It seems like every other week there is a music fest in Memphis, with Spicerfest and Memphis Punk Rock Fest having recently concluded, and Goner Fest right around the corner. But that’s not going to stop five local bands from throwing the first annual Hard ‘N Fast Fest in the Hi-Tone small room this Friday night. It’s a bit humorous to call a five-band bill in a 200 person capacity room a festival, but I guess you have to start somewhere. Headlining Hard ‘N Fast Fest is local street-punk band Banned Anthem, which recently finished recording at the local studio 5 and Dime. Locals Cult of the Flag and Red Tape Riot should also provide some high-quality head-banging material.
On the older side of things, scene veterans Buldgerz are back in action, and they’ll be playing alongside Gringos. Rising from the ashes of No Comply (a short-lived hardcore band that released one single), Buldgerz also features members of the Blackberries and Hosoi Bros, meaning a group of dudes who would probably be hanging out at the Buccaneer whether they were playing a show there or not. Headlining Saturday night’s show is Gringos, a band that Memphis Flyer freelancer Andrew Earles once wrote couldn’t be beat due to their “frenetic instrumental skill, visceral heaviness, and unbelievable power (especially live).” Gringos don’t perform too often, but when they do, it’s almost always at the Buccaneer, and surveying the number of creatures who come out of the woodwork for their shows, that is worth the price of admission alone. If heavy metal and hardcore punk is your thing, it’s a good weekend to live in Memphis.