CA‘s corporate parent, squaring off against MNG Enterprises (aka Alden Global Capital), a hedge-fund-backed media group formerly known as Digital First.

“If Alden gets Gannett, I think it will be a disaster for The Commercial Appeal,” says Eric Barnes. As the publisher of Memphis’ digital startup The Daily Memphian, Barnes wants to be clear: “That would not be a good thing for Memphis.

“Their track record is clear,” Barnes says of Alden’s infamous path to double-digit profitability. “People are so used to cuts, they may not be fully processing the level of cuts this could mean.”

Eric Barnes

Although its initial purchase offer was rejected and characterized by Gannett as “not credible,” Alden Global Capital/MNG/Digital First, is a minority shareholder and can stack Gannett’s board with Alden-friendly directors. That means the company might change its business philosophy, even if it never changes hands. So, if the takeover stalls or fails, it’s not impossible that the surviving CA could still be reduced to a West Tennessee edition of The Tennessean. It could also just as easily vanish like an apparition and never be heard from again.

And if it disappears, what then? Is the not-for-profit Daily Memphian positioned to replace the city’s historic paper of record? What’s the role played by community newsletters? Or social media? What about all the other news/lifestyle publications like the Memphis Flyer, StoryBoard, the Memphis Business Journal, Memphis Parent, La Prensa, or The Best Times? What about smaller, digital-only newsrooms like the neighborhood-focused High Ground News and the justice-oriented MLK50? Are Memphians equipped to sift through the clutter, internet noise, and propaganda to access the range of information and basic utility daily newspapers still bundle in print and online? Can other local news sources fill the void? That’s the big question.

About the Carnage …

The media-consuming public craves blood, so here it is: During the period between 2008 and 2017, newspapers shed nearly half their editorial workforce, according to data from Pew Research. During roughly the same period, one in five newspapers shut down nationwide.

The Expanding News Desert comprehensive report put out by the University of North Carolina’s Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Journalism in 2018, pegged the number of U.S. newspapers closed since 2004 at just under 1,800. The negative trend continues uninterrupted due to media consolidation, and the one-two-punch of changing technology and reader habits. But hedge funds also fundamentally changed the nature of newspaper ownership when they bought in during the Great Recession, circa 2008. During that period, advertising revenues and the price of newspaper companies bottomed out, transforming the market from a predictable “buy/hold” environment into a five-year flipper’s game.

The UNC report shows more than half the country’s newspapers changed hands in the last 15 years: “Many have been sold two or more times.” The Commercial Appeal, for example, a Scripps-Howard product since 1936, was merged with Journal Communications in 2015, then, just a few months later in early 2016, Journal Communications was obtained by Gannett. In January, 2019, Gannett received an unsolicited acquisition proposal from MNG/Digital First Media, the newspaper company owned by Alden Global Capital.

Self-inflicted Wounds

You’ve probably read stories about the newspaper industry’s decades-long struggle to staunch its slow readership bleed-out. Most of these stories focus on technological change or popular ideological narratives, and every one of them is misleading. Without a doubt, the most drastic newspaper consumer loss of the past 20 years was self-inflicted.

In 2008, for the purpose of reducing costs related to wages, ink, gasoline, and newsprint, The Commercial Appeal curtailed its delivery in Arkansas, Mississippi, and outlying parts of West Tennessee. This change fit a national pattern, as major city dailies ended rural home delivery. This deliberate shedding of the newspaper’s most expensive customers heralded a new emphasis on digital distribution while killing readership that was never resurrected online. The change hedged calculated consumer loss against variable cost savings and the promise of virtually free digital distribution. The change aimed to save money but also made it harder to cover costs associated with newsrooms and the creation of original news content.

Ending rural and regional home delivery also contributed to the nationwide rise of what are now being called “news deserts,” a dynamic that worsened with corporate acquisition and subsequent shuttering of hometown and family newspapers in places where 40 to 60 percent of the population may not have broadband or wi-fi access. News deserts are most common in Southern states, according to the UNC report, and less likely to affect younger, whiter, and more affluent communities.  

