We Recommend We Saw You

WE SAW YOU: Pat Halloran Celebrates the Big 8-0

In addition to being St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th was St. Pat Halloran’s Day. Or make that “Night.”

More than 200 turned out to celebrate Halloran’s 80th birthday that evening at the Halloran Centre for Performing Arts & Education.

Halloran retired as The Orpheum president and CEO on December 31st, 2015.

The Centre was decorated with an Irish theme, which included artificial shamrocks, plastic green derbies, and gold foil-wrapped chocolate candy coins. Some tables featured tall glass votive candles bearing a likeness of Halloran, looking very saintly. 

Pat Halloran votive candles graced tables at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party. (Credit: Michael Donahue)

The buffet included turkey sandwiches and meatballs, which was OK for the Catholic contingent because Bishop David Talley declared a dispensation for St. Patrick’s Day because it fell on a Friday. That meant Catholics could eat meat.

Following cocktails and dinner, guests converged to the auditorium for a video of Halloran’s life and career. This was followed by entertainment from Stax Music Academy performers.

Halloran’s birthday, actually, was on Tuesday, March 7th, but his wife, Anne, said that wasn’t a good night to have a party. “Anne said, ‘None of your friends will come on a Tuesday night ‘cause they don’t drink on Tuesday,” Pat says.

She suggested they hold the party on a weekend. “St. Patrick’s Day just seemed like a perfect date.”

When Anne asked him what he wanted to do for his 80th birthday, Pat says he told her, “First of all, I don’t want a surprise party.

“I just don’t like those. They usually backfire on you. My 50th birthday party was a surprise. And I was dating four or five different women. Nothing serious. Just dating around. The people coordinating the surprise party invited all five of them. And so I’m dodging them all night.”

For his 75th party, Pat and Anne held a private party. “With just our good friends in our condo complex. That was nice. Small.”

This year, when Anne asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, Pat said, “I don’t think I’m going to get another 80 in. So, I think what I want to do is I want to thank all the people who have helped me since I have been in Memphis.”

Melissa and Patrick Halloran at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Tawanda and Cordell Pirtle at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Dr. Scott and Mary Gilliland Morris at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Eleanor Williams and Shirley Ford at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)

“I’ve had a phenomenal life here. Ran for city council after I lived here four years. Won that city-wide without a runoff. Ran for mayor. Got my butt kicked. But that was a good thing because it opened the door for the Orpheum.

“Before that I was assistant dean of men at University of Miami, Florida from ’65 to ’69. I came to Memphis to run my college fraternity. It was bankrupt. Having trouble. I had that job for 11 years.”

Pat managed the financing and housing for the fraternity — Pi Kappa Alpha — for 11 years, which was during the time he was involved in politics. 

Then, he says, “Lucia Gilliland and her executive committee from the Orpheum Foundation called me. She said, ‘Hey, I want to talk to you about something.’

“I told them I didn’t see me being in a theater for the rest of my life. I just lost the mayor’s race. I said, ‘I’ll try to raise the money you need to save the Orpheum.’”

By “save” he meant “Make sure it’s on solid ground.”

Pat said he’d work for the Orpheum for two years, but he discovered his two-year term kept coming up. And he didn’t leave.

But, he says, “I loved every minute of it. I told Anne I wanted to thank all the people who helped me in the city council race and those that helped me in the mayor’s race. And those tens of thousands of people at the Orpheum.”

That included people who were “sponsoring things, buying tickets, or just supporting the Orpheum. Get as many of them together as I can. And I want to say, ‘Thank you.’ And then I want to walk off the stage.”

Jeff Sanford and Cynthia Ham and Nickie and Chris Coleman at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Leighanne and Jack Soden at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Jeanie Gundlach and Steve Conley at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Bill and Donna Wolf at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Ron Jewell, David Pickler, Ron Olson, and a photo bomber wannabe (Credit: Michael Donahue)

Guests moved to the auditorium after Pat’s birthday party had been going for an hour or so. “They had a little video showing pictures from when I was born with my butt sticking up. And then all the way through my political career and then the Orpheum.”

