Letter From The Editor Opinion

Come Into My Parler

Frank Murtaugh is managing editor of Memphis magazine, but he’s also been the primary sports columnist for the Flyer since 2001 or so. He writes a lot about University of Memphis sports and he does a terrific job. And it hasn’t always been easy. Frank’s seen some mighty lean years, especially in football, including the woeful Coach Larry Porter era.

Each week during the season, Frank writes a column called “Three Thoughts on Tiger Football.” Back in the Porter days, I used to tweet about Frank’s “Three Thoughts” column by saying “Frank Murtaugh thinks about Tiger football so you don’t have to.”

I write all this by way of saying we owe a similar debt to writer Bryan C. Parker, who did us all a solid by signing up for — so we don’t have to.

Bryan C. Parker

Parler, as you probably know by now, is a social media platform aimed at “conservatives” who are disenchanted with Facebook and Twitter. Here’s what Parker wrote: “Beneath the thin guise of the app’s self-proclaimed emphasis on ‘free speech’ lies the ability to say not just a hypothetical ‘anything,’ but specifically to share racist slurs and violent threats toward political opponents. On Parler, Nazi imagery flourishes, death threats abound, and conspiracy theories reign.”

To sign up for Parler, you must provide a phone number and email address. The platform claims it will not “sell” your information, but it will doubtless be used for something. Parler is funded largely by the Robert Mercer family, which has made millions on data mining. The app also has ties to Cambridge Analytica, which provided extensive voter micro-data to the 2016 Trump campaign.

Once you’re in, Parker reports, you are given a suggested follow list of right-leaning media and political figures: Sean Hannity, Ted Cruz, Dinesh D’Souza, Ann Coulter, Devin Nunes, etc. Beyond that, you’re on your own. You can post, follow people, start conversation threads, the usual social media protocol.

It quickly becomes apparent, writes Parker, that hardly anybody on Parler thinks Joe Biden won the election. Profane diatribes, wild election conspiracy theories, QAnon revelations, and racial and homophobic slurs abound.

Free speech in the United States has famously been ruled not to extend to the right to yell “FIRE” in a crowded theater. Does it extend to the right to call for executions of political enemies, to promote anti-Semitism and racism, to proudly post the Nazi swastika? On Parler, yes, it does. This is the free speech that Parler says is being suppressed and banned on Twitter and Facebook.

Parler is the newest addition to the right-wing media silo. Fox is on the decline with the true Trumper/white supremacist/racist/AngryKaren tribe. OANN, NewsMax, The Right Scoop, and others are the primary “news” sources cited on Parler. If you haven’t checked out OANN, let me just say, it makes Fox News look like NPR.

I remember when the FCC had a “fairness doctrine” that required TV and radio stations holding broadcast licenses to devote some of their programming to controversial issues of public importance and to allow the airing of opposing views on those issues. This meant that programs on politics were required to include opposing opinions on the topic under discussion. The rule also mandated that broadcasters alert anyone subject to a personal attack in their programming and give them a chance to respond. The doctrine was revoked in 1987, and its elimination was widely credited with sparking the rise of conservative talk radio, including Rush Limbaugh.

Giving equal time to both sides seems like such a quaint concept now. You don’t need a license from the federal government to start a website, and so here we are, with an online world where anything goes: from cute kittens to porn to racism to the most depraved corners of the human psyche, where the entire longitude and latitude of humanity can find a home — and validation for just about anything.

What to do? Few of us, liberal or conservative, want the federal government to regulate online content. Imagine what Trump could have done with such a power! But surely there are ways we can monitor and clamp down on violent threats, terrorism, and human depravity. Violent words can lead to violent deeds, as we’ve so often discovered.

Opinion Viewpoint

GOP: Thinking Small

One of the oddest documents in a very odd political year is the transcript of an interview conducted by NPR last week with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. He had previously endorsed Mike Huckabee for the Republican presidential nomination and later Marco Rubio, and now he was “without a candidate” and, it seems, without much in the way of political integrity, either. He did not rule out endorsing Donald Trump.

Hutchinson set out his priorities. “Who’s the best person to win in November?” This is apparently different from who would make the best president and, as you can see, more important.

