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Johnny Mathis at the Orpheum

Johnny Mathis is a distinguished guy. He had to make a choice between pursuing a singing career or becoming an Olympic athlete. Mathis is the longest-tenured artist at Columbia Records and the first artist for whom there was a Greatest Hits album. He sang a melodic style of music starting in the mid ’50s and sold millions. His voice remains a staple of the holidays. While the counterculture came and went, Mathis stuck with his true self and is still kicking and crooning. He’s a super nice guy. We talked about music, and he even called my mother, a lifelong fan, to wish her a Merry Christmas. Johnny Mathis will be at the Orpheum on Saturday, December 21st.


Flyer: You were around some musical greats when you were very young at the Black Hawk Club. What was that like?
Johnny Mathis:
I guess I started going with my older brother Clem and my dad to the Black Hawk when I was about 13. The process for them was to rehearse in the afternoon and do the performance at night. Sometimes they were agreeable to someone as young as myself listening to their rehearsals. I got a chance to meet and to almost become friends with people like Errol Garner [composed “Misty”], Dave Brubeck, of course, who was almost a house musician there. But I also got to meet people like Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, singers that I really really admired. Then when I made my first recordings at the age of 19, I started to work some of the same venues that they worked and was able to reconnect with them. And they remembered me. I had a wonderful kind of association with some pretty mature artists at a very early age. It kind of impressed on me how important it was to really and truly concentrate on what my performance in opposed to thinking of it kind of a frivolous way.

Mitch Miller was a polarizing producer, but he had a tremendous influence on your career.
Mitch was very important to me because he had a kind of a childlike quality about what he felt was going to make it as music as far as I was concerned. The music that he chose for us to sing was very simplistic. He insisted on being there and making sure that we sang it the way he wanted it, which was on the beat, never ad-libbed. It was completely different from what I did on my first album, which was produced by George Avakian who was head of jazz [at Columbia]. So Iwas torn between these two people but I was perfectly willing to do whatever they asked. I was 19 years old. I took what they said as gospel. Fortunately Mitch guided me in the right direction. I wasn’t really a jazz singer, but I was signed to the company by George. I was a little bit more comfortable singing something that didn’t require me to improvise.

Sinatra and Rosemary Clooney said some nasty things about him.

They hated him. But I was young. It was awkward.

Miller hated rock-and-roll. He called it “musical baby food.” Do you agree?
I’ve tried everything. Some of it clicked. Some of it didn’t. The rock and roll sound was not really something that I pursued. I would laugh a little bit about it. It didn’t seem referential enough for the music. It seemed like I was making fun of it. So I backed off. Whoever you’re hanging out with or working with has a great effect on what you eventually do. The people that I hung with had a not-very-good feeling about rock-and-roll. Feeling that it was simplistic, and it was. But we were dealing with young people. And young people didn’t want to get serious. That’s what they listened. I stuck with what I was doing. Fortunately, I was with a record company that had good distribution. Rock-and-roll was not a big deal at Columbia. At that time, they were pretty heavy into Broadway shows. Most of their product was aimed at a pretty mature audience.

Your Miller-influenced sound was in contrast to much of what happened in the 1950s and ’60s. But it’s 2014 and you’re still going.
The process of singing is so individualistic. I just liked what my dad sang. He was a good singer; the first I ever heard. I felt comfortable singing songs that had a pretty melody. I had studied from the time I was 13 until 18 with a lady who taught opera. I was very comfortable in that situation. My music was fun. I always knew that I didn’t really know anything about how to sing. I knew how to produce the notes, but I didn’t know how to put them all together into an interesting song. It took me a very long time. I got off on the wrong track on many occasions, as evidenced by the record I did with George Avakian who left me to my own devices. I was all over the place. It wasn’t until I met Mitch Miller,

I listened to your comeback Number One “Too Much Too Little Too Late” from 1978. It took me back to my parents car like I was sitting there.

My producer said he wanted me to do a duet. That was before anyone had considered doing duets in the mainstream at the time. He mentioned Minnie Riperton. Unfortunately she became very ill at the time and eventually passed away. Denise Williams had just come off the road with Stevie Wonder, singing background for him. She’s a very forceful lady. She came right up to the producer and said, “I’m here. Let me sing with him.” That started a wonderful relationship with Denise whom I love very much.