Profit-minded investment companies with no historic ties to publishing or local media markets have been more inclined to sell or shutter underperforming acquisitions than previous ownership groups. Which brings our story back to Alden/MNG/Digital First’s bid to acquire Gannett’s papers. Ironically, The Commercial Appeal — in spite of being turned out of its landmark Union Avenue offices, and frequently embarrassed by insensitive, out-of-town editing — is producing some of its most relevant, energized work in years.

Nostalgia for a mythic golden age of journalism makes it fun to believe that relevant work pays the bills. It doesn’t. And it’s not hard to understand why critical evaluations of the newspaper business and its confusing impact on content, quality, and meaning can be experienced as an attack on weary editors and reporters doing the best they can with fewer resources and less material support.

Simply put: News reporting that changes policy at Juvenile Court or shows us how TVA may have endangered Memphis’ water supply or that equips readers to make better choices as citizens and consumers doesn’t create subscription or advertising revenue. Investigative reports and in-depth explanatory journalism may be the result of hours of interviewing, weeks of research, and months or years of institutional knowledge and beat coverage. The first draft of history is always expensive to make. But none of this is especially interesting to advertisers or general-interest readers.

“We’re used to writing an article and thinking all these people are reading because we had all this circulation,” Jones says, recalling her time at the CA. “Now, with digital metrics, we know that’s not always true,” she says, illustrating an important point: The most important newspaper reporting isn’t always the best-read or most desirable for web traffic or circulation. It’s always been subsidized by softer content in a diverse bundle of professionally edited and curated information. This unpleasant fact makes the prospect of starting a fully digital, general-interest daily especially daunting — in an environment where only one in four digital news startups make it.

A New Hope

The Daily Memphian doesn’t yet share its number of paid subscribers, but the publication says monthly page-views clock around 1,400,000, and every morning the paper sends a news digest to 23,000 email accounts. Stories about University of Memphis basketball coach Penny Hardaway do very well. Stories about government and public affairs sometimes do, and sometimes don’t.

“Paid subscribers broke through the first year’s projections in a couple of months,” Barnes says. But he worries The Daily Memphian‘s big rollout may have set expectations too high. “We didn’t cover something on the first weekend, and got a ton of criticism,” he says. “People really thought we were going to cover everything right away, top-to-bottom, 24/7.”

Looking for an experience like the traditional print newspaper bundle, readers have asked for obituaries, comics, puzzles, and national and regional news that may be available elsewhere, but hasn’t been a regular part of the DM‘s mix.

Barnes responded to his first round of criticism by adding five reporters to pick up night and weekend work. He plans to eventually include AP news and additional soft content.

The riddle of the digital news Sphinx goes something like this: “How can an online startup produce enough original content across a broad enough range of consumer interests to build a big enough subscriber base to support a newsroom able to produce original content across a broad range of consumer interests?” Repeat that enough, and you’ll start to see the economic dilemma in an information environment where it’s tough to put content behind a paywall if comparable goods are available free, elsewhere.

Newspaper stories and digital posts are what economists call “experience goods.” You can’t know if a story will be interesting or useful unless you read it, so news organizations rely on columnists and star-reporters to give consumers and potential consumers some idea of what to expect before they buy. As a startup, The Daily Memphian had no brand recognition, so it hired marquee names from The Commercial Appeal: sportswriters Geoff Calkins and Chris Herrington, and food guru Jennifer Biggs. Barnes thinks bringing these known commodities onto a team rounded out with younger but experienced reporters is one of his fledgling newsroom’s big success stories.

“They already knew Memphis,” he says of his team. “There was no learning curve.” Additionally, The Daily Memphian distributes content acquired via partnerships with education policy newsroom and the University of Memphis’ Institute for Public Service Reporting.

