Letter From The Editor Opinion

Making Memphis History

Last Wednesday night was a historical one for Memphis. Late in the afternoon, the city council passed a resolution selling two city parks to a recently created nonprofit group called Greenspace. Those two city parks just happened to have the city’s two remaining Confederate war memorial statues standing in them: Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis. Within minutes of Mayor Strickland’s signing of the papers confirming the sale, the physical removal of the statues was underway.

Word spread quickly through social media, and crowds gathered to watch the first of the statues — that of Forrest and his horse in Health Sciences Park — get lifted off his pedestal and taken away to an undisclosed location. Shortly thereafter, Jefferson Davis’ statue in Memphis Park downtown suffered the same fate.

The moves set off a spirited reaction locally and drew national attention from the likes of The New York Times, the Washington Post, and several national news networks. I spent 20 minutes on the phone with a Times reporter who was seeking to get, as reporters are wont to do, the “mood” of the city.

The mood — and reaction — hereabouts, to put it mildly, was mixed. A survey of comment sections on local media websites made that abundantly clear.

Many Memphians, including me, were proud of their city for standing up to the Tennessee Historical Commission, which had at first denied the city’s request to take down the statues, then stone-walled and delayed further action with procedural moves. Their belief, and mine, is that the city — any city, really — should have the right to control its own parks, including the contents thereof. The city council, mayor, county commission, and even the governor had all expressed a similar opinion: They thought the city had a right to take down the statues. When the state continued to put sand in the gears of that process, the city found a creative work-around and did what it wanted — and honestly, what I suspect the majority of its citizens wanted.

Those opposing the removal of the statues resurrected the usual arguments, the most common one being: You’re removing history.

This is true, in a sense. In taking down the Forrest statue, the city was removing a historic monument to the Jim Crow era, one that was erected half a century after the Civil War to intimidate the city’s black residents. In taking down the Jefferson Davis statue, the city was removing “history” in the form of a statue that was erected in 1964, a century after the Civil War, at a time when the Civil Rights movement was riling the South. It was another middle finger to the city’s African-American majority by the white power structure in place at the time.

So yeah, all those zillions of folks who got their history from walking past those two statues every day will have to settle for reading a book. Bummer. Meanwhile, the 65 percent of the city’s residents who, when they went to these city parks, had to look at monuments honoring men who fought a war to keep them in human bondage, will no longer have to do so.

Another (very) common criticism was: “I guess now that the statues are taken down, all the city’s crime and poverty problems will go away.” No, they won’t. But we’re working on it. And those of us who are committed to this city — black and white and brown — are trying to pull together to lift Memphis, one step at a time. This city is rising and changing. Get behind it, or get out of the way.

I was also struck by the fact that many of the comments on various websites denigrating the city’s decision came from people who don’t live here, and/or have moved away. The tone was often something to the effect of: “I’m so glad I moved away from that place.” To which I humbly respond: At least we agree on something.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Pick a Side

1960s: Threat of nuclear war, civil rights protest marches, bloody clashes in the streets, riots.

2017: Hold my beer.

Early last week, we were all concerned when the president of the United States offered the possibility of the U.S. taking military action against Venezuela in off-the-cuff remarks. A few days before that, most of us were appalled to find ourselves in a tweet-inspired nuclear stand-off with North Korea.

Ho hum. How boring.

So, last Friday, white supremacists upped the chaos ante in Charlottesville, Virginia, with a “unite the right” march in which they carried guns, waved Nazi and confederate flags, and chanted racist and anti-Semitic slogans. In the ensuing counter-march on Saturday, one of the alt-Nazis took it upon himself to drive a Dodge Charger at high speed into the crowd, injuring 19 people and killing a young woman named Heather Heyer.

President Trump stepped off the golf course long enough to issue a de facto statement, reportedly written by his staff: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence” Trump said, then added, “on many sides, on many sides.”

Did you hear about the Racist Asshole Cafe? Yeah, no entrees but many sides.

Yes, I stole that from a wag on Facebook, but when your president is incapable of differentiating between murderous white supremacists carrying Nazi flags and people marching in support of equality and civil rights, dark humor is a logical response.

These are dark times. And, as it was no doubt intended, Trump’s statement was seen by the Nazis as wink in their direction, a message that the president was not going to call out those who were using his name to promote their sordid cause.

Ku Klux Klanner David Duke said as much: “This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back; we’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump … That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back, and that’s what we gotta do.”

Two days later, after mounting criticism over his initial remarks, even from members of his own party, Trump read another statement, this time specifically stating that “racism is evil” and denouncing “the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

He read carefully from prepared remarks and didn’t ad lib. But the message to the alt-Nazis had been received. Richard Spencer, the imminently punchable leader of the white nationalist movement said as much: “[Trump’s] statement today was more kumbaya nonsense. Only a dumb person would take those lines seriously.”

