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Pink Palace’s Latest Exhibit Explores the Earth’s Future

Earlier this year, the Pink Palace Museum & Mansion opened its “Earth Matters: Rethink the Future” exhibit, created by Scitech in Perth, Australia, and produced by Imagine Exhibitions. 

“This is a way to introduce kids to the idea of ‘we live on this one planet, how do we take care of it?’” says Sheila Noone, the Pink Palace’s marketing and communications manager. “‘Earth Matters’ is about how we interact with our planet.”

Full of interactive elements, the exhibit engages the whole family in learning more about the connections between humans and the natural elements. Visitors can step into an immersive room that shows how weather patterns have changed over time; they can solve puzzles to learn about insects and their habitats. They can even visualize how much energy it takes to power a town by pedaling stationary bikes. Guests can also come up with their own ideas for sustainability and hear other opinions from people around the world by (literally) putting their heads in sculptural clouds.

“It’s very kid-friendly, it’s very adult-friendly, and it talks about environmental sustainability but doesn’t beat you over the head with it, like ‘you’re doing this wrong or you’re doing that wrong,’” says Raka Nandi, director of exhibits and collections.

Admission to “Earth Matters” is included in general admission to the museum.  

“Earth Matters: Rethink the Future,” Pink Palace Museum & Mansion, 3050 Central Avenue, Through May 18th.

Hungry Memphis

FOOD NEWS BITES: A Toast to the New Science of Spirits

The upcoming Science of Spirits at Lichterman Nature Center sounds like an exploration into the world of the supernatural.

Well, it’s not. Halloween is over. These “spirits” are the drinkable kind.

The event, which will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, November 15th, is now part of a trio of events that includes Science of Beer and Science of Wine.

Just like the beer and wine events, guests will travel from station to station sampling bourbon, but, this time, they’ll learn about the science of making American whiskey.

Bourbons include Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon, 1792 Bourbon, Traveller Whiskey, Sazerac Rye, Benchmark Selects Casks  Single Barrel, Benchmark Select Casks Top Floor, Rich & Rare Reserve, and Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream.

Food from Bain BBQ, Huey’s, and Graz’n will be available.

Mark Edgar Stuart will perform.

Guests must be 21 to attend. All proceeds will benefit the Museums of Science & History (MoSH) programming, summer camps, STEM workshops, and more. MoSH is the umbrella group that includes Lichterman Nature Center, Pink Palace Museum & Mansion, Mallory-Neely Historic Property, and Coon Creek Science Center.

Upcoming events include Science of Beer, which will be held January 17, 2025, at Pink Palace Museum & Mansion, and Science of Wine, which will be held in spring 2025 at Pink Palace.

For more information, go to