There was another group of people Pat wanted to thank. After he retired, he started the “Positively Memphis” organization. “Our mission was to raise money to feed hungry children in our community. We raised over $400,000 during our initial campaign. Now we’re in our second phase. It’s just starting now. We also have periodic luncheons where we feature speakers that represent the most positive developments in our city. Crosstown Concourse conversion, the Tom Lee Park project, and so many others like that. I wanted to thank those people who donated the $400,000. And many of them were in the audience.”

Pat says he then took the stage and told the audience, “I just want you to know why you’re here. You all helped me and I want to thank you.  And you made my life fabulous.”

Asked if life was good right now, Pat says, “It’s great. Anne and I are both retired. We’re sitting here collecting our social security checks and cutting out grocery coupons. And we’re loving life. We’re having a good time.”

Orpheum president and CEO Brett Batterson and his wife, Veronica, at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Onterreo and Quiana Harris at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Rockie Reinach and Richard Reinach at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Penny Aviotti and Caroline Williams at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Kevin Adams, Mike and Gay Williams, Dr. James Eason, Sara Adams, Laura Eason, and Terry Lynch at Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Pat Halloran’s 80th birthday party (Credit: Michael Donahue)
We Saw You
Politics Politics Feature

The Departure of Jones and Tate; The Return of Harold Ford Jr.

On the whole, it was a bad week — or at least a sad one — for the political community of Memphis. The city lost two veterans of legislative service — via the deaths of former state Representative Rufus Jones and former state Senator Reginald Tate.

There was one redeeming high note — the return to town, for a much-appreciated visit, anyhow, of another former public official. That was former Memphis Congressman Harold Ford Jr., now a resident of New York and serving as chairman of RxSaver, a health-care company.

Ford, who represented the city’s 9th congressional district from 1996 to 2006, addressed a luncheon crowd on Tuesday at the Westin Hotel as part of the Rotary Halloran Speaker Series, a joint effort of the Rotary Club of Memphis and former Orpheum president Pat Halloran.

Jackson Baker

Harold Ford Jr. at Halloran Rotary Lunch

The essence of Ford’s speech was a catch-up on his (and his family’s) personal circumstances for the attendees, but he was willing to address political matters as well. He began with a courtesy nod to the Trump supporters in the audience, saying that if the president’s much-encumbered name happened not to be attached to many of his policy initiatives, some of them would appear to be, relatively speaking, “decent.”

But, asked about the current Syrian fiasco, caused by the president’s unexpected and abrupt withdrawal of an American tripwire force there, Ford opined that Trump’s action triggered a view of him in the world at large as “unpredictable” in a way that communicated an ominous sense of weakness.

• Even as members of Shelby County’s political community, Democrats and Republicans alike, were mourning the death on Sunday of Jones, a member of  the state House of Representatives from 1980 to 1996, they found themselves having to deal as well with the loss on Monday of former state Senator Tate, whose tenure in the state Senate ran from 2006 to 2018.

Both Jones and Tate served as Democrats — Jones during a period in which his party commanded a comfortable majority in his chamber and in the legislature at large, Tate during an era of Republican control of both the Senate and the General Assembly. Both Jones and Tate had business backgrounds, Jones as a member of a South Memphis family with grocery interests, Tate as president/CEO of an architectural firm.

Each of them was personally popular on both sides of the aisle, and each served during periods of political controversy that tested their commitment to pure partisanship. Jones’ case was less demanding in that regard. Along with a majority of other legislative Democrats, he found himself working in harmony with Republican Governor Don Sundquist in an effort, ultimately unsuccessful, to pass a state income tax.

Representative G.A. Hardaway, chair of the Legislative Black Caucus and often a Democratic spokesman at large, sized things up this way: “Rufus E. Jones served as a ready and willing source of reliable and sound advice for myself and other legislators. Our families were close, and that allowed me to personally witness and learn from an excellent exemplar of personal conduct, professional success, and civic leadership.”

Tate’s situation was different. Lacking any party background as such, he had the support of his neighbor Sidney Chism, an influential Democrat and sometime party chairman, when the county Democratic Committee had to find a substitute nominee in 2006 for the Senate seat vacated by incumbent Kathryn Bowers, who would be tried as a suspect in the FBI’s Tennessee Waltz corruption sting.

