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Amazing Grace

Away From Her is a modest drama about an elderly Canadian couple coping with the onslaught of Alzheimer’s. This topic could have resulted in something as sloppy and sentimental as a Lifetime (or maybe Hallmark) movie, or it could have been as severe as an Ingmar Bergman chamber piece. It is neither. In fact, it’s an entirely unexpected triumph.

The film marks the directorial debut of Canadian actress Sarah Polley, who also adapted the script from an Alice Munro short story. I imagine most readers will remember Polley best as the female lead in the recent Dawn of the Dead remake or perhaps opposite Katie Holmes in the teen noir Go, but, for me, she will always be the babysitting survivor from Atom Egoyan’s devastating The Sweet Hereafter. The utter lack of autobiography in this debut project is impressive enough, but the combination of warmth and meticulous, unflinching austerity is reminiscent of The Sweet Hereafter. It immediately marks Polley as a potentially major filmmaker.

Away From Her opens in a rural Ontario cottage, where retired professor Grant Andersson (Gordon Pinsent) and his wife Fiona (Julie Christie) live after more than 40 years of marriage, spending their time cross-country skiing and reading to each other. Grant is slightly rattled by early signs of Fiona’s mental deterioration, such as putting a frying pan in the freezer after washing dishes. But it’s another thing entirely when Fiona wanders off during a solo skiing sojourn and is found, hours later, freezing by the side of the road.

The couple read up on the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and the enormous demands imposed on the unaffected spouse as primary caregiver (“sounds like a regular marriage,” Fiona jokes). Then Fiona, during a good stretch, makes the decision, against Grant’s pained opposition, that she should be put in a high-end nursing home.

Fiona meets her fate with an acceptance that borders on grace, but Grant’s journey is more difficult. Forced to leave Fiona in the institution for a month-long acclimation period before he’s allowed to visit, when they’re reunited, he finds a woman who no longer seems to recognize him.

Fiona’s lucidity comes and goes. (In a gratuitous but utterly heartbreaking moment, Fiona watches the U.S. invasion of Iraq on TV — the film is set in 2003 — and says, out loud, to herself: “How could they forget Vietnam?”) But it mostly goes, and Grant sees that she’s made a new life without him, focusing most of her energy on a new companion, a wheelchair-bound, mostly mute man named Aubrey (Michael Murphy) whom Fiona tends to like, well, a husband.

And, in this trial, Grant finds his own version of grace. He comes to the home daily, just to watch her in her new happiness. To Fiona, he’s the nice, if unusually persistent, new suitor, and she treats him with slightly annoyed politeness. Eventually resigned to Aubrey and Fiona’s friendship, Grant not only accepts her independence, even as she loses herself, but actively helps her achieve what she wants, even if it’s the companionship of another man.

Polley makes the difficult selflessness of Grant’s behavior toward his wife’s new reality seem real and specific. Away From Her isn’t about the journey every Alzheimer’s patient takes, nor is the disease used as a metaphor. It’s a story about two people, and a surprisingly great one.

Away From Her

Opens Friday, May 18th

Studio on the Square

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The Salon

Time has not been kind to The Salon. Made about two years ago and based on a 2003 play, the movie has been sitting on studio shelves waiting for, I suppose, everyone to forget about Queen Latifah’s Beauty Shop, which was produced around the same time and shares an urban-beauty-shop setting. Beauty Shop was itself a spin-off of Barbershop, so formula fatigue was a valid concern.

Turns out, two years wasn’t long enough to wait. The Salon‘s set-up and plot are just too distractingly familiar: A Baltimore beauty shop — a neighborhood social hub full of you-so-crazy employees and customers — is threatened to make room for a city parking lot. To make matters more complicated, the shop owner (Vivica A. Fox, pictured) may be falling for the lawyer (Darren Dewitt Henson) sent to convince her to take the city’s buyout.

The Salon‘s age shows. A reference to Anna Nicole Smith could have just been unfortunate timing, but a conversation about J. Lo’s and Ben Affleck’s continuing relationship and Halle Berry’s Oscar win for Monster’s Ball makes the whole movie feel as timely as a flea-market stack of People magazines.

