Letter From The Editor Opinion

Little Joys

A friend of mine shared an event on Facebook last Friday — for Christmas at Silo Square, which would be bringing Santa to Southaven. “I’m sorry, but Santa needs to wait until December to leave the North Pole,” I commented, then added the cry-laugh emoji for good measure. I was half-kidding, of course, although I’m not sure last weekend’s climate was suitable for St. Nick, him being accustomed to the sub-zero temps and mountains of snow in his hometown and all. I reckon he survived though since I didn’t hear anything about an untimely demise.

But I have heard lots of whining about Christmas coming too early. As soon as Halloween was over, folks were hauling their trees and ornaments and colored lights down from their dusty attics, turning their homes into makeshift winter wonderlands. Before the spiderwebs and cauldrons were even carted out of Target, the aisles were dutifully lined with snowflakes and garlands, and Mariah Carey’s infamous tune arose from its seasonal slumber.

Maybe the complainers are half-kidding, too. Because does it really bother them that much that others find delight in decking the halls of their own houses? Or that “All I Want for Christmas Is You” now floats into their ears as they meander through Walgreens? The playlist there isn’t exactly on anyone’s top 10 throughout the rest of the year. Or maybe it is.

Point is that if someone else finds a little joy in hanging stockings in November, let them have it. It’s dark at 5 p.m., winter temperatures hit us like a surprise backhand overnight, it’s gray and gloomy, and everything outside is dying. Not to mention the less-than-stellar economy, higher-than-ever housing costs, political tug-of-war, environmental turmoil, and, you know, the big stuff that can cause tons of stress if we let it. Lawmakers can’t seem to quit meddling with our rights and the freedom to make our own decisions, yet we’re grizzled about Christmas.

I’m not rushing to put up a tree. I probably won’t even bother. Putting all that stuff up means later taking it down, and I’d rather not add more things to my to-do list. But if the holidays give someone out there the warm fuzzies, and curling up with a hot cup of cocoa in their Frosty the Snowman PJs under the glow of string lights brings a little peace, good for them! There is so much division in this world, the matter of holiday decor should be at the bottom of the debate list.

All this to say, maybe it’s not so much about snow globes and wreaths as it is that people need something to fuss about. If it’s not politics, it’s sports or religion or which rich guy is the bigger piece of shit. I don’t make it a practice to let these types of things get to me, or even get in the middle of them too much — at least not out loud. It’s not worth the elevated blood pressure. And I learned at the family Thanksgiving table long ago that not all such conversations end amicably. There’s that whole “If you don’t have anything nice to say” adage that probably fits here. Unless you just enjoy arguing.

I’m not pushing “toxic positivity” either. I’m simply saying that if someone else’s opinion, lifestyle, or personal choices don’t affect you whatsoever — and much of the time, they don’t — let them be. If faith or cheesy Hallmark movies or plastic trees provide comfort for you, go for it. We’ll never all agree on everything, to be sure. But one thing we can agree on is that we’re here now trying to get through life, each with our own struggles, emotions, and daily minutiae.

It’s good to have something to look forward to, even if that something is a lighted tree. Those are the kinds of things that bring little joys. And there’s no sense in fussing over that.

Cover Feature Food & Drink News

Fall Back, Drink Forward

Temperatures roller-coaster dipped into the cool stuff last weekend promising no more 80-degree days until Memphis in May and the exact right conditions to bend an arm under a dark, toasty/roasty fall beer.

For this, Memphians, you are in luck. New beers keep pouring into new Memphis-area taprooms. When Cooper House Project opens in Cooper-Young (hopefully soon!), Memphis will be home to 12 craft breweries. It’ll join Ghost River, Beale Street, Boscos, Crosstown, Grind City, Soul & Spirits, Hampline, High Cotton, Wiseacre, Memphis Made, and Meddlesome. Consider that only two craft breweries — Ghost River and Boscos — operated here nine years ago.

New beers are pouring into Memphis-area stores, too. Craft breweries from other markets are expanding their distribution circles, and new stuff is showing up on our shelves. Think of all the Nashville beers we can get here like Bearded Iris and Southern Grist, Urban South from New Orleans, and Deschutes from Bend, Oregon. This now also includes several non-alcoholic beers from brewers who want craft flavors without the hangover.

Toby Sells (left) with Soul & Spirits owner and master brewer Ryan Allen.

For this year’s fall beer guide, we rounded up a bunch of beers you can find around Memphis. This includes some from other markets and does not include every local brewery. Some breweries just didn’t have anything new that we’ve not written about already. We found our beers at Cash Saver and South Point Grocery (thank you, Taylor James!), both known for their wide selections. But you can find most of the beers in our tasting most anywhere.

Some brewers haven’t liked all of our staff comments in past beer guides. But our crew was asked to be honest. We taste and take notes, not as beer experts, but as typical Memphis craft beer consumers. (I mean, we don’t even have Untappd accounts.)

But we did have expert help. As in years past, we had a guide to help us understand the different styles and pick out flavors. This year, Ryan Allen, co-owner and master brewer at Soul & Spirits, shined a light on our path forward. He joined us in an undisclosed Midtown backyard as a few Flyer staffers drank beers from a cooler and wrote about them for work. Hell yeah.

