Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Page of Cups in Tarot

In many places, summer is a time to get out and be more active, and that energy is noticeable in Memphis as well. But our heat and humidity often drive us back indoors as much as the idea of the sun and summer fun brings us outdoors. If you’re a tarot enthusiast, you may find yourself beating the heat with an iced tea and a tarot deck somewhere cool and comfortable. Tarot, as I say, is reflective of the human experience, which means there are cards in the deck that touch on all aspects of our lives, including the seasons.

There are generally multiple tarot cards representing an idea, and that is the case with summer. It’s easy to associate The Sun card from the Major Arcana portion of tarot with summer. But there are other cards that can represent the season, including The Chariot and the Page of Cups. The Chariot card is often associated with summertime because the zodiac sign in power when the summer solstice arrives is Cancer, and The Chariot is the Cancer card in the Major Arcana. The Page of Cups is one of the more unique and interesting summertime cards we find in tarot, and one we’ll explore here in more depth.

If you keep up with this column, you may notice a recent theme: water. Nothing makes Memphians think more about water than summer temps and humidity. The Page of Cups is a water card, but that is not why I chose it this week.

Every day, every moment is an opportunity to start over and do better, if we embrace that idea. This is a sentiment that the Page of Cups reminds us of. The Page cards in tarot have an optimistic and youthful exuberance to them. They represent that part of our personalities that see things as opportunities and exciting adventures, and what a great attitude to carry into summer. What kind of trips or plans can you make? What kind of parties or events do you want to go to? The Page of Cups encourages us to have an open and curious mind. Let yourself dream and think outside the box this summer and see what new things you can manifest.

The Page of Cups is a water card, and cups is the suit in tarot that deals with our heartfelt emotions, creativity, and intuition. Use this cycle of summertime to embrace your creativity and create something new. The Page of Cups can indicate a surge in creativity or intuition, and you don’t want to waste it. Summer has a feeling of excitement and freedom about it, perhaps a holdover from our school days. The sun is out, which makes everything better and brighter. The flowers are blooming, the birds and butterflies are flying around us, everything seems like it is at its peak. Use the energy of the natural world around you for your own creative expansion and progress.

As each Page asks you to explore a new facet of yourself, the Page of Cups is asking you to explore your creative, emotional self. You may feel pulled to start something new, find a new or better way to express your emotions, or learn more about developing your psychic abilities. Fantastic ideas might race through your mind, and you may find yourself moved by the simple things. Don’t be afraid to let your feelings show and wear your heart on your sleeve. Expressing yourself and leaning into your emotions is all part of this Page card.

The Page of Cups, with its often-intriguing artwork, can mean you are being called to lean into your intuition and learn to trust yourself. Look for signs, symbols, and messages, and be open to the unique ways the universe communicates with us. Pages in tarot are also considered messenger cards, so be on the lookout for exciting and heartwarming news as you embrace the energy of the Page of Cups.

No matter what your plans are for summer, lead with your heart and have fun!

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.