Liquor Store play the Lamplighter on Wednesday, December 2nd.
It’s a good week for underground music in Memphis, with metal, punk, and garage rock shows every day this week before the Evil Army record release show on Friday. Here are a few shows to get you ready for the weekend.
Tuesday, December 1st.
Kylesa and Namazu, 8 p.m. at the Hi-Tone, $15.
Midweek Music: Kylesa, Diarrhea Planet, Liquor Store
Wednesday, December 2nd.
Diarrhea Planet, China Gate, 9 the Hi-Tone, $10-$12.
Midweek Music: Kylesa, Diarrhea Planet, Liquor Store (2)
The Oscars and Liquor Store, 10 the Lamplighter, $5.
Midweek Music: Kylesa, Diarrhea Planet, Liquor Store (3)
Thursday, December 3rd.
Sick Thoughts, Aquarian Blood, Gimp Teeth, 9 p.m. at the Buccaneer, $5.
Midweek Music: Kylesa, Diarrhea Planet, Liquor Store (4)