Christmas has had a massive influence on your career.
I come from a large family. The first Christmas album I did was for my mom and my dad, who made Christmas a wonderful time. I keep telling everybody that we weren’t poor, we just didn’t have any money. It was very important that we took advantage of all the free stuff like going to church and singing Christmas songs. I was really ready to do something for my mom and my dad. I’d had a couple of hit records and the record company let me have my own way about the thing. I eventually ran into Percy Faith, who was another artist in residence at Columbia. He agreed to do the album with me, thank God, because it’s so brilliant what he did with a ll the voices and the violins. And that particular album has been iconic in my career.

Do you still play golf?
I used to be pretty good when I was taking lessons. There was a guy on the tour. He tutored me for about five years and I got down to about a 7 or 8 handicap. No more. Those days are over.

Since it it’s Christmas and I have you on the phone, I’m going to ask you a favor. Would you call my mom and wish her a Merry Christmas?
I sure would. What’s her number?

Music Music Features


MGMT comes to the Orpheum this Saturday. And for member Andrew VanWyngarden, a 2001 White Station High School graduate, it’s something of a return home. VanWyngarden is half of the platinum-selling musical duo that formed at Wesleyan University in 2002, along with Ben Goldwasser. (VanWyngarden is also the son of Flyer editor Bruce VanWyngarden.)

We talked with one of Memphis’ biggest musical successes about MGMT’s new self-titled third album on Sony Music and the storm of commentary that seems to follow the band.

Memphis Flyer: Everybody has an opinion about this record. What do you think?

Andrew VanWyngarden: I’m a little biased, because I made it. I like it. I think it’s not very comfortable-sounding music. It’s something Ben and I tried to make intentionally a little upsetting in a way. It’s not easy listening. We try to avoid the word challenging, because I think that’s a bit pretentious. It accurately reflects Ben’s mood and my mood when we were recording in 2012. I think it’s an honest and real album. I’m proud of it and happy to tour around to promote it.

How did your approach change from the earlier albums?

It was just me and Ben in the studio. On the second album [Congratulations], we were definitely going for a more live, whole band, sort of psychedelic folk sound. This time around, it was more about the two of us experimenting in the studio. We weren’t thinking about translating the songs to a live setting. It’s really all about the listening experience. And this is studio time. It’s been different for each of our three albums. This time, it was more about starting off with sessions of improvisation and finding moments that we both liked and building songs out of those. A lot of arranging and editing. We haven’t put out an album that has live takes or more than one person playing at once. Maybe bass and drums or something. We’ve always worked more in the sense of setting the time and then getting it together.

Did you intentionally abandon formal song structures?

There are still songs like “Alien Days” and “Plenty of Girls in the Sea” that are more traditionally structured and have verses and what we call choruses and that kind of stuff. But, in general, the headspace we were in while we were making it was about creating dense sonic worlds that you can get overwhelmed in if you want to. It was more about trance, in the sense that we would do things that were repeating over and over. And the chord progressions are more simple than on the first two records. So it’s more about repetition. What we were looking for in the improvisations and the moments we try to build songs on were usually ones where Ben and I felt like we were in a trance state. In the moment we were making it, we felt like it was automatically happening.

You wore your early influences on your sleeve. Who influenced this new direction?

Our musical tastes have evolved. I think we were definitely going for a Beach Boys Surf’s Up thing [on Congratulations]. But also definitely influenced by tones and personalities of more obscure English ’80s bands like the Deep Freeze Mice, the Monochrome Set, that kind of stuff.

This time around, what makes this album different — and I think what makes it cool — is that we didn’t go into it with specific musical references in mind. For the second album, we knew we were consciously trying to reference a moment in musical history. This time, we weren’t doing that at all. The music we listened to while we were making it was much more about textures and the kind of environments than sounds … Woo, the Orb, and Aphex Twin. The songs are their own individual worlds to go into.

Why did you return to work with producer Dave Fridmann after an album with Sonic Boom?

Even on Congratulations, we mixed it at Fridmann’s studio. So he was still part of that album but not as much on pre-production. Since we first went up to Tarbox Road Studios, we have felt comfortable there recording and creating. Dave is the kind of guy who helps to push us and motivate us to do the crazy ideas we have. He’s such a good guy. He doesn’t have an underlying intention or motivation to mess with the song or stamp his own kind of sound on it. That makes us feel comfortable working with him. This time, it was cool to go back. We’ve only done this a couple of times, when we’re writing everything in the studio with Dave.