What time hasn’t destroyed, The Salon kills itself. Terrence Howard is billed second after Fox, but he’s only in the film, literally, three minutes and change. The script resorts to didacticism when it can’t figure out what else to have its characters say, which is almost a relief from the falsely outrageous behaviors you’re subjected to the rest of the time. Perhaps the only saving grace in The Salon is how bad it gets in the last 20 minutes: Lessons are learned and a neighborhood may be saved, but it’s Frederick Douglass’ involvement that ensures I’ll actually remember The Salon for all the wrong reasons.

Opens Friday, May 11th, multiple locations

Film Features Film/TV

Looking for a Spidey alternative? Lucky you.

Here’s counterprogramming at its finest: Opening the same weekend as Spider-Man 3, the Las Vegas gambling drama Lucky You pumps pure oxygen into a multiplex sucked dry by the CGI-first/ask-questions-later superhero sequel. So what if my Lucky You theater was a third full and Spider-Man 3 was sold out all weekend, all over the world? When it comes to movies worth camping out for, make mine Curtis Hanson’s.

Lucky You: Huck (Eric Bana) is a Vegas poker marvel who can quadruple $1,000 in a jolt by uncannily reading other people but who can’t get his act together when the stakes are personal. Billie Offer (Drew Barrymore) is a Vegas neophyte who sings country songs much lonelier than she is to drunks staring at computer poker at a bar. Huck meets Billie, and they strike up a relationship that in any other movie would be the focal point. Instead, that honor goes to L.C. (Robert Duvall), Huck’s estranged, two-timing, two-time-poker-champion dad. Every time Huck and Billie seem to find a groove, in walks L.C., and Huck’s eyes go distracted. What Huck makes L.C. out to be and what Billie is act as the devil and angel on Huck’s shoulders.

The whole ménage à trois plays out over the backdrop of the 2003 World Series of Poker tournament, famous for its winner (Tennessee amateur Chris Moneymaker) and its consequence (the game’s boom in popularity). The setting gives Lucky You a bittersweet end-of-an-age feel perfectly in-tune with its characters’ dramas.

Lucky You is not perfect: Bana and Barrymore’s chemistry only gurgles even when it’s supposed to be roaring, and there’s a surfeit of gambling puns, beginning with the title, middling with the name Huck (sounds like “hock,” which he does at pawn shops to raise funds), and ending with groaner lines like Billie’s “making a good fold” when she breaks up with Huck.

And then, instant redemption, with another casino pun, no less: “Everyone over 21 gets what they deserve.” And Bana and Duvall’s chemistry flows like the loosest slots in town. (The acting duel during a one-on-one gambling jag between Huck and L.C. in a coffee shop is worth the price of admission.)

Director Hanson (L.A. Confidential, Wonder Boys) wastes no movement in Lucky You. He makes the poker games personal and intimate with directing that’s all business. Like the new Casino Royale, the poker in Lucky You is credible: Instead of a series of swapped haymakers, it’s a measured process that builds toward resolution in calculated turns. (Gambling great Doyle Brunson is the film’s poker consultant.)

Lucky You is littered with character actors and ESPN-poker familiars to the point where it sometimes feels more like Celebrity Poker Showdown than a movie. But even this works in the Lucky You‘s favor. One is reminded that all successful poker players are good actors. In a film set in the most contrived, false, overacted town on earth, Lucky You says, don’t let the poker face fool you. The real show here is human, and it is substantial, and it won’t let you go. What happens in Vegas stays with you. What happens in Lucky You is another Curtis Hanson winning hand.

Lucky You

Now playing

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Torn and Frayed

One of five nominees for Best Foreign Language Film at this year’s Oscars, the Danish film After the Wedding is essentially a melodrama, that intensely cinematic subgenre marked by florid emotions and reality-flaunting plot contortions. But, with director Susanne Bier and screenwriter Anders Thomas Jensen each boasting roots in the bare-bones “Dogme” movement started by fellow Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier, this is a melodrama set against a naturalistic, vérité-style backdrop. (It is not, technically, a Dogme film, flaunting many of that exhausted movement’s restrictions, such as Bier using a score to prod viewer’s emotions.) Shot in handheld digital-video (albeit with a richer, more colorful look than any of von Trier’s Dogme films), After the Wedding tells its story with an intense palette of extreme close-ups and restless jump cuts.