There are plenty of beers to love on this list — and we did love some. But don’t take our word for it. Go grab a light jacket and a dark beer for yourself. — Toby Sells


Athletic Lite, light lager, 0 percent ABV

Ever leave a sixer in a hot car, discover it later, then put it back in the fridge? This reminds me of that — like a flat, forgotten Miller Lite. Not much flavor, but an easy drinker if you like playing pretend. — Shara Clark

It’s a light beer with no alcohol. Which I guess is like chewing on a candy cigarette in a cigar club. But to be fair, some people really like candy cigarettes. — Samuel X. Cicci

A non-alcoholic beverage that seems sort of pointless. Slightly fizzy, like LaCroix water. Yellowish color, like water that’s been, er, used. I’d prefer a LaCroix. — Bruce VanWyngarden

There’s nothing there and I guess that’s the point. It’s barely-beer-flavored fizzy water. — Toby Sells

The recent technological advances that have made decent-tasting NA beer possible are welcome. There’s a lot of good brews out there that won’t mess with your sobriety. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. Why make an NA beer taste like the lite beer designed to make 4.2 percent alcohol content more palatable? This beer makes me long for the bold flavors of tap water. — Chris McCoy

This non-alcoholic beverage is like drinking Holy Water from church, except the wrong fingers have been dipped in the font — fingers that have been in places God doesn’t approve of — so there’s a tinge of something that shouldn’t be there, making you question if this thing that’s supposed to be “good” for you is actually worth the way it goes down so smoothly. — Abigail Morici


Memphis Style Lager, light lager, 4.5 percent ABV

The can art reminds me of a ’90s-style Mead folder, but the beverage itself gives strong shower beer vibes. Lather up the shampoo, crack one open, and throw it back while the water washes the day away. This one’s a winner. — SC

It’s a nice, lighter malty lager. If you like lagers, go for it. But you’re gonna buy it anyway since the can is so fun with its minty-party-shenanigan-chic aesthetic. — SXC

This 4.5-percenter is right down the middle of my comfort zone. Tastes like beer, friendly and non-aggressive. I could see myself sitting down with a few of these. — BV

It tastes great. Now with that out of the way, let’s talk about the can. To holler at the ’80s Memphis design group on a beer can will delight any who appreciate obscure Memphiana. If you think it looks like Saved by the Bell, well, that’s fun, too. — TS

This beer is what you think you want when you order a domestic light beer. Because of Memphis’ great water, and being fresher than your average corporate beer product, it’s got a sharper and better flavor. — CM

The Memphis Style has the vibe of a crouton. We like croutons. But do we love croutons — that’s the question. — AM

Southern Grist

Parallel Fruited Sour, sour, 0 percent ABV

This is another NA, which is good because you’ve got to be sober to say its name three times fast. Flavor- and texture-wise, this seems like nothing more than a fruit puree — or what you get in one of those bottles of daiquiri mixer. — SC

It’s bursting with passion fruit and raspberry, but not super sour, which I want in my beers. Also, it has no alcohol. Which I guess is like choosing to inhale a fruity candle in a hookah bar. — SXC

Another non-alcoholic brew that is in no way reminiscent of, well, beer. It’s pleasant tasting, but to me, this is a soda. — BV

This is one of the best NA beers I’ve ever tasted. It’s got the mouthfeel of a regular beer, and the flavors are tasty but not overwhelming. Most importantly, it’s not too sweet. — CM

The best snack when you’re in kindergarten is that cherry chapstick that you sneak a little nibble of, and this drink will take you back to those naughty moments — as if the chapstick-eating folk at Southern Grist melted down the worst chapstick, plastic tube and all, to find a new evil way to capitalize on nostalgia. — AM

Doc’s Cider

Sour Cherry Cider, sour, 6 percent ABV

This tastes like an Alabama Slammer Clubtails (those cheap, gas-station, 10-percent malt beverages) or a Black Cherry Four Loko. And if you’ve got more than two bucks to spend on booze, this is not a good thing. — SC

This sour-cherry concoction tested my gag reflex. Never bring this near my face again. — BV

This is the opposite of thin. It covers your tongue and palate with a sort of cherry medicine film. Do not recommend. — TS

UhhhlllllAAAAHHHHCHHA [yucky sound]! — CM

It’s like drinking the weirdly pink liquid that drips from a teeny tiny hole in a Febreze-scented garbage bag filled with rotting fruit and used Kleenex as you drag it to your garbage bins. — AM

Urban South

Red Nose ReinBeer, fruited wheat, 5.4 percent ABV

The first sip gave me a little “Oh!” — light with a warm, spiced aftertaste. Subsequent sips sorta felt like peeling back the wrapping paper on a Christmas gift then settling into disappointment once you realize it’s just a pair of socks. — SC

Grandma got run over by a reinbeer while walkin’ home from our house on Christmas Eve. The suspect was a fruity wheat, with notes of cranberry, cinnamon, and brown sugar, but witnesses reported that the spices overwhelm any fruity taste. — SXC

I didn’t want to like this. But it’s Christmas in a can, really. Light on the cranberry flavor, heavy on the cinnamon and brown sugar. The taste turns flatter the more you drink, though. — TS

Urban Artifact

Xmas Pickle, sour, 4.3 percent ABV

What’s the dill with all these odd new beer types, eh? It’s a smooth, light, pickle-based gose. Little bit of salt, a nice clean pickle scent, a bit of tartness, but overall it doesn’t go too heavy on any of the strange flavor mixes. — SXC