Tate was nominated and won. He entered the Senate during a time when control of that body was swinging from Democrats to Republicans, and he seems to have perceived his duty, both to himself and to his district, as that of maintaining good relations with the soon-to-be dominant GOP. Legislative Republicans, for their part, made sure to get him aboard key committees. Increasingly, he was seen by fellow Democrats to be overstepping political boundaries — even to the point of becoming a board member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a right-wing mill for ultra-conservative state legislation.

Matters came to a head in 2018, when Tate was up for re-election to a fourth four-year term. Not only had he aroused the ire of his party mates with his ever-increasing number of conservative votes, he was overheard on a hot microphone apparently uttering profane criticism of his fellow Democrats. It was less a judgment on his part than a sign of frustration as he saw one after another member of his party caucus side openly with his Democratic primary opponent in 2018, Katrina Robinson, an accomplished newcomer and proprietor of a nursing school.

It cost him; Tate would go down to defeat by a 2 to 1 margin, Robinson polling 14,140 votes to his 6,464, and she would go on to serve effectively as a member of the Senate Democratic minority.

Still, there was little rejoicing in party ranks at Tate’s defeat. Even those who were opposed to his politics remained personally fond of the man whose people skills were of the highest order. Karen Camper, the Democrats’ House Leader, was a particular friend, as was Democratic caucus chair Raumesh Akbari, who said, “No matter what the legislative issue was, he found a way to work with folks from both sides of the aisle and always thought of Memphis first. Senator Tate had a way of always making you smile, and I know he’s smiling down on all of us today.”

Shelby delegation chair Antonio Parkinson noted, “Senator Tate left an indelible mark on the state of Tennessee and its citizens through legislation that he sponsored and cosponsored over his many years at the Tennessee Legislature.”

Senator Sara Kyle, who had been an explicit critic of Tate, said, “Senator Tate did many good things for the citizens of Shelby County during his time in the General Assembly, and I was shocked and saddened to learn of his passing. We will all miss his smile and good sense of humor.” And Robinson, his electoral conqueror, also weighed in: “This is a sad day for Shelby County and our entire state. Thanks for 12 years of service to District 33.”

Funeral arrangements had not been announced at press time.

Intermission Impossible Theater

A Conversation With New Orpheum CEO Brett Batterson

New Memphian, Brett Batterson

I recently interviewed newly arrived Orpheum Theatre CEO Brett Batterson for Memphis Magazine‘s 901 blog. It was a lively conversation and I wanted to link it here for folks who may have missed it the first time around. 

Brett Batterson leans back in his brand new chair in the brand new Halloran Centre for Performing Arts Education and taps the frame of an old photo— an artifact of his time working for The Nashville Network when TNN’s programing was built around Tennessee’s Country Music industry. “This is The Statler Brothers,” he says. “And this is one of my set designs for The Statler Brothers show. That was the height of Country music and the height of The Nashville Network. I had the good fortune to be in the right place at the right time, which is kind of the story of my life.”

Batterson is the new President and CEO of the Orpheum Theatre, replacing Pat Halloran who retired in 2015 after 35-years at the theater’s helm. Prior to moving to Memphis Batterson served in a similar position at Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre. He’s not from Nashville or Chicago though. Over five decades the plain-spoken Iowan has planted his shiny cowboy boots in ten different states. He’s evolved professionally from performer to scenic artist to theater builder, and finally to arts administrator. Batteson arrives the Orpheum during a major transition, as the opulent antique playhouse on Main at Beale launches its new, state of the art education center.

Memphis magazine: Tell me your story. I’ve done my homework and know all the high points. But I’d like to hear you tell it. I’ll rudely interrupt you with questions along the way.

Brett Batterson: I was born in upstate New York but when I was eleven months old my family moved to Davenport, Iowa. So I was raised in Iowa and claim to be an Iowan but I have a New York birthright, I guess. My parents were puppeteers. My father was a commercial artist and a wood carver, and together they made marionettes and I grew up with a puppet theater in my basement. So all of this has been in my blood since the day I was born.

To read the rest of the 901 interview click here.

Cover Feature News

$outh Main

Hop a trolley along South Main Street and you’ll take a trip into the past and the future. Hidden behind chain-link fencing and the fronts of antique buildings, money and energy are being pumped into the South Main district like nowhere else in Memphis. Construction is underway up, down, and around South Main, in projects large and small.

