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Myra Stiles, Longtime Democratic Activist, Gets a Surprise


SURPRISE FOR MYRA STILES — The longtime activist  in local Democratic affairs went to Sunday’s meeting of the Democratic Women of Shelby County at the Southwind home of state Senator Reginald Tate and Lashun Pollard Tate, expecting it to be, as advertised, a reception for members of the new Memphis city government.

Well, that it was. But it also turned out to be an event honoring Stiles herself, who has just retired as treasurer of the Democratic Women of Shelby County, a duty she had performed for decades,  and had presided over 25 consecutive DWSC Christmas parties. 

In Panel One, DWSC president Virgie Banks brandishes proclamations in the unsuspecting Stiles’ honor from both Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland and Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell. In Panel Two, Strickland reads his proclamation aloud, to great glee and appreciation from the honoree. (The large crowd present enjoyed it, too.)