It’s much like I’d imagine drinking the brine from a pickle jar would be, only with bubbles. It’s got some salt, as well. Might go well with a cheeseburger or something, but I would not drink this sans food. — BV

Ryan [Allen from Soul & Spirits] said pickle beers are on the rise. I ain’t tryna drink this all afternoon, but it’s crazy different and fun to explore. I bet it’s great with fried chicken. — TS

I wasn’t aware of the pickle beer trend before this tasting, and I’m not sure I’m on board with it. This one smells like a pickle more than tastes like one, and it’s by far the saltiest beer I’ve ever had. Bottom line: It’s not as bad as it sounds. — CM

Soul & Spirits

Polk Salad, fresh-hopped IPA, 6.1 percent ABV

The vibe: You’re sitting in a field, breeze blowing against your face, sipping a cold, carbonated herbal tea. Fresh hops here really gave this a crisp, clean drinking experience. Best IPA I’ve ever tried. — SC

This is a better IPA, made from fresh hops (grown in Memphis!) and packed with fresh greens. Not bad. And that’s coming from an IPA-hater. — SXC

This is the freshest beer I’ve ever had. Maybe I would not have described it that way if Ryan hadn’t told us about the fresh-hop process, but dang if I can’t taste it. My notes say “just so fucking good.” — TS

It starts with a great nose. The initial taste is light and crisp, with a bold finish. The fresh hops linger longer and add more complexity than you get with your average West Coast face-melter. This is one of the best IPAs I’ve ever tasted. — CM

Ghost River

Dunkelweizen Ale, Dunkelweizen, 8 percent ABV

It’s got a bit of a clovy taste. A lot of Ghost Rivers have a sameness to their taste, but this one breaks the mold. Kudos to the brewer. — SXC

This has a dark, caramel-ish initial taste. The texture is soft, almost melted buttery. A hint of dough. Not for every taste, but will hit the spot for many. — BV

Ryan de-mystified Dunkels for me, saying they’re basically Hefeweizens with darker malts (and that “Dunkelweizen” literally translates to “dark wheat”). This one has those banana flavors and lots of suds. Fun to drink, and extra points for crop circles on the can! — TS

This new “dark wheat” is one of the better offerings from the venerable Ghost River label. It goes down smooth, but be warned: It’s got an exceptionally high alcohol content. You can get yourself into trouble with this one. — CM

Have you ever licked the cracked side of a plastic Mardi Gras bead that’s lost its shine and sits in a puddle of spilled beer? Well, now, you don’t have to; this drink will do the trick instead. — AM


Strizzle Bier, IPA, 6.2 percent ABV

Yipes. Bye-bye, taste buds. I think they were burned off by the bitterness. — SC

Wiseacre makes so many good beers that I don’t feel bad saying I don’t like this. It’s a weird fusion of IPA and brown ale, and I’m not sure those two styles ever truly reconcile. — SXC

Solid brew with a clean slight bitterness that isn’t off-putting. This one suits the season just right. — BV

IPA bros like myself (self-burn), rejoice! Your fall beer is here. It’s bitter, even a little fruity, and definitely all IPA. — TS

Not much nose, followed by a weird, muddled taste profile. It’s bitterness without context. Strizzle is a rare miss from Wiseacre. — CM

This tastes the way sliding a finger along a freshly Pledged table feels but without the pleasant lemon scent. — AM

High Cotton

Chocolate Rye Porter, porter, 5.5 percent ABV

This is just begging to be made into a beer float. Is that even a thing? Well, it is now. Gimme a mug and a scoop of vanilla, please. — SC

As a kid I used to go to my grandmother’s and attack the bowl of 85-percent Ghirardelli chocolate squares. This beer reminds me of those, a bitter and oh-so-slightly-sweet meld of chocolate flavor swirling softly amidst the dark porter. Truly heavenly, and the perfect fall/winter beer. — SXC

It smells just like coffee as I bring it up for a sip. It tastes like the holidays. If ReinBeer above is the fun, gaudy Christmas party with lil smokies and Dirty Santa, this beer is the classier sit-down, roast beef dinner with your well-to-do cousins. — TS

This is the kind of beer I’m in the mood for when the leaves are falling. It’s well-balanced, not too sweet, with a complex set of flavors. This is one of my favorite beers from a Memphis brewery. — CM


Peanut Butter Milk Stout, sweet/milk stout, 5.8 percent ABV

Yum! Nutter Butters in a cup. This would make a great boozy milkshake. — SC

My notes, verbatim: “Fuck it. I love the shit out of this beer.” I couldn’t help it, even though I don’t usually like these beers and wanted not to like this one. I can’t explain the magic that converted me, but it was there. — TS

It’s got a great nose, it pours like motor oil, and the flavor is deep and satisfying — somewhere between a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and a pecan pie. Those brewers up there in Nashville are making great beer. — CM


Chocolate Coconut Bar 10W-40 Imperial Stout, stout, 8 percent ABV

It’s a silky, creamy chocolate imperial stout with a bit of lingering coconut. I expected more of a Mounds bar-esque taste. Not quite as good as the chocolate rye porter, but solid if you’re a stout fan. — SXC

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. The coconut goes way over the top here and turns the candy bar flavor into suntan lotion. — TS

As a fan of stouts, chocolate cake, and coconuts, this sounds like it should be right up my alley. But it’s just chewy and thick and not much else. I’m not sure I even tasted the coconut. Meh. — CM