On the north end of the district, near Beale Street, a dirt patch is the promised home of The Orpheum’s Centre for Performing Arts. Down at the south end, the South Junction apartment complex is nearing completion. In between, projects valued at nearly $100 million are underway or recently completed. 

Most of the projects are being built using the area’s large stock of existing buildings, many abandoned a generation ago. They’re being lovingly refurbished and repurposed by companies and developers who know South Main’s authenticity is the core of its charm. 

“You know, we’re recycling an entire abandoned neighborhood,” says Henry Turley, founder and CEO of Henry Turley Company. “(South Main) was industrial. Then it was nothing. So, it’s the ultimate in recycling, when you take the whole neighborhood and bring it back to vibrancy.”

Justin Fox Burks

The Arcade

South Main’s Four Eras

Paul Morris, president of the Downtown Memphis Commission sees South Main’s history in four clear eras:

Era I — The district used to be in a separate city, a Memphis suburb called South Memphis. Rich folks lived there in single-family homes and mansions in the early 1800s, Morris says. The city merged with Memphis in 1850, and the area remained largely residential. 

Era II — The trains came in the early 1900s. Union Station opened in 1912 and Central Station opened in 1914. They brought as many as 50 passenger trains a day, Morris says, with hundreds of passengers. The single-family homes and mansions were torn down and replaced by factories, warehouses, hotels, and storefronts. These are the buildings that have remained and are the bones for the new construction underway.

Era III — Rail traffic died. With few passengers and no commerce, South Main businesses dried up. By the 1950s and 1960s, the district was in decline. The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the district’s Lorraine Motel in 1968 formalized its demise.

“The neighborhood was so totally and completely abandoned that nobody even cared enough to knock the buildings down and redevelop,” Morris says. “They just left them there and abandoned them. That’s good news, though, because this neighborhood today thrives on the fact that we’ve got a lot of the same buildings and the architecture that existed in the early 1900s.” 

Era IV — Artists discovered those abandoned buildings in the early 1980s and South Main’s fourth era began, Morris says. Then Hollywood found the district in the 1990s and all the old buildings became a stopped-in-time backdrop for everything from Walk the Line to Hustle and Flow. “All you have to do is change out the automobiles,” Morris says.

The artists and their galleries brought a new momentum, a new reason to visit the area, and South Main was dubbed an “arts district.” That momentum spread. The National Civil Rights Museum opened at the Lorraine Motel in 1991. The trolley line opened in 1993. Central Station was redeveloped into apartments in 1999.

Today, 2,500 people live in the South Main area. The average age of residents is over 45. Property values have grown from $270 million in 2005 to $460 million. South Main is home to everything from Emerge Memphis, a technology incubator, to The Blues Foundation. “South Main is not just one thing,” says Kimberly Taylor, owner of K’PreSha, a South Main clothing boutique. “It’s a collective of things. It’s boutiques. It’s restaurants and art galleries. It’s bars, The Orpheum, and the Civil Rights Museum. It’s the compilation of all these things that just make for a great neighborhood.”

Justin Fox Burks

Future site of The Orpheum’s Centre for Performing Arts

What’s Coming Next?

Here are some of the bigger projects that will further transform the South Main district: 

The Orpheum Theatre’s Centre for Performing Arts

When it’s completed next year, the two-story building will undoubtedly be the most modern-looking structure in the district. The Centre’s design sports a ground-to-roof glass facade and curves and angles in equal measure. 

The building will be the new home for The Orpheum’s 19 education programs that cover students from pre-school to college. It will have classrooms and a rehearsal stage the same size as The Orpheum’s, so productions can be easily moved from one to the other. The program served 66,000 students last year, and Pat Halloran, The Orpheum’s president and CEO, said the space is necessary.

“You’ve heard the adage ‘Build it, they will come.’ This is the reverse of that,” Halloran says. “We have the audience. We don’t have the building. But we’re creating it.”

The Chisca Hotel

Crews are hard at work inside the long-vacant Chisca Hotel. Behind the chain-link fence outside, workers are cleaning up the enormous space inside.

It’s being prepared for construction crews to begin a massive renovation project that will transform what became a behemoth eyesore into a modern apartment building with retail space on the ground floor.