The battle lines are drawn now, between those who want to reestablish white dominance of America and those who seek a country that offers equal opportunity and justice for all. And that battlefield has turned to the symbolic vestiges of the War Between the States — statues and monuments honoring the confederacy — many, if not most, of which were erected in response to the civil rights struggles of the 20th century, not the war itself.

In Memphis on Saturday, several hundred people gathered at the foot of the city’s Nathan Bedford Forrest statue to hear speakers decry the fact that the founder of the Ku Klux Klan sits in the middle of one our most prominent city parks.

This week, the city filed suit against the state to enable it to remove that statue and another one of Jefferson Davis, which sits incongruously in a downtown park, a purposeful thumb in the eye of black Memphians that was erected in the 1960s.

But people are getting impatient and demanding quicker, more forceful action. The citizen-toppling of a statue in Durham, North Carolina, this week has gotten the attention of many activists. No one wants the battle of Charlottesville to be re-enacted in Memphis, but the city and the country — thanks to the president’s dog whistles to the uglier elements of his base — are being forced to confront the deeply planted seeds of American racism.

We’re all going to have to pick a side. And there aren’t “many.”

News News Blog

State Bill Could Affect Forrest Statue Future Here

Justin Fox Burks

The Nathan Bedford Forrest statue in Health Sciences Park

The Tennessee House of Representatives approved a bill Thursday that would prohibit the removal of markers honoring military conflicts in the state, a move that might affect the future of the Nathan Bedford Forrest statue in Health Sciences Park.

On a vote of 71 to 23, House members passed the Tennessee Heritage Act of 2016, which completely replaces the Tennessee Heritage Act of 2013.

The bill says “no statue, monument, memorial, nameplate, or plaque which has been erected for, or named or dedicated in honor of a military conflict that is identified in a list of conflicts in which the U.S. has participated and is located on public property, may be relocated, removed, altered, renamed, rededicated, or otherwise disturbed…”

It also says any building, park, school, or street named in honor of a historical military figure, event, organization, or unit may not be changed.

The bill explicitly defines public property to mean any property leased or owned by the state, counties, and cities.

To Nashville lawmakers, the bill would help forecast the future of a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Tennessee State Capitol building.

In Memphis, the bill could help direct the next moves on a plan to, perhaps, remove the statue of Forrest from Health Sciences Park. Former Memphis Mayor A C Wharton called for the statue’s removal last year.

New Mayor Jim Strickland’s plans for the statue are not yet known. However, Strickland voted to remove the statue in August as a member of the Memphis City Council. A spokesman in Strickland’s office said the mayor had no comment on the new bill. 

In debate on the bill Tuesday, Nashville Representative Harold Love, an African American AME pastor, urged lawmakers to see some of the state’s markers from another person’s point of view.


“Sometimes in life, we have to do the hard thing that shows we have moved on and we have healed,” Love said. “It’s one thing to look at something on a personal level and then to step back and look at it again from someone else’s point of view.”

The bill’s House sponsor Steve McDaniel (R-Parkers Crossroads) said the bill will help guide the state “so we don’t have knee-jerk reactions to [events] across this country.”


The bill does lay out a process for government agencies to get a waiver for removal from the Tennessee Historical Commission. The new rules update the old rules on the process by mandating public notice of the waiver request and making hearings on requests open.

Those waiver requests would have to get a two-thirds majority by the historical commission for approval.

The Tennessee Senate will review the matter in a meeting Tuesday.  

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Old Times There Are Not Forgotten …

Jefferson Davis statue in Memphis

The U.S. Civil War ended in 1865, but there are many who will tell you that we’re still fighting it and will find evidence of such in Jackson Baker’s cover story about the current battle over General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue and gravesite in Memphis.

But the truth is we’re not really still fighting the Civil War of the 1860s; we’re still fighting the “Civil Rights War” of the 1960s.

That’s when all this passion for history and the “Southern way of life” really took off. That’s when there was a huge surge in Confederate park-naming, Confederate hero statue-building, and Confederate flag-raisings over public buildings. The South wasn’t rising again; the defense of racism was rising, under the guise of “heritage.”

In 1964, as civil rights protests and marches were occurring all over the South, Memphis erected a statue of Jefferson Davis downtown. Coincidence? Sure, it was. Oddly, that same coincidence happened in all 11 former Confederate states in the 1960s, as white folks below the Mason-Dixon line rallied around the flag, so to speak, and erected dozens of new historical odes to the Confederacy on public property.

In Mississippi, Governor Ross Barnett famously said ending segregation would be to “drink from the cup of genocide,” and at an Ole Miss football game in 1962 said, “I love Mississippi. I love her people, our customs. I love and respect our heritage.” The crowd was a sea of waving Confederate battle flags. The following week saw riots on campus as whites attacked federal marshalls seeking to integrate the university. To protect Southern customs and heritage, of course.