Soul & Spirits

Smoke Stack, smoked dark lager, 5.7 percent ABV

Ever played musical chairs around a campfire to avoid the smoke blowing in your eyes? But every time you move, it follows, permeating your hair and clothes and your entire respiratory system? That usually sucks, but while this tastes like inhaling a smoke cloud, it’s a bold beer, and I’m here for it. — SC

The smoke hits you right up front, like when the wind from a fire pit wafts your way. It’s meant to emulate Memphis barbecue, and like Memphis barbecue, it’s a slow burn. Not a beer to crush, but could go well with a rack of ribs. — BV

Ever had a beer that’s smoky like a good scotch? Made with Tennessee barley roasted over mixed hardwoods intended to evoke the flavors of Memphis barbecue, this one was a new experience for me. Not sure I could have more than one at a sitting, but this is an excellent beer. — CM

News News Feature

Politics and the Marketplace

Last Tuesday’s elections are determining the composition of the U.S. House of Representatives, a third of the Senate (runoffs aside), and 36 governorships. Politically, this feels like a divisive time, and accusations and dire warnings from both sides of the aisle are getting increasingly hyperbolic. How can we confidently invest or stay invested in markets at a time like this?

There was never a time where politics didn’t feel at least a little divisive in America. Recent events have us on high alert, but there are a lot of stories in the history books equally as shocking. In 1856, a Senator was beaten with a cane until he fell unconscious on the floor of the Senate. A few years later, there was an all-out brawl in the House, including more than 30 members. Even as recently as 1988, a Senator was arrested and carried onto the floor feet-first by the Sergeant-at-Arms to comply with quorum rules. The rise of aggressive algorithms on social media probably does contribute to political divisiveness today, and we don’t mean to minimize the recent events and violence in our political process. However, there has never been a period of time where politics have felt completely constructive and settled.

There has never been a period of forward-looking geopolitical security either. Throughout the Cold War and even today, we have the omnipresent threat of nuclear conflict. Events like the Bay of Pigs invasion are largely forgotten today because they were resolved, but there was no guarantee at the time that things would work out at all. All recorded history has been defined by the rise and fall of great powers, and these tectonic shifts in influence and control continue as countries like Russia try to stay relevant and countries like China aspire to become more dominant throughout the world.

We’re not going to solve the world’s problems today, but we can reassure you that despite all the uncertainty in the past, the markets have persevered — through world wars, inflation, recessions, and everything else that happened in the twentieth century. Every time concerning news comes out, people wonder if “this time is different.” Each time is different in its own way, but thus far the world, the economy, and the financial markets have always persevered in the long run.

The good news is that there is no evidence suggesting the political party in power reliably has any influence over the future trajectory of the markets. The conventional wisdom is that populist candidates are negative for the markets and more conservative candidates are market-positive. We think it’s more likely that different ideologies benefit different types of companies (for example, a Democratic sweep might be positive for green-energy companies while Republicans might be good for coal). Also, there are elaborate checks and balances through the legislative process and via the judiciary, so even with a large majority, one party can’t have overly dominant influence.

One theme we always come back to is diversification. At Telarray, we don’t have to spend any time worrying about which stock or sector might outperform based on a particular election outcome because we are broadly diversified across countries, currencies, and investment factors. Our style of investing has exposure to virtually every sector and countless companies throughout the world. Concentrated investing can pay great rewards, but it can also result in great disappointment if things don’t work out the right way. Harry Markowitz’s statement that “diversification is the only free lunch” rings truer today than ever.

Gene Gard is Chief Investment Officer at Telarray, a Memphis-based wealth management firm that helps families navigate investment, tax, estate, and retirement decisions. Ask him your questions or schedule an objective, no-pressure portfolio review at Sign up for their next free online seminar on the Events tab at

Politics Politics Feature

Michael Whaley: Mt. Everest Bound

Anyone attending a meeting of the Shelby County Commission is bound to notice Michael Whaley, the Democrat who represents the newly reconfigured District 13, which slices through several sections of central and northeast Memphis.

Whaley is chairman of the commission’s budget and audit committees and has the vaguely clerkish look you might associate with such concerns. He does his homework on pretty much everything that comes before the commission, however, and can always be counted on to take part in discussions, whatever the subject, and often in great detail.

By profession, Whaley is an organizer of educational programs and institutions, and is principal of Memphis College Prep, a fact which gives him a solid continuing interest in all school matters.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, which would provide an observer a hint as to Whaley’s chief motivations as a private individual. He happens to be an adventurer par excellence, with ambitions and accomplishments far in advance of your average weekend outdoorsman.

Whaley has climbed to the top of a still-active volcano in the Congo to smell the sulfur in the world’s largest lava lake and has made his way into the interior of that country’s vast jungle in order to find and “get up close and personal” with the last remaining mountain gorillas there.

Like Tom Cochrane, he believes that “life is a highway” and intends to experience it “from Mozambique” — where he has scuba dived — to “Memphis nights” to wherever else he can find the out-of-the-way and unusual, the “unique destinations and alternative cultures of the earth.” He has explored the remotest places he can find, from Madagascar to New Zealand to the outbacks of South Africa.

It all began for Whaley when, 10 years ago, he went with his mother, a teacher, and father, a college administrator, to Burma (Myanmar) where his mother had been born. “It opened my eyes,” he recalls. The experience not only nourished his curiosity; it was a leading reason for his own choice of education as a career.