How important is it to isolate yourselves from the social-media commentariat?

That’s one of the things about being at Dave’s studio in rural, western New York — it’s easy to forget about that side of the music world and to kind of push it out. I think that’s what Ben and I have done while making the second and third albums. Both times, we’ve gotten completely into our own world and come out and released it and been a little bit giddy. Back to that naive mindset thing …

Ben and I both feel a little bit shocked [at the response]. We’re both sensitive dudes. A lot of times it feels like it’s a competition to see who can say the snarkiest thing. It’s so much less about listening deep into the music, which is all we want to do. The good thing is that if music critics aren’t doing that, then our fans are more and more. We hear it from them. That’s why we play shows. We’re fortunate that we’ve established and developed deep connections with our fans. They’ve kind of followed us along and gone down different paths of experimentation with us. And that’s what we want.

MGMT plays the Orpheum on Saturday, November 23rd, at 8 p.m.


Going to Eddie Vedder at Orpheum? Beware Scalpers


Consider the scalper, a guy standing outside FedEx Forum waving his arms, maybe holding a sign, and hollering “who needs (or has) extra tickets?”

A hustling street-level entrepreneur exploiting market inefficiencies, serving willing customers, and establishing a secondary-market price, like his well-dressed counterparts on Wall Street pricing the Facebook IPO or the computers at Delta Airlines that change ticket prices minute by minute?

Or a scourge rigging the game and jumping the line and creating bogus prices, like his well-dressed counterparts on Wall Street pricing the Facebook IPO or the computers at Delta Airlines that change ticket prices minute by minute?

Or a relic of an innocent age before paperless tickets and smart phones and a bit player in a bigger battle between corporate giants StubHub (owned by eBay) and Ticketmaster?

Some 60 Tennessee sports and entertainment organizations, including the Memphis Grizzlies, FedEx Forum, Beale Street Music Festival, Live at the Garden, and The Orpheum, have banded together “to stop the rampant problems caused by deceptive, professional scalpers” according to a news release this week.

The Tennessee Sports & Entertainment Industry Coalition (TSEIC) is calling on the Tennessee General Assembly to do something next year. The proposed legislation, called the Fairness in Ticketing Act, “will strengthen the free market by empowering fans to make informed decisions when they purchase tickets for sports, musical, and other performance events held in Tennessee.”

Its sponsor, Rep. Ryan Haynes of Knoxville, introduced a similar bill in the last session. One of the coalition members is country singer Eric Church, the subject of an investigative report by Phil Williams in Nashville earlier this year.

Coalition members include major sports and music venues in Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville. “These are the organizations that have an investment, employ people, pay taxes, entertain, and help drive tourism for Tennessee as opposed to out-of-state scalpers who do not contribute to the growth of Tennessee.”

The pressing issue appears to be the Internet and paperless tickets more than people standing outside stadiums and arenas hawking a pair of tickets. An impresario in the tickets game told me scalping, also known as “dynamic pricing,” is one facet of a battle between StubHub and Ticketmaster that is playing out in Tennessee and other states. The issues include consumer fairness and how and through what channels tickets are transferable on the resale market.

From the news release: “The unscrupulous scalpers ruin the ticket market for fans,” said Sean Henry, president and chief operating officer of the Bridgestone Arena and Nashville Predators. “The bad actors do not participate in a free market; they manipulate a black market that raises prices for everyone. They cut ahead of fans during internet onsales with sophisticated and often illegal software. They drive a wedge between fans and artists, teams and venues. They hike up prices. They refuse to disclose who they are, where they operate and if they actually have the tickets they claim to sell. They create an environment rife with counterfeits and fraud and fans are left disappointed and cheated. The Fairness in Ticketing Act is a consumer protection bill. It would restore the free market and protect fans that spend their hard-earned dollars on live entertainment.”

Scalpers purchase some of the best seats as soon as they go on sale. By using bots, scalpers cut in line ahead of customers buying through official channels.

Counterfeit tickets are one risk of buying from scalpers. Scalpers use websites that masquerade as being affiliated with venues, sports teams, or recording artists to mislead fans into purchasing tickets on the resale market, often for prices well above face value. This deceiving tactic is often used when face-value tickets are still available through primary ticket sellers and the box office.

