British star Kate Beckinsale, perhaps best known for her sexy roles in several vampire movies, is coming to Memphis in a few days to film a journalism thriller about an outed CIA agent. We hear that, among other locations, the movie will use The Commercial Appeal newsroom as a set. Yes, we are now officially jealous of the CA.
It is October, but you’d never know it by going outdoors, where plus-90-degree temperatures in our area are breaking records that have stood in place for more than 50 years. At this rate, the most popular Halloween costume will be the Human Torch.
Memphis City Schools is forced to throw away an undisclosed amount of frozen cafeteria food after they fail to store it properly. When the district was building its Central Nutrition Center a few years ago, it said the central kitchen would make the food safer, more palatable, and cheaper. Guess not in this case.
A gunman at a Germantown convenience store hands the clerk a 32-ounce cup and orders her to fill it with coins. Where did he think he was — Tunica?
So it’s Mayor Herenton for four more years. In his victory speech, among other comments, he said, “There are some mean people in Memphis. They some haters. I mean they some haters in Memphis.” This man holds a Ph.D. — in education, no less — so why does he talk like this?
In one week, two different Olive Branch police dogs have nabbed two different robbery suspects — with their teeth. Talk about taking a bite out of crime.