Whaley’s first serious climbing challenge came in 2006 when he and his then roommate went to Montana and climbed Mt. Helena. His most recent experience was hiking and fly-fishing in Colorado, which he concluded just before the convening of the new commission session.

Whaley makes it a point to travel to a different place every year. Newly married, he intends to take a Caribbean jaunt with his wife Lauren next. After that, he has in mind solo trips to such places as Tasmania and Antarctica. Those places will have to wait, though. First, Whaley will go to Tibet to take a shot at Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world.

That is scheduled for the spring, when he will take a leave to join the Highland Expedition, the next organized assault on the summit of that famous edifice, all of 18,000 feet up. That’s well more than three miles high.

Whaley is sensible enough to realize that the summit itself may represent an insuperable challenge for him at this point, but he plans to go as high as he can. His climb will start with a trek in the company of Sherpas (Tibetan natives who assist climbers) to the mountain’s base camp, which is a high destination in itself.

From there? “The toughest part is in getting through the glacier,” says Whaley, who has researched the matter in some depth. One of the ordeals to come will involve tipping a ladder horizontally across an abyss, a mile or two up, and walking across it to safety wearing spiked shoes.

Merely consider that for a moment or two. And consider what it must be like to be Michael Whaley and routinely take on such challenges in his spare time. Not for him the easy chair and a soft season of watching the NFL on TV.

It’s enough to make the commission work, with all of its demanding obligations, seemingly endless six-hour sessions, spirited and sometimes baleful exchanges, and not inconsiderable arcana, pale into relative insignificance by comparison.

Uncategorized We Saw You

We Saw You: Crafts and Drafts and Chilly Weather

Memphis Flyer events never cease to amaze. People FLOCK to them.

Crafts and Drafts, held November 12th and 13th outside and inside Crosstown Concourse, was no exception.

Thousands of people were there even though it was cold. Caitlin Dirkes with the National Weather Service said it was 40 degrees at 2 p.m. on Saturday with a wind chill of 32 degrees. But still there was a crowd. And not just inside, but outside.

Even Santa was there. But he can put up with the cold better than most people. I’ve never seen a picture of the jolly old man wearing a ski mask while he’s maneuvering his sleigh in the sky with that reindeer backdraft.

Eliza Hulverson and Max Milburn at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Bey, Rey, Grey, and Antoine Neal at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Santa Claus at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Gus Gottlieb and Lucas Bradford at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)

Over two days, more than 3,000 people attended Crafts and Drafts, says event producer Molly Willmott. And, she says, there were more than 130 local artists, makers, and vendors.

Andrew Gafford and Grace Porter at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Anna and Xavier Graves at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Chris Dickson at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Hannah Dawson at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
KG at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Rob Williams at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)

People were enjoying ice cold beer on an ice cold day. Beers were chosen and curated by Cash Saver, Willmott says. And there were food trucks.

Maggie and Robert Anthony at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Wesley Earnest at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Carter Dunn, Paul Lichlyter, Erika Gavrock at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Nikki Dildine, Daniel Bauer, Madison Raper, and Terrance Raper at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Sara Abbott, Jen Church, Russell Church, Pat Church at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)

By the way, I mentioned to Dirkes at National Weather Service that I hoped it was going to warm up next week, but she said,  “Its going to be cold next week, too. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.”

But some people like it to be cold on Thanksgiving.

Samuel Macri at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Jazmin Miller and Jaffi at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Noah Fogle, Cameron Fogle, Anna Traverse Fogle, and Lily Bear at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
DJ Zetta at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Mary Hamlin at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Allie Miller and Emily Donahoe at Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Crafts and Drafts (Credit: Michael Donahue)
We Saw You
Letter From The Editor Opinion

On Falling Back (and Forging Ahead)

“Don’t forget to set your clocks from sunshine and happiness back to misery and despair this weekend.”

These words appeared in meme format a few times in my newsfeed last weekend. So how’s everyone’s first week of misery and despair going? Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Perhaps falling back an hour and returning to “standard time” isn’t quite the doom and gloom so many of us make it out to be. But there is something to be said about missing that end-of-day sunshine.

Statistics show that about 5 percent of the population — around 10 million Americans — experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), most commonly starting in late fall/early winter or coinciding with the end of daylight saving time (DST). And around 20 percent have mild symptoms of SAD, which can contribute to social withdrawal, mood shifts, sleep disruption, appetite changes, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and a slew of other not-so-fun, where’s-the-sun side effects. Yuck.

Granted, I’ve seen some positive posts, from folks who are happy to have a sunny drive to drop the kids off at school, or whose children are elated at the prospect of not walking to the bus stop in the dark, or those who are now enjoying the sunrise on their morning commute. Maybe bedtime comes a little easier or earlier, eventually. But the effects one little hour can have on our brains and bodies are kind of astounding. Was Sunday the LDOAT (longest day of all time) for anyone else? The day dragged on, and the night, well, I woke up three different times thinking sleepy time was over when it was, in fact, not. Weird. It’s a lot like jet lag, it’s all kinds of confusing, and we all have to adjust.

It’s interesting, though, how society just accepts that we move time twice a year. Can you imagine if I told my co-workers or friends that 10 o’clock was now 9 o’clock, officially, and that they had to follow that format for approximately four months? It’s dark now when you 9-to-5ers step out of work — get over it.