The protagonist here is Jacob, a Danish man living in India working at an orphanage. Mads Mikkelsen, whom most viewers will recognize more readily for having playing the bloody-teared villain in last year’s Casino Royale, plays Jacob. Freed to be a recognizable human being, Mikkelsen gives a scruffier, more soulful performance here and comes off looking like a Danish Viggo Mortensen.

After the Wedding‘s credit sequence deftly and movingly gives a sense of what Jacob’s daily existence in India is like: feeding swarming children from vats of rice and rounding some children up for school classes. Meanwhile, the camera swings promiscuously, documenting seemingly unstaged street scenes of Third World destitution.

In a meeting with one of his superiors at the orphanage, Jacobs learns of a wealthy benefactor back in Denmark who is willing to donate the money needed to keep the orphanage from closing. The catch: The man insists that Jacob come to Copenhagen to personally negotiate the deal. Jacob, who seems to hate rich people and doesn’t want to risk missing the upcoming birthday party for his young charge, Pramod, is reluctant. He complains that he doesn’t want to travel all the way to Denmark just to “shake some rich guy’s hand so he can take a picture and put in on the wall to show his friends what a good guy he is.”

Once in Denmark, Jacob meets with billionaire JØrgen (Rolf Lassgård), a blowsy captain-of-industry type who stalls on the agreement, insisting that Jacob keep himself busy by attending the wedding of JØrgen’s daughter, Anna (Stine Fischer Christensen).

At the wedding, Jacob discovers that JØrgen’s wife, Helene (Sidse Babbett Knudsen), is his own former flame, his breakup with whom presumably provoked him to flee Denmark a couple of decades prior. If you think this is all a bit too coincidental, you’d be right. And this suspicion grows stronger when Anna drops an accidental bombshell during her toast, ahem, after the wedding.

From this set-up, Bier and Jensen concoct a soap opera — a web of personal motivations and emotional confrontations — that is underscored by tough moral and political dilemmas, particularly for Jacob, whose commitment to his Indian orphanage is compromised by the powerful pull of personal complications back home in Denmark. The result is a stirring drama of abandonment and connection that offers no easy answers.

After the Wedding

Opens Friday, May 11th

Studio on the Square

Film Features Film/TV

Avenue Montaigne

Stars align in Avenue Montaigne. One of the toniest streets in the toniest city in the world — Paris — Montaigne is a nexus of fashion and the arts and all the celebrities and hangers-on that that entails. That confluence is summed up in the Bar des Théâtres, a café that caters to two theaters and an art auction house, all of which are hosting big productions on the same evening.

Jessica (Cécile de France, High Tension) gets a job at the café so that she can meet luminaries. Catherine (Valérie Lemercier) is starring in a staging of a Feydeau farce, but she’s also practically stalking famed director Brian Sobinski (Sydney Pollack), who’s in town casting a high-profile biopic of Simone de Beauvoir. Lefort (Albert Dupontel, Irreversible) is a world-class concert pianist who’s sick of the “chic, snooty world” of classical music. Grumberg (Claude Brasseur) is a rich old man selling his lifetime’s work, his art collection, because he doesn’t want to be a glorified museum guard. Claudie (Dani, Day for Night) is a theater concierge retiring after a lifetime of meeting, “tweaking,” and idolizing pop stars like Gilbert Bécaud.

As a film that knits so many important characters into so many plot threads, Avenue Montaigne has a light touch. It name-drops Truffaut, Piaf, Sartre, Delon, and Binoche, among everyone else — Avenue Montaigne may be the Frenchest movie ever — and as stated microcosms go, it’s anything but cloying.

Directed by Danièle Thompson and written by her and her son, Christopher (who also co-stars), the film is a delicious tart with characters deeper than their skin (but not too deep) and lines like, “Is he your good deed or your good deal?” Add in a vivacious climax that will leave you à bout de souffle, and Avenue Montaigne comes highly recommended.

Opens Friday, May 4th, at Studio on the Square

Film Features Film/TV


The highest-grossing and most prestigious of the recent spate of comic-book-hero movie franchises, the Spider-Man series can be criticized for swamping a talented director (Sam Raimi, whose terrific 1998 neo-noir A Simple Plan portended a more adult alternate path so far left unexplored) in a decade of corporate marketing monoliths masquerading as popcorn movies. But, truth is, Raimi has done right by Marvel Comics’ most iconic creation.