By now, at least some of you are probably asking, “Who cares about newspapers?” It’s taken as an article of faith the traditional models are dying, right? But remember Jacinthia Jones’ opening comments about how the agencies know when you’ve got “no backup.” Now figure in a related piece of collateral damage: Between 2005 and 2010, while so many newspapers were biting the dust, the number of Freedom of Information Act requests being filed by government watchdogs dropped by half. This data was reported by James T. Hamilton, the Hearst Professor of Communication at Stanford, in his latest book, Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism.
Hamilton answered questions for this story, and the data reviewed in Democracy’s Detectives and his earlier economic critique, All the News That’s Fit to Sell, inform much of this article. Hamilton’s work shows how trends like the ones outlined in this story, “point to a lower chance” of accountability stories being told by professional news organizations about local institutions.

“If the costs of discovering and telling stories drops radically, then it may be the case that subscriptions at the local level would support a smaller newsroom that would survive online,” Hamilton wrote in an email exchange, offering a ray of hope about the viability of local newsrooms. “If a nonprofit or local online service generates other goods, such as events that are ticketed or sponsored, that could also generate income,” he said, allowing that use of artificial intelligence may eventually make story discovery and assembly cheap enough that, “local subscription or nonprofit [models] might support a local bundle.”

Savages at the Gate

In late February, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a sternly worded letter to Alden Global Capital, expressing concern about what could happen if the hedge fund acquired Gannett newspapers. He’d already weighed in on the Senate floor, noting that Gannett was a troubled example of newspaper consolidation, plagued by layoffs and delocalization.

Schumer’s worries were at least a little ironic, considering what Memphis stands to lose if there’s a takeover. Hedge fund-backed owners like MNG/Digital First depend on deep layoffs and cost-cutting, including the outsourcing of back office, sales, and certain editorial duties to central hubs, far removed from the places where news is gathered and where the paper is circulated and primarily read. They sell a newspaper’s real estate holdings and other tangible assets, squeezing all the assets for cash. As the UNC report shows, there’s always been a willingness to sell poorly performing properties or to close them entirely, “not so much to inform the public or hold officialdom to account, but to supply cash to use elsewhere.”

In other words, so much of the worst that might happen has happened already. And yet, to borrow from columnist Joe Nocera, when MNG/Digital First moves in, the layoffs aren’t just painful, “They’re savage.”


All newspaper news appears to be bad news. The trends are terrible. The outlook is grim. And yet, most of the people engaged in the act of gathering, organizing, delivering, and paying for the news seem determined, if not optimistic about finding a way forward. Barnes is hopeful he’s found the right business model to go paperless. Jones is excited about using text-based news delivery to close the digital divide. MLK50, a justice-oriented not-for-profit led by former Commercial Appeal columnist Wendi Thomas, expanded its capacity by joining the local reporting network for ProPublica, a national, not-for-profit digital newsroom.

Karanja Ajanaku says he has “some awareness” of what’s happening in the newspaper industry, but the executive editor of the Tri-State Defender takes a unique perspective. “We’re in growth mode,” he says, describing a plan to move the historically black newspaper’s online content behind a paywall. Diverse representation in Memphis newsrooms has sometimes been called out as problematic, and in a majority-black community he thinks the Defender has been underperforming its potential to serve everybody. “But we have to be able to do a deeper dive into the community, and to do that we’ve got to have reporters,” he says, returning to a more familiar theme. “We’ve got to have journalists. We’ve got to have editors — local people telling local stories. So we’re asking the community to help us help them, and we think they will respond to that.”

Excerpts from conversations with Jacinthia Jones of Chalkbeat, Eric Barnes of The Daily Memphian, Karanja Ajanaku of the Tri-State Defender, Wendi Thomas of MLK 50, and Mark Fleischer of StoryBoard: Memphis will be made available online at Commercial Appeal Executive Editor Mark Russell did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

News News Blog

‘Daily Memphian’ to Launch in Fall

Toby Sells

Eric Barnes, president/executive editor of The Daily Memphian, unveils details of the new online newspaper on Monday.

