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MLGW Urges Customers to Prepare for Thawing Pipes

Memphis Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW) said warmer temperatures can reveal leaks in pipes and urged customers to prepare.

Frozen pipes that have burst will thaw and reveal leaks, MLGW said in a Friday statement. To prepare, MLGW said customers are encouraged to drip water, open cabinet doors, and insulate pipes while temperatures remain low.

The utility suggested this article for tips on unfreezing pipes in the home. MLGW said to find the shut-off valves in homes and that it could be in a closet or under the sink. To shut off water outside the home, MLGW suggested using a meter key, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

MLGW considers burst pipes an emergency. Customers can call (901) 528-4465 to have water turned off. However, depending on demand, it could take some time for crews to respond.

Customers are also asked to continue conserving water by taking shorter showers, holding off on laundry, and not running the dishwasher until Monday at noon.

A boil water advisory remains in effect and MLGW leaders gave no firm timeline for its end. Read more here