Calling the Bluff Music

Throwback Thursday: Dr. Benjamin Hooks Reflects on Racist Encounters

The late Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks dedicated his life to combating racial, social, and economic disparities.

A revered civil rights activist, attorney and minister, Hooks was the first African-American criminal court judge in Tennessee since the Reconstruction era and the first black appointee to the Federal Communications Commission.

Hooks also served as president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for 15 years, and was a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

During an interview with the National Visionary Leadership Project before his April 2010 passing, Hooks reflected on two separate occurrences where he encountered racism from whites. And he also touched on the hardships faced by blacks in America.

Check out the interview below.

Throwback Thursday: Dr. Benjamin Hooks Reflects on Racist Encounters

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News News Feature

Avoiding the Crutch

Anyone who knows anything about my life and beliefs knows the term “racist” has no application at all to me. But, in the wake of negative reactions to a story I reported on Fox 13 News last week in which I was trying to put historical perspective on the West Memphis police shooting of 12-year-old DeAunta Farrow seven years ago, I was reminded of how much a common and destructive crutch the words racism, racist, or race-baiter have become. There are so many of us who use those words as a replacement for constructive thought — for everything from societal problems to governmental blunders. So, I’ve devised a set of multiple choice questions about current issues to see if you believe “racism” is the correct answer to any of them.

The Memphis City Council has voted to use $125 million in tax breaks to fund a proposed 450-room upscale hotel, theater, restaurant, and exhibit hall in cooperation with Elvis Presley Enterprises. It’s a deal all agree wouldn’t happen if the city wasn’t fronting the major bulk of the cost. It is one of the cushiest economic development agreements in the country, considering it will also allow the controlling Presley Enterprises company, Authentic Brands Group, to seek to incorporate a tax surcharge that will be the highest in the state in return for a promise to create 280 jobs. What do you think?

a) Somewhere Elvis’ former manager, Colonel Tom Parker, is laughing his ass off.

b) This is a great deal for the city to keep EP Enterprises from announcing one day they’re moving their entire operation to Tupelo.

c) This is a racist decision, made just to help struggling black businesses in the name of a man who exploited black music.

d) None of the above.

More often than not, we wake up on Mondays to the news of a handful of people being shot or murdered over the weekend on the mean streets of Memphis. What do you think could be done to stop it?

a) Do more city sponsored gun-collection drives.

b) Educate our youth about the danger of guns and ways to solve problems without resorting to violent actions.

c) Hire more police officers and put them in high-crime areas.

d) Provide more guns to more black people so they can use them to kill each other off, because that’s what they’re going to do anyway.

How can we begin to handle the current distrust, sparked by recent cases in Ferguson and elsewhere, between police and the people they have sworn to serve and protect?

a) Instead of constantly reporting on police officers gone bad, there should be more media stories on the proactive accomplishments of the 99 percent who are dedicated to what they do.

b) Assume all white MPD officers will shoot black people in a second and ask questions later.

c) Insist on more neighborhood policing and change residency requirements so those wearing the badge will be seen as a vital force in the communities in which they themselves live.

d) Equip MPD with dashboard cameras and body cams and have them rolling at all times, so the data collected can be used if questions about their actions arise.

If you think I’ve purposely set up this questionnaire to be slanted toward sensible answers instead of those with a racial slant, then you are right. Those people, black and white, who seek conspiracy theories behind the plethora of problems Memphis and the nation faces, are not helping. That strategy only distracts us and keeps us from working together to find answers to difficult questions.

We can blame the media for ratings-inspired exploitation of racial issues. We can blame our ignorance of history for not seeing the direction we should take in order to heal the old wounds of race, class, and sexual gender. To discover the cure for the disease of racism, we must be willing to open our hearts and minds to all people, including those who may not adhere to our value system, those who may not agree with us, and even those who don’t understand there are peaceful methods to avoid violent confrontations. When we cut off dialogue and retreat into the cocoon of our own prejudices, then we only have the crutch of labeling each other to fall back on.

Opinion Viewpoint

The Donald Sterling Saga

We all know the story by now. The mistress of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling recorded a conversation with Sterling in which he made racist comments. This led the NBA to ban Sterling for life, fine him $2.5 million, and announce efforts to get him to divest from the Clippers. This whirlwind drama has led people to ask a lot of legal questions.

