Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Whole Moon Magic

Each phase of the moon has its own vibrations and types of spell work that it supports. But that does not mean that you can’t do manifestation work when the moon is waning. If you have an urgent need, no one is going to want to wait for the appropriate day during the appropriate moon phase to do a spell.

If you have a big goal in mind, you can use all the phases of the moon to work your magic for an entire month with one objective in mind. I call this whole moon magic.

The waxing moon phase, which is from the point of the new moon until the moon is full, is a good time to do manifestation work. As the moon appears to grow bigger in the sky each night, your magic and intention is growing along with it. The waning moon phase, when the moon is past full until the time of the new moon, is a good time to do banishing work. The full moon is the perfect time to do any workings, as the full moon lends its potency to your magic. Then there is the new moon. The new moon is when the moon either cannot be seen in the sky or can just be barely glimpsed as a crescent. The new moon phase comes after the waning moon and before the waxing moon. The new moon phase is a time to plan and prepare for your spell work, planting those metaphorical seeds. The new moon is also a time to do shadow work and take stock of ourselves.

You can work with each moon phase individually, but you can also use all of them to really tackle a situation from all sides. To do this, you want to really define what your goal is. It is always good to be specific in your spiritual workings. Let’s use prosperity for this example. Besides, who doesn’t need a little prosperity in their life?

You do not have to wait until the new moon phase to begin; you can start whenever you are ready. For this explanation, we’re going to start at the beginning. During the time of the new moon, you begin defining your goal and making sure you have all the items you’ll need to get started. If we’re working on prosperity, this is when you really figure out what you need. Is it a certain amount of money or an opportunity or a lifestyle you’re trying to create? Once the moon moves out of the new moon phase into the waxing moon phase, you begin to work on manifesting that need. Burn your candles, say your affirmations, wear your lucky socks. Do this as often as you want to for the waxing moon phase. Each phase is around two weeks long.

The full moon adds extra umph to your magic. When the moon is full, you might want to do one last, big manifestation spell for prosperity. Finish burning your money candle, spend some extra time chanting your affirmations, or spend some time in meditation to see if the universe has any guidance for you on your way to prosperity.

From the new moon to the full moon, we’ve been focusing on attracting and manifesting our desires. As the moon moves into the waning phase, we shift from attracting what we want to banishing what we do not want. Keeping our goal of prosperity in mind, when the moon is waning you can focus on banishing debt or getting rid of bad habits that cost you money. This is the time to remove things in your life that are blocking you from your goals.

Working a whole moon cycle allows you to address your needs from all sides. It is also a longer process, which means you are spending more energy on it. Giving all this energy to one goal is one of the best ways to manifest something. It makes sure the universe hears you and lets the universe know you are serious about your intentions. The new moon is coming: Are you ready to work some whole moon magic with me?

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.