Next came “Who can bring our party together?” Again, never mind the sort of person Trump is, the candidate he’s been, and the kind of commander in chief he would make. Hutchinson even noted that Trump had picked up “a lot of momentum” after his recent wins. He did not note, however, that he had picked up any wisdom or, while we’re talking miracles, humility.

To be fair, Hutchinson has his qualms about Trump. He had previously noted Trump’s failings — disagreement over trade policy and, in the words of NPR’s Robert Siegel, “you spoke of temperament, circus atmosphere in the primary, salesmanship in place of serious discussions. Have your concerns about Mr. Trump diminished? Have they grown larger? Have they stayed the same?”

There I was, all ears, as I waited for Hutchinson to summon his inner gag reflex, to say that things had gotten worse, that now there was the threat of violence and the disturbing admission by Trump that when it comes to foreign policy he talks to himself, presumably pacing Mar-a-Lago staring at his own portrait (“to be or not to be . . .” president).

But instead, Hutchinson noted how well Trump was doing. It was clear that he did not like Trump. But winning in November, Republican Party unity — these things mattered most of all. Putting an ignorant demagogue in the White House — well, that would somehow take care of itself. An unambiguous statement of revulsion and repudiation and a full-throated denunciation of bigotry were not uttered that evening. Like Trump, I started talking to myself.

Hutchinson is the canary in the Republican mine. Of course, he cannot abide Trump, but then he cannot abide getting on the wrong side of the possible nominee, either. Already, you see others inching ever so much closer to Trump, not necessarily endorsing but certainly not condemning. In fact, only one Republican member of the Senate, Ben Sasse, has said he will not vote for Trump. I will follow him into battle.

The rest of the Senate is mute, frozen in terror, their spines turning to Jell-O as Trump approaches the number of delegates needed for the nomination. Across Washington and elsewhere, job-famished Republicans — deprived of key positions for the eight years of the Obama presidency — are starting to see some virtue in Trump. Of course, many in the foreign policy arena have in fact denounced him, but Trump has no idea who they are anyway. As we now know, these things can be negotiated.

Some Republicans have already endorsed Trump. Chris Christie, every once in a while the governor of New Jersey, led the parade. He’s either angling for a job in the Trump administration — it is hard to type those two words — maybe attorney general or something to do with bridge closures, or maybe he wanted to get back at Marco Rubio, vengeance and self-regard being Christie’s true passions. Either way, he was rewarded by having to stand behind Trump for what seemed like hours as Trump droned on and Christie looked like a sadly deflating parade balloon of himself.

Governors Rick Scott of Florida and Paul LePage of Maine have also looked at Trump and have seen a president. So have a former governor (Jan Brewer of Arizona) and a former senator (Scott Brown of Massachusetts) and what looks like the touring cast of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”: Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Phyllis Schlafly.

The Hutchinson text is the document of our times. It lacks moral or even political indignation and has so many implied or stated equivocations that it might have been drafted at the United Nations. Say what you will about Trump; he’s separating the men from the boys. On the radio the other day, you could just hear Hutchinson shrinking.

Richard Cohen writes for the Washington Post Writers Group.

Opinion Viewpoint

Paul Ryan and Bernie Sanders

In keeping with the polarized politics on Capitol Hill, I have one winner for Republicans and a very different winner for Democrats. Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Bernie Sanders perfectly embody the polarization that prevents Congress from getting anything done on the nation’s most pressing issues, from immigration to stopping gun massacres to fighting the Islamic State. 

This dysfunctional Congress deserves its dismal 13 percent approval rating from the American people. The Republican majorities in the House and Senate reached a new nadir in broken politics by inviting a foreign leader, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to use the Congress as a setting to disrespect the American president back in March. They acted without first consulting with the White House. And then there was the refusal to hold confirmation hearings on the president’s nominees for judicial posts or to the Foreign Service.

Congressional Republicans have made it their everyday practice to obstruct initiatives from the twice-elected leader of the nation.