Teresa Ward of the Orpheum Theater told me there have been many times when she has seen patrons in tears who were misled by online brokers or copycat sites similar to the historic theater’s official site. Some tickets have been sold multiple times, and only the first customer showing that ticket gets the seat. An upcoming show stars Eddie Vedder. Ward said 46 percent of the available tickets sold within seconds to organized scalpers in Connecticut, Las Vegas, and Florida.

Eric Granger, vice president of arena operations for FedEx Forum, said copycat sites are a chronic problem “on the availability of what you can get at what price.” Some fans found out too late that they had illegitimate tickets for the Justin Bieber concert last week, he said. FedEx Forum has an exclusive contract with Ticketmaster.

The Fairness in Ticketing Act will be filed in the 2013 session of the Tennessee General Assembly. The act proposes consumer protections for the online ticket resale market for Tennessee events. Provisions include requiring resellers to disclose original face value, seat location, and whether the reseller actually has the tickets they are selling in hand and explaining to consumers the differences in non-sanctioned and unofficial resale sites.

For more information on the Fairness in Ticketing Act, go here.


Million-Dollar Weekend for Downtown Memphis


Author Shelby Foote wrote in his novel “September September” that the three hardest dates in show business were “Christmas, Easter, and Memphis.”

Good line, but Foote’s novel was set in Memphis in the 1950s, and Memphis has earned a different reputation. Last weekend, the Memphis Grizzlies played at FedEx Forum Friday night and Saturday night, sandwiched around a Memphis Tigers basketball game Saturday afternoon. All of the games reported ticket sales of over 15,000, and Flyer writers who covered the games said the arena looked nearly full.

And on Sunday, “Million Dollar Quartet” played two shows at the Orpheum, closing out a six-day run of sellouts. Pat Halloran said total attendance was around 17,000.

The recession may not be over but Memphians and visitors are coming downtown and spending money. At the Majestic Grille on South Main Sunday night, people were waiting for tables or walking away when they saw the crowd, so I assume it was a good night in general for restaurants and bars.

I thought “Million Dollar Quartet” took off after the midway point when the blow-up of the famous black-and-white photo dropped down from the ceiling and the actors recreated the pose around the piano and the audience collectively thought, “Hey, it all happened about a mile away at Sun Studio.”

We Recommend

Viva la Vie Boheme!

Celebrate the bohemian life with RENT at the Orpheum Theatre on November
23-24, with a special chance to win one of five Viva la Vie Boheme gift baskets when you purchase your RENT tickets, compliments of the Orpheum and The Memphis Flyer.

RENT is Broadway’s smash hit musical, now in its 10th Season of Love!
Set in the East Village of New York City, RENT is about being young and learning to survive in NYC. It’s about falling in love, finding your voice and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award® for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize, RENT has made a lasting mark on Broadway with songs that rock and a story that really resonates. Whether it’s your 1st time or your 100th time, the time is now for RENT!

Buy your tickets with our exclusive Memphis Flyer promotion code
and be entered to win gift baskets that each include:

official RENT merchandise, an Orpheum Theatre mug, a Memphis Flyer t-shirt,
a gift certificate to the Flying Saucer, passes to the Stax Museum of Soul
Music, a CD of local musicians from Goner Records, a coupon from
Memphis Pizza Café, plus a coupon from Bluff City Coffee.

This offer starts Wednesday, November 7 and ends Wednesday, November 21.

To take advantage of this offer, please follow these instructions:
1) Follow this link and click “Find Tickets”
2) Then select the number of tickets and price level next to the
Promotions and Special Offers box
3) Next, enter your password: BOHEME
4) Lastly, click “Look for Tickets”

We Recommend We Recommend

Rapped Up

Since its inception 51 years ago, Opera Memphis has brought plenty of internationally renowned singers, including Leontyne Price, Beverly Sills, and Birgit Nilsson, to the local stage. When kicking off its 2007 season, however, the venerated opera company plans to do things a little differently: After this Saturday’s opening-night performance of Puccini’s three-act Turandot, the fairytale-like story of a stonehearted Chinese princess with soprano Audrey Stottler in the title role, local “aristocrunk” rap group Lord T & Eloise — aka the bewigged Cameron “Lord Treadwell” Mann; his fellow MC, the gold-plated Robert “Maurice Eloise XIII” Anthony; and their beat maker, Elliott “Myster E” Ives — will take over The Orpheum’s stage. The combination of opera and rap might be unlikely but not wholly improbable. After all, Memphian and opera star Kallen Esperian has

already lent her sizable vocal talents to a pair of Lord T & Eloise tracks, “Make Dat Money” and “Penthouse Suite.” While it’s unknown whether or not Esperian will appear with the group on Saturday night, Opera Memphis’ bid for a younger, hipper audience is a calculated risk that, with any luck, will pack the house ’til the fat lady sings.