Perfectly cast at the core (with the boyish, nebbishy, yet believably athletic Tobey Maguire as photographer-turned-superhero Peter Parker), the first Spider-Man was deeply satisfying in its origin story (especially its not-so-subtle masturbation and premature-ejaculation jokes), but the largely computer-generated action sequences were too artificial and mundane. Watching Spider-Man swinging through Manhattan — skyscraper to skyscraper — should have been a visual treat, but instead, you never got the sense you were watching anything other than a blip of digital color being moved across a screen.

Raimi’s second take was (and still is) the superior action flick, with a memorable, sharply directed sequence involving a runaway elevated train the most effective crash-and-smash moment in the series. Perhaps enjoying the freedom that comes from tremendous success, Raimi also injected more of his own directorial personality into the film, most notably in a crazed Dr. Octopus origin scene that reflected the same fiendishly chaotic quality that Raimi brought to his beloved low-budget Evil Dead series.

Having established the series and indulged his personal aesthetic in the first two films, Raimi seems to want to make the biggest, best superhero movie ever with Spider-Man 3. He gets mixed results. Spider-Man 3 is overlong at 140 minutes and overstuffed with characters (there are three foils for Spidey here, plus himself and two love interests) and plotlines.

James Franco returns as Peter’s friend Harry Osborn, here so bent on avenging the death of his father (Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin, from the first film) that he succeeds him as the “New Goblin.” Thomas Haden Church joins the film as escaped con Flint Marko (explained in the movie as the character who really killed Peter’s beloved uncle Ben in the first film), who happens upon a particle-physics experiment and emerges as the Sandman. And, most promisingly, Topher Grace plays oily rival photographer Eddie Brock who, through plot contortions not worth going into, is transformed into the evil Spider-Man doppelganger Venom. The role allows Grace to exploit the Eddie Haskell qualities he’s displayed so well in smaller roles in Traffic and Ocean’s Eleven (as himself!).

Spider-Man dispenses some double-barrel web justice.

Despite expanding to the two-hour-and-20-minute length to make room for all these additional characters, Spider-Man 3 is marred by unexplained plot leaps (such as Grace’s Eddie suddenly knowing everything about everyone in the movie despite being a tangential character for much of the film) and ridiculous-even-by-comic-book-standards coincidences: A symbiotic alien goo that transforms Peter into a sinister, black-costumed Spider-Man just happens to arrive by asteroid yards from where Peter — presumably the only person in the film’s universe at this point with superhuman abilities — and girlfriend Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) are watching the stars.

After the advances of Spider-Man 2, the action sequences in this film are a return to an expensive shoddiness all too common in Hollywood blockbusters since the dawn of CGI. A nighttime, airborne pas de deux between Spider-Man and the “New Goblin,” which serves as the film’s first action set piece, is blurry and indistinct, though it gains some interest as the foes rocket through the narrow gaps between buildings. An overactive subway series between Spider-Man and Sandman pales next to the elevated-train sequence in the previous installment.

All of these costumed battles are necessary, I suppose, but feel rote. In Spider-Man 3, Peter Parker’s most interesting foe is himself.

As in so many of these superhero movies (and, I gather, the TV series Heroes, though I haven’t seen it) — especially the best-of-the-bunch X-Men series — what’s most interesting is how once-normal humans incorporate newfound superpowers into their daily lives or cope with the complications that come with such “gifts.” The small, spare moment where Peter and Mary Jane lie under a vast night sky, between a pair of trees, in a webbed hammock of Peter’s own design, is more memorable than the film’s noisy, messy tag-team-battle finale.

What’s best about Spider-Man 3 is watching the once-reluctant Peter finally get cocky about being Spider-Man, though it’s a bit of a bummer to have this transformation partially explained by the deus ex machina of that “symbiotic alien goo.” The tar-like substance doesn’t outright cause Peter’s turn toward the dark side but exacerbates it. (A scientist character in the movie says the symbiote “amplifies the characteristics of its host,” which reminded me of that great observation from Bill Cosby: “They say cocaine enhances your personality. Yes, but what if you’re an asshole?”)