Did the NBA violate Sterling’s First Amendment rights?

No. Public figures have routinely been smacked for making ill-advised comments. And every time a Paula Deen, a Phil Robertson, or a Donald Sterling is dealt consequences for their comments, people argue their right to free speech has been abridged. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” The amendment applies to the government, not to private entities such as the Food Network, A&E, or the NBA.

How can the NBA get rid of an owner?

Until the Sterling brouhaha emerged, the NBA had kept its constitution and by-laws “secret.” However, the league has since made the document public. Relevant to the Sterling situation is Article 13, titled “Termination of Ownership or Membership.” It sets out a number of reasons the league can terminate ownership interests, including an owner’s failure or refusal to fulfill contractual obligations with the league. So, if Sterling breached a contract with the league, then there’d be grounds to terminate his ownership interest.

ESPN reported Sterling signed documents when he acquired the Clippers that include a clause indicating owners cannot take positions that could materially adversely affect a team or the league. Presumably, the NBA will say that Sterling’s comments fall into this category. Is this argument a slam dunk? (Sorry.) Probably not. Sterling will likely claim that a private conversation should not be considered “taking a position.” It was not a public declaration, after all. Will this argument carry the day? Stay tuned.

Does Sterling expose the Clippers to discrimination claims?

I am not going to argue whether or not Sterling is a racist. The recording speaks for itself. Draw your own conclusions. But if Donald Sterling is a racist and if his employees know it, is that a problem?

Well, sure. The Clippers organization employs African Americans and other minorities, and not just those on the court. Apart from the players and coaching staff, there’s marketing, administration, and so on. What, if any, effect does having someone who is publicly deemed to be a racist have on a workplace?

Let’s take the obvious path first. If Sterling were to fire Clippers Coach Doc Rivers (who is African American), could Rivers allege he was terminated due to his race and file a claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act or state law? Sure, he could. Part of the evidence could include that the man who fired him had demonstrated racial animus and that whatever reason he gave for the termination was a pretext for discrimination. Does this mean he’d win the case? Not necessarily. But it could make defending it more difficult.

But let’s say that Sterling didn’t fire anyone and has never said a racist word to any Clippers employees. Could an employee somehow claim that Sterling has created a “hostile work environment” due to his private comments?

To establish a claim of a racially based hostile work environment, a plaintiff must show, among other things, that race-based harassment unreasonably interfered with an individual’s work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

So could the mere fact that a known racist is in charge lead to an actionable claim? As long as the individual leaves their racism at home and doesn’t spread those thoughts in a work setting, absent action, liability seems unlikely. Is every employment decision Sterling made in relation to an African American now subject to attack based on his comments? Possibly.

The key take-away here is that if you own a business or work in management, it’s probably a good idea to avoid spouting racist comments, even privately. You never know who is recording you and when. After all, if you can’t count on your mistress who is about a half-century younger than you to be discreet, who can you trust?

R. Joseph Leibovich is a member of the law firm of Shuttleworth Williams, PLLC.

Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

Lots of Lots

Mary Cashiola’s article (In the Bluff, April 12th issue) is interesting in regards to the county’s dilemma of excess property. We basically “rent” the property. Try not paying property taxes and see who has really claimed your land!  

Marxists have sought to disguise their revolutions under the cover of “agrarian reform,” a redistribution of land, the most thorough form of revolution. Under this guise, Mao was able to popularize his revolution in both China and among American liberals. The Ukraine, once the breadbasket of Europe under the czars, cannot now sustain itself. When the state owns all the land, the people are reduced not only to political servitude but to starvation, as well.  

The basis of the property tax is the totalitarian concept that the state owns all the land. The tax is the rent that the nominal owner pays to that government for the privilege of using its land. This arrangement is known as “serfdom.” They say it ended in the 1700s, but in America, we have simply replaced the feudal lord with the state. Supreme Court chief justice John Marshall penned these words in the 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland case: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” A property tax is an attempt by the state to destroy the family. If one improves one’s property, it results in a higher tax. This acts as a disincentive to improve the condition of one’s property. That which controls your property and wealth controls you.

