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Report: Hate Groups Hold in Memphis Amid Record Rise Nationally

The number of hate and anti-government groups operating in the Memphis area last year held at four, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), amid a record wave of white nationalist and anti-LGBTQ groups. 

Each year, the Montgomery, Alabama-based SPLC issues its Year In Hate and Extremism report, which details hate groups and anti-government extremist groups operating across the U.S. This year’s report found a total of 1,430 active groups (in both categories combined) operated in the U.S. last year, up from the 1,225 groups active in 2022.

The number of active groups in the county marked a record in SPLC’s data tracking. The previous record surge in groups was in 2018 when the number totaled 1,020.  After that surge, the number of hate groups fell for four years year in a row up to 2022. Last year’s rise broke the streak and the record. 

The new report documents 595 hate groups and 835 antigovernment extremist groups, including a growing wave of white nationalism increasingly motivated by theocratic beliefs and conspiracy theories. These groups intensified their efforts over the past year to recruit new members, increase their online presence and in-person demonstrations, exploit international and domestic conflicts, lobby the government and, in some cases, directly participate in elections, especially at the local level.

The report says communities of color, immigrant communities, minority faith communities, and LGBTQ+ communities are all targeted by and experience the negative effects of “hate-filled rhetoric and antigovernment conspiracies through actions such as banning books, protesting drag story hours, and using school boards as political battlegrounds.”

Credit: Southern Poverty Law Center

In Tennessee, 37 hate groups operated here last year, according to the report. They include “racist skinheads,” white nationalists, militia movements, neo-Volkish groups, neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, anti-Muslim groups, a hate-filled gift shop, and more.

“With a historic election just months away, this year, more than any other, we must act to preserve our democracy,” said Margaret Huang, president and CEO of the SPLC. “That will require us to directly address the danger of hate and extremism from our schools to our statehouses.

“Our report exposes these far-right extremists and serves as a tool for advocates and communities working to counter disinformation, false conspiracies and threats to voters and election workers. Together, we can dismantle white supremacy and ensure all communities see themselves represented in our democracy.”

In Memphis, four groups made the SPLC’s annual report. Moms for Liberty and Proud Boys remain active here, it says.

The local Moms for Liberty group says it is “dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.” Jennifer Martin is listed as the county chapter chair on the national group’s website

The West Tennessee Proud Boys website shows a photo of the group marching on Beale Street and tells its members to “walk your streets with your head held high.” An obviously fake Memphis address is listed as “Freedom Street, Memphis, TN 38503.” The ZIP Code is for Cookeville, Tennessee.  

In its website’s “Beliefs” section, the local Proud Boys say they are “are proud Western Chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” They say they want small government, freedom of speech, closed borders, the right to bear arms, to “venerate the housewife,” and more. 

On racism, the Proud Boys site says it “may be alive, but it is not well” as “progress has been made in overcoming racial prejudice.” With that, they don’t want “anti-racial guilt.” … “Let no man be burdened with shame for the deeds of his ancestors,” reads the site. “Let no people be held accountable for things they never did.”

The site also offers a portal to join the group. Another button, for complaints, takes a visitor to a YouTube video featuring a tune called “The You Are A Cunt Song.”

Two Bartlett radio stations also made the SPLC’s list this year, as they have for years. The “about” section of  Blood River Radio says  “genocide is being pursued against white gentile people of the world.” The Political Cesspool hosts have said “we represent a philosophy that is pro-white and are against political centralization.” 

Read more about those stations in a previous story here. Read an in-depth look at them, their hosts, and their guests from the SPLC blog here. Read about the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s latest hate crime report here.  

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Drag March Friday a “Direct Response” to MoSH Drag Show Cancellation

A Drag March is planned for Friday evening for the “horrible mishandling” of the recent drag event at MoSH. 

Event organizers canceled a drag show there last Friday after a group of Proud Boys arrived armed to protest the event. Kevin Thompson, executive director of MoSH, told WMCTV that the museum is “fine with protesters” but “not armed militia” with “military-grade weapons.”

In response, a group called Memphis TransLove has planned a march for Friday, September 30th at 5:30 p.m. The march will roll from the metal statue at the corner of Cooper and Madison in Overton Square to the gay pride rainbow crosswalk at the corner of Cooper and Young. A rally will follow the march featuring speeches from community leaders in the First Congo parking lot.   

Memphis TransLove says the event is “in direct response to the horrible mishandling of the safety of the children and adults at MoSH’s drag event.” 

“We will be loudly expressing that people that intimidate us with guns and violence are not protesters but terrorists,” reads a statement form the group. “We will be expressing that our community deserves to be protected and allowed to express our queerness without fear of violence. 

“This march will be a spectacular display of color, glamour, and beautiful queerness. We will be taking over the streets and taking back our safety!  

“We stand strong as queer people and refuse to be forced to only express ourselves in spaces deemed ‘gay.’”