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TOP 8: Ideas for the pyramid

Bass Pro Shop

Though an announcement was made almost a year ago to convert The Pyramid into Bass Pro, no final contract decision has been made. According to an attorney with the city’s division of Housing and Community Development, Bass Pro representatives are investigating what needs to be done so the structure can support various floors of retail, hotel rooms, a marina, an aquarium, a faux mountain, and a cypress swamp.

Adventure Park

The idea may seem unrealistic, but the Ericson Group wants to create a theme park in the Tomb of Doom. Pyramid Adventure Park would have an outdoor theme, and marketing executive Greg Ericson is in talks with Bass Pro to combine the two projects. If Bass Pro falls through, Ericson says he’s certain the project can be funded alone.

Smithsonian Museum

At a New Year’s Day breakfast, newly elected U.S. congressman Steve Cohen proposed turning it into a Smithsonian museum. He’s still investigating the possibilities.

Movie Studio

In an attempt to keep the production local, filmmaker Craig Brewer shot much of Black Snake Moan on sets constructed inside The Pyramid. Now there are rumors of turning the entire facility into a movie production studio.

Tear It Down

Local attorney Lester Lit thinks we should treat The Pyramid like any other Big Empty: Tear it down and redevelop the land. Lit would like to see a hotel and a condominium built in its place.


This proposal, which would have made The Pyramid the world’s tallest aquarium, was scrapped due to a lack of interest.


Several years ago, former county commissioner John Willingham proposed turning it into a casino. There’s still one large flaw with the idea: Gambling is illegal in Tennessee.

keep it dark

Or we could just leave The Pyramid as it is — empty but a distinct part of Memphis’ skyline. Chuck Jabbour of SMG Management, the company that currently manages the building, says the city and the county have budgeted $700,000 to maintain and preserve the building for the current fiscal year, including a security guard and basic utilities, such as heat and A/C. — By Bianca Phillips