Charles Gillihan Memphis

Don “Ho” Imus

Yesterday, my wife and I ate dinner at the Midtown Huey’s. About halfway through our meal, a young woman behind me asked for our attention. She paid my wife a compliment on her hair, and for the remainder of the meal we had a pleasant conversation with this stranger and her friend. Afterward, we parted ways, no longer strangers, commenting that we hoped to see them around town again. What is interesting is that these two strangers were black; my wife and I are white. What is more interesting is that the ambience of this scene was saturated with the resounding message of the Don Imus story, coming down from every television: “Deep down, blacks and whites still don’t like each other.”

Whether it’s communicated casually by a slick shock-jock, indirectly by the extreme volume of media coverage given to this fiasco, or directly by the perpetual wound-salting of people like Al Sharpton, it’s loud and clear. I’m tired of it. I think most people are tired of it, and I think most people would like to see Sharpton and most of the major media channels fired along with Imus, who I feel got a bad rap. Sharpton suggested that Imus is guilty of racism, even though he didn’t intend it, drawing the analogy that if a man doesn’t mean to kill someone but does anyway, he is still guilty of murder.  

It would seem to me that a man like Imus, who has done things like broadcasting G.E. Patterson sermons, vocally supported Harold Ford Jr., and brought national attention to things like the Sean Bell murder trial and the Blind Boys of Alabama, in addition to more general humanitarian efforts like the Imus Ranch for children with cancer and raising huge sums of money for sickle cell anemia research, could be given the benefit of the doubt.

Nathan Raab


The trouble with being at the top is that Don Imus feels that his success grants him the right to publicly kick minorities. He’s make these insulting comments, then apologizes, and, when the dust clears, will go right back to these evil ways. It is very clear that Imus will continue to use the public’s airwaves to spew his hate. 

It is about time that Imus & Co. feel a bit of wrath from minority groups, who were mugged regularly on this program. Imus’ insensitivity was magnified by his making his ugly comment on April 4th, when another racist ended the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. It is a pleasure to see the end of this bully’s broadcast career.

Leonard Blakely


Have you listened to the rap music that floods the airwaves, with lyrics referring to black girls as “ho’s”? And then there are the black stand-up comics on cable TV doing the same thing. Yet, when Imus uses it on his program, the blacks want him fired.

Something is wrong here. The only mistake Imus made was appearing with the racist Sharpton on his radio show. The only persons he should have apologized to were the Rutgers basketball team.

Joe Mercer


Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: A Joke or an Insult?

It all started when Don Imus made fun of Hawaiian singing legend Don “Nappy-headed” Ho. Then, ol’ Tiny Bubbles up and died! After that, things got crazy. The media went into a feeding frenzy, and Imus was ultimately fired from his gigs at MSNBC and CBS Radio.

At least, I think that’s how it went down. But I could be confused. It’s hard these days to keep track of all the stupid things people say into a microphone.

Let’s review the action over just the past year: There was Imus’ racial slur against the Rutgers women’s basketball team; Mel Gibson slandering Jews after being arrested for drunken driving; Kramer (Michael Richards) attacking blacks in his standup comedy routine; Ann Coulter calling presidential candidate John Edwards a faggot in a speech to a conservative group; Virginia senator George Allen naming a young man “Macaca” during one of his stump speeches; and Rosie O’Donnell using fake Chinese words to make fun of Asians.

Is there anyone left uninsulted? Oh yeah, straight white people. But that could be remedied easily enough if you count the Duke lacrosse team players, who were called rapists and worse by MSNBC news-harpie Nancy Grace and the Rev. Al Sharpton (deacon of the Church of Shameless Self-Promotion). Or Memphis city councilman Edmund Ford, who suggested a couple of his councilmates should “get a white sheet.”

So, why is it that all these folks got in trouble? I think it’s because they dared to insult folks outside their peer group. Black rappers and comics use the same phrases Imus used without losing their jobs. Jewish comics make fun of their Jewishness all the time. Gays call each other slang terms that straight folks dare not employ. But let someone outside the fold do the same thing and it’s racism or anti-Semitism or homophobia.

Is there a lesson here — besides the obvious fact that the difference between a joke and an insult often depends on who’s talking and who’s listening? I don’t know. Maybe it’s that free speech means just that: It’s free for everybody, whether you like what you hear or not.

