Sports Sports Feature

A Personal Conversation With Marc Iavaroni

Marc Iavaroni entered his post-game press conference tonight to find exactly two members of the local media — Memphis Sport‘s Kevin Cerritto and myself. He joked that fewer people came after wins, but he just needs to get used to the strange grip college football holds over the locals.

So, basically, the post-game became Iavaroni and me chatting a little bit, which was both awkward and bemusing. I asked about the struggles of closing games with young players and about trying to modulate the energy level and aggressiveness of players like Lowry and Gay.

His response, in part: “He [Lowry] is going to face [challenges] throughout his young career and so is Rudy. They are young players. We don’t want to give into that constant reminder, because it sounds like an excuse …

Read the rest of Chris Herrington’s post-game musings at “Beyond the Arc,” the Flyer‘s Grizblog.