Official details emerged Monday about the city’s newest media outlet, an online-only newspaper called The Daily Memphian, including the facts that the paper will have a paywall, will cost $7 per month, will be funded initially by a nonprofit, and will launch in the fall.

Rumblings, rumors, and speculation about the new publication began in May, with a post on the Smart City Memphis Blog. After that post came the departures of some of The Commercial Appeal’s most-known names — sports columnist Geoff Calkins, food and dining writer Jennifer Biggs, and editor and columnist Chris Herrington.

Similar departures of other key CA newsroom staff have followed, including reporters Clay Bailey, Tom Bailey, Marc Perrusquia, Wayne Risher, and photographer Jim Weber. Reporters have departed other newspapers, too, including Elle Perry and Michelle Corbet from the Memphis Business Journal. The current editorial staff from The Daily News will join The Daily Memphian as well.

Organizers of the new paper called themselves “a concerned group of Memphians, including key journalists and media professionals, recognizing the need for a strong, locally produced media sources.”

Eric Barnes, president and executive editor of The Daily Memphian, said the need for a new local publication came as The Commercial Appeal has been reduced in size and staffing and has lost local control. Gannett Co., the newspaper’s corporate owner, is based in Virginia. Much of the copy-editing, design, and other functions of The Commercial Appeal are out-sourced elsewhere.

“This effort will be of Memphis, not only in Memphis,” said Barnes. “The team will cover a wide range of Memphis-focused news, including politics and government, community and neighborhood issues, education, business and economic development, sports, arts and culture, and much more.”

James Overstreet, current editor of The Memphis Daily News, will be editor in chief. Terry Hollahan, also of The Daily News, will be managing editor.

The Memphian will also enter a joint venture with The University of Memphis Institute for Public Service Reporting. That unit will be led by Perrusquia and advised by former CA editor, Louis Graham. Investigative news stories created in the Institute will be published in The Memphian.

Here’s a full list of The Daily Memphian’s staff, as announced Monday:
Eric Barnes, president/executive editor
James Overstreet, editor-in-chief
Terry Hollahan, managing editor
Kate Simone, associate editor
Jim Weber, photo editor
Jennifer Biggs, food and dining editor
Geoff Calkins, columnist
Chris Herrington, columnist
Michael Nelson, columnist
Otis Sanford, columnist/editor at large
Clay Bailey, reporter
Tom Bailey, reporter
Michelle Corbet, reporter
Bill Dries, reporter
Yolanda Jones, reporter
Jonah Jordan, reporter
Elle Perry, reporter
Wayne Risher, reporter
John Varlas, reporter
Don Wade, reporter
Omer Yusuf, reporter
Kyra Cross, designer/copy editor
Yvette Touchet, designer/copy editor
Holly Weber, designer/copy editor
Houston Cofield, photographer
Patrick Lantrip, photographer/videographer
Natalie Chandler, video/podcast production
Madeline Faber, editor, High Ground News, in partnership
Jacinthia Jones, Chalkbeat TN, in partnership

Barnes said the staff will likely grow as the paper gets closer to its fall debut.

Toby Sells

Andy Cates, general partner and CEO of RVC Outdoor Destinations, serves as the chairman of Memphis Fourth Estate Inc., the nonprofit organization responsible for raising capital for The Daily Memphian.

The nonprofit behind The Daily Memphian is called Memphis Fourth Estate Inc. That organization is led by Andy Cates, general partner and CEO of RVC Outdoor Destinations.

Look for an updated story in this week’s print edition of the Memphis Flyer.

