Sports Tiger Blue

Jeremiah’s Time

Four Tiger basketball players who transferred to Memphis in 2017 will be saluted this Saturday at FedExForum, and rightfully so. But with due respect to Kareem Brewton Jr., Kyvon Davenport, Mike Parks Jr., and Raynere Thornton, let’s call this year’s Senior Day what it should be called: Jeremiah Martin Day in Memphis. A Tiger who averaged 2.7 points (and 13.8 minutes) per game as a freshman will likely finish his career among the top ten scorers in Memphis history and 10th in assists. There are precisely two other players over a century of Tiger basketball who rank as highly in both categories: Elliot Perry and Joe Jackson. Last month, the pride of Mitchell High School became the first Tiger to score 40 points in two games in a career (and he came three points shy of doing it a third time). A player who seemed misplaced upon his arrival will leave the program among the most memorable of all time. “It’s been a journey,” emphasizes Martin, “but it’s been great, no regrets. No looking back.”
Larry Kuzniewski

Martin’s journey has included time with three different head coaches: Josh Pastner his freshman season, two years with Tubby Smith, and this season under Penny Hardaway. His first practice was at the Larry Finch Center. His last will be at the extravagant Laurie-Walton Family Basketball Center. “It’s a different program,” says Martin. “Every coach has different philosophies. My first year was a struggle, the transition from high school. Coach Pastner was always on me about playing hard, making myself fit in. I was turned into a full-time point guard; that was one of the hardest parts. Coach Smith was about doing everything the right way. And Coach Hardaway shows us how to be a pro. He and the entire staff emphasize how to be a professional.”

Few players in Memphis history personify the concept of development at the college level like Martin. After stumbling as a freshman, Martin took command of the Tiger offense as a sophomore, handing out more than twice as many assists (142) as turnovers (63), then earned second-team all-conference honors in 2018 when he finished second in the American Athletic Conference in scoring (18.9 points per game). He recovered from a foot injury that ended his junior season and today represents his team’s only real chance to win the AAC tournament and capture a prize that’s eluded him to this point: an NCAA tournament berth.

“The one thing I didn’t know he could do is score in volume,” says Hardaway. “He averaged 19 points last year, but to score 40 in a half [as Martin did at USF]? To catch fire and catch rhythm like that? That’s amazing; he’s amazed me this year.”

Martin’s not at ease discussing his skill set, but acknowledges an improved jump shot magnified his threat on the offensive end. And then there’s confidence, the intangible that tends to grow exponentially when a player spends four years in college. “I can play at my own pace,” says Martin. “I can get players — on offense or defense — to play at my pace. I can speed them up, or change speeds. I didn’t envision myself being the same player I was last year. It comes with putting in the work.”

Martin counts Faragi Phillips, his coach at Mitchell (and currently the coach at Whitehaven High School), among those who’ve made the greatest impact on his rise as a player and person. He remains Memphis to the deepest part of his core, a connection he’s relished this winter as the city has come to appreciate and celebrate his remarkable play. “I could’ve left,” says Martin, “but I was loyal to the city, even more than the coaches. I love this city. I get to be with my family.”

With a one-year-old daughter, Martin has all the more reason to play near home, but he’s prepared for what’s next, wherever “next” may be. “I want to play in the NBA,” he says. “That’s my dream, what drives me. That should be everybody’s ultimate goal at this level. I want to be there, long term.” Whether or not his name gets called in June’s draft, Martin intends to play professionally, if not in the NBA, perhaps the G League or overseas. But for now, there are a few more games in blue and gray. Jeremiah Martin will finish his Tiger career as living proof that some stars shine brightest when not born, but made.

Sports Tiger Blue

A Penny for Your Quotes

Penny Hardaway’s first year as Tiger coach has been memorable, to say the least. A few of the rookie coach’s public comments — even those not mentioning Tennessee coach Rick Barnes — should live on.
Larry Kuzniewski

• “You can’t come to practice half-assed, going through the motions. We’re trying to get better. How you practice is how you play.”
 This remark came after the Tigers’ win over East Carolina on January 10th. (I’d never call a crowd “half-assed,” but this was among the sleepiest of the season at FedExForum.) Hardaway has had three talented freshmen — Tyler Harris, Alex Lomax, and Antwann Jones — in his rotation since the first game of the season, and they’ve brought as much frustration as delight. On this night, he replaced Harris and Jones in the starting lineup with seniors Kareem Brewton and Kyvon Davenport. Harris came off the bench and scored 16 points and Jones added 10. Message received.

• “Everything magnifies on the road.” Hardaway said this, somewhat ironically, after the Tigers’ home win over UCF on January 27th. But 20 days after beating the Knights by 20 on their home court, the Tigers lost to the same team, 79-72, in Orlando. They were run off the floor in the first half at Tulsa before outscoring the Golden Hurricane in the second half of a 16-point loss. Then there was the trip to USF when the Tigers spotted the Bulls a 27-1(!) lead before Jeremiah Martin’s 41-point second half almost dodged defeat. To date, the Tigers are 4-9 away from FedExForum (3-6 in opponents’ buildings). This has to change before any discussions of a nationally ranked team begin.

• “As far as our players, you can’t put toughness in someone. You have to go out and battle.” You want to climb a Hardaway nerve? Talk to him with the Cincinnati Bearcats nearby. The program that tormented Hardaway as a player is now a standard for him to match as a head coach. A five-point loss to the 25th-ranked team in the country (on February 7th) is no embarrassment. But it’s one of five Tiger losses (with no wins) against ranked teams this season. In last week’s win over Tulane, Hardaway saw self-doubt in Lomax (a player who has grown up under his guidance), even what he described as “pouting.” The freshman didn’t play after halftime. Watch this area of Hardaway’s development program. If toughness can’t be taught, can it be discovered?

• “Last year was not who we were [as a program]. We’re headed in the right direction. We’re going to higher places, and we’ll be there sooner than later.” Hardaway was emboldened by his team playing third-ranked Tennessee even (87-87) after falling behind, 15-5. If there was a “moral victory” this season, it came on December 15th. Tennessee brought size, muscle, and big-game experience to FedExForum, and if you ignore the game’s first five minutes, the Tigers didn’t flinch. This series and other interconference rivalry games are on the way back, which will indeed take Memphis basketball to higher places.

• “I’m gonna try and stay even-keeled, and not get too animated.” Hardaway explained why he stood for the entire game after the Tigers’ season-opening win over Tennessee Tech. It’s his “thinking pose.” And Hardaway has blocked much of my view from press row ever since. He’s yet to pick up a technical foul. And he’s yet to call an official by name (a John Calipari specialty), preferring the universal “ref.” With memories of Calipari and the emotive Josh Pastner still vivid, Hardaway’s sideline demeanor has transformed the presentation of Memphis basketball. Grounded, focused, determined. With work to be done.