News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Firmly Cruisin’, Memphis Women, and Poplar Plaza

Memphis on the internet.

Firmly Cruisin’

Tom Cruise was in town. In 1992. He was filming The Firm.

WMC-TV covered the crowds that showed up to see the star.

“No, he was not shopping at the Walmart in Collierville,” said then-reporter Denise DuBois-Taylor. “No, he and Nicole Kidman were not house hunting in Germantown.”

The gem of a clip surfaced recently on YouTube thanks to a Facebook group called “Things That Aren’t in the Memphis Area Anymore.” Long name, but worth the follow if you’re looking for hometown nostalgia.

Memphis Women

On Twitter last week, Big Mek started a “#Memphis Women Thread.” It’s now an endless scroll of photos and videos of women showing their stuff.

Squeak checked in to say, “I didn’t see any other Memphis women posting.” She identified herself as a “Memphis woman.” Then, she showed her credentials.

Posted to Twitter by @mndinmybusiness

Poplar Plaza

Posted to Reddit by etherbeta

Reddit user u/etherbeta shared studies of redesigned Memphis locales last week. Above, a revamped Poplar Plaza would have a movie theater, new restaurants, residences, and an electric vehicle charging lounge that would complement the nearby Exxon.

News The Fly-By

Poplar Plaza Neighborhood Among Safest In City

The community around Poplar Plaza is among the safest areas of the city, according to law enforcement. However, violence found its way there on September 6th, when a flash mob of teens attacked three people in the parking lot of the Poplar Plaza Kroger.

The assault began when a group of teens surrounded a 25-year-old man, swarming him with punches. Two teenage Kroger employees witnessed the attack and attempted to aid the man. They were both brutally assaulted.

After a video of the incident went viral, the story made headlines on news outlets ranging from the Huffington Post to CNN. This left the potential for people to stigmatize the area and think twice before shopping in Poplar Plaza. Some locals admitted to venturing to other Kroger establishments for groceries. Others took more precautionary measures.

“I carry a zapper now. I have no problem going [to Kroger]. They’re not running me out of my store,” said a High Point Terrace resident, the residential neighborhood east of the shopping plaza, at a meeting last week of the High Point Terrace Neighborhood Watch and Association.

According to the Memphis Police Department (MPD), those who reside in neighborhoods surrounding Poplar Plaza shouldn’t be more worried than normal about their safety.

MPD Colonel Terry Landrum, commander of the Tillman precinct, said information from Blue CRUSH, a data-driven initiative that uses information collected from MPD reports to determine and target crime hotspots, shows that the Poplar Plaza area and nearby neighborhoods have the lowest number of reported crimes in the entire precinct.

The Tillman precinct’s boundaries include Jackson Avenue and L&N Rail Road to the north, Park Avenue to the south, I-40 and I-240 to the east, and Airways and E. Parkway to the west.

In a mile radius of Oak Court Mall, which includes Poplar Plaza, Landrum said shoplifting and residential burglaries tend to occur more often than violent crimes.

“In the month of July, we’ve had three robberies, eight thefts of vehicles, 11 shopliftings, and 10 burglaries [in that area],” Landrum said. “In August, we’ve got nine burglaries, 12 shopliftings, and one robbery. In September, so far, we’ve had three burglaries and two shopliftings and no robberies.”

But some area residents remain bothered by the Kroger incident. High Point Terrace Neighborhood Watch and Association’s meeting at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church’s Fellowship Hall last week centered on the incident and what’s being done to make sure a similar event doesn’t take place in the future. The group brainstormed ways to provide at-risk youth throughout the city with more outlets, support, and mentorship to keep them away from participating in violent flash mobs.

Neighborhood residents, elected officials, Memphis city councilmembers, Shelby County commissioners, and representatives from law enforcement and civic organizations attended the meeting and contributed ideas. Representatives from Poplar Plaza’s Kroger and CiCi’s Pizza, where the teens met up before the Kroger attack, were also in attendance.

Fairy Shull has resided in High Point Terrace for three years and lives within walking distance of Poplar Plaza. Shull said she feels safe in her neighborhood and doesn’t view it or the shopping plaza in a different light following the Kroger parking lot melee.

“If somebody’s lawn mower’s stolen or anything like that, somebody’s on top of it,” Shull said with regard to her neighborhood. “Many of us are vigilant about paying attention to what cars are in our neighbor’s driveway. We are a very engaged community, and that’s precious. We’re right in the heart of the city.”

Politics Politics Feature

Kroger Trouble Breeds Unity

As was true of the rest of Memphis in the aftermath of the horrific mob beating of three random victims in the parking lot of Poplar Plaza Saturday night, members of the newly constituted Shelby County Commission were clearly preoccupied with the subject and made it one of the first main matters of discussion on Monday.

Toward the end of the meeting, Republican Mark Billingsley, who represents Germantown, raised the issue: “We need a discussion of public safety,” he said, and that became the basis for a spirited discussion in which the ominous import of the mob violence at a key Poplar corridor crossroads was acknowledged around the board.

Billingsley pointed out the impact of the event on suburban points east and the likelihood of even further fissures in a longstanding city/suburban divide that had been stretched to the breaking point by years of bitter disagreement over the school merger issue. Fellow Republican Terry Roland, who hails from Millington, said, “Crime doesn’t have borders,” and he was seconded on the point by Democrat Reginald MiltonHeidi Shafer, another GOP member, pointed out that the outrage at Poplar Plaza — a follow-up to a previous one that occurred there the weekend before — took place at a popular shopping venue within a residential area that was thickly populated with representatives of local government, Democratic and Republican, black and white.