Opera Memphis presents “Turandot” and Lord T & Eloise, Saturday, October 13th, 7:30 p.m. at The Orpheum. $25-$37. For more information, go to


Full Disclosure

Pat Halloran may have the best job in Memphis.

The guiding force of The Orpheum theater is a talented speaker, raconteur, and author. He hobnobs with famous actors. He gets to see the most popular shows on Broadway. As president of the not-for-profit Memphis Development Foundation (the business name for The Orpheum), he is the gold standard for big-stage theater managers. He is also the bronze standard, silver standard, and platinum standard since there is only one Orpheum and Halloran has been its public face for more than 25 years.

His board likes him, too. So much that he earned $420,105 in salary and benefits last year. His $375,000 salary — which is more than the combined salaries of the mayors of Memphis and Shelby County — puts him in the top ranks of executives of Memphis nonprofit organizations.

Memphis nonprofits are increasingly influential but rarely scrutinized, despite the efforts of Congress and the Internal Revenue Service to publicize their Form 990 tax returns. Curiously, most local reporters ignore them. For example, a recent story in The Commercial Appeal about The Orpheum possibly changing its name to generate sponsorship income made no mention of anyone’s salary.

Nonprofits are tax-exempt because they perform some public purpose, thereby relieving the public sector of some of its burden. They include organizations as diverse as Rhodes College, Memphis Country Club, the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center, the Mid-South Chapter of the American Red Cross, and the Memphis Humane Society. As governments reach the political limits of their taxing power, they increasingly turn to nonprofits for help. The Salvation Army, for example, is a possible key player in the redevelopment of the Mid-South Fairgrounds.

Some nonprofits, including the Memphis Development Foundation, hold fund-raising events, recruit volunteers, and seek donations. Others, such as the Plough Foundation, manage old money and give it away. Grassroots organizations such as Friends for Our Riverfront and Parents for Public Schools operate on shoestring budgets of less than $50,000 a year. United Way of Greater Memphis and Senior Citizen Services, on the other hand, have budgets of more than $25 million.

Quasi-public nonprofits like the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC) and the Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau work closely with the city and county on downtown development. Three former city division directors work for the RDC, which has taken over some of the duties that used to belong to the Memphis Park Commission.

The IRS requires nonprofits to make their tax returns, including executive compensation and program spending, available to the public. Many organizations post their Form 990s on their Web sites. Another place to look is Some nonprofits describe what they do in great detail. See the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center’s return. Others require you to do a little digging. For example, you wouldn’t know it by looking at its tax form, but Senior Citizen Services, which got $26 million in government grants last year, is managed by another nonprofit: Generations Inc.

Here is a sampling of Memphis nonprofit organizations, what they do, and what they pay in salary and benefits to their key people.

MIFA; provides meals and services to the needy; Margaret Craddock, $112,000.

Memphis Tomorrow; corporate execs tackle big issues; Blair Taylor, $150,731.

Partners in Public Education; leadership training; Ethele Hilliard, $178,080.

Senior Citizen Services/Generations Inc.; home-based care and other services for seniors in four states; Deborah Cotney, $216,011.

United Way of Greater Memphis; Harry Shaw, $250,101.

Memphis Union Mission; houses the homeless; Donald Bjork, $83,743.

Plough Foundation; manages $163 million endowment and supports various causes and organizations; Rick Masson, $200,767.

Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau; Kevin Kane, $243,691.

Riverfront Development Corporation; Benny Lendermon, $201,830.

Bridges USA Inc.; supports youth programs; James Boyd, $125,650.

Mid-South Peace and Justice Center; performs peace vigils, supports a living wage, opposes prison privatization; Jacob Flowers, $15,000.