Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Manifesting Abundance

In the spiritual world, there are certain topics that are highly popular, and rightly so. Cleansing and protection are among the basics of metaphysical practice and therefore get a lot of attention. Love is another. But money is on people’s minds the most right now. 

As we wind down summer and look ahead to autumn, we are entering harvest season. In Wicca and witchcraft traditions, August 1st is known as Lughnasadh or Lammas and is considered the first harvest. The autumnal equinox on September 22nd is known in these traditions as Mabon and is considered the second harvest of the season. Those who work on farms or have gardens are likely preparing to bring in their final harvest of the year within the next month or so. Harvest also brings us into the season of gratitude and taking stock of what we have. 

Even though we are moving into fall, into harvest and gratitude season, that does not mean we stop manifesting. Working with the cycles of nature lends extra energy to our workings, but our manifesting never stops. 

Gratitude goes a long way on a spiritual path. I find that when asking for something, it helps to show your gratitude for things you already have. If you are doing money manifestation work, it may not hurt to tell your guides or the universe that you are grateful for the job or the opportunities you already have. If we show our appreciation for what we have, perhaps the universe will be more generous with us. 

There are many different approaches to manifesting abundance and prosperity. Do what feels comfortable or right for you. If you are looking for a powerful spell that is easy to use, I often recommend candles. The longer the candle burns, the more energy is put into the universe on your behalf. You have plenty of options of candle size, so you can find one that works best for you. Candles are easy because they don’t require a lot of supplies or money, and once you light them the magic is working. 

Color psychology plays a big part in manifestation. When manifesting money, you typically want to use colors that remind you of money: green, gold, or silver. But there are always exceptions to the rules. White is also powerful and can be substituted for any other color. And red is a color of fire and action. You can use red on any working to speed up the timing of your request. If you need fast money, try red. 

Gemstones are also great to aid in your manifestation work. You can carry them with you or wear them. You can add them to candles, set up crystal grids, or place them in your home. Your money-drawing gemstones are typically going to be those whose colors are green or gold. 

Many of your kitchen herbs can work for attracting prosperity. Basil, bay, allspice, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and ginger are all good for this. You can also use chamomile, lavender, five finger grass, goldenseal, and many others. You can dress your candles with these herbs, add them to a mojo bag, or even use them in your cooking to attract prosperity. 

You can use all of these suggestions together to manifest money, or pick and choose. You can add your prosperity gemstones to a mojo bag with money-drawing herbs to carry with you or place at work. Or you can put them in a jar to create a prosperity jar spell. It is impossible to list all the options here, but you can also use incense or oils to attract money. 

Regardless of which method you choose, there is a tool or an aide for everyone. Happy manifesting! 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.