News News Blog

McEachran, Hard-Hitting Former CA Editor, Dies

Angus McEachran, who, over the course of decades, won awards as a hard-driving journalist and editor and climaxed his career as the 

Angus McEachran as editor of The Commercial Appeal

editor of The Commercial Appeal, his hometown daily newspaper, has died at the age of 78, it was learned from several sources on Monday afternoon.

The CA itself reported McEachran’s passing in a brief online item that cited his daughter, Amanda LaMountain, as the source, and suggested that his death came from an “unexpected illness.” For the time being, until further details are learned, the sequence of events leading to McEachran’s death remains obscure.

Otis Sanford, currently holder of the Hardin Chair of Excellence in Economic and Managerial Journalism at the University of Memphis, and a close friend of McEachran, had worked with him closely, both at the Pittsburgh Press and at the CA, where he held the title of deputy managing editor and was known to have been McEachran’s own choice to succeed him.

Sanford and McEachran had stayed in close touch after the latter’s retirement in 2002, and the two had spent time together as recently as the holidays. Sanford – who, when contacted on Monday, had just learned the news – had the impression that his friend had health problems but could not be specific on the point.

McEachran was schooled at both George Washington University and Memphis State University but never completed a college degree. He was the epitome of the journalist who learned by doing and started his career at the CA in 1960 as a copy boy. He rose rapidly in the ranks, and as Metro editor, became the paper’s top sergeant, respected for his insistence on hustle, good sourcing, and total dedication to getting the story – and feared for his punitive responses to reporters who couldn’t oblige.

In “Paper Lion,” a 2002 story published after McEachran’s retirement as editor, the Flyer’s Mary Cashiola quoted several reporters on the nature of McEachran’s dominion. One, Shirley Downing, said, “You held your breath until Angus would get to your story to see if he would get out his bullshit stamp.” Or, she went on, he would fold it up, set it aflame, and send it flying back to the offending reporter.

At the Pittsburgh Press, the fellow paper then in the Scripps-Howard chain where McEachran became editor in 1983, the same tactics transformed what had been what Cashiola called “a sleepy little news outfit trapped in a time warp” into a crusading, hard-hitting Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper known for its investigative prowess.

This was the reputation that followed McEachran back to Memphis in 1993, following the unexpected death of.CA editor Lionel Linder in a traffic accident. Those who remembered him from his earlier stint at the CA thought he had mellowed in his demeanor, but his standards remained the same as before.

Though there were skeptics who saw the latter-day editorship of McEachran as fraught with potential conflicts of interest, it was thought by many both that Angus McEachran was the prototypical newspaper editor and that the CA experienced its last and finest heyday during his tenure as editor, which ended before the wave of non-stop retrenchment that has afflicted the paper ever since.

More details as they are known.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

The Local Angle

This is the Flyer‘s 1,500th issue, which means that we’re almost 29 years old, if you do the math. My, how time flies when you’re having fun! And we are still having fun, that I can tell you, my friends.

There have been a lot of changes since February 1989, and a lot of talented people have walked the funky halls and worked in the humble cubicles of our old warehouse office in downtown Memphis. And a lot of talented people are still working here, of course — cranking out stories for print and online, designing pages, and selling local businesses on the effectiveness of our circulation.

By almost any measure, the Flyer has become a Memphis institution, with a long-established circulation of 44,000 and steady pickup rate of around 94 percent each week, rain or shine, year after year.

So, why is that? Why is it that our humble weekly can survive when so many papers around the country are shrinking, downsizing, and failing?

It’s not a secret, really. It’s the fact that we are local. Our employees are local, and our ownership is local, not a corporate behemoth demanding ever-increasing profit margins to keep Wall Street happy. We just have to stay in the black and keep our readers happy. Or irritated. Or whatever reaction we can get from you, as long as you care enough to read us.

The media landscape in this country has been transformed over the past 15 years or so, with local media ownership becoming less and less common, as national corporations buy up locally owned properties and go for “economies of scale.”