There are more Civil War historical monuments in the South than monuments to all other wars in U.S. history combined. They dot the landscape like magnolias, populating our parks and city squares, persistent reminders of the ill-fated and bloody attempt to leave the United States and preserve the institution of slavery. Yes, many Confederate soldiers were brave and heroic. And yes, many Southern generals were brilliant tacticians and dashing warriors. But the cause was not noble or glorious. And we’re still paying the price for it.

Still, this is a free country. No one will stop you from flying any flag you choose on your property. No one will begrudge you your right to dress up and reenact glorious — if bloodless — scenes of epic battle. If you want to put the Confederate flag on your bumper or wear it on your T-shirt, go for it. It says more about you than you think.

But if you’ve got a free day and you want to learn something that might alter your perspective, go down to South Main Street and visit the National Civil Rights Museum. The whole, sad, ugly, embarrassing history of Southern racism and the battle for civil rights — the marches, the freedom rides, the burned buses, the murders, the lynchings, the police dogs, the fire hoses, the lunch-counter sit-ins, the church bombings, the forced school integration, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King — is there. Go see it. Take it in. Let the ignorance and the hate and the horror wash over you.

When you walk out, maybe you won’t be as eager to wave that battle flag. Maybe you’ll even begin to understand why one man’s glorious heritage is another man’s living hell.

Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (July 16, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Bianca Phillips’ post, “Council Committee Agrees on Relocating Forrest Statue and Remains” …

Absolutely appalling and barbaric. May the Memphis council rot in hell.

Jack Spencer

Ah, to see all the whiney little neo-Confederates and their defenders being made to feel so sad that their homages to treason and racism are being called out for exactly what they are: bad history. I mean, why other than to honor a “great American patriot” would a bust of Jefferson Davis be erected in a Memphis park in 1964?

Kilgore Trout

I am afeared of black people, once this statue is removed. His stern visage is all that has kept them at bay. See what happens when you give them the vote.

This Belle

I can understand why black people dislike who this man was. Absolutely. But the war was over 150 years ago. This is a part of our history. Not a pretty part, yet a part nonetheless. And until the Democrat Party, the political party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws, the party that fought all the way to the 1960s against civil rights for blacks, is disbanded, then I disagree with digging up the bones of a dead person, no matter who he was.

How can blacks claim to be offended by something in the public when the Democrat Party continues to this day in politics, in government, in making the laws and rules they live under? This same party had a former member of the KKK in the Senate until he retired just a few years ago.

Yet, instead, the people are ranting about a pile of bones under a statue hardly anyone sees or hears about? Shame on all of you. How stupid and appalling. Kim Anglebrandt

There are few things that fascinate me more than clingy Confederate idolators waving the Stars and Bars and telling black folks to get over their ancient history.

Chris Davis

About Frank Murtaugh’s post, “Austin Nichols/Marc Gasol: It’s About Relationships” …

Nichols’ departure is not exactly a surprise. Although I live in Nashville, I still try to catch every televised Memphis Tiger basketball (and football) game. It’s not easy up here in Vandyland.

Back to Nichols. Most Tiger fans could see the curtain falling toward the end of the season. Nichols’ season-ending injury was bad timing, for sure. But there is just something not right with the Memphis program.

I’ve read the rants and the praises of Coach Pastner. Most coaches only dream of the talent Josh has snagged the last six years. But when a talent like Tarik Black bails for Kansas, the blame goes to the top. Pastner is a class act and represents the university well. He had big shoes to fill and almost bigger expectations. I think it has been the culmination of disappointment, disillusion (among certain players), and (dare I say it) the shrinking appeal of Tiger basketball. Something has got to give.

Paul Scates

About Bianca Phillips’ post, “Ballet Memphis Overton Square Design Plans Revealed” …

I just wanted to comment on the fact that a hotel will not be moving into the space occupied by French Quarter Inn in Overton Square. As a Midtowner in the 1970s who enjoyed the heyday of the area, I have been thrilled with the amazing resurgence. I was disappointed to find out the space would be used as a school for Ballet Memphis. It is an excellent organization and I do appreciate the theater/arts expansion in the area, but it seems like they could find a more appropriate Midtown space for a largely non-public building.

That corner is so high-profile in terms of attracting tourists and Memphians to enjoy the shopping, music, and restaurants. So much is just right there at the doorstep in Overton Square. The walk to our fantastic Levitt Shell, Memphis Brooks Museum, the original Huey’s, Shangri-La Records, and our Memphis Zoo would be so easy for tourists who do not have cars.

A hotel is desperately needed in the area. People are interested in Midtown, so let’s give them a nice place to stay!

Edith Davis