As for daylight saving time, here’s a summary, courtesy of the Infinite Wisdom of the Internet: The idea was first suggested, in 1784, in a satirical note to the editor of The Journal of Paris from Benjamin Franklin (to minimize candle usage). In 1895, a guy (an entomologist, if you want to get technical), George Hudson, proposed moving clocks two hours so he could have more time to study bugs in daylight (gotta commend his passion and effort). A British fella, William Willett, in 1907 said it could be an energy-saving solution (I see where he was going with that). The actual implementation of DST, however, has roots in transportation, and, as succinctly stated by CNN, “was put into practice in Europe and the United States to save fuel and power during World War I by extending daylight hours, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics.” There’s a lot more to it, but you get the gist.

The National Conference of State Legislatures reports that more than 20 states currently have set forth legislation or resolutions regarding DST, with 18 states (Tennessee among them) seeking to stay on DST permanently, pending approval by Congress and the president, of course. Gah, so much power, moving time and all.

Speaking of power, I’m seeing a lot of people talking about “things I cannot control” — the time change being among them. (Well, apparently someone can control time. *Cough.*) But there are some things we can control.

Another meme I saw over the weekend read: “On Sunday, set your clock back one hour. On Tuesday, be careful that you don’t set the country back 50 years.” We’ve just passed election day. I write this before any results have come in, but I hope those of you who do wish to have some control over the few things you can got out and voted for the changes you want to see, for the people and things that will keep us moving forward for the greater good of all.

Even beyond elections, remember that you can support organizations right here in the city that pave the way for positive change in our community — whether that be through monetary contributions or volunteering your time. Use your voice, resources, and actions to make sure we are no longer, in a broader sense, falling back, but forging ahead — away from any lingering misery and despair, toward sunshine and happiness.

At Large Opinion

Sacred Cows

On the front page of last Wednesday’s Commercial Appeal, there was a fascinating story by reporter Katherine Burgess about a cow sanctuary in nearby Arlington. The farm is run by a Hindu nonprofit organization and now has almost 200 Gyr cattle, or as they are sometimes called, sacred cows.

Hindus from all over, even India, have made pilgrimages to the farm for worship. Burgess quoted Purushotham Tandu, the spiritual advisor at the organization: “The cow has many healing capacities. When you go close to the cow, it will vibrate on certain frequencies. We have certain frequencies. So whatever unwanted emotions, it will take and will replace with good emotions and cosmic energy.” Okay.

When it comes to religion, I’ve been a devout agnostic for decades. I am from Missouri, after all. This is not to say that I haven’t experienced certain inexplicable feelings at times, emotions that seem somehow spiritual, connected to something beyond the pale of this physical world. These occasional mysteries remind me to keep my options open, even though a formal “faith” eludes me.

Atheists and true believers have a lot in common, actually. You have to have faith to be an atheist. There’s no proof that God doesn’t exist, so atheism is just another faith-based belief system. Conversely, those who proclaim there is a god, are standing only on their faith to make that assertion. (The preceding is brought to you by every late-night dorm discussion I had in college.)

Now, when it comes to feeling the spiritual power of a Gyr cow, well, yes, I’m certainly agnostic. But who knows? Might be worth a trip to the ’burbs to find out. They’re pretty impressive-looking beasts. Who knows what harmonic frequencies they may have tapped into?

Oddly, there was another religion story (also by Burgess) on the front page of that Wednesday paper. This one was about Christ Church Memphis, a large local Protestant congregation that had just voted by a 90 percent to 10 percent margin to leave the United Methodist Church. I was raised in the Methodist Church, so I was curious why this denomination had decided to sever ties with the mother ship.


It seems the Christ Church Memphis folks don’t approve of the current LGBTQ-acceptance policies of the United Methodist Church, which is letting LGBTQ Methodists (gasp!) get married to one another. And they’re even allowing some of them to become members of the clergy. The horror! What would Jesus do?

Ninety percent of Christ Church members seem to think Jesus hated queers and wouldn’t let them become members of his church. And, to be fair, they ought to know, right? I mean, “Christ” is right there in the church’s name, so these people are obviously true followers of Jesus’ teachings.

Except for maybe they’re not.

Here are a couple of Jesus’ thoughts they may have overlooked: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Also this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

So, the good folks at Christ Church have obviously made a couple addendums to those teachings, like, “Nuh-uh. Jesus wasn’t talking about them gays when he said those things. And even if he didn’t condemn them, we do! And this is our church, dammit!”


As a certified agnostic, let me toss out some free advice on religion, okay? If your church judges people of a certain creed, gender, or sexual identity as inherently evil, you need a new church. If your preacher preaches chastity and fools around with the congregation’s teenagers, you need a new church. If your preacher drives a new Mercedes and lives in a gated mansion, you need a new church. If your preacher condemns abortion as murder and then endorses Herschel Walker for senator, you need a new church. If your preacher is a MAGA Trumper, run! You really need a new church, and maybe a little remedial study of the true tenets of Christianity.

Here’s the bottom line, straight from Jesus: “Do unto others [all others!] as you would have them do unto you.” It’s the closest thing to a sacred cow you’ll find in the Bible. Take it in. Breathe it. Feel its frequency.