Bruce VanWyngarden

Cover Feature News

Blue Crush

Thirty-four turned out to be Mario McNeil’s unlucky number. The 34-year-old African-American man and a friend headed to a favorite hangout, Divine Wings and Bar, the afternoon of March 16th. As the men entered the restaurant, an assailant opened fire on them. According to eyewitness accounts, the gunman jumped into the passenger seat of a Chevy Lumina and sped off. McNeil’s friend survived the attack. Paramedics rushed McNeil to the emergency room at the Med, but McNeil died as the result of gunshot wounds. He was the city’s 34th homicide victim of 2007.

Justin Fox Burks

Operation Blue Crush targets crime hot spots around the city and uses police resources to reduce illegal activity.

Police describe the suspect in the shooting as an “unknown black male.”

The vast majority of murders in Memphis are of the so-called black-on-black variety. The annual number of these crimes has grown from 83 in 2004, to 99 in 2005, to 106 in 2006. These totals account for 65 to 70 percent of all homicides in the city each year.

The Memphis Police Department (MPD) made a staggering 102,000 arrests last year. Yet the homicide statistics as a whole, and the black-on-black murders in particular, have swelled. MPD has instituted a new, technologically sophisticated strategic tool. Now Memphians will see if a new system of crime-fighting can suppress an old problem.

The city has battled its bloody image for over a century. An editorial in the October 10, 1870, edition of the New York Sunday Mercury included the line “to those desirous of shuffling off this mortal coil, to those weary of life, but who have not the courage to shoot or hang themselves, we recommend a trip to Memphis.”

In the early 1920s, a statistician for the Prudential Life Insurance Company named Frank Hoffman dubbed Memphis “murder-town.” Mayors Rowlett Paine andS. Watkins Overton financed research and publications debunking both the claim and Hoffman’s annual rankings of America’s bloodiest cities. While the mayors found plenty of caveats to attach to Hoffman’s numbers, neither could dispute the high total of homicide victims in the city.

Unable to solve the problem of violence, the city’s public-relations efforts turned to consolation. A headline in The Commercial Appeal in September 1928 spoke directly to the fears of a violent, racially split city: “Few Negroes Kill Whites.”

Justin Fox Burks

Richard Janikowski

That trend has held firmly. The stubbornness of residential segregation and the nature of crime in general, and of homicide specifically, have kept interracial murder rates relatively low in Memphis. MPD statistics list 15 homicides involving white victims and black suspects in the three years from 2004 to 2006.

Public attitudes on the issue of black violence in Memphis can be difficult to gather. Reporters asking questions tend to put folks on their best behavior. In the relative privacy of online communication, however, observers of black violence in Memphis speak openly.

An article on entitled “Black on Black Crime Growing in Memphis,” which included homicide statistics for the first half of 2006, was posted on the American Renaissance Web site last year. American Renaissance is a self-described “publication of racial-realist thought.” Readers of the site are able to leave comments about articles posted. The responses to the black-violence article revealed a wide range of reactions to the problem.

One post reflects a misperception: “[B]lack on white crime is actually more common … nobody ever even mentions black-on-white crime.”

Another says, “It’s because of the stats like this that the locals near Memphis call the place ‘Memphrica.'”

Many commenters left messages similar to this one: “Well, white folks certainly DO have a stake in this, but how is it their responsibility? How is the weight on them? What are they supposed to do, walk around the city waving their fingers sayin’, ‘Now, now — don’t you go killin’ nobody.'”

Another sums up the frustration with standard — albeit disempowering — explanations: “It’s been said before but deserves to be said again. You can’t put all the blame on poverty, that’s way too simple.”

Richard Janikowski chairs the criminology and criminal justice department at the University of Memphis. As the architect of the much-ballyhooed operation Blue Crush, Janikowski hopes to bring Memphis policing strategy from behind the curve to the cutting edge.

Blue Crush is the local version of data-driven policing programs like CompStat in New York City and I-Clear in Chicago. MPD implemented Blue Crush operations beginning with a pilot program in August 2005, and the program went citywide last October. “The entire guiding principle behind Blue Crush is to get the right resources into the right place at the right day and right time,” Janikowski explains.

