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Sound Advice: Wind Vs. Sun CD-Release


Tomorrow night – Saturday, October 12 – longtime Memphis musician Dirk Kitterlin (of The Third Man, The Bulletproof Vests, Bryan Hartley Industries, etc.) will formally unveil a debut album from his newest project, Wind Vs. Sun, with a CD-release show at The Hi-Tone.

The emergence of Wind Vs. Sun marks a new chapter in Kitterlin’s musical career, as it sees him step into the unfamiliar role of the frontman/bandleader.

“I’ve always written to some degree, bringing in material for The Third Man and The Bulletproof Vests,” he says. “So when BPV stopped playing out I started stockpiling and demoing my ideas, instead of working them into band material. I finally decided to work it up to a band, which is vastly different from the side-man role. Writing songs, arranging rehearsals, booking gigs, promoting gigs, etc all falls on the front-guy. It’s a lot different than just showing up and playing, so it’s tiring but rewarding when everything goes well.”


The album, titled Energy Crisis, is being released by local record label Higbee Records, which is a new imprint founded by Enfectious Erf designers Chuck Howard and Ronnie Lewis.

“I’m eternally grateful to Ronnie and Chuck,” says Kitterlin. “Once it was done I was at a point where I wasn’t going to be able press physical copies, and I had been talking to Ronnie about doing the layout for a digital release, and those guys stepped in with their label and the stars just kind of lined up. The artwork is beautiful and I think it really reflects the music.”

Here’s “Killin’ Me,” the first single from Energy Crisis:

For more information, visit

Wind Vs. Sun CD-Release Show
w/ The Perfect Vessels
Saturday, October 12, 9:30 p.m.
The Hi-Tone
$5 cover