The character arc that’s trying to poke through here — Peter as a bit of a jerk, full of himself and oblivious to the people in his life — should have dominated the movie but instead has to run parallel to the by-the-numbers action sequences and familiar introductions of new baddies. As it is, this plotline provides most of the movie’s juice. After saving the police chief’s daughter, Gwen Stacy (Bryce Dallas Howard), from a runaway crane that smashes into a skyscraper (the film’s best action scene), Peter makes a dramatic entrance to a key-to-the-city ceremony in Spider-Man’s honor, dropping down headfirst, like a spider in a doorway, and coaxing Gwen into an inverted kiss that rhymes with the one from the first film. “Lay it on me,” Peter chirps. Girlfriend Mary Jane is not amused: “That was our kiss,” she scolds.

Once the symbiote takes hold, Peter’s already unusually healthy self-esteem takes a turn for the comic worse. Peter emerges as a strutting, black-clad cad for an enjoyable diversion that deserved to be more.

This premise is perfect for Raimi, whose great talent has been injecting action genres (horror or superhero) with loopy comedy. And it’s also why maybe I shouldn’t complain about Spider-Man 3 being too long, because much of what is most enjoyable here is also what could be considered most extraneous. Which means not just Peter Parker’s descent into smug-nerd monsterdom but such bits of utterly unnecessary comic business as the never-long-enough trips to the Daily Bugle offices, where a perfectly cast J.K. Simmons devours everything in sight as stentorian publisher J. Jonah Jameson, and a satisfyingly silly and lovingly clichéd restaurant scene, where Raimi favorite Bruce “The Jaw” Campbell gets to play a French maître d’.

Spider-Man 3

Opens Friday, May 4th

Multiple locations

Film Features Film/TV


In Fracture, a cuckolded husband, Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins), shoots his cheating wife (Embeth Davidtz). Events play out for the audience so that there is no doubt of his guilt. Arrested, Crawford confesses; along with a gun and no alibi, the authorities have an airtight case. So why does Crawford seem so smug and confident that he will get off?

Ryan Gosling plays assistant district attorney Willie Beachum (yes, he’s a young, hotshot D.A. with a 97 percent conviction rate), brought in to prosecute Crawford. Gosling was great last year in Half Nelson, which garnered him an Academy Award nomination. But Gosling’s work in Fracture may put his coronation ceremony on hold: His Beachum is an over-studied panoply of mannerisms and physical quirks. Gosling’s hands and face are always doing something, and it is evident in every moment that he is acting. (The Oklahoma accent the script saddles him with doesn’t help.)

Hopkins plays — surprise — a smart guy. Here he’s an engineer or something who investigates airplane crashes, able to preternaturally determine where the break in the plane happened with his keen ability to sniff out weaknesses. Will he be able to apply that talent to pulling off the perfect crime and outwitting his foes on the other side of the law? As one good guy says to another, “The guy’s screwing with us. He’s stacking the deck.” Er, too bad the script can’t keep pace with its premise.

Fracture is directed by Gregory Hoblit, who has a couple of very good films to his name: Primal Fear (1996) and Fallen (1998). Primal Fear was a small miracle of a movie, where the confluence of brilliant typecasting (Richard Gere as a sleazy defense attorney), the presence of great, then-untapped actors (Edward Norton and Laura Linney), and a morally diffuse script were foisted on an unsuspecting audience.

Though Fracture is a return to the crime-trial genre for Hoblit and another in a line of kinda-thrillers, he directs the movie as if he’s never seen his kind of movie in a theater before. Action is muddled and indistinct; the image crowds the frame, leaving little negative space; and the camera often twirls in circles as if it were a particularly carefree 6-year-old. The whole mess is disorienting and a little sickening. Fracture may be the first movie I’ve seen that I think will be better to watch on the small screen. Not that I’ll bother to find out.


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Modest debut drama thinks it knows what girls like.

The feature film debut from writer-director Jonathan Kasdan, In the Land of Women is a tale of post-collegiate crisis that comes off as The Graduate as reimagined by the Lifetime Channel.

Adam Brody (The O.C.‘s Seth Cohen) plays Carter Webb, a Los Angeles screenwriter who breaks up with his model-actress girlfriend during the film’s opening credits and moves back to his Michigan home to care for his ailing grandmother (Olympia Dukakis) and work on an autobiographical screenplay.