“There are criminologists around the country who say that the only way to cure crime is to cure all social problems,” Janikowski says. “This is the old ‘root causes’ thing. The lesson of the last two decades is that we can affect crime without affecting the root causes. Police make a difference. We can use innovative techniques to suppress crime.”

Blue Crush takes a geographic approach to fighting crime. It locates concentrations of offenses in a given area and charts the day, time, and nature of offense. “We track arrests … and look at Part I crimes [murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson], the most serious offenses, reported to the FBI,” explains Janikowski, though Blue Crush does not target homicide.

The program also does not track the race of an offender. “[Ethnicity] doesn’t directly figure in the data,” Janikowski says. “The reality is that [with] arrests in Memphis, just like nationwide, the overwhelming number identified in criminal activity are young African-American men.

“Geography trumps ethnicity,” he says.

Justin Fox Burks

Larry Godwin

The Blue Crush program generates weekly crime reports that identify hot spots — zones of heavy criminal activity within a precinct — to MPD, which then focuses resources on where police are most needed. Police inspectors — the rank of most precinct commanders — can decide the day, time, and tactics to launch a Blue Crush operation on a hot spot. Patrolmen credit Blue Crush with getting the proper number of officers on the street during operations.

Blue Crush also supplies MPD with the finances necessary to keep extra manpower in the hot spots. Officers work Blue Crush operations on their days off and earn overtime without costing the city. “Because we are the university, we have access to grants. Part of our job is to push the edges,” Janikowski explains.

The hot-spot approach feeds off of criminal psychology, which, as Janikowski explains, is not unlike regular human behavior.

“We tend to go to work the same way every day, go to the places we know and are comfortable in,” Janikowski says. “Offenders are the same way. They’ll offend in the neighborhood they’re used to.”

Janikowski has taken the geographic approach to reducing crime in Memphis due in part to some of the city’s unique historical and demographic features.

Urban renewal and the abandonment and reclamation of downtown in the past half-century have shaken up the city’s residential and criminal patterns. “As public housing closed down, we dispersed people,” Janikowski explains. “Offenders became more mobile than they used to be, and crime has expanded into areas that weren’t necessarily targeted before.”

While the idea that Memphis crime is expanding its horizons may not reassure residents, Janikowski insists that the situation aids crime-fighters. “The advantage to having offenders operating where they aren’t comfortable is that that’s when they make mistakes and get caught,” he says. “A group started doing robberies in Collierville. They robbed a woman in her driveway. Collierville PD got them because those fools got themselves lost in the subdivision.”

Susan Lowe

On the scene: an MPD officer at work fighting crime.

Every Thursday morning, high-ranking officers from each of the city’s police precincts gather at Airways Station to discuss the results of the previous week’s Blue Crush operations and announce plans for the next.

Director of Police Services Larry Godwin and 20 lieutenants, majors, and inspectors from across the city sit at a horseshoe-shaped table that faces a screen and podium. The scene recalls DC Comics’ Justice League of America, albeit with more guns and less colorful costumes. Another 50 police personnel sit at rows of tables to observe. One officer likens it to a scene from the TV series The District.

Janikowski welcomes a couple of guests to the meeting, pointing out that they can help themselves to a cup of coffee “and — of course — there are donuts.”

Godwin kicks off the meeting with a general address. He’s nothing if not concerned with the public perception of his officers. After receiving complaints about cops talking on cell phones while on duty, he urges greater discretion. “I could pull up beside an officer on the phone [in his car] and put a bullet in the back of his head, and he’d never know it,” he told those gathered at the meeting.

After Godwin’s address, those in the horseshoe take turns giving PowerPoint presentations from the podium detailing statistical breakdowns of particular crimes in their respective precincts. They flash graphs and tables on the screen. They compare the given week to the three leading up to it, as well as the same week in the previous year. If certain tactics fail to suppress a problem in a hot spot, they try something else. “Precinct commanders have to decide where police will operate in their precincts based on the [Blue Crush] data packages they receive. They know their area. They’ve got to decide how to best use their resources,” Janikowski says.

Crime does go down in the hot spots. The question remains whether or not Blue Crush reduces crime across the board.

Through these snapshots of weekly Part I crimes in the city, one learns that residential burglaries occur in nearly epidemic proportions. If “epidemic” seems too strong a word, ask yourself if 82 new cases of avian flu in a month in Hickory Hill would alarm you. Residential burglaries outnumber every other crime in virtually every precinct in the city.