The GOP antipathy toward President Obama is not new. The bigger change is the out-of-control elbowing inside the Republican tent that came to define the year on Capitol Hill. Republicans in the House successfully launched a coup earlier this year against then-Speaker John Boehner, forcing out a man who is by any measure a strong conservative but still not conservative enough for the party’s far right. The eventual winner after several weeks of embarrassing party infighting was the 2012 GOP vice presidential candidate Ryan. But Ryan won without winning the official endorsement of the rebellious Freedom Caucus, who dictated Boehner’s departure. All this led the new speaker, in his very first speech as the top Republican in the House, to stare failure in the face. 

“Let’s be frank: The House is broken,” he said. “We are not solving problems. We are adding to them.”

The real story is that he is the most conservative speaker in recent times. Ryan rose to prominence as the defiant right-winger who proposed, as top Republican on the budget committee, to change Medicare from a guaranteed health-care program for the elderly to a limited, untested voucher plan. He also backed massive tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations. He has been a reliable opponent of abortion rights and gay rights, and he supported President George W. Bush’s push to privatize Social Security.

Despite that very conservative record, the new speaker had to deflect charges from the Freedom Caucus, conservative talk radio, websites, and bloggers that he is just one more establishment Republican. That outrageous indictment fits with a Pew Research poll from May that found 75 percent of Republican voters want congressional Republicans to obstruct, defy, and challenge President Obama more frequently.

The GOP’s deference to the far right has resulted in a backlash from liberal Democrats around the nation and on Capitol Hill, and that finds expression in the presidential bid of Sanders.

Democratic voters still strongly back former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the party’s 2016 nomination, but the defiant roar of the party in 2015 can be heard at Sanders’ political rallies.

He has been a political sensation all year long, in every corner of the nation. He attracts energized, loud crowds by identifying the Republican majority in Congress as the tool of big business and extremely wealthy Americans, including Charles and David Koch and other plutocrats. Sanders’ anger at the power of big money is resonating among left-wingers looking to identify those responsible for rigging the economic and political system against workers, unions, students, immigrants, and minorities.

Sanders succeeded in forcing Clinton to do a flip-flop and become an opponent of Obama’s Asia trade deal. He lashed out at her for being slow to oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline. He critiqued her 2002 vote to authorize the war in Iraq.

“He [Sanders] is where the economic heart and soul of the party is right now And he’s got the outsider thing, which is so big this year,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said recently.

Sanders and Ryan are the year’s political leaders in Congress because they captured that “outsider thing” for the left and the right. 

As the year ends, both parties and their leading men are in a critical struggle over whether the outsiders are now in charge.

Juan Williams serves as a Fox News political analyst and is the author of the bestseller, Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965.

Cover Feature News

Julien Baker Arrives

It’s Saturday night at Otherlands Coffee Shop. The space looks about the same as it has for the past decade of weekend concerts. A small group of people drinking lattes or craft brews sits around the eclectically shellacked tables while Julien Baker takes the makeshift stage with her baby blue electric Fender. Behind Baker, plate-glass windows are beading with rain. Brake lights from passing vehicles roll over the room, the glare catching the metal plating of her guitar.

It has been a standard evening so far, as coffee-house singer-songwriter sessions go. A folk duo has played a few by-the-book ballads. People are talking quietly. But when Baker takes the mic — her guitar affixed to her tiny frame with a rainbow strap — the atmosphere of the place changes. It’s hard to say what exactly does it. Baker is five feet tall and looks, by her own admission, to be about 12 years old, though she turned 20 in September. She wears an unremarkable blue jacket and gray t-shirt, a look she has described in interviews as “level-one RuneScape clothes.” She’s up there alone.

Baker begins her set with a single guitar note, held for a long moment before she begins, in a quiet and urgent alto — “Do you think that there’s a way this could ever get too far?” — covering the question with reverb before abandoning it. “I know I saw your hand,” she continues, “when I went out and wrapped my car around the streetlamp.” She pronounces streetlamp sweetly, drawing it out, the way you’d fixate on something you loved.

The lyric is a reference to the time, when Baker was 17, that she drove her car off the road, shattering the windshield enough so that she was unable to see as a 25-foot-tall light pole crashed towards her. The concrete post split Baker’s car cleanly in two but somehow left her entirely untouched.