Project officials say the new Chisca will bring new residents to South Main and will also help connect the district to the Downtown core. 

But for many, the new Chisca will finally be a proper place to honor the history that happened there.

Dewey Phillips broadcast his “Red, Hot, and Blue” radio show from the Chisca, and in 1954 he played Elvis Presley’s “That’s All Right Mama.” It was the first time Presley’s music was broadcast and, some say, the first time rock-and-roll was played on the radio.

“I heard one tourist remark, ‘If we had this in our town, we’d never let it look like this,'” Morris says. “This would be the center of our town. It would be the main thing.”

Main Street to Main Street Multi-Modal Connector Project 

This project will connect pedestrians and bicyclists from Main Street Memphis to Broadway Avenue in West Memphis, Arkansas, which is that city’s “Main Street.”

The project has brought construction crews to Main Street, North and South. They are tearing up and replacing old sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. The plan is to leave behind a more inviting walking and biking space for tourists, locals, runners, and bikers.

Crews will then turn the old roadbed of the Harahan Bridge into a wide, open path for pedestrians and bikers to cross the Mississippi River.

“When that bridge opens up, that’s when the floodgates will open,” says Daniel Duckworth, owner of South Main’s Midtown Bike Company. “That’s why I’m here.”

Duckworth moved his bike shop from Overton Square to South Main six years ago. The talk back then was to somehow open up the Harahan Bridge to bikers, and Duckworth wanted to be there when it did. “I just didn’t know it was going to take this long,” he says.

Once the bridge is open, Duckworth says he’ll see new revenues from renting bikes to people wanting to ride the route. His shop already attracts many touring cyclists, but the Main to Main project will literally put him on the map of a growing number of bike routes in Arkansas and Mississippi.    

The project is estimated to be completed by October 2015.

Justin Fox Burks

National Civil Rights Museum

National Civil Rights Museum

Chains were broken and doves were released in April to mark the opening of the newly updated National Civil Rights Museum. 

The museum now contains new, tech-fueled exhibits that can transport visitors to the cramped quarters of a slave ship or put them in the courtroom during the Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision. They can sing along with protestors and listen to the poetry and music from the Black Pride/Black Power era of the 1960s-1970s.

The museum also retained its iconic exhibits: the Montgomery Bus, the sit-in counter, the Freedom Rides bus, and the Memphis Sanitation Truck. 

The museum attracts about 200,000 visitors to South Main each year and the renovations are expected to bring even more. 

Central Station

New development is on the way for Central Station, according to Turley.

His company and Community Capital were hired by the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) to begin the next stage of development for the apartment and office complex. Turley says he’s not sure yet what that will look like.

“When people ask me what we’re trying to do, I say we’re trying to make Central Station central once again,” Turley says. “It should be a dynamic anchor for the South Main neighborhood, and it’s just not behaving that way now, and we’d like to improve it.”

Plans for the station won’t be firmed up until at least the end of the year, Turley says.

Justin Fox Burks

South Main Artspace Lofts have moved into the former United Warehouse at 138 St. Paul.

Residential Developments

Turley’s 300-unit South Junction is, indeed, the largest single residential development around South Main. But it’s far from the only one. ArtSpace Lofts will have 44 live/work spaces. The Cabinet Shop Apartments will have 25. Printer’s Alley Annex will have 22. 

In all, the new developments are expected to bring 1,000 new residents to South Main. This fact gives hope to K’PreSha owner Taylor, who says retail in South Main struggles during daytime hours, unless there’s a special event.

“I think if everyone down here can sustain themselves over the next two years, then I think South Main will definitely be where it’s at,” Taylor says. “I think the increase in residents will help us get more local traffic. All the development in general will just bring more people.”

Justin Fox Burks

“Buffalo Mural”

Smaller Developments

Construction work is underway on a number of smaller projects up and down South Main Street.

Cafe Pontotoc is planned for the space formerly occupied by Carrot. A new bar concept is coming to the former Cafe Soul space at 492 S. Main. The Book Juggler bookstore opened late last year at 548 S. Main.

An updated Five Spot and another new restaurant are coming soon to the space behind Earnestine & Hazel’s, according to building owner and Memphis restaurateur, Bud Chittom. No changes are planned for Earnestine & Hazel’s, Chittom says. He’s also planning to build a youth hostel in the two-story building behind the new restaurants.