Back home, Carter, like Dustin Hoffman’s Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate, becomes entangled both with an older woman and her daughter. Here though, the tone is more gentle, the resolution more hopeful, and the relationships, while intimate, more platonic.

Carter first befriends across-the-street neighbor Sarah Hardwicke (Meg Ryan), an unhappy housewife whom he joins on long walks with her English bulldog. Impressed by her new friend, who doesn’t seem to know anyone else in town, Sarah encourages her reluctant teenage daughter Lucy (Kristen Stewart) to take Carter out to a movie.

After playing comically against type in the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie shoot-’em-up Mr. & Mrs. Smith, this is Brody’s first major film role that allows him to essentially play a version of the likable, brainy, neurotic sad-sack he inhabited on The O.C. (The television-to-cinema transition and homecoming plotline also rhymes with Zach Braff’s Garden State.) Though written and directed by a guy and told from Carter’s perspective, Brody’s character here comes off as sort of a feminine fantasy: sensitive, smart, funny, kind, a good listener ready to grow as a person from the wisdom of women in his life.

Like so many of the films of his father, Lawrence (the director of The Big Chill), Kasdan’s debut takes suburban comfort for granted but does well with actors. Ryan is aging well, her performance here less cutesy than in her more celebrated ’80s roles. Stewart is as believable and attractive a teenager as I’ve seen on the screen lately. Dukakis ably chews the scenery as an entirely unsentimental golden girl. (“I love children …,” she says in a bit of absent-minded small talk, before catching herself: “That’s not true. I used to. Now I resent them.”) And Brody’s Carter is a winning figure at the center of the movie, though more as performed than as written.

This pleasant, minor movie sometimes stumbles, mostly relating to the script. Carter is a screenwriter who pumps out Skinemax-style softcore porn — an unnecessary and not very believable affectation. (I don’t think soft-porn screenwriters are scumbags or anything. But I also doubt they’re sensitive souls itching to move back home to take care of their grandmothers.) And a final twist that allows Memphian Ginnifer Goodwin to appear as the last woman in Carter’s life is a bit of page-bound gimmickry that ends the movie on a too self-satisfied note.

In the Land of Women

Opens Friday, April 20th

Multiple locations

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Lads on the Loose

British filmmaking duo Edgar Wright (writer/director) and Simon Pegg (writer/actor) don’t make spoofs in the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker (Airplane!) sense. They make genre-targeting comic homages. Their surprise breakthrough hit, 2004’s Shaun of the Dead, was their take on the zombie flick, in which a couple of louts (Pegg and Nick Frost) find their low-key existence complicated by the arrival of the undead.

The follow-up, Hot Fuzz, ostensibly does the same thing for the buddy-cop genre. This time Pegg is Nicholas Angel, a workaholic London cop who is transferred to the sleepy village of Sandford because his superiors think he’s showing up the rest of the force. In Sandford, Angel is reduced to searching for a loose goose and rousting underage drinkers and suffers the indignity of being partnered with Danny Butterman (Frost), the cheerfully incompetent son of the town police chief, who peppers his big-city counterpart with questions about policework gleaned from nights on the couch watching Hollywood blockbusters (particularly Point Break and Bad Boys II) on video.

In Sandford, Angel begins to suspect that an unusually high accident rate might be the result of more than mere accident and sets about attempting to uncover a criminal conspiracy that eventually demands the use of heavy ammo.

Shaun of the Dead was a lovable lark, getting its biggest laughs from having Pegg’s ale-soaked sod so hung over he couldn’t differentiate between the living dead and the everyday worker bees in his neighborhood. If Hot Fuzz is less successful, if there’s less to love beyond the movie’s genial gags, it’s because Hot Fuzz doesn’t seem to be about much other than movies and movie fandom. This can certainly be a topic for a great movie, but Wright and Pegg don’t seem to be up to making it.

Shaun of the Dead, by contrast, didn’t poke fun at zombie movies as much as the lived-in pub-lad lifestyle that the undead invade. In Shaun of the Dead, Pegg and Frost played characters that felt real — recognizable, funny, and frustrating even before their lives are impinged upon by the stuff of movies. In Hot Fuzz, the characters that are supposed to morph into movie creations are movie creations to begin with.