Blue Crush in action deploys combinations of visible patrolmen to suppress criminal activity and plainclothes officers to gather intelligence on the street. Though officers are generally pleased with the extra manpower that Blue Crush operations mobilize, some wonder if full-time undercover officers could enhance results.

A white officer joked that he and his partner going plainclothes had little to no effect in their predominantly black precinct. He mocked the idea of two whites driving around asking groups of young blacks, “Got any dope?”

Street cops have other concerns. Some say that attrition in their numbers from retirement and relocation outpaces the number of new recruits. One officer said that he counted only 40 graduates from the MPD training academy since Mayor Willie Herenton’s call for an expanded force last fall. (The idea of a new publicly funded football stadium is unpopular among those who have not received a pay raise in two years.)

Janikowski explains that increased efficiency and proper usage of resources could address some of the force’s manpower issues. “Blue Crush is reengineering the entire police department and restructuring things,” he says.

“The TAC unit [the Memphis equivalent of a SWAT team] does barricade and hostage situations and dignitary protection. The rest of the time, they’re working out and shooting, and they look really tough while they’re waiting to get called out. They’re the best trained, in the best shape. Give them warrants each day to go and chase some folks. This has been happening over the last six months,” Janikowski explains.

While the issue behind much of the city’s crime is easily identifiable, it remains difficult to solve. “If I was going to pinpoint a particular problem, it would be gangs, because it relates guns, drugs, robberies, and burglaries,” Godwin says.

Janikowski adds that predominantly African-American gangs drive crime statistics disproportionately. “The gangs are making their money in the drug market, in guns, and in stolen goods,” he says.

Godwin notes some incremental progress: “About eight months ago, we locked up 55 known gang members. That doesn’t sound like a lot when you’ve got 5,000 gang members [in the city]. But when you’re hitting the upper echelon in those gangs, it puts them in turmoil.”

Janikowski, however, says that Memphis gangs are highly fluid institutions with high turnover rates and no hierarchy. “They’re not these solid, corporate structures like the Mafia. Even gang allegiance changes. Some guys have tattoos from the Gangster Disciples and Vice Lords,” he says, adding that they show resilience to arrests, deaths, and defections from within the organizations. “They’re like any other employer. When they lose an employee, they hire another one,” he says.

Gangs’ modi operandi feed the police strategy for fighting organized crime. “We embed undercover officers in the gangs,” Godwin says. “I’m a firm believer in the undercover program in the gangs. I don’t think going around in a car that has ‘gang unit’ written on it is going to get you into the gangs and get you those good arrests. You’ve got to be one of them. You have to buy the guns, buy the drugs, and watch them deal in prostitution. Then build cases that way and make them stick.”

“Good arrests” for the police are federal crimes, since state-level convictions seldom result in more than half of a sentence served.

“We get a lot of information from being embedded [in gangs]. We’re living with them. It’s like any other rumor mill. You hear things within the gangs. We start to try to verify those things and substantiate whether or not it’s a possibility that a hit is coming down here,” he says, adding: “I’m all for reaching out to gangs and saying, ‘One of your members was shot. Let the police handle this instead of retaliating.’ I wish we could reach out more and make that arrest before the other gang can retaliate.”

Which brings us back to unlucky 34. The proverbial word on the street says that an organized crime outfit wanted Mario McNeil dead. McNeil was, by various accounts, a devoted father, a small-business owner, and a singer in his church’s choir. Those mourning McNeil’s murder left 15 pages of remembrances on his online obituary guestbook.

Whether McNeil’s murder was the result of gang activity or a random act of violence against an innocent, his story is symptomatic of an old problem that could prove immune to new cures.

“There’s no magic bullet. I think that is something that the media tries to feed [people]. ‘If we had this, it would solve it,'” Janikowski says.

No one disputes the prevalence of black-on-black violence in Memphis. The numbers don’t lie. MPD strategy, however, is, technically speaking, color-blind.

“We don’t address [black violence] in any way different from any other crime. We look at areas. Some of those may be predominantly African-American [parts of the city], but we address them all the same. A crime is a crime to us,” Janikowski says.