Two new retail clothing concepts are coming from the team that brought the Crazy Beautiful pop-up shop to 387 South Main over the holidays. Eryka Smith and Chad West will open a new store, Stock and Bell, in the old pop-up shop space. They’re also renovating the former Russian Cultural Center space at 509 S. Main for a rockabilly-inspired vintage shop called Red Velvet. 

Perhaps the smallest development in South Main is the new bocce ball court in the once-vacant lot at Main and Talbot. The Downtown Memphis Commission built the court for around $1,000, and officials hope it will help draw future development to the space. People can play for free. Balls are available at South Of Beale and The Green Beetle in exchange for a credit card or driver’s license.

A new park and dog park are being discussed for an undisclosed location in South Main. Also, locals are working with property owners to convert the empty space behind the iconic “Buffalo Mural” into a performing arts area. 

Finally, the district got an identity upgrade this year with a new logo, a new visitor’s guide, and new banners touting the area’s “legendary” status. Some of those legends can be heard on a new self-guided walking tour. Visitors can use their smart phones to scan QR codes on some buildings that will give them web-hosted tales of Machine Gun Kelly or the Whistle Brand soft drink company.

Why Now?

Chittom says South Main is still riding the wave of energy created by the folks who got there early on, especially Henry Turley, he says.  

“The synergy in South Main is just remarkable right now,” Chittom says. “It was predicated on Henry. He did this. A lot of people played a role but not as big as Henry played.”

Turley began developing property in South Main after the initial wave of artists and others put down roots there. He started the South Bluffs development in 1991 after he’d finished the River Bluffs development. Turley credits those who came before him.

“They added more energy than I did,” he says. “I added more bulk, but they really got it going.”

South Main Association President Brian Douglas said the original galleries attracted foot traffic, which attracted bars and restaurants. This made the area viable for other businesses that moved in: public relations firms, architecture firms, and financial advisory firms, like his branch of Ameriprise Financial.

“It hasn’t been an increase in a single area,” Williams says. “It’s kind of been a mix of all of the infrastructure things you need to make a neighborhood great, from restaurants and bars and work, and now we’re adding housing again.”

Most agree the growth of South Main has been gradual, organic, unforced, the result of a large, loose network of residents, business owners, developers, and city officials, unlike Overton Square or the Pinch District, which have grown or will grow with the help of a single major developer. 

A Memphis Original

South Main’s supporters say much of the area’s success is due to an intangible factor — its authenticity.

Sharon Stanley, an associate professor of political science at the University of Memphis, moved to South Main six years ago, after living briefly in the Downtown core. Yes, rent was cheaper in South Main, but she says what kept her there was something deeper. Downtown felt like a “show piece with a little artificial Memphis [in it] for tourists or something.” South Main was different, she says.

“It also just has — and this is probably the most overused word for anyone describing what they like about a city or a neighborhood — but I do feel like the places here have a certain character that other places are lacking, especially in the newer developments in Memphis,” Stanley says. “I feel like those could be anywhere. But Earnestine & Hazel’s can only really be Earnestine & Hazel’s.”

A new study by the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) spells this out. City dwellers these days, especially younger residents, like old buildings. They want to live in them, walk around them, and socialize in them. Blocks of old buildings, the study showed, provide affordable spaces for entrepreneurs to open new restaurants, bars, and businesses. They are all looking for authenticity and are finding it in Washington, D.C.’s H Street Corridor, San Francisco’s Hayes Valley neighborhood — and South Main in Memphis. These areas perform better economically, socially, and environmentally than those with larger, newer buildings. 

“That’s really one of the things that made South Main successful,” Paul Morris says. “It avoided what happened in many downtowns across America where people came in and wiped all the buildings away and started afresh to get rid of the urban blight.”

Jusint Fox Burks

Trolley goers enjoying the ride

Get on the Trolley 

Memphis and South Main are well ahead of the curve of one urban trend: Cities across the country are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to begin streetcar projects. 