Which doesn’t mean Hot Fuzz isn’t enjoyable. Pegg and Frost maintain a palpable chemistry, and Frost, with his bedhead jocularity, may be one of the most instantly likable sidekicks in memory. And though Hot Fuzz worships at the altar of modern American shoot-’em-ups rather than British thrillers of the James Bond or Get Carter variety, Wright and Pegg stay proudly British, which is one of their central charms.

Parodying blockbusters is increasingly becoming old hat. In this regard, Hot Fuzz rises above the attention-deficit-disorder style of the Scary Movie series but lacks the confrontational appeal of something like Team America World Police. It evokes its sources formally as well as conceptually but in a way that’s more appreciative than mocking. It’s a movie that, like Butterman, seems to side with couch-potato passivity. At the end, I wasn’t sure if the lack of differentiation between the sublime Point Break and the merely noisy Bad Boys II was a comment on the filmmakers or just their characters.

Hot Fuzz

Opens Friday, April 20th

Studio on the Square

Film Features Film/TV

Bumpin’ Grind

Quentin Tarantino is Elvis: He transforms authentic, relatively obscure influences into pop and improves them in the process. This is true of all Tarantino’s films, save perhaps his debut, Reservoir Dogs — an impressive but mechanical heist-gone-wrong flick that falls short of such key influences as The Killing and The Taking of Pelham 123. But it’s never been more apparent than in Death Proof, Tarantino’s half of Grindhouse, a gonzo double feature he’s produced alongside longtime cohort Robert Rodriguez.

The word “grindhouse” refers to the cheap movie theaters of the ’70s that ran on a diet of “B” movies and exploitation fare, often packaged as double features. Unlike the mass-released Hollywood movies of today, which may ship 2,000 prints around the country on an opening weekend, very few prints were struck of these “grindhouse” movies. So individual prints would travel from town to town, theater to theater, getting worn down and damaged along the way.

For Grindhouse, Rodriguez and Tarantino have each directed a short “exploitation” feature — Rodriguez’s Planet Terror is a zombie flick in the spirit of George Romero; Tarantino’s Death Proof is, ostensibly, a car-crazy road movie that pays homage to cult items such as Vanishing Point and Two Lane Blacktop — and surrounded them with “prevues” of fake movies (horror, action, “Nazisploitation”) directed by such like-minded filmmakers as Rob Zombie and Eli Roth. The result is a three-hour geek-out salute to subterranean film culture.

To enhance the effect, Tarantino and Rodriguez incorporate the digital illusion of worn prints — scratches, nicks, crackles, missing frames (and, in each feature, a “missing reel”) — and troubled projection (poor focus, melting frames), meant to evoke the accidental aesthetic of the “grindhouse.” But really, the effect is broader than that. It gave me a flashback to my days manning the 16mm projector at my college film society and reminded me of seeing John Cassavetes’ Shadows for the first time at a Minneapolis revival house, where the reels were accidentally shown out of order and most of the people in the theater didn’t notice. The content of Grindhouse may be homage to exploitation-movie culture specifically, but in an age of Net-flix DVDs delivered to your home, the form of Grindhouse evokes film as a tactile, mechanical medium and filmgoing as a communal experience.

Rodriguez’s Planet Terror leads off and is easily the lesser of the two films. It also, not coincidentally,

Rose McGowan drives Marley Shelton in Planet Terror

shows more fidelity to “grindhouse” influences: It’s less a coherent movie than a collection of shock effects, lurid imagery, and intentional unintentional comedy thrown up on the screen. How you respond to it is likely to depend heavily on how you respond to the kind of imagery it deploys.

The zombie genre is gross-out territory by definition, but Planet Terror goes above and beyond, packing the movie with exploding heads; melting faces; cratered, brainless skulls; and bloody, severed testicles plopping onto wet concrete.

The gore was a bit much for me, but I did find plenty to be thrilled by: Rodriguez turns Rose McGowan — as go-go dancer “Cherry Darling” (I’m hoping this is a Springsteen reference) — into the ultimate cinematic fetish object. The movie opens with her body dominating the screen, performing a lascivious, red-tinted bump-and-grind that ends in tears. By the end, her right leg having been devoured by zombies, she’s limping on a machine-gun appendage, using it to mow down the undead. She’s a spectacle throughout and is almost equaled by blond newcomer Marley Shelton, whose lesbian adultress “Dr. Dakota Block” becomes a visual marvel as sorrowful, shell-shocked eyes are ringed in black mascara.

