Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Ratboys at P&H Monday

Ratboys. Real band. Real voices. Real deal. Go.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Legs Like Tree Trunks Monday @ P&H


Legs Like Tree Trunks – “Winter” from Bryan Heller on Vimeo.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: The March Divide at P&H Tuesday

The March Divide comes to P&H. According to this song, they’re still analog. There’s a person named Shannon who really should try to make it to the show. So should you.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Mallett Brothers at P&H Wednesday

The Mallett Brothers look like they know how to party and fix your suspension. They’re at the P&H Wednesday night.