Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly in the worst of all possible timelines in Back To The Future II.
There’s a wide variety of offerings on big screens this week. On Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 7 p.m., Indie Memphis presents Beanpole, by Russian director Kantemir Balagov. Set in Lenningrad after World War II, Beanpole is the story of two best friends (Viktoria Miroshnichenko and Vasilisa Perelygina) who are trying to overcome their wartime trauma and are united by the unlikely idea of surrogate motherhood. Beanpole screens at Studio on the Square.
Russian Dramas, Bibi Netanyahu, and Back To The Future II in Theaters This Week
The Morris and Mollye Fogelman Memphis International Jewish Film Festival continues on Thursday, Feb. 20th with King Bibi, an intimate look at the career of outgoing Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu. The meticulously researched documentary screens at the MJCC Belz Theater at 7 p.m.
Russian Dramas, Bibi Netanyahu, and Back To The Future II in Theaters This Week (2)
Or, for something completely different on Thursday, you can see my favorite film whose story requires a diagram to explain. Back To The Future II was released in 1989, four years after the original film became a surprise hit. It’s fascinating to watch today to see what it got right and wrong about the 21st century. For my money, the best scene in the film is when writer Bob Gale stops the action entirely to draw a diagram that explains the ingenious plot, which involves the accidental creation of an alternate universe. It’s a lot more fun than it sounds.
Russian Dramas, Bibi Netanyahu, and Back To The Future II in Theaters This Week (3)
See you at the movies!