“Blacktop” — which will be the first track on her debut solo album, due out October 23rd — is a lonely song, maybe her loneliest, though it has some strong competition. When she asks, in the next verse, that some intervening divine, the same that saved her life, “come visit me in the back of an ambulance,” it is with the longing of something barely missed, rather than any certainty in her good fortune.

Andrea Morales

The feel at Otherlands, as Baker earnestly continues her set, gives definition to the phrase, “you could hear a pin drop.” If people were not paying attention before, they are now. Previously unremarkable environmental details — the rain outside and the hush of the room — seem pulled into Baker, collapsed into her intimate, pining music.

If VH1 ever makes a Behind the Music: Julien Baker, it will play out something like this: A small girl with a big voice grows up in the far suburbs of Memphis. She works a night shift through high school, spends her free time hanging out at the skatepark; she smokes cigarettes, plays hymns at her small church, and figures out an electric guitar in her dad’s living room. She forms a punk band with her friends. They call themselves “The Star Killers” and play all-ages shows in community centers and neighborhood pool houses. She gets a girlfriend, gets into drinking, gets some dumb tattoos. Starts touring when she isn’t in school. Applies herself. Makes it to state college, where she records a lonely record. The record is really good. People hear the record, share the record, and she gets signed. What’s next is history.

At least, it seems like that will be the case, if recent articles comparing Baker and her forthcoming solo album to Rilo Kiley or Natalie Prass and calling her music “equal parts agony and burgeoning wisdom” (NPR), “crushing” (Stereogum), “wise” (Vulture),”a study in contradiction, both fragile and steely at the same time” (Nylon) are on to anything.

Morgan Jon Fox, the Memphis filmmaker, describes hearing Baker’s music for the first time this way: “This very gentle young woman stepped up and started playing these songs, and it was one of these moments in life that genuinely felt golden, when you see something that is so special, and so fragile, that is just on the precipice of taking off.”

Fox went on to use selections from Baker’s forthcoming album throughout his most recent project, a miniseries called Feral, and cites it as perhaps his foremost influence for the project. “I got obsessed with it,” he says. “I listened to it while I was writing and in the car while I was finding locations. It’s lyrically just very wise beyond her years.”

It is easy to talk about the precocity of Baker’s music, since she is young, but just talking about the precocity makes it seem as if Baker is a 5-year-old playing sonatas to an auditorium. The image doesn’t convey how moving songs like “Blacktop” or “Go Home” (“The side of the road in a ditch when you find me,” sings Baker, “… more whiskey than blood in my veins”) are, and how Baker’s particular talents are as much emotional as they are technical.  

Andrea Morales

Downtown Murfreesboro, near Baker’s favorite record shop

“I’ve never really encountered somebody who has the ability to resonate so broadly with their songs,” says Sean Rhorer, whose label, 6131 Records, will release Baker’s debut. “I posted about it on Facebook, and my mom responded to it,” he laughs. “But then, dudes in punk bands who are associated with us are all about it as well. For me personally, it’s like I’ve listened to a song of hers 200 times and on the 200th time I am just in my car weeping. She has that ability.”

Pending the release of “Sprained Ankle” in the next week, Baker is doing what she usually does: going to class at Middle Tennessee State University, where she is studying to be an English teacher. She started school as a recording engineering major, but quit the program after a professor told her that if he was going to teach the class one thing, it would be to “take their passion and monetize it.”

“I guess I just believe in the lyceum model of education,” she told me when we met in Murfreesboro on a weekend in early September. “I think you should educate to build your intellect, not to make money.”

In the past few months, Baker has flown to Los Angeles to shoot a music video and to Richmond, Virginia, to record at Matthew E. White’s Spacebomb Studios, the same studio that produced Natalie Prass’ debut album.

She’s been on the radio, toured to New York, and played around 20 shows, both as Forrister and as Julien Baker. She’s currently keeping it together by drinking copious amounts of what she calls “AA-meeting coffee”, meaning the strong stuff (Baker is now sober by choice). When we met, I noticed that her hands were marked up with scribbled English assignments and Sharpied X’s for being underage from the two gigs she’d played in Memphis that week, driving the four hours back to MTSU in the early hours of the morning.