For example, Clear Channel, now known as iHeartMedia, is the largest operator of radio stations in the U.S., with more than 850 stations (!) under its control. It’s much the same in the television industry. You may have read recently that the Sinclair Broadcast Group, which owns more stations than any company in the U.S., is poised to acquire many more, as President Trump’s newly appointed FCC chairman loosens regulations — including rules that prohibit corporations from owning more than one station in a market and require local news stations to maintain an office in the community they serve.

Sinclair is a right-wing corporation that turns its local outlets into mini-versions of Fox News, including requiring its stations to run conservative political commentary. They will soon own WREG, it appears. Yay.

And let’s not forget the Gannett Company, which owns The Commercial Appeal and dozens of other papers around the country. The company has eliminated the CA‘s local production and copy-editing operations and laid off many of the paper’s best-known writers and reporters. To further cut costs, Gannett prints most of its Tennessee papers in one plant in Jackson, Tennessee. Due to a company-imposed early print deadline, the CA is now unable to publish about anything that happens after 5 o’clock in the following day’s paper, in the process, making the print sports section essentially worthless.

There is no way a local ownership, one that was in tune with — or cared about — its community, would put out a product like that. Gannett, Sinclair, Clear Channel, and other media mega-corporations see the bottom line and little else. Which is another reason why we do this annual issue that promotes local holiday shopping. These merchants are us. They aren’t big box stores. They aren’t working for stockholders. They’re working to make a living — creating and selling products they believe in. Sure, Amazon makes it easy to shop from your couch, but Amazon doesn’t give a darn about Memphis. So, let’s all keep that in mind this year and spread some cash into our locally owned businesses. Shop local. Eat local. Drink local. Be local.

And, yes, read local.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Dear Gannett …

I’m one of those old-school newspaper lovers. I walk out onto my lawn each morning and retrieve The Commercial Appeal, pulling it from its plastic bag and perusing the headlines as I head to my kitchen table, where I pour a cup of fresh coffee and start my day by reading the local news. I know. Use your phone, Gramps.

But here’s the thing: Despite the diminishing staff numbers imposed by the paper’s clumsy, insensitive corporate masters, Gannett Company Inc., I still find much of value in the CA — good local stories, solid beat reporting, local lifestyle features, and commentary I don’t read anywhere else.

But there’s one part of the print paper that has become essentially worthless, and that’s the sports section. Due to an absurdly early deadline — 6 p.m. or so (made necessary because Gannett has consolidated the printing of several of its Tennessee papers at a single Jackson, Tennessee, printing plant), the print CA can no longer report on sporting events that occur in the evening. Which is to say, most sporting events except afternoon college and NFL football games and, okay, golf. Major league baseball? Forget it. The daily “scoreboard” for MLB lists the prior day’s games, but all night games are designated “late.” There are few if any actual baseball scores in most weekday papers.

It gets even more irritating when local teams are involved. For example, the football game the Memphis Tigers played last Saturday night at the University of Central Florida. The front of the CA‘s Sunday morning sports section devoted the top half of the page to a photo of two Tiger players with the headline “Getting ready to rumble in Orlando.” Really? Anyone who was a Tiger fan already knew the team had gotten “rumbled” by UCF, 40-13, the night before. Essentially, the top half of the page was an ad to go to the paper’s digital coverage.

So, what does Gannett want readers to do, put down the paper and go to their phone immediately? Continue to read the print edition? I don’t know. I don’t think Gannett knows.

And we got a preview Tuesday of how this season’s Grizzlies’ games (almost all of which happen at night) will be handled. The front of the sports section featured a half-page photo and a message to read about Monday night’s home game online. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Elsewhere.

You might think Gannett is trying to get away from having a printed paper altogether by destroying the CA‘s already limited ability to be timely. But you’d be wrong. The company actually needs and wants the print product to survive in order to deliver those lucrative flyers and inserts from big box stores, grocery stores, cell phone providers, liquor stores, etc.