Plenty of gonzo moments pay off magnificently: Freddy Rodriguez’s roughneck hero rampaging through a zombie-packed hospital corridor, armed only with butterfly knives; fleeing flesh-eaters decapitated by a down-turned helicopter blade.

But, as much “stuff” as there is to look at here, Planet Terror is held back by filmmaking limitations that the perfection of Death Proof only underscores. (There’s a risky attempt by Rodriguez at the kind of tonal whiplash Tarantino regularly pulls off, but it lands with a disquieting thud that makes a throwaway movie a lot less fun.) Many of the action scenes are sodden and

clumsy, and Rodriguez goes overboard with the “damaged print” conceit. After a while, you just want the scratches, pops, and skipped frames to ease off so you can see the movie.

To paraphrase a beloved line from a decade-old record review: Planet Terror is a crummy-looking movie with a concept. And the concept is — crummy-looking movies! The result is a messy blare of blood and babes — satisfying but second-rate.

Five minutes into Death Proof, I felt bad for Rodriguez, because it was clear that a great filmmaker was finally in command. Where Rodriguez took the easy way out with a zombie movie (a foolproof genre but overexposed lately with the success of Land of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, the remade Dawn of the Dead, and 28 Days Later, all superior films), Tarantino digs into more novel exploitation territory. He casts Kurt Russell (aka Snake Plissken of Escape From New York) as “Stuntman Mike,” an aging, sociopathic stunt driver who targets comely young things for “vehicular homicide.”

Tarantino’s genius comes through as clearly in Death Proof as in anything in his career. He can convince his fanboy devotees that they’re watching a badass car-chase movie (which they are), when Death Proof could just as reasonably be described as a movie about women talking.

The director’s trademark chatter sparkles instantly, as three young women drive around Austin, Texas, finally settling in at a place called the Texas Chili Parlor. Here, Tarantino luxuriates in dive-bar bonhomie. Conversations range lazily, infectiously, from Robert Frost to big asses. The jukebox pumps out glam rock and obscure soul. Colorful patrons are introduced (including Stuntman Mike, scarfing nachos, and Rose McGowan, pulling double duty as a resentful hippie chick). The rhythm, pacing, wit, and energy of pure filmmaking is palpable. Nothing is happening, and you don’t want it to stop.

Tarantino downplays the post-production gimmickry that overruns Planet Terror. His “print” has flaws, but he never allows this to distract from the movie itself. Instead, he gives Death Proof a specific, of-the-era look.

Like other Tarantino movies, Death Proof manages to be intensely personal without being indulgent. It takes place in a fantasy world where a hottie celebrity radio DJ drops a subtle joke about obscure martial-arts movies into casual conversation. And Tarantino’s oddball foot fetish runs rampant; a lingering image is that of a bare female foot hanging out a car window, tapping out a British Invasion beat.

As in the Kill Bill movies, Tarantino references his own work as often as he does other movies. One diner conversation among a second group of women evokes the opening of Reservoir Dogs as the camera circles around the table. And Russell’s Stuntman Mike is another one of Tarantino’s awesome reclamation projects, giving the actor (not exactly out of work these days, but not with roles like this) a bravura conversation set-piece, where the corny old codger gets to drop a John Wayne impression and charm a pretty young thing.

Back at the Chili Parlor, Stuntman Mike is heard telling an uncomprehending twentysomething, “Back in the White Line Fever days, real cars smashed into real cars, with real dumb people driving them.” And in the second half of Death Proof, where Mike meets up with a couple of gearhead gals driving the same souped-up, white hot-rod from the oft-referenced Vanishing Point, Tarantino delivers the goods with an extended car-chase, car-crash duel that tops his influences.

Here, the real star of the show isn’t Russell or even Tarantino. It’s professional stuntwoman Zoe Bell, who doubled for Uma Thurman in both Kill Bill movies. Tarantino has Bell playing herself — doing the stunts (riding on the hood at maximum speed, like a living hood ornament) and getting the glory. It’s a big, public thank-you. She’s charming, and so is the movie. The generosity of spirit matches the virtuosity of the filmmaking. Real grindhouses knew nothing like it.


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