Andrea Morales

Baker in her room in Murfreesboro, where she studies literature

A year and a half ago, if you’d asked Baker whether she’d be trying to balance a burgeoning career and travel schedule with her schoolwork, she would have looked at you like you were crazy. The songs that make up her album were recorded as a one-off, a side project while she was away from her band. She illustrated the album cover and released it for free on Bandcamp. She didn’t think much of it. “Whatever happened with it, I was like, oh, cool,” Baker says.

People quickly started to share the album, including a video version of her song, “Something” — shot in a Memphis parking garage by local filmmaker Breezy Lucia — but it wasn’t until Rhorer and 6131 contacted her about a record deal that she realized what was happening. On her new label’s advice, she took the record down from Bandcamp until it could be mastered and formally released.

A favorite mantra of Baker’s comes from the high school days she spent around D.I.Y. house venue and record label, Smith7. “Let’s all fail together,” she repeated, as we drove around Murfreesboro. “At least we’ll have each other.”

The Smith7 shows were put on exclusively as benefits for charity; records produced without hope of material recompense. “We called it investing in people,” says Brian Vernon, the founder and backbone of the label, which has produced locally-familiar bands like Wicker, The Holiday, and Nights Like These.

It was a scene that taught Baker to be wary of the parts of the music industry that can, as she phrases it, “put best things to meanest use.” (A quote from Paradise Lost: “O little knows / Any, but God alone, to value right / The good before him, but perverts best things / to worst abuse, or to their meanest use.”)

But Baker is quick to acknowledge how fortunate she is at the moment; how, not that long ago, even this starter level of success seemed a distant hope. “Being able to support yourself with your art — that’s the dream, you know?” Baker mused. She sounds both hesitant and excited. “It sunk in for me when I was able to hand my roommate utility and rent [money]. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s real.'”

At Otherlands, Baker introduces herself this way: “I’m Julien, and I don’t mean to bum you out. That’s just the kind of songs I write.” She smiles and pushes back her messy blonde hair from her face, a tic. “You know, you sing about it, and you exorcise it.”

A guess at why the 20-year-old’s songs are so broadly resonant: They all take place at a familiar, perhaps universal moment of surrender. People connect with it. Her surrender is manifold — laid at the feet of the audience, an ex-girlfriend who left her in a parking lot (“I should have said something,” sings Baker, “but I couldn’t find something to say”), the friend who once picked her up as a teenager, drunk and lost, from the side of a highway, or an invisible God. She always starts slow, voice drawn out over echoey guitar. As the song builds, she allows for considerable tension, enough space left between verses that you think she might turn away or give up at any time.

But then there always is a moment, about halfway through, where it’s as if she makes an unannounced decision that this one is all or nothing, and suddenly she is pure energy. When you see her perform, I swear there is a point when she opens her mouth — I mean really opens it — and she appears to grow three sizes. “Like one of those little styrofoam things you put in water and then they get huge,” Morgan Jon Fox laughingly agrees. This shift is her simultaneous will-to-power and an invocation for the listeners to join her. She is no longer suffering alone.

The lyrical loneliness is variously romantic and existential, sometimes within the same breath. Baker, who says she “played the worship circuit” in high school, makes music about God, but is not a Christian musician, to the extent that Christian music is a well-defined and (in my heretical opinion) musically underwhelming genre. There are Christian music labels and Christian music festivals, and Baker is not a part of that scene, though she likes Underoath and Pedro the Lion and Manchester Orchestra — bands that have, more or less explicitly, copped to their love of Jesus. She was devastated when Mike Reynolds, the guitarist for Christian metalcore unit For Today, took to Twitter and declared, “There’s no such thing as a gay Christian.”

“Sometimes, I haven’t played that song,” she told me, referring to “Rejoice”, a tour-de-force and one of the best tracks on the forthcoming album, “because I felt I needed to hide a part of myself in order to not be made fun of.”