But what Gannett is doing now simply isn’t working. On Tuesday morning, for example, CA readers got the first print story about Sunday night’s mass murder in Las Vegas — more than 36 hours after it happened. That’s not “news.” That’s history. Gannett’s absurd early deadline is destroying the print version of our local daily.

I have a radical suggestion, and I offer it free to Gannett’s Washington, D.C.-based management: Make The Commercial Appeal an afternoon paper. Go to press in the morning. Deliver the print edition to coincide with folks coming home from work. Instead of being essentially worthless, the sports section would be made whole again. News that occurred the previous evening would get reported the next day, instead of a day and a half later. Sure, I’d be reading my newspaper with a cocktail instead of coffee, but that’s a sacrifice I am willing to make. For journalism.

Bruce VanWyngarden


Reactions to Cohen’s Revelation Generally Mild


While the public waits to see if more details of Steve Cohen’s fatherhood come out, reaction so far to the surprise announcement ranges from bored to bemused, more like the frothy musical “Mama Mia” about a bride and three prospective fathers-of-the-bride than the snarky “baby daddy” jabs at professional athletes and other politicians.

Most notably, there is little of the over-the-top outrage that greeted another unmarried man, former mayor Willie Herenton, when he made a surprise announcement of fathering a child in 2005 with an unmarried woman. It is not known yet whether Cohen’s lady friend of 24 years ago, Cynthia White Sinatra, was married or not at the time or who helped raise the child. Ms. Sinatra has apparently been divorced more than once, and she and Cohen were reportedly out of contact for some 20 years.

On Cohen and his daughter Victoria Brink and her mother:

The Memphis Flyer: “There is more to tell about this tale, and we’ll tell it when it becomes possible. Meanwhile, we congratulate the proud papa (who intends to spend some joyous and out-in-the-open time with his daughter), and we say “shame on you” to those who, for political reasons, tried to escalate this story, an inspirational one if it’s anything at all, into a scandal. ….. Could there have been a better Valentine’s Day story than this?”

Wendi Thomas of The Commercial Appeal: “There is but one thing that troubles me about the news that U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a confirmed bachelor, has a 24-year-old daughter. He doesn’t know how to tweet. Cohen, 63, was forced Thursday to tell the world that three years ago, he learned he is a parent — which is really no one’s business — only because he sent a message into the Twitterverse that he intended only for his daughter.”

Cohen spokesman Michael Pagan, the day before the announcement made this statement inoperative: “She is the daughter of a longtime friend and they’re pretty much like family. He’s known her pretty much her whole life. He has a longtime girlfriend in Memphis.”

Van Turner, Chairman of the Shelby County Democratic Party, to WMC-TV: “It’s surprising. I think it’s wonderful news, parenthood changes you. I’m here with my daughter, so I think you look at issues a little differently. It really makes you a well rounded elected public servant.”

Compare this to Commercial Appeal investigative reporter Marc Perrusquia’s look-back on Herenton and Claudine Marsh in 2009, the year before Herenton challenged Cohen in a congressional race. In January 2005, when his son Michael was 4 months old, Herenton called a press conference to announce that he had fathered the child, whom he has supported financially.

“Even as years of controversy roiled into a near operatic drama, few of the developments affecting fourth-term Mayor Willie Wilbert Herenton resonated like that of the birth of his son, Michael . . . In the birth of his out-of-wedlock son, Herenton’s critics found a trifecta of flaws: poor judgment, recklessness and a brazen penchant for secrecy.”

Like Cohen, Herenton asked the media and public to respect his privacy.

“I respectfully request that the media respect the privacy of all of the individuals involved. This matter has nothing to do with my public duty as the mayor.”

The CA was having none of it, even in 2009.

“Yet as Herenton tried to douse yet another fire, questions flowed. Could the mayor, with his record for controversy, realistically expect the media to leave this matter alone? Did his private life really not affect his public duties? And what kind of example was he setting for the city’s youth?”