News News Blog News Feature

Announcing Several Flyer Promotions

I am excited to announce that the Memphis Flyer’s next editor will be Shara Clark. Shara officially took charge on November 1st, but she is no stranger to the paper, having been its managing editor since 2019. Her commitment to editorial excellence and integrity has been clear throughout her time not only with the Flyer but at CMI broadly, where she has worked since 2008.

In those years, Shara has helped guide and strengthen nearly every facet of our editorial products. She has worked extensively on Memphis magazine as senior editor, producing an impressive array of memorable feature stories as well as special sections. Since 2018, she has edited Memphis Parent, where her dedication and talents have been evident in every issue of the evolving publication. In her early years with the company, Shara was involved in sales, so she truly understands all aspects of CMI. Most recently, in her time with the Flyer, Shara has helped the paper weather several leadership transitions while maintaining its high quality.

Shara possesses a specific array of skills that make her well suited to the role of Flyer editor, excelling in the realm of process and detail and in that of vision, leadership, and values. We are confident that under her guidance, the Memphis Flyer will provide its readers with the blend of news, views, and culture they have come to expect, while continuing to evolve its valuable place in the local media landscape with an increased commitment to arts and culture coverage. We could not be more thrilled to usher in the bright new ‘Shara era’ of the Flyer.

Two other promotions within the Flyer’s editorial team also took effect November 1st. Samuel X. Cicci takes on the role of managing editor. Sam is a CMI veteran in his own right, having been with the company since 2016. In that time, he too has worked on a blend of special projects and core publications, most notably as editor of Inside Memphis Business, the local business vertical that is a part of Memphis magazine. Sam is an excellent editor himself, and possesses a wide range of expertise, writing about everything from business to dining to soccer to home remodeling. He will continue to supervise Inside Memphis Business and write restaurant reviews for Memphis while serving as managing editor for the Flyer. We are grateful to Sam for always stepping up when called upon (and volunteering when not), and we know he will be an adept managing editor for the Flyer.

In line with the Flyer’s commitment to arts and culture coverage, we are promoting Abigail Morici into the new role of Arts and Culture Editor for the paper. Abigail started at CMI as an editorial intern in the spring of 2021. When her internship concluded, we were fortunate that she agreed to join our organization full-time. In the not-quite-two years she has spent with us, Abigail has demonstrated her prodigious talent for writing, editing, and developing ideas. She has been working as calendar and copy editor for the Flyer, as well as associate editor of Memphis magazine. She has shown a special skill for capturing the essence of arts assignments (though she’s not to be missed when writing about anything), and we will be looking to her to guide and develop the Flyer’s arts and events coverage, while also ensuring that the paper continues to be an authority on what makes Memphis so peculiarly and particularly itself.

Finally, we would be remiss not to extend our sincere thanks and respect to those who have worked to keep the Flyer running smoothly during the transition between editors. Special appreciation goes to Toby Sells, Bruce VanWyngarden, Jon Sparks, and of course Shara, Abigail, and Sam.

Please join me in congratulating Shara Clark, Sam Cicci, and Abigail Morici.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

From Intern to Editor

Hello, dear readers. You’ve probably seen my name within these pages by now, mostly in this space or in the back in Last Word or a byline to the occasional music or food feature. Today, you’re seeing it for the first time with me as this paper’s editor-in-chief. And I’d like to formally introduce myself.

I picked up my first copy of the Memphis Flyer more than 20 years ago as a fledgling writer — and an outspoken, screw-the-system teenager — on the newspaper staff at my northern Mississippi high school. Once a week, I’d drive to my favorite local music store, Disc-O-Tech (shout-out to Tomcatt who’s still keeping it going in Southaven!), and grab a copy. It gave me easy access to the big city that then felt worlds apart but lay just across the state line. In many ways, the paper’s voice — edgy, bold, and unapologetic — matched that of mine, even then, as a determined kid with much to learn.

It was nearly 15 years ago that I drove to the Memphis Flyer offices for the first time, then housed on Tennessee Street Downtown, with a slip of paper in my hand and a dream in my heart. On the paper were handwritten directions, given to me over the phone by senior editor Michael Finger, who I’d be interviewing with for an internship position. In my final year as a journalism major at the University of Memphis, I was nervous but excited at the prospect of seeing behind the scenes, learning from the company’s talented staff of writers and editors — and being a part of making the magic happen.

A bonus — for me, as a Mississippi Delta native who’d always yearned for big-city life — through an editorial internship, there were endless opportunities to learn more about Memphis from on the ground, by talking to community movers and shakers, artists, activists, entertainers, and leaders. And I’d come to do just that.

The first story I wrote for the Flyer was back in 2008, on Anthony Lee’s Modern Hieroglyphs art project along South Main at Central Station. I’d later cover controversies surrounding expansion at the Memphis Zoo, a host of events around town for the paper’s Steppin’ Out section, and — one of the strangest for a young reporter — the on-site auction of property left behind at the former Platinum Plus strip club. I learned more with every story, about myself as a writer, about how to ask the right questions, about what made Memphis uniquely Memphis. And I found my journalistic footing.

Once my internship was up, I stuck around, hoping to keep that foot in the door. Through the years, I worked in various departments within Contemporary Media, wherever they’d take me — selling advertising space, writing advertorial content and editorial features for Memphis magazine, taking the helm as the editor of Memphis Parent. And, in 2019, I circled back to where it all started, on the Flyer staff, this time as managing editor. It has been a hell of a ride.