Tucson has spent $196 million on its 3.9-mile Sun Link Streetcar project that will link its downtown and the University of Arizona. Washington, D.C., will open its $135 million, 2.4-mile H Street streetcar project this year. A 2.4-mile streetcar route will open in Seattle later this year, a project that cost $134 million. Atlanta, Dallas, Milwaukee, and many other cities have similar projects either planned or under way.

Memphis trolley cars have been rumbling up and down 10 miles of tracks since 1993.

Enjoy It
Some worry that the Memphis population won’t be able to support all of the urban renewal blossoming across town.

But Morris’ advice on South Main is to simply enjoy it. “It’s in your city,” he says. “It’s a big part of Memphis’ history and it’s going to be a big part of Memphis’ future.”

News The Fly-By

Artistic Expansion

The historic Orpheum Theatre will soon break ground on a multimillion-dollar educational facility that Orpheum CEO Pat Halloran is calling “the Juilliard of the South.”

The Orpheum filed a $10.2 million permit for its planned Centre for Performing Arts and Education, a two-story, 39,000 square-foot facility. Construction for the building is slated to begin in late March. It will be located at 225 S. Main, adjacent to the Orpheum in a parking lot formally owned by Memphis Light, Gas, and Water.

“It’s going to be beautiful,” said Halloran. “A very fresh, contemporary building that just welcomes people by its design. It’s going to be all glass on the front with a big open arms entrance for people to come in and either participate in a meeting that’s going on in the theater or go to a class upstairs where they’re going to learn more about entertainment.”

An artist’s rendering of the new Orpheum Centre for the Performing Arts & Education

Another $4.5 million is needed to satisfy the funding requirement for the project. Halloran said he’s confident the remaining balance will be raised during the construction period.

The center would primarily target kids and young adults from ages 5 to 25 and offer more than 20 programs, including musical theater workshops taught by Broadway professionals, career assistance and training for aspiring arts professionals, technical training in sound and lighting, and training in arts, nonprofit, and business management.

There will be a theater in the facility with a state-of-the-art stage and a 356-seat auditorium, a rehearsal hall where actors can prepare for plays that will debut at the Orpheum, and an audio/video classroom.

The Orpheum’s administration has been planning the center since 2011, when it began contemplating ways to provide more space for its performing arts programs, which serve more than 70,000 people annually.

“This building isn’t just going to serve kids who want to be the next soap-opera star or opera singer. We’re also going to be teaching people how to be videographers and edit video and record music in our audio studio,” Halloran said. “It’s not just limited to the performing arts. We’re going to be teaching kids how to prepare for college. We’re going to have seminars and classes for adults on weight control, tax preparation, travel direction, [and how to] become social media users if they aren’t familiar with Facebook, Google, and all those [websites]. It’s an educational experience.”

Halloran said the Orpheum has managed to generate funding for the facility through contributions from foundations, corporations, and individual donations, as well as from the theatre’s annual auction. He said they’re continuing to search for funding.

“We’re not leaving any rocks unturned. We’re making appeals to people all over the community. We still have to raise $4.5 million, but we’re going to do that,” Halloran said. “This is going to be one of those projects that people are going to talk about for the next 100 years.”

Construction for the center is scheduled to be complete in April 2015.


Million-Dollar Weekend for Downtown Memphis


Author Shelby Foote wrote in his novel “September September” that the three hardest dates in show business were “Christmas, Easter, and Memphis.”

Good line, but Foote’s novel was set in Memphis in the 1950s, and Memphis has earned a different reputation. Last weekend, the Memphis Grizzlies played at FedEx Forum Friday night and Saturday night, sandwiched around a Memphis Tigers basketball game Saturday afternoon. All of the games reported ticket sales of over 15,000, and Flyer writers who covered the games said the arena looked nearly full.

And on Sunday, “Million Dollar Quartet” played two shows at the Orpheum, closing out a six-day run of sellouts. Pat Halloran said total attendance was around 17,000.

The recession may not be over but Memphians and visitors are coming downtown and spending money. At the Majestic Grille on South Main Sunday night, people were waiting for tables or walking away when they saw the crowd, so I assume it was a good night in general for restaurants and bars.

I thought “Million Dollar Quartet” took off after the midway point when the blow-up of the famous black-and-white photo dropped down from the ceiling and the actors recreated the pose around the piano and the audience collectively thought, “Hey, it all happened about a mile away at Sun Studio.”