“We have to have a little bit of muscle,” she said, and it was finally agreed that the commission would seek a meeting with county Mayor Mark Luttrell, Sheriff Bill Oldham, and — per the suggeston of Democrat Melvin Burgess — Gerald Darling, the chief of security at Shelby County Schools, along with perhaps other officials, to hammer out a response.

Jackson baker

Commissioners Billingsley (left) and Shafer discussing the Poplar Plaza incident.

For an elective body known more for disagreement than concord, there was a striking sense of unanimity in the commission’s action — one reflective, no doubt, of attitudes in the community at large.


• It would seem that the former practice of commission members rotating their chairmanship back and forth between Republicans and Democrats is a thing of the past — and so is the value of a vice chairmanship in establishing the succession of chairs.

Justin Ford, a Democrat, was elected commission chair Monday for the commission year 2014-15, besting three other nominees, fellow Democrat Walter Bailey and Republicans Roland and Steve Basar. All were holdovers on the 13-member county legislative body, newly elected from 13 single-member districts.

Roland would end up with the consolation prize of the vice chairmanship — an office that, in times of yore, would have put him in the line of succession to the chairmanship, but hasn’t done so for the past several vice chairs, including Basar, who was last year’s vice chair (aka chairman pro tem).

It is true in a sense, as Republican Shafer said during the debate, that Ford’s election is a triumph for bipartisanship. No other Democratic member, with the possible exception of the now departed James Harvey, sided with Republicans as often during the previous commission session as did Ford.

But the real meaning of the outcome is that Democrats, whose current 7-6 majority on the commission is, if anything, likely to expand in years to come, are in control of the commission and its agenda whenever they can agree on something.

The chairmanship vote occurred early on in Monday’s meeting and was overseen by Ford, who in a prefigurement of sorts, was elected temporary chair by a single vote over Shafer.

The proceedings began with an interesting wrinkle, when, after the original four nominations were made from the 13 commissioners themselves, Ford allowed speeches of support from members of the audience. Roland won that straw vote hands down, with four testifiers to his virtue compared to one for Bailey.

But it was Bailey who would lead the pack through the first two ballots, garnering six votes and ending only a vote shy both times. His nearest competitor, early on, was Roland, who essentially split the GOP vote with Basar, getting as many as four votes until Shafer, toward the end of the second round, shifted her vote from Roland to Ford, who thereby survived into the third ballot when the field, according to commission rules regarding such matters, was pared down to a final twosome.

Shafer, who had championed Roland’s cause beforehand, would acknowledge later that her vote change was in recognition that a Bailey vs. Roland runoff would end in victory for the Democrat on a straight party-line vote, while Ford vs. Bailey would allow Republicans to influence the outcome.

And so it came to pass that Ford, with considerable backing from Republican members, prevailed by a single vote over the venerable Bailey, whose positions on issues are more likely to be fixed in longstanding Democratic doctrine.

• Another important decision was reached Monday — this one occurring in the evening, as the Shelby County Democratic Executive Committee met at the IBEW meeting hall on Madison to nominate a candidate for state Senate District 30 on the November 4th county ballot.

A vacancy was created last month when the longtime seat holder, Jim Kyle, was elected chancellor on  August 7th and formally resigned on the 29th. Three candidates, all women, vied for the honor of the nomination, which, as state Attorney General Robert Cooper had ruled, had to be filled by a given political party’s governing committee.

In Shelby County, the relevant organizations were the Democrats’ executive committee and the Shelby County Republicans’ steering committee. Though District 30, which encompasses much of North Memphis, Frayser, and Raleigh, is heavily Democratic, it was the GOP that filled its place on the ballot first, having nominated physician/broadcast executive George Flinn as its nominee at a steering committee meeting last week.

Sensing all but certain victory in November, several Democrats considered throwing their hats in the ring, but in the end it was three of the party’s prominent women who vied for the nomination. They were Sara Kyle, wife of the former senator, and a former city judge and member of the state Regulatory Authority; Beverly Marrero, a former state senator who had lost a 2012 race to Jim Kyle in District 30; and Carol Chumney, a former state representative, city councilmember, and mayoral candidate.

Present for the occasion was state Democratic Chairman Roy Herron of Nashville, who delivered encouraging remarks before the committee’s vote, as did newly elected District 29 state Senator Lee Harris and former county commissioner and county mayoral candidate Steve Mulroy.

All three struck a note of harmony, as did the three candidates, who made brief speeches before the vote was taken. The only surprise came when Chumney announced that she was withdrawing and throwing her support to Marrero.

Kyle prevailed by a margin of 18-to-16, with only those committee members voting who represented districts encompassed by or within District 30.

For all the well-known schisms within local Democratic ranks, Monday night’s meeting had less contentiousness, at least on the surface, than the GOP equivalent.

On that occasion, which took place at Clark Tower last Thursday night, steering committee member John Niven had nominated Flinn, and Justin Joy, the Shelby County Republican chairman, had been about to call the nomination process over when Colonel Gene Billingsley, the party’s nominee for state House District 93, unexpectedly interjected, “Somebody nominate me!”

When no one responded, Billingsley, who has a well-deserved reputation in party circles as being eccentric and was at the meeting as a spectator, groused loudly, “What? A bunch of wimps?” Committee member Wayne West did point out, in an apparent attempt to settle down the interloper, that Billingsley already had a place on the November ballot. 

More would be forthcoming, however, from the Colonel, who kept up something of a running commentary, even as Flinn, clearly a consensus choice, was addressing committee members, pledging his usual earnest (and no doubt well-financed, also as usual) electioneering effort and calling for their support.

As Flinn was finishing up with his remarks, Billingsley had one more taunt. “I’m not going to vote for you!” he yelled out. He seemed all by himself with that sentiment, however. Flinn received a hearty round of applause when Chairman Joy pronounced him the party’s nominee.