I have profound respect for all of the people who keep the Flyer and its sister publications rolling, who’ve weathered stormy waters as digital media took its hold, who persevered through precarious times, including navigating an unprecedented pandemic. Our entire crew — reporters, editors, designers, sales executives, distribution and production facilitators, and management — are to be lauded for what they do day in and day out. It truly takes teamwork to make the dream work.

Through it all, the Flyer has been a beacon, representing the spirit and grit of the city and its people, covering the curious and quirky, the light and the dark — and maintaining its focus of giving a voice to the voiceless, telling the hard stories, doing the deep digging, and providing that work to the public, for free.

During my time here, I’ve gotten to know Memphis at its core — its humans, its hardships and successes, its scuffs and scrapes, its beauty. The stories I’ve helped tell, that came to life on the pages of these publications, are the stories of our city. There are many more to be told, and I look forward to — along with our outstanding (and ridiculously cool) team — sharing them with you all.

We wouldn’t be able to continue the Flyer’s 33-year legacy without you, and we’re grateful to have you on this journey alongside us. Thank you for reading.

Politics Politics Feature

Roadblock in Memphis Mayor’s Race?

Complications have already set in regarding next year’s race for Memphis mayor, inasmuch as a ruling by Federal Judge John Fowlkes about a residential requirement in the city of Mason could affect the legality of races in Memphis, which has similar residential requirements. Neither would-be contestants Van Turner or Floyd Bonner at the moment has a Memphis residence.

And sexist talk by candidate Joe Brown at a weekend forum would seem to make it necessary that either Karen Camper or Michelle McKissack or both follow through with their mayoral plans.

Meanwhile, not the least interesting item on the November 8th election ballot is an amendment removing a restriction against ministers of the cloth holding office in the legislature. Given long-standing sentiment for dividing church and state, this one will doubtless require of voters some serious meditation — prayer, even.

Three other amendments are of more-than-usual interest. One, the “Right-to-Work” amendment would enshrine in the Tennessee Constitution the state’s existing bar against mandatory union membership. Business wants it. Labor doesn’t. Another amendment provides for the house speaker to assume the office of governor temporarily during an emergency. And another amendment abolishes explicitly the practice of slavery in any form.

Other matters of interest on the ballot include a governor’s race pitting GOP incumbent Bill Lee against Democratic hopeful Jason B. Martin and a whole squadron of Independents.

Of other competitive races, 8th District Republican Congressman David Kustoff and 9th District Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen face Lynnette Williams (D) and Charlotte Bergmann (R), respectively, plus a bevy of Independents in each case.

The state Senate District 31 seat is contested by well-heeled Republican Brent Taylor and Democrat Ruby Powell-Dennis. The district is heavily Republican but has been run close by Democrats.

Democrat London Lamar is favored in state Senate District 33 over Republican Frederick Tappan and Independent Hastina Robinson.

A special circumstance prevails in state House District 86, where Democrat Barbara Cooper, recently deceased, is pitted against Independent Michael Porter. If Porter should finish first, he wins the seat. If Cooper ends up ahead, the Election Commission will call a special election and permit new candidates to file.

State House District 95 sees GOP incumbent Kevin Vaughan challenged by Democrat Patricia Causey, and in state House District 97 incumbent Republican John Gillespie also has a Democratic challenger, Toniko S. Harris.

Memphis has a special election for City Council, District 4. Contestants are LaTonia Blankenship, Barry Ford, DeWayne Jackson, and Jana Swearengen-Washington. A vacancy exists for Municipal Court judge, as well. Vying for that position are Patience “Missy” Branham, Latonya Sue Burrow, John Cameron, Varonica R. Cooper, Lynnette Hall-Lewis, Latrena Davis Ingram, William “Bill” Larsha, Christine Stephens, and Carolyn Watkins.

Bartlett has a full slate of candidates in that city’s municipal election. For mayor: Steven Brent Hammonds, John Lackey, David Parsons, and Kevin Quinn. For alderman, position 1: Casper Briggs, Harold Brad King, Jimmy D. Norman, and Victor Read. For alderman, position 2: Robert Griffin, Stephen Spencer, Thomas Stephen Jr., and Brandon S. Weise. Paul Kaiser and David Reaves vie for position 3. Aislinn McEwen and Bryan Woodruff are contesting school board, position 4.

Collierville has aldermanic races, too. In position 1, William Boone vies with Maureen J. Fraser. In position 2, Jewel Jordan and Billy Patton compete. In position 4, the contestants are Emily Fulmer and Missy Marshall. Wanda Chism and Alissa Fowler are competing for school board, position 2. Position 4 on the board is sought by Keri Blair, Chelsea Glass, Heath Hudspeth, and Jeremy Smith.

Contested positions in Germantown are for alderman, position 1, with Manjit Kaur and Scott Sanders running. Daniel Chatham and Jeffrey Chipman are competing for school board, position 2, and Angela Rickman Griffith and Carrie Schween are vying for school board, position 4.

In Lakeland, Michele Dial and Connie McCarter are competing for commissioner, and Keith Acton, Laura Harrison, and Deborah Thomas are running for school board.

Millington has competitive races for alderman, position 3, with Chris Ford and Tom Stephens; school board, position 3, with Brian McGovern and Gregory L. Ritter; and school board, position 6, with Mandy Compton and Larry C. Jackson.