“Rejoice” begins with Baker wandering around her neighborhood: “Jumping the fence, veins all black. Sleep on a bench in the parking lot.” Her voice is low, almost gravelly. “Birthday,” she intones. “Call the blue lights. Curse your name when I find I’m still awake.” She continues, emphatic, underwhelmed: “choking on smoke, singing your praise” and, without much conviction, “but I think there’s a God, and he hears either way. I rejoice. And complain. I never know what to say.”

And then she backs up and basically shouts, as desperate as anything else: “I rejoice … But then why did you let them leave and then make me stay?” Her voice would break if it weren’t so strong.

The thing about it, the thing that gets me — despite the fact that I haven’t lifted up anybody’s holy name since I was in middle school and assigning sexier worship lyrics onto particularly handsome church camp counselors — is that, per Julien Baker, this shit is real as it gets. There is no pretense, no particular evangelism, just the barefaced results of a young woman who is searching. I don’t think you have to believe in anything, or come from any specific background, to respect the search, even to feel it deeply.

If there’s a mythos to suburban teens — especially punk kids from the suburbs, who, like Baker, grew up hanging out at indoor skateparks and smoking in big box parking lots — it is that they are bored. See: the Arcade Fire anthem “The Suburbs,” the chorus to which rejoinders, “We were already bored. We were already, already bored.” There’s an attendant feel — a beautiful and washed-out-in-a-basement-romance-while-smoking-weed-in-the-summertime sort of thing.

Baker does not seem bored or washed-out. Like her music, she comes off notably uncynical and deeply interested — in other people’s music, in workers’ justice (she uses her fluent Spanish to volunteer for an organization that assists immigrant laborers), in literature, in elementary education, in big questions.

“Why,” she asked me offhandedly in the middle of a conversation about Faust, a leaf-eared copy of which she keeps in her room next to a hot-pink record player, “were German writers so interested in water suicide?”

For Baker, making her music and trying to fix bad things in the world are inseparable ideas, though there is no particular proselytizing in her lyrics or sound. It is more about the hows and wheres and whos of the process. She’s a proud product of the Memphis grassroots, of the idea that you make things with your friends and do it for someone besides yourself.

And if she has a central fear about the recent attention her music has been getting, it is that she’ll have to change the way she makes music, that she won’t get to spend as much time writing with her band or crafting her own songs in basic anonymity.

“When you are in The Star Killers,” she says, “you have the liberty to do whatever you want, musically. The biggest fear is getting what you want and having it not be what you really want.”

But at Otherlands, surrounded by a crowd that the young musician has effortlessly transfixed, it’s clear that any apprehension on Baker’ s part won’t stop people from listening. Whatever she is putting out there, people who hear it are picking up on it.

As she finishes her set, Baker seems confident, ready, and, yes, somehow wise beyond her years. Most of all, it seems clear that she’s doing precisely what she was born to do.

“When I have these great opportunities,” she says, “I have to remember they are transient. But when it comes down to it, this is the only thing that makes sense to me.”

Music Music Features

Bringing Memphis to the Masses

For the past 19 seasons, Beale Street Caravan has broadcast a commercial-free hour of Memphis-centric music to 2.4 million listeners worldwide, on more than 400 radio stations. Hosted by Pat Mitchell Worley, the show covers local artists ranging from the Reigning Sound to Rev. John Wilkins, in addition to favorites from New Orleans, Chicago, and everywhere in between. Their annual fund-raiser always packs a punch, and this year cuisine by Chef Michael Patrick of Rizzo’s Diner will be paired with wine and beer and the music of Marcella & Her Lovers. The blowout — at Memphis Made Brewing on June 18th — also includes a silent auction featuring regional treasures of music, art, dining, and vacation getaways, in addition to vinyl grab bags and more. We sat down with Worley to learn more about the most widely distributed blues radio program in the world. — Chris Shaw

Flyer: How long has Beale Street Caravan been around and when did you become host of the show?