The future of crime-fighting might also be impacted by this year’s Memphis mayoral election. Though Herenton stands firmly beside Godwin, mayoral candidate Carol Chumney promises to devote fresh energy to the issue of crime. Though Janikowksi favors the long view of crime statistics and advocates patience with the progress of any crime remedy, Chumney says that Blue Crush should be scrapped if it isn’t working.

“Nothing’s immune to politics,” Janikowski says. “As it becomes ingrained in the police department, as the public sees effects over time, it’s going to be the way we do business in the future. It may not be called Blue Crush, but this idea of data-driven policing is here to stay.”

Politics Politics Feature

Race Matters

This week’s special-election Democratic primary in state Senate District 30 has engendered much more than the normal quota of divisiveness in party ranks.

Both former city attorney Robert Spence and state representative Beverly Marrero have significant support from established political and civic figures; both also have highly animated opposition, and some Democrats privately worry that enduring hostilities will hobble the winner in the March 13 showdown with Republican Larry Parrish.

The battle is for the Midtown-based seat given up by new 9th District congressman Steve Cohen, and Cohen is on record as endorsing Marrero, a longtime political ally. But Cohen aide Randy Wade has made a series of statements tempering that endorsement as more pro forma than active — perhaps in acknowledgement of a potentially combustible racial issue.

So far, there is no such fire, but there was enough smoke that activist Jerry Hall, upon learning of Cohen’s endorsement plans on New Year’s Day, made a point of saying to the then congressman-elect, “I hope this doesn’t become racial.”

Neither Marrero, who is white, nor Spence, an African American, has encouraged any such split, and both have both white and black backers, but the fact remains that the cores of their respective support bases are somewhat racially divergent.

Besides Cohen, other leading supporters of Marrero are City Council member Carol Chumney, Shelby County commissioner Steve Mulroy, and Memphis school board member Jeff Warren, all of whom are white. Marrero, however, has also been endorsed by black legislative colleagues John DeBerry, Joe Towns, and Larry Turner.

For his part, Spence is supported by city councilman Myron Lowery, county commissioners Deidre Malone and Sidney Chism, and other prominent African Americans close to Mayor Willie Herenton.

Race has become a serious factor on the Shelby County Commission, where Democrat Steve Mulroy and Republican Mike Carpenter, both new members elected last August, have emerged as potential swing voters.

Carpenter’s role was showcased late last year when he was the only Republican voting with the commission’s seven Democrats to establish a second Juvenile Court judgeship. As of this week, he still favors that move — delayed by legal and procedural obstacles and requiring at some point a re-vote — but he shifted back into the company of his fellow Republicans Monday during a party-line committee vote deferring approval of a formal study of Juvenile Court procedures.

The Democrats won that vote, 7-6, after a stormy discussion that had racial overtones (as one example, Commissioner Sidney Chism charged that disproportionate incarceration of blacks might be related to the issue of “making money”) and focused on whether Juvenile Court judge Curtis Person should appear before the commission to answer questions.

Afterward, Carpenter made it clear that he regarded the demand, made chiefly by Chism and fellow Democrats Henri Brooks and Deidre Malone, as bordering on uncivil.

Mulroy, the lone white among the commission’s majority Democrats, took the lead Monday in several black-white matters, voicing his concern over an issue that is normally Brooks’ province and forcing a party-line roll-call vote overturning what had earlier been a unanimous committee vote approving a minor contract. The issue? Whether the company receiving the contract employed a proportionate number of African Americans.

Up to this point, the commission, eight of whose members are new, has experienced an unusual degree of comity. But both the current raging matter of reorganizing Juvenile Court (see Editorial, page 14) and various Title VI issues raised by Brooks relating to (equal-employment) clauses of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, have brought the potentially divisive question of racial inequity to the fore. Said Chism: “Whether we like it or not, it does exist.” Brooks: “I’ll go further. … It’s on this commission.”

It seems to be a factor as well in the current session of Congress. Congressman Cohen got some more this week with the debut issue of a much-heralded new online publication. reported that “several current and former members” of the Congressional Black Caucus had “made it clear that a white lawmaker was not welcome” in its ranks, and that Cohen, accordingly, had dropped whatever plans he had to seek membership. Cohen was quoted as saying that attempting to join the caucus would be a “social faux pas.”