Pat Mitchell Worley: The show is about to enter its 20th season. I’ve worked on the show since the very beginning. Originally, I was hired to be Sid Selvidge’s assistant, and I had already been working in radio. At the time, I was the blues director at a radio station, but my role at Beale Street Caravan was just to get artist clearances for Sid and things like that. After six months, I moved on to the Blues Foundation and started working on things there, but I was still doing stuff for the Caravan, and the hosts were the Memphis Horns. They did two seasons telling stories, and the whole thing was scripted.

After the Horns left, Joyce Cobb and Sam the Sham took over, and they were around for a while, but when they left, we didn’t know what we were going to do next. So Sid put me on for a season just to try it out. Daren Dortin joined me for a while, but once he left and we got a new producer, we wanted to change things up and so we brought Kevin Cubbins on board. Having Kevin was really refreshing, because it didn’t just feel like I was talking at people. Since then, I’ve been hosting for the past 16 years.

Where did the name Beale Street Caravan come from?

I always thought it was a combination of things. We have always featured blues musicians, and when it first started, we didn’t have hosts. It was just guys performing. Now we air pre-recorded sets and famous sets from festivals, but we started out live at B.B. King’s club. We’d also go to blues festivals in Chicago and festivals like King Biscuit and the Waterfront in Portland. That was the precursor to what we do now. We’ve had shows that have taken place everywhere. We even have a show from Venezuela that we air. When we first started, we were able to capture stuff from Rufus Thomas, because some of the greats were still with us.

How has the audience reach grown since the show started?

It’s always been sporadically picked up all over the world, but it’s been picked up by a lot more networks as we’ve grown, like Armed Forces Radio, for example. Having them air our show puts us anyplace that American troops are, which is everywhere if you think about it. We are in so many places now. We didn’t used to have such a big presence in the Middle East, and we also have a lot of sessions recorded online for people to hear all over the world.

What are the criteria for the types of music you play on your show? Does it ever venture out of blues? Do you ever record in-studio?

Kevin Cubbins will record things live sometimes, depending on where he is. One of our engineers, Matt Brown, might get sent somewhere to record something. But some shows that we play are older and were recorded long ago. Other times, people just submit something they recorded themselves. New Orleans Jazz Fest also records their festival and sends it to us. Kevin lets our audience and contributors know what he’s looking for, but most of the stuff we air stays within the region.

How is Beale Street Caravan different from something like Rocket Science Audio, Ditty TV, or the now-defunct Live From Memphis?

I think we are a little more focused than the shows you mentioned. We promote the brand of Memphis, and we want people to listen to our show and decide to make a move to Memphis or at least come here and track down an artist. We have a focus on the region, but we’ll have acts from all over on the station. The center of [Beale Street Caravan] is always the blues-roots sound that made Memphis famous, and we like to have fun on air and show the reach that Memphis music has across the world and on other musicians. That’s why we fit within the NPR format. Our message takes people behind the scenes.

How big is the annual fund-raiser in terms of keeping Beale Street Caravan in business?

It’s our only fund-raiser. It’s changed over the years, and we’ve become bigger and bigger, but we only do one thing in terms of raising money.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Oblivians on NPR

Memphis’ major export, the Oblivians, were on NPR today at KEXP at the University of Washington. On Monday evening, the layout of NPR’s music site placed them below Elton John but on par with ?uestlove and Leonard Berstein. That’ll work. Eric Friedl is cloud-seeding Gonerfest 10 like a master. Nicely done, sir.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Valerie June on the Tonight Show

Valerie June played the Tonight Show last night. She starts after the last hash mark in the video timeline. 37:42. You can see it if you watch a million commercials. Seriously, a million. You will watch 2 minutes 30 seconds of commercials; Xfinity seconds, not real seconds. It’s worth the wait. Compared to her David Letterman appearance, she seems more at home with her band and more comfortable in her role. She seems to be justifying all the recent publicity. All the best from Memphis.


Memphian’s PhotoBlog Featured on NPR

Lindsay Turner, a 20-something Memphis Midtowner is participating in National Public Radio’s Project 365, and shooting a “photo-a-day” of her life in the Bluff City.

Today, a number of her photos are posted in a slideshow at You can check it out here.

And for more of Lindsay’s work, check out her blog, Theology and Geometry on the Flyer‘s newly expanded blogroll.